InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mocking Love ❯ It's Been Awhile ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Here is my next update. It’s really late I know, but I have school.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha.

Chapter 2: It’s Been Awhile

I wish I could have been stronger. I wanted to turn back around and ignore Inuyasha like I had Sango earlier, but I couldn’t. His eyes were so enchanting, so hypnotizing. I was drawn to them like a magnet. You don’t know how much I used to long to see those eyes. They were supposed to soften for me when I saw them.

But the circumstances now were different. I had finally seen them, but they didn’t soften. Instead they remained cold and hard just like in his picture.

I couldn’t stop staring at him. I had wanted for so long to finally meet this man face to face. I had pictured our meeting in my head at least a hundred different times. I had pictured myself running into his arms, and him spinning me in the air as I laughed. He would kiss me and I would smile. But again, our meeting wasn’t anything like I had imagined. Reality checked in. When we first met, he glared daggers of hate towards me, and I just stared back.

“You’re right, bitch, going out with you was a mistake. If I knew you were so ugly in person, I wouldn’t have dated you.” He said. Ok, that did kind of sting, but don’t think I didn’t have a come back.

“That would be so like you. You always were shallow.” I said.

I smirked as he “Keh’d.” It was his favorite word to use when he didn’t know what to say. I finally turned around and rolled my eyes as he mumbled under his breath. Probably something against me.

It’s funny how on that first day of our meeting we weren’t shy with each other at all. I guess we hated each other that much. Sango tells me it was because of our chemistry. She says it was an early “expression of love.” Right now, I kind of just laugh about it; but I know back then I would have begged to differ.

But yes, anyway, that was Inuyasha’s and my grand introduction. Lovely, right?

I didn’t want to continue talking that class. I knew Inuyasha would comment even if what I said wasn’t directed towards him, but of course, Miroku had to pry further into the past. The teacher was already speaking. Something about the symbolism of their summer reading? I took out a pen and my English binder and started taking notes.

“You two were together for half a year,” I heard Miroku say in awe. More. We were together for seven months is what I thought.

“Seven months.” Inuyasha said. “Seven wasted months with that wench.”
Miroku chuckled. “Sure didn’t seem wasted when you were with her. You guys talked a whole lot.”

I realized so many months before that it was the end where Inuyasha and I fell apart. He would constantly talk about girls and when I voiced my opinions he wouldn’t listen.

“He turned into an ass during our 5th month, Miroku. I’d say the last two were wasted, but like I said our whole relationship was a mistake. I was just to naive to realize it back then.” I said. I glared at Inuyasha. Ok forget no talking…

“You still are naive.” Inuyasha replied.

“And what do you mean by that?” I asked.

I could feel my blood begin to boil and my cheeks getting red as he went on.

“Coming all the way to Tokyo just to be with me? Aww, how sweet. Still have feelings for me? That why you’re here? Well go back to Kyoto, bitch, I could care less about you.”

“Hah! Don’t flatter yourself. If it wasn’t for the fact that my grandfather’s sick I wouldn’t be here. I would rather be stranded on a deserted island than be in your presence!”

“Then get on the damn island!”

You don’t know how bad I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face.

“You rude, arrogant jerk!”

“You annoying, selfish wench!”


“That’s what I said.”

Oh, the nerve of this guy! Me the selfish one?

I’m selfish? I’m not the one who doesn’t care how other people feel just as long as I’m on top!”

“Well at least I never begged for attention even though people were too god damn tired!”

“I never begged for attention!”

“The hell you didn’t!”

“ENOUGH!” It was the teacher. Our bodies darted toward the teacher who was clearly ticked off. “ Ms. Higurashi, I’ll let this go since this is your first day of class, but Inuyasha, you have after school detention with me. Understood?”


“Now both of you pay attention and don’t interrupt the class again.” The teacher said.

Not wanting to get in trouble once again, I kept my eyes on the teacher and leaned into my desk. But what Inuyasha said was still in my mind. Is that what he thought? I was being selfish?

“How could I have been selfish, Yash? I never begged for your attention. I barely talked to you. I told you if you had the time I would be there. I’m sorry if I bugged you by saying that I missed talking to you, but I couldn’t help it.” I whispered. I started off harshly but slowed down towards the end. I knew he would hear it. He was, after all, an inu- hanyou.

I took one more glance at him and turned back to the teacher. His ears were twitching.


English went on pretty smoothly after that. I guess my statement got to Inuyasha? I don’t know, but anyways, when the bell rang I quickly rushed out of the classroom leaving Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku. I wasn’t ready to talk to them again, not after what happened. I felt a bit ashamed, especially in front of Miroku. He was a virtual shoulder to lean on before. I missed him.

The day past by pretty fast. I had met more people who were all pretty friendly. It got me to rethink my previous thoughts about Tokyo. In Kyoto, my family and I lived in a small town. Everyone knew each other, and we were all really close. But Tokyo was different. It was a large, busy city. I pictured people to be stuck up snobs. I thought all the boys were egotistical and the girls wore too much make up, but I was wrong. Not everyone was like that.

I spent lunch with Miroku and Sango. At first I just sat underneath a tree all by myself. I remained quiet through out the day and hadn’t made any friends. It didn’t surprise me when no one offered to have lunch with me. I’ve kind of been in denial, but I became cold after Inuyasha and I broke up. I don’t know if it was the break up, or the aftermath. We never talked after that. I didn’t talk to Miroku anymore either. Apart of my life was gone. I laid in bed many nights wondering if what Inuyasha and I had was just a waste of time. Seven months of not holding the man I supposedly loved. Seven months of not seeing his smile. Seven months where I couldn’t even hug him when he was upset. Seven months of constantly thinking about the day I would finally see him, just to find out that in the end it wouldn’t even matter. I don’t think the only reason I decided to end it was because of his talk of other girls. I just…

Never mind. I’ll save it for another time.

Anyways, Sango saw me underneath the tree and insisted that I spend lunch with her and Miroku. I tried to say no, but it’s really hard to say no to Sango. She’s really persistent I found out. It turns out that Miroku and Sango were pretty popular people back in high school. I guess Inuyasha wasn’t kidding. He was also sitting at the table but left the moment I sat down. I could’ve cared less at that moment.

Inuyasha’s group was a chatty bunch, but they seemed to all enjoy themselves. To be honest, when I first heard about them all I thought I wouldn’t fit in with. I thought I would be isolated. Like I said, I had this whole stereotyped image of city people in my head. I was wrong though. These people seemed pretty easy going. I felt comfortable around them. I just wouldn’t say anything unless I was being spoken to.

You already know about Sango and Miroku. The rest of the group consisted of Kouga, Sesshomaru, Rin, and Naraku. Kouga was a full wolf youkai. He had brown hair up in a high ponytail and sharp blue eyes. He was definitely one of the “talkers” in the group. I found him conceited, but he was nice to me so I really didn’t mind. Sesshomaru was a full inu- youkai and Inuyasha’s older brother. He was a senior. His eyes were amber just like Inuyasha’s except his held no emotion, that is, unless approached by the human Rin, his girlfriend. Rin was a junior like the rest of us. Her long, raven hair was half put up into a side ponytail. She reminded me of a five- year-old little girl with her hair. She and Sesshomaru were exact opposites. Rin was bubbly and loud while Sesshomaru was calm and quiet.

Lastly, there was Naraku, a form changing hanyou. With his wavy, dark-brown hair and dark eyes, he gave me a feeling of uneasiness. He was quiet but laughed occasionally, and when he talked his voice was deep and eerie. The moment I met him I didn’t like him, but the others seemed to, and of course I was just a new student. I didn’t say anything.

I laughed along with the group. Being in the same school as Inuyasha wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I could have sworn Inuyasha said nasty things about me after we broke up. Maybe they were just being polite, but that’s not what it seemed like. They asked me about Kyoto and how I was liking Tokyo so far. I told them it was really nice. It really was, too. I felt like I could actually live there now. I felt welcomed. However, I didn’t feel like I could open up just yet. There were also some questions about Inuyasha and I, but I answered them quickly and left them at that.

Towards the end of lunch, though, I finally wondered where Inuyasha was. Not that it was of any importance or anything. I was just curious. I asked Miroku and he replied with:

“Who knows. He’s probably just felt uncomfortable. Don’t take any offence to it. You know how he is. Always running from his problems.”

I raised a brow. “So, I’m a problem to him?”

Miroku quickly shook his head, I know what he meant, but it was kind of funny to see him all jumbled up. He was always portrayed as such a smooth talker, you know.

“No, no. Of course not! But… I wouldn’t be surprised if he felt uncomfortable near you.” He said.

I rolled my eyes. “Yea, he always did try to avoid things like that.”

Sango decided to speak up. “Well, don’t worry about it too much. He’s probably eating with the football team.”

“Oh, I wasn’t worrying.” I replied.

You know, Inuyasha being a football player and all brought up another thing to mind. Negative as it may sound, when we went out, why was he with me? I mean why was he with a girl miles and miles away from him when clearly the hot-shot football player could have any girl he wanted? I won’t degrade Inuyasha by saying he was probably seeing another girl while being with me. I’m certain he wasn’t It’s just a thought. One that I thought of much too much.

When the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, I followed Sango into the science lab. It was an interesting class and I actually got to relax. This was the first class of the day where I had actually paid attention to the teacher. I shared second period with Miroku. Thankfully he didn‘t mind me ditching him back in English. Infact, he and Sango didn‘t even notice I like him, really I do, it’s just he’s somewhat of a womanizer. I have to admit though, it was hilarious seeing red hand prints form on his face every time he used his famous line: “Will you do me the honor of bearing my child?” Where he came up with that I have yet to find out.

Anyways, after third period (We’re on block schedule, by the way.) I had computer literacy. When I walked into the classroom, of course Inuyasha just HAD to be there and of course my computer just HAD to be right next to his. Don’t you just hate that? The one person who you never want near you somehow always is?

Once again, I tried paying attention to the teacher. I was, however, distracted by the silver- haired hanyou who was constantly turning toward me. He wouldn’t say anything though. He would just stare, and when I turned to him he’d quickly shift his gaze back to the teacher. After repeating this routine over and over again for at least five minutes I couldn’t contain myself any longer.

“Do you need something, Inuyasha?”

“Keh!” Ah, the favorite word. “I was just wondering how I ever put up with you.”

I rolled my eyes. “That made sense. Considering the fact I’ve been trying to listen to Ms. Sato the whole time. I think the question is how did I ever put up with you? Were you always this annoying?”

Inuyasha growled like a puppy and shut up.

When Ms. Sato finished her lecture, we were assigned a project on Power point. It was supposed to be an autobiography. I, myself, had never used this program in my life but I wasn’t about to look like an idiot in front of Inuyasha who would most likely comment on how stupid I was. I opened up the web browser and started saving random pictures

After about half an hour, I turned to see how far Inuyasha had gotten and was blown away by his design. So far he had a slide with a tree that looked like the Goshinboku that was located outside my family’s shrine and pictures of his family members surrounding it. In the background there were figures that looked like clouds, and they were actually moving!

“What are you looking at, wench?”

So I guess he caught me staring. I shook my head and went back to my… er… project. Inwardly I groaned. I had a feeling I was going to fail this class.


When that horrendous class was over I hastily picked up my backpack and made my way to my locker. I put my necessities in my bag and went to the office where I told Souta I would meet him after school. Seeing the happy look on Souta’s face made me smile. Looked like he had a great first day.

“Ready to go, Souta?” I asked.

“Yea, let’s.”

With that, we went home. I guess my first day of school wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but that’s not what I thought at the time.