InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mitsukaitou: Blade of the Angel ❯ Chapter 12

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm sorry! You don't understand! First I was sick, then I had swim practice, and then, oh my god, WRITER'S BLOCK!!! But was it NORMAL WB? HELL NO! I'd already typed half of the chapter, and then I had to stop, then when I came back to it I couldn't re-enter the train of thought, so PEOPLE! I had to delete 4 ½ pages and then re-write them to what you're now reading, SO PITY ME, DON'T BE ANGRY!! ^_^ In other news, the house of local author Lovely Moonlight Maiden is covered in 18 inches of snow. Back to you, other miscellaneous reporter dude no one listens to anyway. Anyway, CHAPTER HO!

Oh, btw, I was so miffed about deleting all that, you'll have to guess who's saying some stuff, cause I didn't put no "he said she said he responded they exclaimed blah blah blah"

"Xiao, where are you? Xiao? Yu Lin?"

"Not too loudly, you'll wake them."

"Who are you?" a finally conscious Mei Lin asked blurrily.

"My name's Kagome, all around good guy!"

"I see. Where are my children?" she asked distrustfully. Kagome pointed across the dying fire where there were three sleeping children. Mei Lin nodded in satisfaction.

"And, where are we?"

"Just on the edge of the Western Lands. We'll be out tomorrow, on to a town where you can have a new home, you'll be okay there; I've got resources. She'll make sure no one bothers you, if anyone would."

"Why should I trust you? I don't know you, why should you do all of this?"

"Well, that's just the kind of person I am!" Kagome said with a smile. "Besides, I've gotten you this far." Mei Lin sighed deeply.

"I never thought they would do that."

"No one would."

"This, place, we're going to, they leave hanyous alone? Because my daughter, Yu Lin-"

"I know. They've told me everything I could need to know (they're darlings). And yes. Well, I suppose. They're used to them, anyway. It'll be fine."

"Are the kids okay?"

"Yes, there were just a few little cuts that have probably healed by now anyway."

"By now... How long has it been?"

"When the sun rises in a few hours I'll say yesterday afternoon."

"That's not too long."

"No, not at all, to consider the situation. Well of course, you're a full youkai, so I guess that's expected, but, you know, that's just kinda beyond the point," Kagome finished sheepishly.

"Which leads me to ask you of your blood. Sorry if it's intrusive, but, the scent of your blood is just confusing, if you see..."

"Long story short--blood transfusion. Human-gone-hanyou-but-not-quite."

"Interesting...I think...How did you come upon us?"

"Traveling. Right now my daughter and I are trying to get out of the Western Territory."

"Whatever for? It's beautiful land."

"Oh yes, the area is nice enough, but I've got a bad history with Sesshomaru-sama."

"You fought him and cam out alive?"

"Oh no! I used to travel with his brother, and they didn't exactly get along. Inuyasha's the one that did the fighting."


"Well it was, sort of. There's never a dull moment with that bunch. I'm going to re-join them soon, if everything works out, which is why I need to cover a lot of ground."

"We've slowed you then, I'm sorry."

"Not at all! I'd take another week of not traveling if it was to help someone."

"You're a very good person."

"Thank you, that's kind to say. However, I think we should rest now, you'll be especially busy in the morning."


"Your children of course. They won't be able to force them off of you!"

"Of course, how could I not think of that? Thank you, Kagome. I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you for saving me and my children."

"Who needs repayment?"

The dawn dropped into the sky with its ever-beautiful grace. Hues of the rainbow tried valiantly yet unsuccessfully to hide a shy sun from view. Kagome sighed, loving the sight. She could see the river that separated the Western Lands from those Central, they were almost in safe territory. With that happy thought, Kagome began to make breakfast for the group.

"I smell food..." Xiao murmured sleepily, not quite opening his eyes.

"Me too," said Yu Lin, pulling herself up. "MOMMY!" she hollered, seeing her mother sitting before her.

"Mom?" Xiao asked hopefully, "MOM!" both children leapt into their mother's waiting arms. Kagome looked over and smiled. It reminded her of the way her family was when she was young: everyone was close. She sighed as she placed portions of food onto plates she'd brought with her.

"What are we doing now, Mom?" Xiao asked curiously, munching on his breakfast.

"We're going to follow Kagome to a new village where we can live."

"Okay, then what?"

"We'll build ourselves a house."

"Better than the last one?"

"Much better."


"I don't know, we'll just have to go from there."

"Okay. Kasseri, wanna play?"

"Yeah! C'mon Yu Lin!"

"No, I want to stay with Mommy."

"Suit yourself. You're It Kasseri!" Kasseri and Xiao ran about with their game until Yu Lin reluctantly left her mother to join them, their laughter irresistible.

"I suppose we ought leave soon?"

"How are you feeling?"

"Oh, I'm quite well, thank you."

"Then traveling should be okay. Let's allow them to play a bit more, then we'll go," replied Kagome, cleaning the camping area to lessen the chances of Inuyasha tracing her from it.

It's strange that I am here, though. I never thought a moment that I'd risk being someplace under the influence of Sesshomaru, even with Inuyasha. I'll have to get used to it though, because Inuyasha...he will have Kikyo to protect. "Man..." Kagome muttered under her breath.

"You're okay?"

"Oh, yeah. Just thinking is all."

"Okay then, if you're sure. I think we ought to go now."

"Sounds good." With that, the group began east.

Inuyasha, if you're there..? Kagome thought, falling behind. What then..?


"Coming, Yu Lin!"

Again, I'm so so sorry. -_- Yeah, I talk about being sorry, then give you a short filler chapter. Wow, I've got a ton of great reviews! Thanks!

Lady Distain-Sesshomaru is tucked away in his castle like a good little doggie.

Sesshie- Because Shippo is with Inuyasha. Don't worry though, they do get reunited.

Snowecat-Yeah, I do need to re-re-edit from 1-5 or so. And, Inu's being defensive of his feelings, AND, there is mention of that stuff when we get Kagome to Kikyo in two or three chapters.

Matt the Hanyou- cause I was in a weird-ass mood and have been force-fed Romeo and Juliet.