InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moments We'd Rather Forget... ❯ Mixed Order ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

As predicted, you'll know as soon as you read it… sigh, I hate being predictable…
“Sango dear, are you sure you're alright… your acting very quiet.” Her mother enquired looking concerned.
“Are you upset about the move, sweetheart?” Her father asked laying his hand on top of hers showing his support. Sango has such nice parents… and she hated for them to worry so…
“No,” she looked up from her study of her denim skirt, “I'm just tired that's all, it's been a hard day.” `<i>…and I still can't believe that happened.</i>'
The family of four were mulling over their meal choices, well three were, one was wallowing in her own self-pity, when the waiter finally arrived to take their order.
Sango vaguely noted the waiter beside her as she quickly browsed the menu.
It was her turn and she looked up, only to find her one-man-audience staring right back, his eye's about to pop out of his head.
She couldn't believe how bad her luck was.
She instantly blazed scarlet and glared at the table cloth, trying to order between her stammers, “Uh, bah, bah… umm, oh god…uh spag, spa… Las, las, na…”
Kohaku poked her in the side, wondering what had over come his sister.
Her ever helpful mother intervened, “She'll get it in a few moment's dear, I think she has a crush on you is all, and she's getting nervous, isn't it cute?” Her mother grinned at Sango's appalled expression.
“Mother!!” a shrill reprimand came.
“I think she wants that, since her finger is pointing to it.” Kohaku informed their now tomato faced waiter who was noting her choice of Lasagne.
The poor man coughed and replied in a high pitched choked voice, he couldn't believe his luck either… “Would you, um, like, uh, garlic bread with that?” she nodded agreement.
Turning back to the table, his voice under a bit more control after another throat clearing, “And for desert…?”
“Hmmm…” her mother, the head of the family would decide for them all as usual, something healthy and tasteless.
“How is your Lady-finger pie?” She asked oblivious of innuendo.
The waiter squeaked, “Uh…, quite moist.”
Sango continued to look at the table in horror. Where is that bottomless pit she tried to ask for?
“Oh dear, that doesn't sound very nice now does it, wet pie…”
“Oh no,” the waiter interupted, “it's actually delicious.”
Sango wanted to cry…
“Well then, we'd all like one, you too Sango?”
She couldn't take it, “excuse me…” she leapt from the table towards where she thought the bathroom was… for reasons different than the waiter imagined.
Five minutes later, she deemed it safe to return.
Concerned faces looked at her as she sat down once more.
Her mother, always one to look on the bright side and cheer everyone up commented, “Look dear,” she was holding up the paper slip that would become their bill, “it says here, his name is Miroku, isn't that nice… did you know that dear? His name?”
She shook her head no, a small light of hope inside her, wondered if his address was on the page too, so she could track him down and kill him, making sure this never happened again.
“Miroku and Sango, or Sango and Miroku, which do you, think sounds better?” She asked her husband, sparking up a silly conversation planning the two teenagers' future, thinking they were playing on their daughter's first crush.
Sango didn't know what to do, so she just rested her head on the table, pretending to be dead.
The food came and went, then the waiter returned with desert.
Up until then, Sango thought it couldn't get any worse for her, every time, any of the three saw her “crush”, they'd point it out and make fun of the poor Sango.
But she was wrong; desert was the icing on the cake as it were…
The presentation couldn't have been better; the chef was a sick, sick person…
On the plate, sitting so innocently, was her Lady-finger pie, she heard her 13 year old brother snigger, she had hoped he was more innocent, but alas, no.
The pie, from above had a lady-finger lain across a huge whip of cream and a cherry sitting on the end of the `finger'.
Miroku had placed it on the table, face red and sweating, almost like he was trying not to laugh, she really couldn't blame him…
She destroyed the pie with her fork before trying it; she wouldn't be able look at it and eat it.
Looking up, she seen her parents, her father with cream around his mouth and her mother teasing him with her cherry, she didn't like them so she was feeding it to her husband.
Sango was almost sick at the scene, pushing her plate forward; she buried her head in her arms, willing the world to end soon.
A/N: since it was in such high demand to see what happened after the window incident, (a whole of three reviewers…) I put it up today completely out of the blue, it needs more work to it, I don't think it was done as well as it could have been, blame my `mind mush', but I'll get back to it before the next update which won't be for two weeks.
Thanks too:
Youko: (we should start a club…)
Drake220: (I only know children from what I observe of my cousins, I don't have any brother's or sister's of my own… sadistic? Why thank you! I try…. Here's a peeping tom, I'll try to do both, Miroku, is quite hard to do in a situation of his own, because he seems to me like someone, that embarrassing things wouldn't bother him so much, if that made sense… Oo, some people are just like that, but I'm sensing a challenge in him now so I'll try my best!! Thanks for all the reviews!!)
Anvil: (was about time I got Kagome, she almost escaped for another few chapters…)
YoukaiObsessed: (your so sweet, I love you so much, you were my first reviewer on this story ^__^, Thanks, I hope I get over it soon too, it's really reeking havoc on my school work.)
Getfuzzyfan04: (I love the get-fuzzy part of your name, brilliant, thanks for all your reviews too, and for sharing all those moments, I can't believe that all happened to you, `special hug's' will happen to you one day as well now…)
Thanks to everyone for reading too!!
I'm open to constructive criticism, your moments, and moments you'd like to see!!
Please review!!