InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of Time ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
Mistress of Time
Chapter 3
Shock was the least descriptive word that was describing Sesshomaru right now.
“Impossible…” he whispered, shaking his head. His eyes were wide. Then something clicked in his head. This mortal girl called him Sesshou. Only Kagome would call him that.
Picking up the girl in his arms, he headed to his castle in the West. He couldn't help but feel that Kagome used to feel the same way in his arms that faithful day 250 years ago. From where he was it would usually take him two hours to get home. Thoughts of Kagome flashed in his head again. In what seem like minutes he was at the castle's gates. The guards there quickly open the gates when they saw their Lord coming.
“Sesshomaru! Where the hell were you? General Shitare was looking for you. Something about this Shin guy attacking a village,” said Inuyasha. In a flash Sesshomaru had gone into his private quarters. Entering the room Kagome used to stay in, Sesshomaru laid the girl down onto the futon.
“What the hell was wrong with you? I was talking to you! And who is that?” ranted Inuyasha. Sesshomaru moved out of the way for Inuyasha to see the girl. Inuyasha looked from the girl to Sesshomaru and gasped. Sesshomaru's eyes were clearly clouded with confusion.
Inuyasha gasped. “No…it can't be. Kagome…” whispered Inuyasha barely audible.
“Do you have to yell like that Inuyasha. The whole castle heard you. And you woke me up from my nap to!” said a red haired teen as he entered the room.
Immediately he could feel the confusion and shock radiating from both of the inus. Trying to figure what was captivating then so much, he looked over Sesshomaru's shoulder, and his emerald eyes widened in hope and confusion.
Looking over at the hanyou he asked, “Do you think that's her?”
“I don't know Shippo. I don't know anything anymore,” said Inuyasha.
A taijiya and a monk walked to the door.
“Why's everyone here?” asked Miroku curiously.
“Come in and look for yourself,” said Shippo.
Walking into the room they saw the pale girl on the bed and they were all shocked.
“Miroku! It can't be her, she died centuries ago.” Cried out Sango, tears forming at the corner of her eyes.
“Calm down, Sango. We'll figure out everything out soon,” he said not really believing himself. Looking around the room, Sango exclaimed, “What are you guys doing, can't you see that the poor girl needs a healer?” Nodding his head, Shippo ran out of the room to get the healer. A minute later Kikyo came into the room.
“I couldn't believe what Shippo said was true.” said Kikyo when she saw the girl on the futon. Making her way towards the girl, Kikyo checked her pulse and temperature.
“Nothing to worry about. Just unconscious from shock or fear,” announced Kikyo.
“She should wake up by morning.”
“Leave her alone so she can rest,” said Kikyo. Everyone nodded and filed out of the room still recovering from the shock and the confusion. Sesshomaru was the only one left in the room. He took a long look at the girl in his care. She looked so much like his Kagome. Even her scent was the same. Shaking his head, and rubbing his head from his forming headache he walked out of the door. Looking back at her for a minute he closed the door behind him gently.
-Kagome's Dream-
She was sitting on something, no someone. She was leaning against him. There was a crescent moon shining brightly in the sky. Silver hair falling around her mixing with her raven hair. Pain surged through her body. She ignored the pain, she felt so peaceful in his arms.
Then imaged flashed in her mind.
There was silver hair again.
Crescent Moon
Golden Eyes.
Falling Cherry Blossoms.
-End of Dream-
Opening her eyes, she quickly shut them. The room was lighted brightly with the light from outside. Slowly opening her eyes she took in her surrounding. There was a big closet in the corner. Her futon was next to a window in a corner. There was a table next to her futon with a chair. The room was big. She felt very comfortable in this room, like she used to spend her time here.
Walking to the door, she opened the door, and closed it lightly behind her. Looking around she saw no one in the corridor. She walked to the left and kept walking, looking around curiously. The corridor was clean, but no one was to be seen. She stopped when she smelled something delicious. Her stomach growled complaining because lack of food. Following the smell for about fifteen minutes she was in front of a pair of large doors.
Gently she walked inside and took in her surrounding. The room was HUGE. It was beautifully decorated. Then she looked to her right and saw a big table. Everyone was looking at her wide eyed. At the end of the table was a monk and next to him was a girl around her age with her hair tied up. Across from them were two teenagers. One with red hair and emerald eyes, and one with black hair and brown eyes. Next to them was a hanyou with silver hair. Across from the hanyou was someone who looked a lot like her. At the head of the table was a silver haired demon. The seat next to him was empty.
Suddenly the air was knocked out of her and images were flashing through her head.
A taijiya with black hair tied up in a ponytail…
A lecherous monk. Hands wandering too far….slap!
A hanyou with silver hair sitting next to her near the campfire…
A little red haired, emerald eyed kitsune….
A miko who looked like her with bow and arrows…
A little girl with black hair with a ponytail tied to the side…
Silver hair…crescent moon…stripes…deep golden eyes…cold facade… a warm embrace…
“Aishiteru, Kagome!”
And suddenly Kagome felt like the air was rushing back into her. She felt so light. She felt like she was falling…falling…and falling.
And then she stopped falling. Someone was holding her up.
Sesshomaru was in the middle of a thought when an intoxicating scent hit him in the head. Looking up she saw her there. She was standing there looking around so innocent. Then she turned around, her hair flying around her gently, before gently settling down. She took a look at each and every one of them. Then she started to make choking sounds. She closed her eyes and sighed and started to fall. With his demon speed he rushed towards her and caught her before she hit the floor.
It took a couple of minutes before everyone was fully composed. They came towards her and peered at Sesshomaru and the girl.
“Kagome…” whispered Sesshomaru.
As if on cue Kagome's eyes opened.
“Sesshomaru?” asked the confused little girl.
“Kagome!” cried Sango who broke down and started to cry.
“Sango?” asked the girl.
“Okay quit the talking and let the poor girl eat before we start talking.” said Kikyo. Everyone nodded and started to eat. The girl sat next to Sesshomaru and soon a plate was in front with her full of food. She ate slowly savoring every bite. Everyone was eating but there was excitement in the air. There were so many questions that were unanswered.
Soon breakfast was over and they head towards the living room. Everyone took a seat around Kagome. Miroku broke the silence, “Kagome do you remember any of us?”
Kagome said, “I know, yet I don't.” Seeing the confused expression on everyones faces she explained. “I feel like I know you and that we met before, and I think I know your names but I don't remember much about you.”
“Okay that's a start. Name each of us,” continued Miroku.
Looking around she started with a fox demon with red hair and emerald eyes.
“Shippo, but in my memories you were a child.” Shippo nodded.
Then she pointed at a teenage girl with black hair and a ponytail to the side. “I believe you are Rin, but in my memory you were around seven or eight.” Rin flashed her one of her brilliant smiles and nodded.
She looked at the hanyou and said, “Inuyasha.” He nodded and she continued. “Kikyo.” She said pointing to the priestess. “Sango.” She stated next looking at the woman her age with a high ponytail.
She then looked at the monk with the violet eyes and said “Miroku.” He nodded. Kagome frowned and said, “If I remembered correctly you were often called `hentai.'” Everyone in the room started laughing. Miroku turned slightly red.
Then she turned around and looked at the quiet demon lord. Looking into his eyes she said “Sesshomaru.” He merely nodded.
“Good, so you do remember a bit of us,” said Miroku.
“Now what do you remember about yourself?” asked Miroku.
Kagome frowned. “I don't remember much except that my name is Kagome Higurashi. I woke up the other day in the village. The village girl said they found me in the forest. And someone spoke to me. I think her name was Midoriko and something about the Mistress of Time.”
Miroku nodded and frowned deep in thought.
“Do you remember dying?” asked Miroku. “I died?” asked a confused Kagome.
“Hey where's Sesshomaru-sama?” asked Rin. Everyone looked at the chair he was sitting at, and he was not there. “Follow me.”
Everyone followed Inuyasha as he sniffed out his brother's scent and followed it.
Soon they were outside in the garden. They headed towards the pond. Next to the pond was a big cherry blossom tree. Under the tree was Sesshomaru digging furiously in front of the grave stone.
On the gravestone was it was engraved
`A warrior, A friend, A sister, A wonderful mate.
The Protector of the Shikon Jewel
The Killer of Naraku
The Savior of Japan
The Lady of the Western Land
Kagome Higurashi'
“What the hell do you think you are do Sesshomaru?! Can't you leave her resting in peace!” growled Inuyasha.
Sesshomaru glared back and said, “I have to know the truth.”
So Sesshomaru continued digging. Whenever Miroku, Shippo, or Inuyasha volunteered to help he growled at them and continued to dig. He dug with his bare claws for hours. When he was finished Inuyasha and Sesshomaru pulled out the coffin. Taking a breath, Sesshomaru opened the coffin….
~*~ A/N I'm back again everyone. I'm trying to update as fast as possible since summer vacation is ending. I hope this chapter was alright. Tell me what you think! Does this story still have hope or should I just quit it. And for “Finding Kagome” readers, I'm done with chapter five. I'll have my betareader edit it and will post it up soon. Stay with me people. And once again thank you SesshyStalker1 for betareading this chapter! Hope to hear from you.~*~