InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mocha and Memories ❯ Reconnection ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mocha and Memories
Chapter Two: Reconnection
By: OhJoy

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"Sango, is that really you?"

What the hell? No one knows I'm here. I look up at the voice. Oh shit. I guess my thoughts called him forth into the coffee house.

"Hi, Miroku. How are you?"

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It took everything out of me to remain calm. Of course, of all the coffee houses in this entire city, he had to walk into… he had to pick this one. I gazed deeply into those warm violet eyes that I loved so much. I wanted to launch myself into his arms and wrap my entire body around him. But modesty prevailed.

"Y-you look amazing," he said, his eyes sparkling.

I smiled at him. I placed my mocha on the table. "Thanks. You look well." I noticed he had his coffee drink in a paper "to go" cup. He wasn't planning on lingering here.

He settled into the sofa next to my comfy chair. He pulled open his jacket and unraveled his scarf to reveal his strong neck and a hint of his muscular chest. Sigh. How I would love to run my tongue -

"So, what brings you to the Bay area," his voice as warm as my mocha.

"A bit of a vacation," I answered. I have no idea what his life is like now. He could have a girlfriend or a wife…

"Really? That's great to hear. How long are you in town?" He reached for his paper cup and took a sip, all the while his eyes never left mine.

I was beginning to get anxious. This small talk was nerve-wracking. I suppose that's how a conversation begins with someone to "catch up" with. Sigh. I answered his question, "Um, two weeks."

He nodded, "Where are you staying?"

"The W Hotel on-"

"Third Street. There's only one in the city. Pretty swank. Good choice." He took another sip. "How've you been?"

I dropped my eyes, how do I answer that? How do I tell him that I went on with my life? That I feel as though I betrayed the very concept of love? I couldn't. I simply shrugged and quirked an eyebrow.

He ran a hand through his thick hair and sighed, "You know I still think of you. Every now and then, out of the blue you pop into my head." His eyes searched mine, for something, I'm not quite sure. I had no idea how to react to that.

I just nodded. "Me too."

"All this time, I've never had a girlfriend. I've dated and been with women. But, you know," he shrugged. "Nothing serious."

"Huh. Why doesn't that surprise me?" I asked ruefully. "Haven't met any one that lit you up?"

His eyes sparkled. "There was this one girl a couple of years ago…"

My heart sank. He did move on with his life after all. I shouldn't be surprised that he met someone else. "Oh, yeah? How'd that go?" I fought to keep the heartache from my voice.

"I screwed it up. I set myself up," he almost sounded bitter.

I laughed nervously. I definitely didn't want to talk about any of his ex's. "That doesn't sound like you, Miroku. You don't do anything that you don't want to." It was his turn to sigh. "So what happened?"

"I pissed her off. I lost her," came his despondent reply.

Ok, shatter my heart even more. I so didn't want to hear about him loving another woman and his heartache. I wanted to be that woman. I wanted so badly to be the woman he longs for, the woman that brought that wistful look into his eyes. Sigh. I knew it wasn't me, but I suppose there's always wishful thinking.

I guess he felt my uneasiness, he switched the topic to me and asked, "So, shouldn't you be married with kids by now?"

I shrugged and picked up my cup from the table. It was almost empty. "Funny you should ask." I looked into his eyes and refused to let mine waiver. "I just signed my divorce papers this morning."

His beautiful eyes clouded, "Oh... How long were you together?"

"Five years."

"Oh," was that disappointment in his eyes, his voice? "Who did you marry?"

"Kuranosuke Takeda."

He nodded. He knew Kuranosuke. I told him about Kuranosuke while we were dating, I guess at the time I was hoping it would elicit some feeling of jealousy. His eyes wandered over to the front door, I guess he was getting uncomfortable talking to me. Looked like he wanted to leave.

"Any kids?" his gaze wandered back to hold mine.

I nodded, "My son is three and half." His reaction was like I punched him. He fell back on the sofa, his eyes looked bewildered. He ran his hand through his hair.

"Whoa. I wasn't expecting that. Really? You have a son?" I didn't know what else to say, I just nodded once. Oh, Miroku. Please don't judge me. Don't make me wrong for going on with my life. I lost you, I didn't want to be alone. I didn't want to go through life without being loved.

"How old is your boy?" he definitely looked lost, like his head was swimming with what I just told him.

"Three and a half."

"Is he here with you?" His eyes darted around the coffee house.

"No, he's on vacation with his father. They're in New York." He looked a little better, almost like he composed himself.

He smiled, "Sorry, that just wasn't anything I was expecting. But you're a beautiful woman, Sango. Of course, Kuranosuke wanted to marry you and make you his. Why did you guys break up?"

His eyes held the warmth once again. Whatever he thought earlier was now gone. I didn't know what else to say to him. The truth is always good, I suppose.

"I didn't love him and it broke my heart to be with him," I sighed. "He was really pissed. He still is, but I couldn't continue to be with him. It would have broken my spirit. The break up was hard on him."

"I bet," he commented, his tone neutral - as if we were talking about the weather. His cell phone rang and I remained silent as he answered, "Miroku here… shit!" He glanced down at his watch. "No, no, I will be there…. I was getting coffee and ran into an old friend… Sorry, Yash, I'll be right there. See you in a bit." He flipped his phone closed and looked at me with such an intensity that I nearly melted. "I have to go."

I nodded. "It was really nice seeing you." We both stood and smiled. Thanking all 108 Kamis that I wore high-heeled boots so we were nearly the same height. He took me into his arms and enveloped me in his warmth. Gods, I nearly creamed my panties. He smelled so good, clean, fresh - like a meadow in the spring. I felt his arms tighten and brought me even closer to him. He buried his face in my hair and ran a hand up my back to hold my hair. His other hand went down to my waist and stopped at my hip. Gods, we fit together so perfectly. His hugs always left me feeling so wanted, so desired. I loved how close we were. Thigh to thigh. Stomach to stomach. Chest to chest. The only thing keeping us apart was our clothes. I felt him relax against me and sigh into my hair. It sent shivers through my body and with a final squeeze we separated.

"I'd like to go grab a beer with you. Can I call you?" he asked. His hands still at my waist. I let my hands drift from his shoulders to his chest. Even with the barrier of his sweater, I could feel the heat from his body.

I smiled. "You can always call me."

He kissed me on my forehead and said, "Good."

And he was gone. He walked out of the coffee house without a glance backwards. Sigh. What was I expecting? A declaration of undying love? Hmmm, that would be nice. But that wouldn't be Miroku, no that was Kuranosuke.

To be continued…

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Thank you for your reviews and encouragement. This story really has a life beyond the original One-Shot I had planned.

:) Joy