InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Modern Day Tokyo with a Feudal Japan Twist ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Modern Day Tokyo with a Feudal Japan Twist
Rin picked up her pencil and erased the last word on the crossword puzzle. She studied the words surrounding it and reread the question. Chewing on the bottom of her pencil she glanced up at Sesshomaru then looked back down at the blank boxes. She looked back up Sesshomaru tilted her head and stared.
Sesshomaru lowered the newspaper he'd been reading down onto his lap and sighed, “What's the question?”
Rin leaned over and shoved the crossword puzzle in his face and pointed.
Sesshomaru smirked, “The answer is logical Rin.”
“Oh,” Rin smacked her forehead and made a retarded face, “duh!”
Sesshomaru studied her. She hadn't changed a bit, she was still the same Rin Tanaka she'd been when he'd found her in the city 10 years ago when she was only 9 years old and had wandered away from the local orphanage. It was hard to believe she'd be turning 20 this year. He'd watched her grow from an adorable child into a stunning woman and she only got more beautiful everyday, all the while he hadn't aged a bit, only his mentality had grown older.
She'd be moving out soon, he thought. He'd have to find a way to get rid of this feeling in the pit of his stomach. She finished high school and now she'd be going to college. It all seemed like yesterday that'd he'd saved her from the streets of Tokyo, and had her first birthday in the new game room he'd installed for her. She'd come a far way from the timid 9 year old, though he could never figure out why he didn't frighten her the way he could most humans that hadn't grown accustom to him.
His Rin was amazingly resilient; she never allowed anything to get her down. Maybe that was the reason he cared so much about her.
Rin looked up when she felt him staring at her and beamed a smile that had cost him a fortune to create. She'd been in bad shape when he'd found her but that hadn't changed her optimism about life.
Sesshomaru smirked when he thought about how he shocked the city by taking her in. He was the great Sesshomaru, known for being cruel and ruthless but it didn't shock anymore more than himself.
She was like a gift, Sesshomaru mused. A treasure to be cherished and given to him at a time when he believed nothing could break the hard shell he lived under, make him happy or change his negative outlook on life. Now looking back he knew that it was fate.
And to think he almost threw it all away that one morning 10 years ago.
~Sesshomaru's flashback
“Call the office and tell them I'm going to be late, my damn limo driver crashed into a poll.” Sesshomaru growled into his cell phone menacingly. He snapped it shut and whipped it into the interior then slammed the door. Coming around to the front of the limo he noted the damage the poll had done.
“Sorry sir, the roads are really icy out-.” The driver attempted to explain before Sesshomaru took hold of his throat. The man gasped and clawed at Sesshomaru's arm.
“I don't want to hear any excuses, you have 10 minutes to get me back on the road or else,” Sesshomaru threatened calmly. The driver tried nodding his head and found he couldn't. Sesshomaru tightened his hold before letting go and the driver slid soundlessly down the brick wall.
Sesshomaru turned around when he heard giggling. Ice and snow crunched under his heavy winter boots and the cold gray morning was enough to send even the most dedicated employee back under their warm comforter. It wasn't even seven o'clock yet, how could anybody be giggling.
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes when he realized it was coming from inside his limo. He snarled and whipped the door open. He bent over to peak inside and seen a girl with a torn shirt and ragged slippers for shoes playing tea party with some very expensive glassware and wine.
She giggled and turned around to ask him if he wanted any. Sesshomaru growled leaned in and roughly grabbed the girl by the back of the shirt which tore it even more, dropped her onto the icy pavement, then stood waiting for the tears to come.
She blinked, twice but to his shock only smiled, stood up and brushed the loose snow off her back.
“What's your name?” The girl with a tooth missing asked him.
“It's none of your business what my name is.” Sesshomaru said then turned around to get back into his limo, “Now get out of my sight before you regret it.”
Sesshomaru made some calls inside the limo as he waited for the taxi to notify people that he'd be late when he got a glimpse out of his tinted windows of the little girl talking to his driver. She seemed very animated and not at all deterred from the cold for having such a worthless wardrobe.
Sesshomaru hung up on the person he was talking to and got out of the limo. How many times would this girl have to be told to disappear before she got the message? He glared at his driver as he walked up to them.
He stopped and was about to say something when he felt his coat being tugged on. He whipped his head furiously in the little girl's direction and snarled; though his driver jumped back the little girl didn't bat a lash.
“Hey if you're cold I know somewhere you can warm up.” The little girl beamed her broken smile; her voice was soft and fragile. Sesshomaru didn't like kids; as a matter of fact he didn't like humans either.
“I don't need your help, stop wasting my time and crawl back into the hole you came from.”
The little girl smiled and despite the few missing teeth he still found it strangely endearing. What was wrong with this child, did she have head trauma? Sesshomaru pondered.
“Alright, if you need anything then-“
“I won't, now scram.”
The little girl yawned then waved lazily and started walking down the alley, “Goodbye Sesshomaru!” She said sleeplessly behind her.
“How did that girl know my name?” Sesshomaru turned on his driver, since it was obvious he told her.
“Uh, sir your taxi is here.” The driver stuttered and pointed behind him.
“Finally,” Sesshomaru said in the same calm way he spoke.
His limo driver looked both ways, turned around and began walking down the dark alleyway after the little girl. Sesshomaru stopped before getting into the taxi and watched him from the windows reflection, his hand was frozen on the handle; he narrowed his eyes and watched him disappear around the corner.
After one minute had passed the taxi driver honked his horn and yelled out the passenger window, “Hey what's the hold up?”
Sesshomaru threw a wad of cash at the driver to shut him up and followed his gut instinct into the alley to see what was going on.
He turned the corner but nobody was there. The dark alley was long but still came to a dead end. Sesshomaru grew furious and frustrated over the fact that he was furious and frustrated about something as trifle as a little girl disappearing around a corner
Then he heard her scream, but the sound was almost immediately cut-off. Sesshomaru started running down the dark alley looking left and right in case they were hiding.
When he found his limo driver behind one of the dumpsters smothering the little girls face under his giant grotesque hand something inside him snapped. The driver having realized this released the girl and flung her at Sesshomaru. Having easily caught her he went to set her down to chase his driver and beat him within an inch of his life but realized she wouldn't let go of him. She clung to his torso like a muscle shirt.
Sesshomaru set chase after the guy anyways.
It was approximately 9 a.m. when Sesshomaru left the police station after hauling a badly injured and unconscious limo driver in.
Now he sat in the backseat of another limo with a little girl he'd just saved and she was yet again playing tea party with very expensive china.
“Rin please sit down.”
Rin eagerly jumped onto the seat right next to Sesshomaru and leaned on him. Sesshomaru sighed heavily, he couldn't wait do deal with his angry employees when he finally got to the office, but he'd have to figure out what to do with the girl first.
“Rin, where do you live?”
Rin looked up and frowned, “at the orphanage.” She mumbled.
Sesshomaru finally looked down at her. It could have been worse but at least he knew she'd be alright living with people who specialized with children and their needs. That was something he could never give her.
Now the only thing to do was drop her off so he could get on with his business. Sesshomaru picked up the phone and dialed a number.
“Hello Mr. Takahashi, what can I do for you sir?”
“I need all the information you can find about a local orphanage here in Tokyo.”
After a few seconds of listening to his secretary typing and whispering to people in the background she came back on the line and gave him all the information he needed to know. He now knew everything from the location, reports about the facilities and the workers backgrounds that were taking care of the children.
He hung up the phone and told the driver where to go. Fifteen minutes later they pulled up to a happy little red and white building downtown that slightly resembled a barn. Sesshomaru studied the surroundings and anything suspicious. They stopped in the front and having already being alerted the lady in uniform came up to the limo waiting patiently for her ward.
Rin panicked, “Sesshomaru-sama. I don't wanna go, I wanna stay with you!” She cried out and grabbed his arm.
Sesshomaru remaining unresponsive turned his head and opened his door.
“Come on Rin, don't you like it here we're going to have so much fun today.” The uniformed lady popped her head into view and held up a coloring book and a box of crayons. “See, these were bought specially for you!” She cooed and tried to coax and a frightened Rin out of the limo, but to no avail.
Finally Sesshomaru got out of the limo and a reluctant Rin followed.
“Go Rin, this is where you belong,”
“But I wanna stay with you Sesshomaru-sama!” Rin's tiny hand held a death grip on Sesshomaru's pinky and ring finger since it was the only thing small enough she could really fit and grasp onto tightly.
“Now Rin everybody misses you!” The woman tried again and flipped her ponytail out of her face.
Rin shook her head stubbornly and grabbed Sesshomaru's arm with both hands.
The woman had had enough. Swooping down she grabbed Rin's arm and yanked her forward trying to get her to unleash Sesshomaru, but surprisingly Sesshomaru wasn't helping the situation either because he simply stood there and did nothing.
That is until the woman grabbed a handful of Rin's hair. “Let go of him you worthless little stubborn maggot!” The woman bellowed Rin knew it was all a hoax, she never did like her.
Rin cried out and Sesshomaru's eyes glowed red as he went for the woman's throat just the same way he did the driver. He lifted her a foot off the ground and brought her to eye level with him.
Rin stood in stunned silence as he dropped the woman onto the pavement and warned her not to lay a finger on Rin again. Sesshomaru turned around and got back into the limo without another word. Rin didn't hesitate to follow as she went around to the other side opened the door and slid in wordlessly. She starred at him in awe when he didn't object to her getting back into the limo.
Sesshomaru picked up the phone attached to the door and told the driver to head for his office, he was very late.
Rin got to spend the whole day getting pampered and loved by all his associates and employees, mostly the women, and one in particular who Sesshomaru gave his credit card to go to the store and buy her two weeks worth of clothes and toys.
~End Flashback
“Sessh, what time is it?” Rin hurriedly ran into the closet to dig out her boots and put on her coat.
Sesshomaru snapped out of it and looked up to see Rin hopping from foot to foot as she quickly struggled into her new Gucci boots and Armani jacket he'd bought for her.
“Going somewhere?”
Rin looked up long enough to say, “Yeah. I was supposed to meet Kagome for lunch ten minutes ago!”
Sesshomaru was tempted to roll his eyes; Rin was always forgetting engagements and running out of the house in a rush. And of course it was always something with Kagome or Inuyasha. But Sesshomaru conceded, it was better she hang out with someone he trusted other than that of her brainless friends.
“Bye, love ya Sessh!” And not a second later the front door slammed shut.
Sesshomaru wondered about the strange endearments Rin used on him. When she was fourteen she once told him that he treated his own home like it was a hotel, stopping by once or twice a month to stay for the weekend and that she thought of him as her friendly neighbor who came to visit. She didn't sound mad about his busy lifestyle but was more than happy by the idea because it made her feel like she was the one who owned the mansion. But she said things that made him wonder what she thought of him as, like a friend, a boss or dare he say… partner.
She never took on his last name, mostly because neither wanted it. She'd never referred to him as a guardian, probably because he'd never really been one in the first place. That job he left to someone he was certain would be more qualified for the position, about 4 nannies to be exact. Sesshomaru thought to have one or two, but knew with his job and his busy lifestyle he was going to need more influence, that way if one did something that the other didn't deem appropriate they would tell him about it. He knew it was being a bit overprotective in some ways but he also believed Rin was worth it, and he was a man who could trust his gut instincts. That was also something Rin had given him, or more like taught him. He never relied on gut instincts before he met her; he'd always had a logical way of thinking that no one could persuade. After one minute in Rin's company he'd changed, went with his gut feeling and taken her into his care.
`I wonder what I'll do without the added noise and clutter she makes,' Sesshomaru pondered, `Get a dog maybe.' The thought alone made Sesshomaru growl.
If he ever lost his sanity and got a dog… he'd name it Inuyasha.
Rin stuck her frozen fingers into her pockets after shutting the door and tiptoed down the icy porch.
She took a deep breath and dragged out her keys. She was taking Sesshomaru's car whether he liked it or not.
Rin giggled when she thought about how funny the look on Sesshomaru's face was going to be when he found out she'd taken it.
She was actually quite surprised he didn't realize she'd nabbed his keys off the kitchen counter; he must have been daydreaming again. Rin stopped and thought about Sesshomaru daydreaming. `No that's not a word to describe Sesshomaru, what's a better word…
`…ah-ha,' Rin thought triumphantly. `Distracted,' Though Rin couldn't quite picture the invincible Sesshomaru as being distracted either.
`He's been distracted an awful lot these past few months. I wonder what's on his mind.' Rin had been thinking of that a lot lately. `I wonder if it's because I'm a responsible adult now or if it's because he just doesn't care anymore and that's why I'm getting away with all this stuff.'
Rin opened the car door and shuffled in to get out of the blistering cold, it really was about time Sesshomaru invested in a garage. He's got a four story mansion sitting on a hill over the ocean in the ritzy part of Tokyo with ten rooms, seven baths, two balconies, a game room, fitness room, and an indoor and outdoor swimming pool but no garage! What the heck!
Rin leaned over and turned on the car putting the heater on full blast.
`I wonder if Sesshomaru's so distracted lately because he has a current love interest.' Rin tightened her hands on the steering wheel as she thought about it and wondered why every time Sesshomaru got a girlfriend it tore her up inside. Of course she didn't always feel that way, it wasn't till she started getting older and came into her teen years that she started feeling like that. `I mean, it's not like I own the guy.' Rin reasoned. `So why do I feel so betrayed when he brings home the new flavor of the week?'
Rin shook her head, now was not the time to concentrate on matters that couldn't be dealt with, she needed to pay attention because the roads were extra slippery today.
Rin pulled into the parking lot and immediately noticed Kagome's red Mercedes Benz, Rin liked it a lot but not as much as she liked Sesshy's loaded silver Lamborghini.
God he was going to kill her when he found out she'd taken it.
Rin smiled to herself when she thought back to the first time she'd gotten into a car, without permission and without any knowledge whatsoever of how to drive.
~Rin's Flashback
“Oh, Sesshomaru, your house is just beautiful! I especially love the bathroom; it's gorgeous, what with the waterfall for a faucet and a Jacuzzi the size of a personal swimming pool. You have such awesome taste! Wow and this must be that adorable little girl you found out of the gutter! You are so-”
Rin rolled her eyes and plugged her ears with her new mp3 player to drown out another crazy model Sesshomaru had brought home. Rin opened her book to the assigned chapter and began reading it for the test that she knew was coming on Monday.
Rin reached back to rub her neck because it was getting stiff and got a glimpse of the clock. “Holy crap, its midnight already!” Rin shrieked out loud though nobody was around to hear it. Rin yawned and shut her book. Looking around she noticed that she'd been alone for some time. She put the book into her backpack and tiptoed out of the spacious brown and beige study otherwise known as Sesshy's office. She pushed open one of the giant double doors that was at least thirteen feet taller than her and looked both ways down the long corridor. Rin had watched a movie when she nine about a house as huge and luxurious as Sesshy's, the only problem with the movie was that it was completely haunted and the house had a tendency to swallow and kill people. Rin had always been iffy about every move she made in the mansion, always preparing herself especially at night for something to jump out at her. Rin clearly remembered the trouble Sesshomaru had to go through when she wouldn't leave his chambers after dark crying about the house eating her up. She also remembered Sesshomaru firing the woman who let her watch the movie to begin with.
But Rin told herself that was two years ago and she was an adult now, she could handle anything. She'd prove it too.
Walking down the corridor Rin noticed the bathroom door open slightly and curiosity getting the better of her she walked toward it and peeked in.
`So that stupid woman hasn't left yet!' Rin thought discreetly as she peered in further to get a better look at the woman playing dress up in the mirror. She was wearing something pink and frilly and very revealing, even though she was covered in fabric you could still see everything. Rin wondered why anybody would wear something so stupid. `Oh right,' Rin thought, `because she is stupid.'
Rin giggled out loud and caught the woman's attention. The stupid model looked right at her and smiled. “Oh hello Rin, isn't it a little past your bedtime?” She inquired and made a sad face.
Rins face went blank, “Look lady I'm eleven not five. I don't have a bedtime I can stay up as late as I want.”
She smirked and put on a sly face. “Oh I'm sure you can.” She patronized Rin. “As a matter of fact,” She continued as she came closer and slowly dragged Rin into the bathroom shutting the door behind them. “I'm sure you can do anything you set your little mind too.”
Rin lifted her chin, knowing she was just trying to get to her. “Yeah, and I can-“
The model cut Rin off, “but I bet you can't drive,” The woman said then started laughing, bent over and picked up a pair of car keys with a symbol on them similar to the one Sesshomaru had on his keys.
Rin shook her head as if to deny it but the woman only laughed harder. “Come now Rin, we both know you're too young to be up this late, now hurry off to bed and let the big kids play.” She turned Rin around, gave her a little push and patted her on the bottom sending her on her way. The woman laid the keys on the counter next to the bathroom door and gave Rin a defying look when she didn't leave like she'd been told too.
Taking the bait, Rin snatched the keys off the counter and shrieked. “I'm not an idiot; and I can to drive!” Rin ran out of the bathroom and down the long corridor as fast as her little legs would take her. She risked a glance back then slowed down when she realized the woman wasn't chasing her like she'd originally thought.
Well who cared she was going to prove that woman wrong anyways. Rin rushed out the front door into the still night and stopped. Which car was it? She'd just have to try them all.
Rin ran for the first one, which was Sesshomaru's favorite. Rin used both keys but neither key worked. `Ok so it doesn't belong to this one.' Rin ran to another one of Sesshomaru's cars, still nothing.
Then Rin noticed the model parked behind them all and facing the winding driveway that led to the busy streets of Tokyo. Rin ran towards it stuck her key into the door and success! Rin squealed with joy and hopped in, too bad she couldn't see over the steering wheel. Rin looked in the backseat and grabbed the thick leather jacket sitting back there and bundled it up underneath her to give her a boost then fiddled with the lever at the bottom of the seat like Sessh had told her too when she wasn't high enough. `Perfect now I can see over the steering wheel and reach the accelerator.' Rin squealed again and stuck the key into the ignition. Rin closed her eyes and hoped the car wouldn't blow up when she turned the key. The engine purred to life and Rin smacked the wheel in excitement. `Ok Rin, you can do this, it's not that hard you've seen people do this countless times.' Rin slowly stepped on the accelerator then pressed down a little harder when nothing happened.
`Oh no!' Rin fretted, `I broke it!'
Rin took a deep breath and started pushing things before she got it right. She rolled down every window, then pushed the red button in the middle of the seats and gasped when the roof began to disappear. `A convertible,' Rin thought in awe, `cool it's just like Sesshy's.' Then she remembered the lever Sesshomaru always grabbed before they went anywhere. Rin starred it then grabbed it pushed in the button and watched it go from the letter `P' to the letter `R' and then stomped onto the accelerator.
Rin screamed out like a newborn when the car flew backward and rammed her nose into the steering wheel. Rin gasped and reached up to touch her affended nose and in the barely lit driveway noticed blood on her fingers. Looking up she seen the leaves falling down around her like snow. Looking back she noticed she'd hit a tree.
`Oh no, Sesshy's going to kill me!' In a panic and not sure what to do now Rin reached down and pulled the lever, hoping to get it right this time then stomped on the gas. When the car flew forward Rin freaked out and took her hands off the wheel afraid if she touched it again she'd only do more damage.
Rin grabbed the wheel before it hit another tree and slowly eased up off the accelerator. Rin laughed when the car bounced around the dark winding road and didn't hit anything.
“I'm doing it!” Rin screamed, “I'm actually doing it, I'm driving!” Rin laughed and continued to `drive' down the road so she could make it to the busier streets.
She jumped back and swerved to miss a blurred figure standing in the middle of the road, but before Rin could even scream the car was drifting off the road and she was caught in one spot hovering in the air.
When Rin could gather her thoughts she gulped and knew without a doubt that she'd be spending the next few months in an isolation box called `the punishment room' Sesshomaru had invented when she'd given him a hair cut in his sleep.
Rin let out a breath when she was set down onto the ground and then took a deep one before turning around.
Sesshomaru glared down at her with red eyes.
“I'm sorry Sesshomaru-sama,” Rin mumbled. “I just wanted to prove to that woman that I could-“
“Quiet Rin,” Sesshomaru warned. Rin put her head down in shame. She hadn't meant to make him mad, but he sure was. Rin was sure too that the woman was going to be furious when she'd damaged her car. Rin wiped a tear off her face, now Sesshomaru was mad at her and there was nothing she could do to change that.
Before Rin could say another thing Sesshomaru picked her up and carried her in silence back up to the house.
Rin explained to Sesshomaru on the way back up to the house all that went on and how she had to prove to him she was an adult and she could do anything.
Rin got grounded for about a year and the `stupid model' got kicked out and was warned to stay away for good.
~End Flashback
“Hello, how many?” The waitress asked politely as she picked up a menu.
“Oh, I'm meeting someone. Her name's Kagome.”
“Oh, right this way.” The waitress turned around and headed for the back to one of the more secluded tables in the restaurant.
“You're late Rin.” Kagome sang.
Rin groaned. “I know but the roads were horrible, with the traffic and ice it took me forever to get here!” Rin only half lied as she shrugged out of her coat.
Kagome set down her menu after they both told the waitress what they wanted to drink. “It's ok I forgive you. So how's everything going?”
Rin sighed, “Fine, I have all this free time now that I finished high school and I haven't started college yet.”
Kagome smiled and pulled out her cell phone. “Oh brother,” Kagome muttered and rolled her eyes.
Rin looked over, “its Inuyasha isn't it.”
Kagome nodded her head. “Yeah, I can't even leave the house and he calls at least two times. He'll call the house and realize I'm not there. It's endearing but sometimes he can be such a bother.” Kagome giggled and turned her cell phone to vibrate. Inuyasha was just going to have to wait to talk to her, this was Rin's time.
Kagome looked over at Rin and noticed she had her head down and was frowning at the table. “Rin is something wrong?”
Rin looked up, “Sort of… I've been out with friends and partying but something's been bothering me lately and I can't put my finger on it.” Rin just shrugged as if to dismiss it, she didn't think it was that big of a deal.
Kagome looked concerned and a little bit frightened at the same time. `I hope all my suspicions these years aren't true,' Kagome thought desperately as she searched Rin's somber face.
When Sesshomaru had found Rin Kagome was 17 and had just started seeing Inuyasha. Kagome knew there'd been something special between the lost little girl and the youkai from the beginning, but she attended Rin's 14th birthday party and it was then she noticed something more. Kagome noticed this because she acted the same way towards Inuyasha. Kagome feared Rin's feelings were one-sided.
Kagome hesitated before asking, “Rin, does this have anything to do with Sesshomaru?”
Rin concentrated on her hands as she though about it.
“Rin?” Kagome pushed, she might as well get it out in the open. “Are you in love with Sesshomaru?”
Rin looked up with a shocked expression and blurted. “I think I might be!” She confessed.
They gawked at each other in silence with a million questions hanging in the air, both stunned.
“Here are your drinks ladies; can I take your order?” The waitress set them down and brought them both back to the moment.
The waitress walked away with their orders and Kagome whipped around and whispered at Rin furiously. “What do you mean; you think you might be!”
Rin stared at the ceiling and bit her lip. “Ok I admit it. I have been for a while now.”
Kagome's jaw dropped.
What was Rin going to do? How would Sesshomaru take the news if he ever found out?
Rin started up again. “I just didn't want to admit it to myself. I've been so afraid of this; I don't know what to do.”
Rin pleaded with Kagome for the next thirty minutes not to tell a soul until she figured out how to go about it.
“Fine,” Kagome conceded, “I won't tell anybody, but you can't keep these feelings bottled up inside forever.” Kagome cautioned. “I know from experience with another Takahashi that it will drive you insane. And don't worry about Sesshomaru; he's the kind who shows his feelings through action not words.”
Rin nodded her head stood up and said her goodbyes to Kagome and that she appreciated her advice. She promised to visit her and Inuyasha soon.
Rin walked out into the cold and knew she had to prepare herself for the night ahead, because she wasn't going to wait any longer to tell Sesshomaru how she feels about him.
“Jaken, where's my car?” Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes to the spot where his car had been parked earlier that day.
Jaken jumped back and flinched. “I… I don't know my lord.” He quivered and opened the door to the mansion to go back inside.
Sesshomaru turned around and walked back into the house then he heard a car coming up the driveway and fast.
Sesshomaru stopped before opening the door. About now he'd be able to pick up her scent if she was as close to the house as this car was. It wasn't Rin, but somebody else.
Then he seen the cop car and his eyes widened and his heart rate picked up.
The cop car came to a squealing halt and the officers jumped out.
“Sir, are you the owner of a silver Lamborghini?” The officer asked quickly.
Sesshomaru didn't move, he didn't even breathe.
“Sir?” The officer pressed.
“Rin, where is Rin?” Sesshomaru blurted out.
“It's alright, she just got into a little fender bender.” The cop assured him.
Sesshomaru's eyes went red and he grabbed the cop by his collar and lifted him into to his eye level. “Then where is she?” He demanded.
“Are you going to be alright miss?” The young man with dark hair asked when he seen the girl crying on the sidewalk.
“Are you kidding me!” Rin screeched out hysterically and pointed at the smashed bumper. “Sesshomaru's going to kill me! I'm as good as dead!”
She threw her face back into her hands and balled even harder.
The young man awkwardly patted her on the back; he was never good with comforting woman. But she looked like she really needed comforting or maybe some drugs to calm her down.
Rin sucked in a breath and lifted her head when she seen the cop cars pull up and Sesshomaru get out of one of them.
Instead of looking at the damage to his car in the middle of the busy intersection his gaze zeroed right in on her sitting on the curb in the middle of the crowd that had gathered.
Rin was tempted to run away, but her chance in escaping him would be like a snowballs chance in hell.
Rin gulped and stood up. She was in sooo much trouble.
“Rin are you alright?” Sesshomaru looked down at her.
Rin nodded her head because her throat had closed up.
Sesshomaru lifted his hand to her face to wipe a drop of blood off the cut above her eyebrow where her head had hit the windshield. He noticed she flinched and narrowed his eyes.
“I'm sorry Sessh.”
Sesshomaru grabbed Rin's hand and led her to the police car and away from the nosy mob of people.
“Don't apologize for something that's not your fault. The cops explained everything to me on the way here.”
Rin looked up and smiled, “Can we go home then.”
An unreadable emotion flickered across Sesshomaru's face for a brief second as he looked down at her. “Yes, we need to talk.”
Rin opened the door, took off her coat and threw it into the closet and didn't bother shrugging out of her shoes until she got all the way into the living room and plopped down on the sofa. The ride home had been an awkward one in the back seat of a cop car because she had wrecked the Lamborghini. She sure was going to miss the car. She hardly dared to breathe the whole time because of the mood Sesshomaru was probably in. But instead of getting the feeling that he was angry, she was getting different signals, signals only she could tell were different because she'd known him for so long, otherwise she might be clueless like everyone else.
Sesshomaru followed Rin into the dim living room but stood at the door. Rin turned her head to look at him beckoning him with her eyes to come in and sit down but he stayed put.
She didn't blame him, he was probably still mad about the car.
Rin reached down and went to push a button on the remote to bring out the television but Sesshomaru said, “Don't,” and she set the remote back on the coffee table.
“Rin, don't talk, just listen.”
Rin sat up a little straighter and starred straight ahead for fear if she turned around she might do something foolish, like jump him.
Sesshomaru stayed where he was.
Sesshomaru's voice echoed through the high ceilings of the still room. “Rin, the first time I saw you I knew there was something special, something different about you. But I didn't have the will or courage to let you know it.” He paused and took a deep breath. “I've never met someone in all the 150 years I've been walking this earth who could make me feel the way that you do. You ignite feelings in me I've never had before, and bring out the worse and best in me.” He paused again and took a step closer. “Rin when you were younger I used to think you were too vulnerable to the world so I kept you safe. Hidden.” He smirked. “Do you remember what you called the punishment box; the only reason I isolated and sheltered you so much was because I was afraid of letting you enter the world without me being there.” He took a step closer, “and I was hardly ever there.”
Rin stared ahead in complete shock. In the ten years she'd known Sesshomaru this was probably the most he'd ever said to her. He'd admitted his concern for her like she always wished he would. She never had anybody who cared. Rin didn't wipe the tear running down her face because she didn't want him to know she was crying, she felt it would be embarrassing if he knew how much his few words affected her.
Sesshomaru began again. “When you started getting older I realized how beautiful and breath-taking you were turning out to be. You turned 15 and…” He stopped talking for a minute. “… and I started realizing how attracted to you I was.”
Rin sucked in a breath.
“Rin you mean more to me than everything I own and if I lose you then there won't be anything left to live for.” He walked up to the back of the couch and touched the back of Rin's neck making her stiffen. “Rin when you took off with my car and didn't tell me I feared for your safety more than I cared about my entire empire. My thoughts never once led to the car but led more to what you doing in it.” He ran his hand up and started massaging her scalp. “Then when I seen the cops pulling up into the driveway…” He stopped and closed his eyes for a minute recollecting his thoughts and remembering. He ran his finger down her forearm. “I panicked. I completely panicked on the inside and for once let my anger get the better of my self-control.”
Rin couldn't believe he was saying all of this and she didn't have any clue how to take it. So she leaned back into his hand and enjoyed it. She lifted her shoulders as he massaged her neck.
“Sesshomaru…” she whispered.
Sesshomaru stilled his movements momentarily. When she didn't say anything else he knelt behind the couch so his mouth was right next to her ear and breathed.
“I love you Rin.” He whispered.
The quiet awkward moment shattered as Rin jumped up startling Sesshomaru and in the dim atmosphere she screamed, “I love you too Sesshy!” She jumped onto the couch and into Sesshomaru's arms.
He grabbed onto her as tightly as he knew she could handle without snapping her back and greedily took her mouth with his.
She kissed him back eagerly and ran her hands all over his back and even got a fist full of hair and began massaging his scalp as he had done to her. She whipped her head to the side to get a breath of fresh air and noticed she was lying on the sofa. `How did I get here? I don't even remember moving.' She thought lazily. Sesshomaru continued to attack her face and neck as she took much needed gulps of air. He ripped her shirt right down the middle anxious to get to more of her succulent soft skin and ran opened mouthed kisses on her breasts and collarbone. He breathed in her scent and took a moment to enjoy it as he ran his hand behind her and unsnapped her bra.
Rin moaned out loud and bucked her hips up to join him. To which he didn't disappoint as grinded into her through the fabric of her jeans. Rin breathed his name out continuously as he reached down and unbuttoned both of their jeans and they both kicked them down to their ankles.
Rin took hold of Sesshomaru's face and they started making out again.
The only things separating the two now were the barely there underwear and as Sesshomaru ripped Rin's shirt off completely and then flung his off his back, Rin took her bra and whipped it out of their way.
They were necking and roaming their nearly naked bodies when the doorbell rang.
Sesshomaru growled and Rin ignored it as she took hold of his hips and lifted herself off the sofa meet him.
“Jaken will answer it.” Sesshomaru ragged out as he started panting from Rin's maneuvers. “Rin,” Sesshomaru had trouble breathing let alone talking. “Our underwear are in the way Rin.”
With that said Rin stopped dropped onto the sofa. She didn't know how to describe this feeling, this feeling of being with the one she loved half naked, and being loved back by this incredible man.
“Oh Sesshomaru, I love you.” Rin whispered and brushed his hair off his sweaty face.
“I love you Rin.” He said and kissed her forehead, nose, eyes, and lips. He picked himself up and dragged her along with him and began walking to his chamber upstairs.
“Rin, you're not still afraid the house will swallow you whole are you?” Sesshomaru teased.
Rin hit him playfully in the shoulder and folded her arms. Sesshomaru opened the door and laid her down onto his massive bed. He didn't waste anytime joining her as he slowly took one clawed finger swiped it under the thinnest part of her panties and dragged it downward for her to kick off. Rin waited for him to discard his boxers and when he did he resumed their earlier position. Rin gasped as Sesshomaru played with areas that had never been touched before. He nuzzled her neck and squashed her into his torso where he played with her entrance to see if she was ready.
“Sesshomaru,” Rin cautioned. “I'm still a virgin.”
Sesshomaru smirked. “You think if you weren't I wouldn't know? You would have found the guy you were intimate with dead in some gutter.”
Rin didn't doubt it for a second.
Sesshomaru stopped his hands and concentrated on Rin's face. He took hold of her face and made sure she floated back down from the clouds before asking her anything serious. “Rin,” he hesitated when he still seen the dazed sensual look in her eyes. “We love each other right. I have loved you from the beginning, will you marry me?”
Rin gasped and hugged him to her. “Of course I'll marry you! I love you Sesshy!” Rin kissed every inch of his face, and then giggled. “Now let's consummate our love!”
Sesshomaru didn't waste another second.