InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mitsukaitou: Blade of the Angel ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It was around noon when Kagome knew for sure that something was wrong with Inuyasha. The entire day he had been particularly irritable, to start with. More so than when she'd even first met him, which was what frightened her. He'd been violent to anyone who crossed his path. No one could speak to him. When Kagome stood next to him, he forcibly pushed her back. She'd been too shocked and frightened to "sit" him.

"Kagome, are you okay?" Sango had asked, looking spitefully at Inuyasha's back.

"Fine, I'm fine, I think Inuyasha's another story though..."

"Oi, Wench, don't talk about me like I'm not right here."

"That's enough Inuyasha! What's the matter with you?"

"NOTHING'S THE MATTER WITH ME," he growled angrily.

"Inuyasha, is it possible Kikyo put a curse of sorts upon you..?" Miroku ventured.

"No Monk, like it would be any of your business anyway." that was the last time anyone spoke to Inuyasha that day.

Night fell slowly, and with Inuyasha's current attitude, the day that had proceeded it was also exceedingly long. Inuyasha slept in a tree as far away from camp as he could get while still watching everyone. Sango and Miroku were sleeping side-by-side, Miroku's arm wrapped around the woman he was in love with. It had surprised him when she'd lain next to him, but he had no qualms. Shippo was at the foot of Kagome's sleeping bag in a deep slumber. Kagome, however, wasn't sleeping well. That was probably why she heard a deep growling coming from the woods nearby. Casting a glance to her group, she made a grab for her bow and arrows and headed towards the cause of her plight.

She gasped as her arms were caught above her and nailed to a tree. She'd dropped her weapons in shock. Frightfully, she opened her eyes to look at her captor. She inhaled shakily once again. It was Inuyasha in his demon form. What frightened her more was the detail of his sword. Tetsuseiga was in its sheath, where it should have been preventing Inuyasha's demon blood from taking control.

"Inuyasha!" she called, trying to wake him from the trancelike state his demon half put him into. She recalled what the sword

smith had told her-each time he transformed he would lose a bit of his human heart. Was in inhuman now? Beyond his own control? The only response she got from her friend was a slash across her face with his clawed hand. She started to run. The demonic Inuyasha smirked as he ran after her. Needless to say he was ahead of her instantly. He grabbed hold of her wrists again and lifted her from the ground. His eyes widened.

"Get away." He said forcefully, throwing her away from him.

"Inuyasha!" she called again, hoping to coax his human blood. Surely the demon blood couldn't fight the magical properties of

Tetsuseiga and his human blood! Inuyasha turned on her again, bringing his claws into her lower right arm. Kagome breathed harshly.

If this is the only way, should I be certain it would work...she thought desperately. She'd risk it. It was the last chance she had to protect her friends back at camp. If it would work, which it should...

"Inuyasha!" she called, one last time to draw his attention to her. She held her bloodied arm up to him. He backed away.

"Come on Inuyasha. Slit your arm. We can trade enough blood to get you back." She said calmly. The thought of drinking Inuyasha's blood made her cringe, but this was for everyone. Inuyasha was backing away from her. She reached him, and before he could resist she pushed up on of his sleeves, used his other hand to cut his revealed flesh. He howled in pain. While his mouth was open, Kagome took advantage to shove her bleeding arm within it. "Come on Inuyasha. It's bleeding anyway.

It's this or you kill me." she felt him drawing her blood.

Now or never. I'll die of blood loss if I don't, she thought desperately. She took a breath and placed her mouth upon the wound that she'd created on his arm. For a moment she felt like puking at the realization of what she was doing, but continued her task. After working at the disgusting task for what seemed an eternity, though it couldn't have been more than half an hour, Inuyasha whimpered. Kagome looked into his eyes, gold once again.

"Kuso..." he murmured, his face pale. He looked like he would puke himself.

"Don't, Inuyasha, or I'll be staring at a demon again." She said, guessing by the way he leaned that he really would empty his stomach of her blood. She had no doubt that he wanted to.

"Kagome, what did you...I mean, now you...oh kami..." he rambled under his breath. "You have demon blood now. You're not fully human anymore." He said in shock.

"Yeah, I figured that would probably happen. It's okay Inuyasha, I knew what I was doing, sort of." She said comfortingly. Thoughts were rushing within her mind, making her wonder just what her life would be like.

"Kagome, you didn't have to-"

"Yes I did Inuyasha. You know you would have killed me and everyone in camp if I hadn't. Don't ever make me drink blood again though." Inuyasha cringed. Her tone had been light at her last words. He felt acid and blood rising in his throat. But he couldn't. He wouldn't dare remove the human blood from his system. He was too frightened that he would transform.

Everything was so distorted. He could feel Kagome's blood seeping into his veins, pushing away the remains of excess demon blood. He was sure she was having the same sensation. What was she now? Not a full hanyou. He tried smelling her blood for answers. She smelled like a hanyou, but he knew for a fact there wasn't enough demon blood for that to be possible.

The miko powers must have something to do with it, he thought.

"We'd better get cleaned off, we're both bloody beyond recognition." Kagome said. Inuyasha looked at her face.

"Kagome, I'm so sorry, if I..." he could swear he'd cry. Not only had he been unable to control himself, he'd hurt her, in nearly every way possible. The demon blood would forever signify what had occurred, long after the emotional pain had gone, if it ever would. The physical wounds would heal quickly now. Maybe even before the night was over, with those Miko powers teamed up with the blood of a demon.

"Don't worry about it Inuyasha. Every cloud has a silver lining! You won't have to look after me in the middle of your battles now!"

"Yeah." He said faintly. What would the others think of him?

"Inuyasha, I can tell how worried about this you are. Don't be." She said, incredibly, with a smile on her face. "It was my decision, and if this is how fate worked things out, I accept it, and so will Sango and Miroku. No one will think any less of you. Maybe even higher, to the fact that you could obey me in that form." He looked at her. Her eyes were sincere. This really didn't bother her. He couldn't possibly ask for a more dedicated friend. She honestly put him before herself. He smiled back at her and hugged her. An embrace only those two would ever understand.

"Like I said, we'd better get cleaned up." Kagome stated. They headed towards a nearby river. Kagome noted that she could smell the water and everything around it. Kagome stopped and turned towards camp for fresh clothes. Inuyasha was in one area, and Kagome was in a different secluded area. As she cleansed her body, she examined it closely. Her skin was a slightly darker shade of gold. She wondered suddenly, if her eyes had changed to gold. She peered into the water. They seemed the same, more or less. Her eyesight was sharper now, she noticed. She lathered her arms with a soap-producing plant. (Kaede had shown her this trick once when she'd forgotten her bar soap, and she'd taken to it.) She paused and studied her arms. They were lean and much more muscular now. She lifted one of her legs. The same proved true with that region of her body.

She felt her stomach. It was flat and firm. She smiled to herself.

I can eat all the junk food I want and keep this body, she thought, wondering how on earth she would explain to her friends that she was suddenly so fit after the illness her grandfather was concocting as her excuse. Kagome sighed as she dunked under the water to rinse herself off one last time. She admired the wound on her arm, which had been reduced to a scar, which would probably be gone by tomorrow. She checked her face on the surface of the water. Not even a bump when Inuyasha had slashed her.

Silently, she dried herself and slid into her nightclothes. She pondered briefly what she would do with the muddy, bloody outfit she'd worn previously. She slinked to the water's edge.

"Goodbye," She whispered as she let it slip out of her fingers and out of sight. She wondered if it was her clothes she'd bid farewell, or every aspect of both lives she'd had before tonight.