InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Monarchy ❯ Ringleader ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3: Ringleader
“Almost got it,” Kagome whispered cheering herself on as she continued to pick the lock. The internal mechanisms were beginning to wear down from the constant movement of the bobby pin. Then with a soft click… she was free. That little noise, even as minuscule as it sounded was like thunder in her ears. Worried that the men over by the fire might have heard the noise she looked over to where they sat. Noticing that they were eating and talking amongst themselves she continued her work on her other wrist, and her freedom.
“Hey what are you doing over there wench?” yelled InuYasha.
“Nothing,” said Kagome in a panic, but then calmed after his choice of words sunk in and added in annoyance, “and I have a name you stupid dog!”
“Woman are supposed to be seen not heard god damn it!” InuYasha fumed as he turned around to stare angrily at the fire. “Do we have to wait for Sesshomaru to get back to kill her?” he asked loudly to make sure that the damsel on the wall could hear his every word.
“I'd like to see you try…” Kagome muttered under her breath.
“Bitch I could take you with one hand behind my back.”
“Oh right and what was that a few minutes ago?” Kagome replied cockily while concentrating on getting her other wrist free. She could hear an angry growl rise from the direction of the fire. She laughed silently to herself ~ He makes it to easy to push his buttons ~
“Take it easy, she isn't that bad. You should try to be nicer to her until Sesshomaru returns,” said Miroku trying to calm his friend.
“Yeah mutt-face you better be nice to my woman,” Kouga said defensively.
“Your woman?” Miroku and InuYasha asked.
“Yeah my woman,” the two men across from him just stared as if he had grown a second head. “What did you expect? She already turned down Miroku. She doesn't like you and since I'm the only real man left… she will be mine. She's the perfect kind of broad to raise my pups.” For the second time that night the man with the fuzzy white ears fell over with laughter.
“What makes you think you're her type?” asked Miroku letting the girls word from earlier roll of his tongue with a jealous edge to his voice.
“Why not? I'm more than capable to please her and to love her, so why wouldn't she love me?”
“Wolf you are crazy, you know that. You can't honestly think that you and that bitch chained to the wall are going to fall in love and everything will be all roses and butterflies. That the two of you will even have a chance to live happily ever after and not have a care in the world.” With the wolf's nod he continued, “Did you forget about where you are? About Naraku?” With the expression of recognition lighting up on Kouga's face InuYasha let out a sigh and continued, “None of us, and I repeat none of us can have any ties other than the ones we have made to ourselves. Otherwise Naraku will use them against us… like he did with Rin.” There was a solemn silence the Miroku broke it with some lighthearted words.
“Why that is the most intelligent thing I've ever heard you say InuYasha,” Miroku stated with an awkward laugh trying to turn the topic to brighter things.
“Besides,” InuYasha continued, “who would want to mate with something like that? She's loud, obnoxious, and smells.”
“I don't care what you say she is still my woman,” Kouga replied stubbornly.
While the men were fighting amongst each other Kagome had freed herself from her bonds and was sneaking over to the exit. ~ How dare they talk like I'm not even in the room. Oh wait I'm not suppose to be. Wonder what war they're talking about… and I don't smell! That stupid, sorry excuse for a dog he's lucky I'm going to escape or he'd be dog food. ~ Kagome thought smugly as she got down on her hands and knees crawling over to the way she was forcibly dragged into the cave. She was almost there when she heard the monk.
“I wonder if the Lady Kagome is hungry. She's been pretty quiet.” Miroku said as he stared into the flames.
Panic shot threw her to her core. Kagome crept another few steps, shot up, and ran toward the waterfall and her sanctuary. ~Freedom~
“I'll go check,” said Kouga as he got up from his spot stretching his sore limbs, all of the men by the fire were oblivious that the little women in question was running to her freedom. Kouga went back to the wall where they had left the female, but she was no longer there. In a panic he ran back to his friends by the fire.
“So is the bitch hungry?” asked InuYasha, still staring into the fire like it held all of the answers in the world.
“We have a problem,” Kouga said as his friends eyes turned to him.
“What is it now?” asked Miroku.
“She escaped.”
Slowly the gears in the other men's heads started to turn. It took a whole minute for that information to sink in.
“What do you mean she escaped?” InuYasha asked dangerously calm, his anger rising with each passing moment. He gave the wolf the benefit of the doubt, still not sure if his ears were back to normal yet he waited for him to repeat what he said.
“I mean she's gone, ran away, disappeared, vanished, flew the coop, escaped, missing, lost, not there , omitted, nowhere to be found…” Kouga went on and on until InuYasha stood up and hit him over the head.
“You idiot, how'd she get out?!?!” he yelled at the top of his lungs, the bats flying about over their heads trying to get away from the racket.
“How should I know? I was out here with you two the whole time!” Kouga tried defending himself.
“Well since she is your women I'd figured you'd keep better tabs on her,” said InuYasha sarcastically.
Miroku let out a chuckle, but soon turn serious, “we'd best find her before Sesshomaru returns, or it might be our heads.”
“You're right Miroku, where could she go though?” InuYasha said walking over to the fire and grabbing a piece of wood out of the fire to use as a makeshift torch.
“She couldn't have gotten very far so she has to be hiding around here somewhere.” Kouga added doing the same as his half-dog counterpart.
“Alright, Kouga you look over by the prisoner cells, Miroku you go look by the back exit and I'll check the main chamber.” Miroku and Kouga went over to their designated areas and started their search. InuYasha stood in the same place calmly sniffing the air trying to find where she could be hiding.
Somewhere in the tunnel…
Kagome followed the tunnel knowing that it would lead her to the waterfall. After she ran for who knows how long she could see where the torches abruptly stopped. She looked back to see if anyone was following her and gracefully tripped over a stalagmite.
As she fell she braced her body for the impact of the hard cave floor. ~Uh-oh… this is going to hurt. ~ But, to her surprise, instead of the cold and jagged cave floor she came face to fur with something soft and fuzzy.
Before she had a chance to look up the furry thing moved like a yo-yo. It snaked its way around her waist and arms. It constricted her, pinning her arms to her side and her legs together.
Just as she thought it had stopped moving it turned her around so that her back was against something warm, firm, and vibrating. Kagome slowly opened her eyes and tried to turn around. She was rewarded with a growl that she felt before she heard.
“Who are you? Why are you here?” a silky voice boomed behind her. Though it was meant to scare her it was somehow comforting. For some odd reason she felt as if she knew the owner of the velvety voice behind her. Pushing the strange feeling aside to concentrate on her anger and hopefully her freedom.
“What does it matter to you?” Kagome asked rudely.
“It doesn't but if you don't want to die here then I suggest that you answer my questions. So I'll ask again what is your name and your business here?”
Kagome let out a sigh and unwillingly answered her captor's questions vaguely, “My name's none of your concern. As for why I'm here I was dragged here against my will by some dumb ass that thought I was this Kikyo person and I was trying to escape before you so rudely interrupted me . Now if you'll kindly let me go I'll be on my way.” Kagome finished calmly trying to walk out of her furry cocoon, but her plans came to a sudden halt as the thing holding her hostage pulled her back against the rock hard chest. She was so close to her freedom that she could taste it, but this man was keeping her from it, and she'd do anything to escape and get home.
“Woman, I do not like the tone of your voice. You will treat this Sesshomaru with respect.”
“And you, can kiss this Kagome's ass! Now let me go. I have rights.” Kagome yelled as she began to struggle. She started wiggling and squirming, trying to free herself.
“Do you wish to die?” the voice said behind her as he made the downy object tighten around her. Kagome could hear the anger in his voice, but she didn't care. She was desperate to get back to her time. Her struggles intensified, but then slowed as her breath begin to escape her until she was gasping for breathe. Her squirming dwindled and then finally stopped.
“Coward,” Kagome managed to gasp out, “what kind of man are you?”
Now what Kagome didn't know was that she had hit home. Nothing meant more to this man than his pride and honor; she had unknowingly attacked both by calling him a coward.
Sesshomaru spun her around so that she was facing him and for the first time he looked into her hazel eyes, and she looked back into his molten gold depths with such ferocity Sesshomaru could do nothing but accept the challenge. Molten gold met honey hazel.
“You dare call this Sesshomaru a coward. You have guts little human, but they won't save you. Now die,” Sesshomaru said deathly calm. This woman had insulted his honor and he wasn't in the mood to oblige her antics.
Kagome felt the furry thing leave her body exposed once again to the cold cavern air. Kagome hissed at the cold and took a big gulp of air, but it escaped, cut short by a large hand on her throat. Sesshomaru raised her into the air by the hand on her slender neck. Kagome's slender hands went to the man's magenta striped wrist trying to get him to let go. As he looked straight into her eyes He was surprised, though his face didn't show it, that her blue-green eyes held no fear, nor did they hold the desperate look most humans had before he broke their necks. This woman's irises showed depth of her soul and it only held anger, defiance, and pride, something her had to admire. For a human woman to have such emotions inside of her in this time period was very rare, especially for said woman to act upon them in such a manner.
Before he could complete his death sentence and end the women's life a loud crash heard down the tunnel followed by a string of curses interrupted their little `encounter'. Sesshomaru loosened his grip and let the damsel fall on to the ground. Kagome, now free, gasped for breathe.
“You…” Kagome said in shock that quickly turned to anger, “you tried to kill me.”
The tall man in front of her didn't reply he just grabbed her around her middle, hoisted her over his shoulder, and headed back toward the core of the vast cave, and her captivity. It only took a few moments for Kagome to recover from her shock of being thrown around like a potato sack, but when she did she started to pound her fists against her captors back. The clawed hand squeezing her thigh and a growl renewed her persistence.
“Woman if you do not cease your squirming this Sesshomaru will be forced to break all of your fingers and drag you back by your hair.” Sesshomaru said with a hint of anger in his voice. Kagome's struggles stopped.
“You wouldn't dare…” Kagome replied in a threatening voice twisting to look at the back of his head.
“Would you like to test that theory?” He asked while craning his neck to look back at her.
“Never mind you would,” she said seeing no amusement in his eyes and remembering how he had almost strangled her back down the hall. “You'd like it to you sick freak,” She added under her breath. Sesshomaru heard her, but showed no signs of stopping before their destination had been reached.
“Then be a good bitch and stay still.” He retorted.
“Please refrain from calling me a bitch.”
“Well what am I supposed to call you? You refused to tell me your name.” Sesshomaru said impassively looking straight ahead.
“Oh… it's Kagome,” Kagome said as she turned around and fell slack on his shoulder felling defeated and a little foolish. ~God Damn it I was so close. Why doesn't anyone in this time know how to treat a lady? ~ As Kagome was sulking over his broad shoulders Sesshomaru continued down the line of torches. Kagome started to hear the voices of her former prison guards up ahead. ~ Oh great back to Curly, Larry, and Moe. ~
“You brainless monk, how could you let her get away?” Kouga yelled from the back of the cave.
“Oh and how is this now my fault. Beside you and InuYasha are the ones with `superior senses' why didn't you hear her escape,” Miroku stated mater of factly while looking behind a boulder.
“Well stupid, if you and Kouga weren't fighting over whose woman she was going to be than I might have heard her escaping.” InuYasha said in his defense as he threw his torch back into the fire watching it burn and cackle, while moving down into a crouching position.
“Besides she couldn't have gotten too far without us hearing her big mouth.”
“First of all mutt-face you're just mad because she kick your ass and escaped without you knowing. Second you were arguing more than Miroku and I. Thirdly there is no disagreeing over it, she is my woman!” Kouga made his speech as he walked over to the fire.
“Well Kouga you can have her, but you have to find her first before… shit!” InuYasha said as he turned around to see an angry demon with the girl in question slung over his broad shoulders.
“Before what?” Sesshomaru asked fatally calm looking down with his emotionless mask in place. His voice drew the attention of the other men and they walked over toward their captain.
“Well you see Sesshomaru, the woman you have over your shoulder was our prisoner before InuYasha and Miroku let her escape.” Kouga said innocently as his companions made noises of disagreement behind him.
“Kouga you lying sack of shit you know full well that you were the one not doing your job.” InuYasha yelled in anger.
“InuYasha if I'm not mistaken this little woman struck you down while still chained to the wall.” Kouga said adding fuel to the fire by poking at the dog-eared man's pride.
“Well wolf-boy if you weren't to busy talking about her than watching her then she wouldn't have escaped in the first place.”
As InuYasha and Kouga were arguing about whose fault it was that Kagome escaped Miroku stepped forward and greeted Sesshomaru.
“Sesshomaru what a pleasure it is to see you've returned alive and well. I'm sorry for the circumstances of your return but the young woman over your shoulder was more of a problem then we anticipated.” Sesshomaru just took in the chaos in front of him before uncharacteristically sighing.
“Stop your inarticulate excuses monk; I'm not in the mood. Take the wench and tie her up. I'll question her after I mediate on the current situation.” Sesshomaru said as he threw Kagome toward the monk and walked back into the cave. The tired edge of his voice didn't go unnoticed by his comrades.
The two fighting males behind Miroku stopped their arguing as their captain walked pass them and over to his corner of the cave. Taking in his appearance it was obvious that he had no luck in finding Rin. It was also obvious by the look in the monks eyes that he was about to do something stupid.
As Kagome fell into the monks arms one of his lecherous hands fell to far down south, landing on her rump, but he didn't stop there he squeezed a couple times for good measure. Now form Kagome's perspective it had been a shitty day already. She had been man handled, chained to a wall, accused of something she had nothing to do with, and to top it all off this monk didn't know when to quit.
Having her frustrations boil over she cocked her right fist back and let it fly right into the monks jaw. As he fell to the floor with that lecherous grin plastered on his face even as he was overcome by unconsciousness the men behind him could only shake their heads and chuckle at the perverted ways of the monk.
“Alright,” Kagome gritted out of her teeth, “that's it! I have had enough of the manhandling, atrocious accusations, and the vulgar display of manners. What kind of men are you? Don't you know how to treat a woman?” with the shocked look of the men in front of her she continued, “well for starters you don't throw them over your shoulder, bound away, then tie them to a wall and accuse them of doing something until you know they did it. Haven't you heard of `innocent until proven guilty'? And another thing you do not call them `bitches' or, or, or `wenches'.”
Kagome tirade went on and on until Sesshomaru stated rather calmly from the back of the cave, “Are you men competent to silence her, or must I do it?”
“It would be my pleasure,” InuYasha said as he came out of his stupor and stalked forward until he was so close Kagome could feel his breath on her face.
“Hey what are you doing?” Kagome asked in a frenzied voice right before the dog-eared man's hand came up toward her face.
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~^~Estel- OMFG! I am so so so sorry for such the long wait. This chapter isn't even that long, but I figured that a semi-long chapter was better than having you fans wait another week. I'd like to congratulate Zack, Morgan, Paula, Jerry, and Danielle on getting their driver's licenses and to the class of 2005. Have fun at collage guys we'll miss you next year. I'd also like to congratulate the class of 2008 on making it through freshman year, between broken bones, saran wrap (hehe^_^), screwing tortoises, and the last week gun threats at HHS we somehow made it through another year of school alive. Anyways, again I'm sorry for such the long wait, but between softball, the almost Columbine incident at our school, work, and driver's training I have had little or no time to write. Thank yous all around to my loyal fans for keeping up the reviews even though I always seemed to vanish off the radar for a few months. Toodles and May the Force be with you! LoL Star Wars Rocks My World!