InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mixed Feelings ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mixed Feelings

This story will be a yaoi like always!

Any wayz, pairings in this story: Inu x Nar, Inu x Sess.
Everyone is a little, and I'm stretching a little, OOC
(Inuyasha looks like a slut in this story. >.>!)
Don't tell him I told you that!
Inu: I heard ya anyway! Why am I the slut?!
EC: because you're sooo cute!!!
Inu: whatever....
EC: say the disclaimer!
Inu: no!
EC: do it!!! (holds mallet in hand) or else!
Inu: fine! Evilchild don't own, me, Inuyasha!
EC: Not you the show you dumb ass. Too bad though....

Oh well, on with the story!

Inuyasha and the gang were looking for a place to stay the night since it would be the New Moon.
"Can't we just find a cave to sleep in? It would be a lot easier to find a cave or something to sleep in, don't cha think?" Inuyasha grumbled out.
"And have bad backs and angry women in the morning? I think not." Mirkou responded.
"Feh! You do realize that it's a New Moon tonight right? I ain't fin to look for a place to sleep all night just because you have back problems in the mornin'! I'm gonna find me a tree to sleep in."
"But, Inuyasha, what if you're attacked by some demon and since you're human during this time of the month you'll be defenseless and get hurt." Kagome argued.
Inuyasha just growled and walked off. Everyone smiled and walked after him. Inuyasha sniffed the air. 'Damnit! I don't like this. I smelled something familiar but the smell slipped my mind but... it's not good!'
His ears flattened on his head and he let out a slight
whimper, "WHAT!" he growled irritably.
"I asked you if you were starting to lose your powers?"
Kagome tapped her foot as she waited. "Well?"
"Yes! Are you happy now?! And next time can ya do
something else to get my attention than screaming in my ears?!!!"
"Yes, remember Kagome, his ears are very sensitive to
sounds and all that screaming will hurt his wittle puppy
ears!" Shippo mocked from his preach on Kagome's
shoulder. Inuyasha shot him a deadly stare and growled
angrily. He stomped off in a huff holding his ears trying to get to ringing stop. One ear perked up as he heard rustling in a tree nearby.
"Who's there?!" When he got no answer he started to
become angry, "Damnit! I know someone's out there so just come out now!"
This was not good. Some demon was following them and he was losing his powers. Could this get any better?
"Inuyasha, what's wrong?" Kagome asked worriedly.
"Something's out there." Sango and Mirkou got in an attack stance just in case there was a demon after them... or someone.
"Inuyasha, can you pinpoint the smell?" Mirkou asked
looking around.
"Not... not really. I got a whiff of it early but... it wasn't
enough for me to distinguish it."
Then they heard it laugh wickedly. They knew that laugh
from any where. Naraku.
"Come out Naraku! We know you're here!"
Naraku jumped down from a tree and chuckled evilly.
"Ah... Inuyasha, so nice to see you."
"What the hell do you want?"
"What do I want? Hmm.... what I want is... you... Inuyasha."
"What!?" His whole body tensed up. 'He wants me? Why? What's he scheming?'
"Inuyasha look out!" Inuyasha jumped out of the way as
Naraku attacked. Sango and Kagome attacked him while he focused on Inuyasha. He easily avoided the attacks and sent a wave of black energy at them. They moved out of the way as it went past them. Inuyasha moved to attack but he was hit back with the black energy.
"I don't want my little prize to be damaged... much." he said seductively.

He attacked him again and Inuyasha was thrown against a tree. Naraku moved swiftly and was pressing his
body against Inuyasha's. Inuyasha moaned softly as he
began to change. He felt the demon blood ebbing away,
leaving him human and helpless to Naraku's advances.
Naraku noticed this and smiled to himself. 'Perfect! I have him right where I want him.' He noticed Kagome stringing another arrow. 'I don't think so little girl.' He sent another wave of black energy at them knocking them back. He turned back to Inuyasha and his eyes landed on his lips. So plump and succulent, begging him to kiss them. He leaned down and sucked on his bottom lip. He heard him gasp in surprise and pull his head away. Inuyasha glared at him through his bangs with his dark violet eyes. Naraku just stared into his eyes, losing himself in them.
"Beautiful..." he whispered, "Just beautiful." He leaned down again and kissed him full on the lips, tongue demanding entrance. Inuyasha keep his mouth closed so Naraku couldn't get what he wanted. Naraku smiled against his lips and pulled back slightly. 'Feisty little thing you are. I'm going to have fun with him!'
He moved his hands off of Inuyasha's hips and pushed them into his pants. He moved downward until he came to his entrance. He lightly scratched the virgin rosebud then pushed a finger in. Inuyasha gasped and Naraku took his chance. He quickly thrust his tongue into his mouth tasting him thoroughly. He tasted better than he expected. He tasted of something sweet and spicy that he couldn't even explain. He tried to swallow all of what he could of his taste... but they had to eventually break away for air. As he pulled away he noticed Inuyasha breathing heavily. He also noticed that he had more than one finger inside of Inuyasha.

"I see you enjoyed that. But I want more than just a kiss. I want to take you for your first time." he whispered in his ear. Inuyasha would have pulled away if wasn't for the fact that Naraku still had his fingers in him and was moving them in and out of him. He had to bit back a moan as a finger pushed against his prostate. Unconsciously he lifted up his leg as the fingers pushed further into him. Then the fingers were gone and the heat from his body left him. He opened his eyes that had closed when the first finger entered him to see Naraku looking mighty pleased with himself.
Inuyasha's face burned with humiliation and then anger.
"Naraku, what did you think you were doing? It's not like I enjoyed that little stunt you just pulled." he growled at him.
"On the contrary, I think you did enjoy it in a small way. Or else you wouldn't have offered me your leg so I can take you easier."
Inuyasha blushed a bright red and turned his head. 'He's
right! I did enjoy it!'
"And with you being in heat you only wanted it more."
'He knows I'm in heat!?'
"You know it's not safe for you to be out here defenseless and in heat. Your scent is very strong and can drive demons to do what they normally wouldn't do. On top of that, you're quite desirable." Inuyasha turned to look at him.
"I can take care of myself! I just have to find a safe place to go and wait til mornin'! I can protect myself then!"
The others watched in shock at the scene that had unfolded before them. Naraku just watched as he ranted on. Naraku walked towards Inuyasha making him move back until his back was pressed up against the tree again. Naraku brought his hand to his face and gently stroked it.
"You're even more beautiful when you're angry, my pet."
"Wha... what?!" 'What is wrong with me? I can't even breath right with him so close to me! He's making me feel so strange and... I'm liking it.'
Naraku's hand traveled across his cheek to his lips. He ran his thumb across his lips and pushed it into his mouth. There was no resistance this time and Inuyasha all to happily took it in is mouth. Naraku groaned softly as Inuyasha sucked on his thumb. Naraku took it out slowly and was pleased with the look of disappointment that spread across Inuyasha's face. He leaned forward and kissed his lips, "If I didn't stop I would have taken you right now." He watched as a deep red blush stained his cheeks. 'Am I really that desirable? Like this? I thought I was a freak show...'
"Inuyasha! Move!" Inuyasha's eyes widen as a arrow came hurtling towards them and quickly moved out of the way.
Naraku growled angrily as he dodged the arrow. "Insolent girl!" This time Naraku was not going to hold back. He sent a larger wave of black energy at them. This time to kill.
"Nooo!" Inuyasha ran as fast as he could to get to Kagome.
Only to have enough time to push her out of danger.
Inuyasha was thrown back breaking a couple of trees and stopping only by a boulder.
"INUYASHA!!!!" Kagome tried to go to Inuyasha but Naraku intercepted her path.
"I'll be taking care of him from now on, my dear." And with that he swiftly picked up Inuyasha and cradled his body close to his and vanished into thin air.
"Noo! Inuyasha!" Kagome fell to her knees and cried. The others came up to her and tried to comfort her and she soon calmed down.
"We have to get him back."
"I agree but I am sad to say it is not best we look tonight. Who knows what will happen. None of us will be able to protect oursleves for long without Inuyasha. We'll just get killed. So I think it is best we look for a place to sleep and look for him first thing tomorrow. Agreeed?" Everyone nodded but Kagome still had a bad feeling something was going to happen to him tonight whle he was with Naraku. Boy, was she right.... or at least kinda right anyway.

end chapter 1

Soooo.... what did ya'll think so far? I really didn't like how I started the 1st chappie though....oh well.
Please R&R!