InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moments We'd Rather Forget... ❯ School Sucks ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: after a shitty ass week and a day in bed wallowing in my own self pity, I was eventually motivated enough to do something…
<i>`Damn this is so boring'</i>, Kagura thought as she sighed for what felt like the ninety-ninth time since the start of class ten minutes ago.
They were reading `Silas Marner' in translation.
The entire class deemed it `the most boring book ever written' and Takahashi-sensei obviously agreed. But nothing could be done; it was on the syllabus and had to be read.
Boy was she ever bored.
She'd stopped reading the book after the first chapter and usually amused herself by looking out the window at the crows picking for worms, but unfortunately for her, all the window seats had been taken by the time she arrived.
<i>Others copying my idea...</i>
Even Takahashi-sensei had taken to pacing around the room so as to not to succumb to the slumber that had over taken his entire class.
He's a sight for sore eyes that's for sure.</i>
He was a sight for anyone's eyes really.
Kagura's especially, on days like this.
Today he was wearing his lovely tan pants that accentuated how great his butt looked. The girls always talked about his butt whilst getting changed for P.E after his class on a Thursday.
Kagura was a fellow admirer of his butt, but she also admired everything else about him.
The noticeable muscle of his arms that wasn't too bulky, his silky long black hair that could not have been allowed by the principle.
<i>The man is so hot it's illegal.</i>
Kagura was 18, four years legal here, but he would never notice her.
She was neither bad nor good in his class, she just drifted along in the middle, never asked questions, never answered them.
<i>Fate is so cruel.</i>
She was so sure he was the perfect man for her. He was perfect in general.
Smart, good looking, well able to handle the little shits in his class, this man, he commanded complete and utter respect from all the students.
Her eyes followed him around the classroom, she never noticed the time go by.
Everyone was gone, it was just him and her left in the room. He was packing up his stuff to go home for the day.
Suddenly he was in front of her, looking her straight in the eyes.
She didn't know if they were standing up or sitting down, but it didn't matter as she felt his arms snake around her waist, she closed her eyes as she felt his hands roam all over her body, somehow their clothes disappeared and she was clinging to him, they were both naked.
He was kissing her neck and she was sighing, but this time in pleasure.
His voice echoed in her mind, <i>“tell me”</i>, it floated about her.
<i>“Tell me what you think Kagura…”</i> her mind swam, thoughts fleeting, senses clouded.
“Mmmm, I think its sexy, your voice, and your eyes…” She grinned slyly as she moved her head up to look into those captivating eyes of a curious honey.
He seemed taller than before, and his clothes where back on… <i>what the fuck?</i>
“Why thank you for the compliment Miss Douyoku, but what has that got to do with Silas hiding his gold under the floorboards.” His voice rang with new clarity, and so did the laughter of the suddenly appearing students around her.
Her mouth fell open as her face flushed red. <i>I said that out loud…?</i>
The amusement was plainly evident in his eyes, and his lips quirked slightly at the edges.
Momentarily forgetting her predicament, she committed that face to memory, for she'd never look directly at it again.
He turned around and headed back up to the top of the classroom to set homework.
Kagura slowly lowered her head into her arms, trying to ignore the massive smirks and giggles of her classmates.
The bell rang. Students grabbed their stuff and exited the room, giggling amongst themselves about the last few minutes.
Takahashi-sensei put away his materials and took up his bag, sparing a glance for the girl currently trying to knock herself unconscious by pounding her head on the desk, and left the room shaking his head and smiling despite himself.
A/N: I believe nothing can top the last chap with Kikyo, this didn't turn out quite how I'd planned but I wanted to put something up, I'll try harder for the next one, promise!!
Kagura's Family name `Douyoko' means, avarice, greedy and heartlessness, I'm using this one in my other stories so I put it here as well.
As for how well this fic thing is doing, OH MY GAWD!!!
I love all of you, Thank you so much too:
Kagome1nOnly, Becca, kate, reader1, gunslinger_inu, thebigguy, fallenangel7583, Ashes, YoukaiObsessed, Alice M.
Kellie: Naraku and Kag, will do!
Getfuzzyfan04: Oh my god… you poor thing, I may have to rob some… except maybe the toy sword thing… that's kinda scary, ok, I might have to use it now…thanks.
Thanks for reading, but, I'd love you even more if you reviewed!!! ^_^