InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mitsukaitou: Blade of the Angel ❯ Chapter 15

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry guys, I've been grounded. Here's what I have I'm sneaking on now to upload this I'm really sorry I'll get out the next chap soon as I'm allowed.

Three days passed peacefully. However, at noon on the fourth day, Sesshomaru stormed through the doors, effectively knocking over two servants, the doorman, the front door's guard, and an odd assortment of others, his destructive streak totaling five people, an end table, the door itself, and a vase.

"My lord, Sesshomaru-sama, you must calm down!" Jakken cried desperately, trailing after the god of discord.

"YOU have NO RIGHT to tell ME what to do!" he shouted, turning on the toad demon.

"I was out of place, lord, your humble servant is sorry." Jakken replied, quivering as he bowed.

"Spare me!" Sesshomaru retorted. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY MILITARY ADVISOR?" a tall bear demon appeared.

"Here, Lord. What is it I may do for you?"

"Plan our best defenses, prepare an offence with everyone left."


"DON'T QUESTION ME!" Sesshomaru boomed. Kagome ran to the top of the stairs, which looked down on the atrium as the military advisor ran.

"Sesshomaru-sama, why are you angry?" Rin asked, looking up at him.

"This doesn't concern you Rin, go play in your room. I'm busy." He said curtly, brushing past her.

"Yes Sesshomaru-sama!" she called after him, running up the stairs. "Let's go play then, Aneue!" Rin said, pulling her towards the room appointed to all manner of toys.

"Sounds smart, Rin." Kagome agreed.

Five hours passed, and Rin fell to sleep on the floor. Kagome smiled at her and carried the young girl to her room. A pre-dinner nap wouldn't hurt anyone. On the contrary, Rin probably shouldn't be hearing the bits of heated conversation that floated up the stairs. From what Kagome could see, the five regions had come to a disagreement on how to deal with the Chinese. The North and West had teamed together to make peace with Chinese leaders, the South and East wanted a battle, and the Central felt no need to change the situation. There had, apparently, been other disagreements, which caused further fractures. As it stood, whoever won the inter-country war would have their way with international affairs. This decision had cut short the meetings, which should have lasted four days longer.

"God..." Kagome murmured. Words such as "thoughtless bastard" and "incompetent, dishonorable bitch" were becoming more and more frequent. Apparently the Eastern leader was a female who had a reputation for war-madness.

"I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS BATTLE TO REACH MY TERRITORY!" she heard Sesshomaru respond to a comment referring to bringing the enemy into unfamiliar ground.


"...AND TO HELL WITH CASUALTIES! PUT THEM AMONG YOUR PEOPLE!" Kagome took a breath and descended the stairs.

"Excuse me gentlemen, but Rin is asleep. I'd appreciate if you kept your tones down." She said, opening the door. For a moment there was utter silence as a room filled with twelve people stared at her.

"Who let you in?" asked the war advisor disdainfully.

"Who gives a damn? The fact is you're shaking the third-story floor."

"You have to right to speak that way." Sesshomaru said threateningly.

"Sure I do, you're the one that gave it to me. So KEEP IT DOWN!" she shouted, followed by slamming the door. Conversation (it the angry fragments of speech could be called such) resumed as if she'd never been there.

Well, can't say I didn't try, she thought resignedly, dragging back up the stairs. A dull thud signified that someone had stood from their chair too suddenly, and noises she couldn't recognize abounded. Kagome stopped by her room and grabbed a book, which she'd stolen from the library, and then went into Rin's room to read.

"Quite a racket going on down there, Miss. It's very good you're here, or Young Mistress Rin would be right in the middle of it." Said Kagora quietly, bringing with her a tray holding two plates of food. Kagome gently woke Rin.

"Yes," Kagome agreed with a sigh, "It's driving me crazy. Do you know anything else about what's going on? I mean, I've never seen Sesshomaru so worked up."

"It's the hostilities, Miss. Lord is awfully distressed over it. I believe he wanted to spare Young Mistress Rin the pains of conflict in her lifetime, but he'll have to make war to do that."

"I see. It's still so strange though..." Kagome replied through a mouthful of sushi.

"Yes. As to your question of the plans, it appears that Lord and the Northern Lord plan to talk the other three nations into their side of it."

"Not like they are now I hope." Kagome said, alarm showing on her face.

"I hope not. Royalty often doesn't see how to win a conversation though, you see. They're used to getting everything their way immediately."

"I understand," Kagome said briefly. An image of a very spoiled brat popped into her head. Some kid with their nose high in the air with a uniform from the best school in the country. Licking a lollypop. Followed by an obedient pet. And doting parents. She gave it Sesshomaru's face.

"That's good Miss, so as you know not to be in their way. I must off now." Kagora said, whisking away. Kagome was always surprised at how quick and graceful Kagora was, seeing that she was the type that looked slow and clumsy.

I guess that no one here is what they seem, after all...Kagome thought reflectively. It has become increasingly obvious that Rin is crying inside every time she laughs. Servants are loyal to Sesshomaru's face, but behind his back they hate him, and what anywhere else would look out of place and wrong only glorifies the palace. Sesshomaru himself is very emotional when it comes down to war. And me, of course. Me who no one knows. Kagome laughed lightly.

The day passed on, and as night fell the meeting came to a temporary close. Kagome gathered her things quietly and crept across the hall to Rin's room.

"Goodbye Rin." Kagome said, giving her a hug.

"You're leaving now aneue?" Rin asked dejectedly.

"Yeah. We'll meet again soon though, don't worry!" Rin's face brightened as she nodded. Kagome left the room.

She slinked down two flights of stairs and through the atrium. Carefully opening the door, she slid out and into the cooler night air. Sesshomaru, who had been sitting in the courtyard garden, noticed her presence immediately.

"I'm leaving Sesshomaru," Kagome said, her satchel slung over her back. She decided she would get the first and last word in this conversation.

"Use respect when you speak to me. You're very rude. Aside from that, you're not going anywhere."

"You can't stop me. I just came to let you know out of courtesy. See ya later!"

"Guards, I trust you know my request?" Sesshomaru watched coolly as the girl was faced with two strong youkai. One of them hoisted her over a broad shoulder and forced her back into the castle.

"I told you, I'm going home! You can't stop me Inuyasha!" Kagome realized she'd thought without speaking and blurted out the name of her true companion.

Shit, she thought. She flung her legs over, causing her captor to lose his grip. A wave of Tenrai Kasai took the guards out easily enough, as well as provided cover for her. Kagome took notice again of the spiritual winds as they wrapped about her, keeping the flames from her skin. When she immerged on the other side, Sesshomaru was towering before her.

"What is your relation to Inuyasha? Being that you've traveled with him so long..."

"Shut up and leave me alone. I have to leave, do you understand that? It's been six days, I cannot stay any longer. I'm on a time limit, and while I understand you're too busy planning a war to take care of Rin or assign her another nanny, I promised to be back at the end of three weeks. This was my second week. Kikyo will take at least five days for the barest of essentials. Understand? I'm leaving. That's final."

"What are you babbling about?"

"" Kagome fought the urge to shout `sit,' but didn't think it would make her look quite sane. Kagome looked up the stairs and saw Rin. The girl already had agreed to help Kagome escape on the grounds that they would meet again.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" she called, running down to him. She threw her arms around his legs in an overly large hug. Kagome took advantage of his distraction to dodge around him. She had the idea that she couldn't outrun him, and as she planned, Kouga was hovering nearby, summoned by a messenger Sesshomaru never missed.

"Kagome? What's going on?"

"Sesshomaru was holding me captive! It was horrible Kouga. Get me out of here!" She blurted, knowing Kouga would comply with her request (as he always did).

"That jackass. I swear I'll bash his face in. what did he do to you Kagome? Did he hurt you?" Kouga asked angrily, lifting her into his arms.

"No, he didn't hurt me Kouga. But he'll be here soon, so can we get moving?"

"Of course. I'll never let him touch you again." He said, taking off.

"Kouga, I want you to take me somewhere north of here." Kagome said after a minute or two.

"Why, what's there?"

"Some business I have to take care of."

"Not the Dog-shit."

"Don't call Inuyasha that and no, it isn't him."

"I don't feel comfortable knowing those two want to get a hold of you..."

"Inuyasha isn't chasing me anymore, and I can hide myself from Sesshomaru well enough. You don't have to worry about me as long as I'm out of that castle and far away from Sesshomaru."

"Alright Kagome-chan, but if anything happens..."

"I'll find you. Got it."