InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Modern Inconveniences ❯ Modern Inconveniences - One Shot ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Author's Note: Secret-punk-rocker and I were hanging out and talking about how cheezy some writers for shows like...oh...TEEN TITANS and INUYASHA can be...eventually we got to how Kagome and Inuyasha are always screaming their heads off. I made one comment and POOF! A oneshot is born...enjoy! ^_^
Modern Inconviences
The Inu-Hanabi were lounging on a grassy hill. After a full day of searching for shards of the Shikon Jewel, Kagome's human need for another "break" kicked in, much to the annoyance of Inuyasha.
" are we ever going to find all the shards if you can't go one day without a rest?" The hanyou growled, spread out in the grass beside her, his arms crossed behind his head and his eyes closed.
"Oh yeah, I can tell your so broken up over it too..." came Kagome's sardonic reply.
Minutes passed as they relaxed on the grassy hill...There were no sounds...No signs of danger...Just pure and simple relaxat...
Kagome sat bolt upright, and the others were automatically on guard.
"What's wrong? Do you sense a jewel shard Kagome-chan?" Sango asked.
"Hai..." Just as the word left her lips, a huge broccoli demon burst through the brush...It thrashed and screamed...And all they could do is stare.
It was only about to Shippo's knees...
"Um..." A loud beeping interupted Miroku's he glanced around for the source.
Inuyasha's ears perked as he realized he was...vibrating?
"What the.." He reached into his haroi and pulled out a thin black object. The others crowded around him, peering at the foreign item. Just then it beeped and buzzed again. Inuyasha stared at it before taking a claw and flipping the cover open.
On the bright blue screen, in huge black letters read: I hate broccoli!
The hanyou wheeled around to find Kagome, clinging to a large tree branch and hanging there, staring in horror at the menacing broccoli. He looked at her confused before understanding her meaning and looking down at the buttons. "Hmm..." He slowly started to lower one clawed finger onto the 'kee-p-ad' and started to text Kagome back.
After about 3 minutes, Kagome's pocket started to vibrate and sounds that sounded like crappy singing rang from her skirt.
"When theres trouble you know who to call...TEEN TITANS!"
The Inu-Hanabi all sweat-dropped, staring at her.
Kagome grinned. "Heh-Heh..."
Inuyasha stood there, phone in fist, looking at her expectantly.
"What? That Raven chick kicks ass!"
Inuyasha arched an eyebrow, slipping the phone back into his haroi and turned from the others. After a few steps he half turned his head back to them. "Beast Boy is funnier." He muttered as he walked away.
Sango and Miroku were left alone, not knowing what just occured. "What's Teen Titans?" Sango muttered to Miroku. Miroku shrugged, groping her ass with a free hand. As a loud SMACK! resounded through the trees, Shippo walked over to the forgotten broccoli, "Dont feel bad, this happens alot..." The broccoli sighed and sat down in front of the fox demon. After a few moments Shippo grabbed the broccoli and stuffed it in his mouth. Kagome's eyes widened. Shippo glanced up at her. "What? Im hungry!"
Kagome sighed, glancing down at her phone for Inuyasha's reply. It read: Kikyo loves broccoli...
Kagome's eyes went tight, a red vein popping up on her forehead. "Osuwari!"
In the distance came a loud thump, followed by a string of curses.
Myouga sighed from his place on Kirara. "Just another normal day in the feudal era, eh Kirara?"
Kirara mewed her consent.
The End.
Secret-punk-rocker: I hope you enjoyed our very fucked up one shot...evil brain is very sick.
Lucifina: ^_^ T-E-E-N-T-I-T-A-N-S....:hums to herself: