InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mocking Love ❯ Realization and Surprises ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Yes, I know, I haven’t updated in forever. What inspired me to write this story in the first place isn’t exactly inspiring anymore, so I wasn’t even going to continue with this. But then I figured well I promised myself I would finish this story and the story wasn’t far enough that I couldn’t change my original plans. And so that’s what I did, and I’m really excited about this! So I hope you enjoy. HOPEFULLY, I’ll start updating faster once again…but you know….reviews are nice *hint*hint* I mean only 6 for the last chapter? Well…there was nothing really in it anyway. I’m kind of wishing I kept the setting in the U.S. that way I wouldn’t feel so bad if I got the geography wrong…eh…

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. He rightfully belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.

Chapter 3: Before Me

Two weeks after the first day of school, I was well acquainted with everyone in Inuyasha’s group, well, everyone excluding Inuyasha himself. He had decided to avoid me as much as possible, not that I cared or anything. It made the air around me steadier.

I would usually walk to school with Souta, but one day a new friend of his, Shippo came with his mother and brought him to school. Why I didn’t take the offer when asked if I wanted a ride as well I do not know. Anyways, this allowed me to walk to school on my own and enabled me the ability to see Tokyo as it really was. Like I said, it was a beautiful place even with the busy streets and noisy people. I could never count on Tokyo to be quiet. It was highly populated with people walking along the sidewalks and cars roaming the streets with bikes weaving in between them, but still I found it made it easier to think. Although, my mind was not on anything important at the time. Just that Tokyo had some really good looking guys. I know childish right? Too bad they were all egotistical though…

Or gay…

Hey, you know it’s the truth.

Since the whole break up, I never did really care for guys. Being single was something I highly enjoyed. I could flirt as much as I wanted and tease as much as I wanted and no one could say a thing because there was nothing and no one holding me back. Even if they did say something, I didn’t care. Like I said, I became a bit isolated…who could hurt me with petty words if they did not know me? I wasn’t a slut or anything, I preferred modest, simple clothing to skimpy, fancy ones; and of course I would never go further than words.

No touching, no kissing. Rules I never broke. I wasn’t about to let myself feel anything for anyone. But once you think about it, words can sometimes do much more than actions. Sometimes they are ways of confirming one’s thoughts, but to me, words meant little to nothing. To me, words kept you clinging. Sometimes, to things not even worth it and Inuyasha was proof of that. That is why words could not phase me…or so I thought.

I had only gotten three blocks away from the shrine when I bumped into the chest of Kouga and silently cursed myself for zoning out. Over the course of getting to know each other he had developed a “thing” for me and had an interesting way of showing it.

“Couldn’t stay away from me, could ya?” He said. I smirked at him and pushed down his arms which had somehow found their way to my waist.

“Don’t do that Kouga,” I said. It made me so angry whenever a guy put his arms around my waist. It annoyed me. Only my guy had the right to hold me, and since I didn’t have a guy, no guy had that right!

“Why not? You’re my woman.” Once again he attempted to wrap his arms around me. I backed away and glared. It was the only thing I could do. Aside from being…obsessively into me, Kouga was a really nice guy. But I had to set things straight.

“I told you before, I’m not your woman.” I tired walking past him but he took my wrist.

“You’ll agree to be mine in time,” He said, “but for now I’ll walk you the rest of the way to school.” I was about to pull away again, but a new voice surprised me.

“Oi, Kagome! What the fuck are you doing with wolf breath and where the hell were you this morning? I go outta my way to pick you up and your aren’t even home?”


I blinked.

“She’s my woman, of course she’s with me. And why would she want to get in the same car with a mutt like you?” Kouga asked.

I blinked again.

Yes, definitely confused. I looked up to Inuyasha who gave me a look as if to say ‘Play along.’ With that I took my wrist from Kouga’s grasp and said,

“Even if he is a mutt I did ask him to bring me to school today.” I walked over to Inuyasha and smiled. I wanted to puke. “Sorry, Inuyasha, I forgot you were coming.”

He crossed his arms and ‘keh’d.’ “Whatever wench, hurry up so we can go.”

I waved to a growling Kouga and followed Inuyasha to his car.

Expecting him to get in and drive off, I was surprised when he huffed.

“Aren’t you going to go?” I asked. He rolled his eyes.

“Get in.”

My brows narrowed, “No thanks.” I said irritably.

Inyuyasha growled. “Listen, miss high-and-mighty, if you don’t want to be late stop being a wench and get in before I change my mind.”

Before he changed his mind? He’s the one who insisted I go with him. I honestly preferred walking to getting a ride with Inuyasha. However, I grumbled and got in knowing he was right.

Inuyasha kept a scowl on his face as we drove off. I thought it would go away, but it didn’t. The tension was so high you could cut it with a butter knife and the silence was screaming at me. But there was no way I was going to talk first. Not when he forced me in there.

“What were you doing with Kouga anyway?” Inuyasha suddenly asked.

“Talking.” I replied menacingly.


“Yes, talking. What else would I be doing with him? Sucking face?”


I just had to laugh.

“What’s so funny, wench?” Inuyasha asked as he took a quick glance at me. This caused me to laugh even more. His brow rose.

“You always say that,” I said. Here I crossed my arms and “keh’d” with my best Inuyasha impression. “It’s funny. Whenever you don’t know what to say.”


I laughed again and he scowled.

It only took me a minute to remember I was in Inuyasha’s car, alone, with him and when the realization processed through my brain I once again felt very uncomfortable. Looking down at my feet, I began twiddling my fingers. I don’t even know why I felt so discomposed. I knew him didn’t I? Even dated him once before right? So why couldn’t I act myself around him? I never had trouble when the others were around. Yet as I peeked up to see Inuyasha’s lean, muscular arms and sharp defined face I could not help sitting straight, averting my gaze to the stop light we had just hit as I continued to fiddle with my fingers.

The light turned green, and I dropped my gaze to my feet once again. Realizing that I probably looked dumb fidgeting so much, I held my hands in my lap and decided to pretend my fingers were moving.

I guess I was really out of it because when the passenger seat opened to reveal an annoyed inu-hanyou I could only sit there and stare at him, confused. He rolled his eyes and “keh’d.” Surprisingly he held out a hand to help me up.

Still in a daze, I took his offer. Goodness, that white, short- sleeved collared shirt did nothing to keep my mind away from his god-like physique. I nearly stumbled to the ground, but luckily strong arms were there to catch my fall.

“I know you like what you see, but stop daydreaming. I’d hate to be the cause of some serious injury.” I could feel the smirk in his whisper as his warm breath surged down my spine and I pushed him away trying to hide my shiver.

“Jerk..” I sneered and hurried to my locker.

There was no way in hell I would let Inuyasha Takahashi get to me. The was no way I would let his words phase me.


I aimlessly walked around the girl’s locker room as I waited for Sango to finish changing. Our block system was complex. Mondays were called Shikon days. These days we had all periods which lasted forty-five minutes. Tuesdays and Thursdays were Green days. They consisted of periods one through four which were eighty minutes long. Lastly, Wednesday and Friday were Blue days which consisted of periods five through seven and a collaboration or activity period depending on the schedule. These periods were also eighty minutes.

Confusing, right?

Anyways, today was a blue day meaning I had P.E. first block (or period, whatever you want to call it.) Girls got to choose a weapon of their choice. Of course I picked a bow and arrow, and as I was a priestess of the Higurashi Shrine, I considered this class an easy A.

“Ready to go, Kagome?” Sango asked.

I nodded my head and headed to the fields. Sango’s weapon of choice was a giant boomerang. How she threw that thing around with such ease I’ll never know. Apparently to her it was a piece of cake. Her family came from a long line of demon slayers, and her father still taught her and her brother their old ways.
When we made it to the fields, we noticed many of the girls huddled together cheering and laughing like crazed fan girls.

“Go Inuyasha! Oh, he’s so hott!” One exclaimed.
I turned to the boys field just in time to see Inuyasha make a long pass directly to Kouga who caught it in mid air and sprinted to the end of the field. Just before he made it to the end zone, a player on the opposing team tried but failed to tackle Kouga as Miroku lunged all his weight onto him and tipped him over. Kouga made the touchdown and threw the ball down on the field. Kouga and Inuyasha met and slapped each others hands apparently forgetting what transpired earlier. Miroku got up and winked at the girls in my class. Again the girls squealed.

“They’re good,” I said evidently shocked.

Sango nodded, “They lost to Tokyo High at the THFL championship last year. Inuyasha vowed to win this year.”


I watched Inuyasha’s team pat each other’s back and run into each other’s chest and smiled. Sakura didn’t even have a football team. I had to see some of Shikon’s games. At the last second, I caught Inuyasha’s eye only to frown and look away. If Kouga didn’t remember what happened this morning, I sure did.

“Look you guys! They’re looking this way!” The girls squealed yet again as the ferociously waved back hoping to catch one of the three boy’s attention. I chuckled.

Our P.E. teacher finally blew her whistle signaling us to start practicing. Sango barraged her oversized boomerang at an innocent still evergreen. It circled the tree and came back to her at top speed. I for one thought it would knock Sango down instantly, but instead she caught it with ease and an angry countenance and threw it once again.

“You ok, Sango?” I asked.

She growled as she caught the boomerang once again. “Stupid Miroku! Why is he always such a flirt?”

“Well, he is a football player. Of course girls want him. And you know Miroku’s a lech. Just let him have his fun.” I replied. Nevertheless I could see where she was coming from. I never noticed until then how girls seemed to kiss the ground our male friends walked on.

Cocky bastards.

Sango huffed and threw her boomerang again. My eyes mentally widened as she caught the weapon. Today was the day of realization wasn’t it? I raised my bow and aimed at the tree Sango was using.

“You like Miroku, don’t you?” I stated more than asked.

“What?! N-no! NO! Why would I like that womanizing pervert? Of course I don’t like him! That’s just crazy!”

Well, that confirmed it. Sango Hiraikotsu liked Miroku Kazana. I laughed and let go of my arrow as Sango blushed. The arrow successfully split a branch in half and stuck firmly to the tree. ‘Bull’s eye.’

My victory was short lived, however, when another arrow sliced mine in half and took its place. I gasped and found the owner of the arrow. I examined her, tingling. I had never seen such a woman in my life.

“Kikyo,” Sango whispered so the girl wouldn’t hear. “She’s the girl who cheated on Inuyasha.”

She was Kikyo? It couldn’t be.

I watched again as she gracefully strung her arrow in one smooth motion. A priestess. I could tell as her power levitated her cascading ebony locks which framed her pale, gentle heart-shaped face and brushed her delicate, milky skin and rosy cheeks. This was Kikyo? I had always pictured her as a girl who wore layers of make up and high stilettos not a symbol of purity.

She let go of her arrow and her hair fell back into place gently as feathers. She stood back from her stance with such poise and elegance I could have sworn she was an angel.

“Nice shot.” I commented.

She turned to me and bowed with the tranquility of a geisha. “Thank you.”

I felt jealous of such a honey-like voice, so warm; so smooth. I continued to stare as she made her way to her arrow and pulled it out from the tree placing it expertly back into its quiver which resided strapped onto her back. She made her way to her position to start again.

Now I focused on my own arrows as Sango had already returned to her boomerang, but my mind could not get Kikyo out of my thoughts. She was so beautiful and her aura seeped with purity. Being a priestess myself I could not help but feel overwhelmed by it. Again, I asked, how could such a woman betray a man? I wasn’t possible and yet everyone said it was true.

Maybe Inuyasha was such a horrible lover even Kikyo couldn’t take hime? Maybe she had wanted revenge for his womanizing actions? No, Inuyasha was only as bad as the rest of them, if not a little more. I didn’t understand, but I wanted answers and I would get them.


We had a ten minute break which was followed by sixth block. For me, this was Japan mythology. This class was taught by Ms. Kaede, another priestess and as I found out from Sango, the aunt of Kikyo. I always loved her class. She mad the characters sound so real. It was as if she was a living witness of the myths she taught.

Today we talked about Goddess Izanami who created Japan and died birthing the god of fire. Her lover, God Izanagi was desperate about the loss of his beloved so he went to the underworld to retrieve her. Izanami gave instructions to not look at her, but Izanagi did not follow. Appalled by what he saw, Izanagi ran away and blocked the entrance to the underworld with a huge boulder so his wife could not follow.

For some reason, this got me thinking about Inuyasha and Kikyo. Kikyo was a high priestess and Inuyasha a lowly hanyou. No matter how popular one was at Shikon that was what society saw them as. Maybe Kikyo had an epiphany one day and realized their status. But if that was the case then how did she remain so pure?

And then there was Inuyasha. He must have been hurt. I bet when Izanagi fled after seeing Izanami’s condition Izanami was hurt. She was a goddess of creation but was still abandoned by her love just as Inuyasha was a faddy football football player who was still betrayed by his.

But then again I could be wrong. The myth and Inuyasha probably had no connection what- so- ever. But if they did…

Where did that put me?


Realization and surprises. That was what I named that day, ‘The Day of Realization and Surprises.’ Like every lunch period, I sat at the tables with Sango and the rest of the gang, and since then Inuyasha had always eaten at the football player’s table. However, today was different.

I jumped as Inuyasha dropped his tray next to min and slid in next to me.

“Decided to join us today, little brother?” Sesshomaru asked as Rin scooted closer to him.

Inuyasha grabbed his fork and dug into his styrofoam bowl of ramen. “Keh! Yea so what?”

“Why the sudden change of heart?” Miroku pried.

Inuyasha slurped his noodle, “None of your business!”

We sat there and watched as Inuyasha savaged his ramen like a starved beast. Finally comprehending that all eyes were on him, he dropped his fork into the bowl and growled.

“Don’t you know it’s rude to stare?” He said.

“Aww, he missed us you guys!” Miroku teased.

Inuyasha blushed. “Shut up you stupid monk!”

Everyone laughed. Miroku a monk?

“I am not a monk! Just because my ancestors were doesn’t mean I am. Do I look like a monk to you?”

Sango turned to Rin and shielded her mouth with her hand to say, “I don’t think that lech could pass for a monk if he tried…”

Rin nodded and giggled. I laughed.

Miroku feigned hurt, “My dearest Sango, I’m deeply wounded by your accusa-”



The red hand print adorned Miroku’s face once again, and Sango’s arms were crossed as she glared an imaginary lazer at him.

We laughed harder.

“So, Kagome, want to catch a movie with me tomorrow?” Kouga asked.

I was already going to say no but was delayed as I felt claws snake up and down my thigh.

“S-sorry, Kouga, I can’t. I’m busy.” I managed.

Kouga shrugged and turned to the rest of the group. I glared at Inuyasha who smirked back and caressed my thigh harder. I had to fight the moan that threatened to escape my lips. My body felt like jello. It felt so good…but wait. Inuyasha? I excused myself from the table and ran to the restroom.


When I exited, someone pulled me behind the building and pushed my back into the wall. I looked up to see Inuyasha smirking with that arrogant grin of his.

“What the hell was that?!” I hissed.

“You liked it,” He said, his voice strong and confident.

I sneered, “You’re wrong.”

“No I’m pretty sure I’m right.”

“Don’t flatter yourself,”

Inuyasha chuckled and leaned onto the wall, “I don’t have to. Your arousal is already doing that for me.”

I froze as his devilish amber eyes peered into mine. That’s right. He was part demon. My face heated as it clicked. He could smell how I felt. All I could do was hold my glare. I may have been lost for words, but I wouldn’t back down. But even then, he effortlessly tore down my inner barriers.

He kissed me.

My body shivered and I knew he could feel it as his lips slowly parted from mine

“I knew I was right.” He said, his voice husky and low against my lips.


He didn’t even give a second glance as he walked away.


AN: There you go! Hope you enjoyed. If so please review!

*THFL- Tokyo Highschool Football League. Yes, I made that up. Heh…