InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Money vs. Booty ❯ Slow down ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Goth Kag : I do not own Inuyasha
This fic was inspired by Bobby Valentino `Slow Down'
Inu: Who?
Goth Kag: No one u would know. On with the story!
“”- taking
Inuyasha Takahashi is the richest guy in New York and he's the biggest player. He thinks he can get every girl he wants and get them to do whatever he wants; well that's where he's wrong.
Miroku Love is a perverted and Inuyasha's best friend. He gropes every girl that passes him. He is best friends with Sango and Kagome. He also lives with Inuyasha.
Sango Tashi is a tough girl who doesn't take shit from any body. She is roommates with Kagome her best friends.
Kagome Higurashi is the girl every guy wants she hates play boys from earlier experience. She's best friends with Miroku and that's how he met Sango and she hates Inuyasha
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Chapter 1
“Wake up Inuyasha!” yelled Miroku kicking Inuyasha off the side of the bed. “Miroku what the hell was that for?!” Inuyasha yelled back. Miroku glared at him.
“Don't tell me you forgot about us meeting Sango?” Miroku yelled back eye twitching
“I guess it slipped my mind.” Inuyasha smirked “Not that I really care about your love life.” Miroku through him a red t-shirt and a pair of dark blue baggy jeans;
“Anyway she's bringing a friend.” Miroku said going to his bathroom to fix his hair. Inuyasha already put on his shirt and pulled up his jeans.
“Do you know who she is?” Inuyasha asked as he tried his hair back in a pony tail.
“Nope, ready to go?” Miroku said coming out of the bathroom. Inuyasha put one his shades.
“Yep.” They walked down the ball room stairs to the oak doors. Inuyasha opened them to see three different cars.
“What are we taking? The Hummer, the Ferrari, or the Porsche?” Miroku eyed the cars
“How about the silver Porsche?” Miroku said walking towards the car.
“I really don't care witch one.” Inuyasha got in the driver seat and Miroku got in the passengers (oh and the door's go up when you get in ^_^)
In about 15 minutes they were at the café where they were supposed to meet. Inuyasha got a couple winks and he just smiled one of his playboy smiles.
“Hey Miroku!” Sango yelled. She was sitting at one of the tables outside of the café.
“Hey Sango.” Miroku said taking a seat right across from her. Inuyasha pulled up a chair to the left of her. (It was a round table with 4 chairs)
Inuyasha looked around, “Hey where's your friend?”
“I don't know,” Sango said looking around. “Oh there she is!” she pointed to the right. Inuyasha and Miroku looked down the side walk and saw a girl coming.
Inuyasha was in aw. She was beautiful, no, she was gorgeous, no, she was sexy. She was wearing low cut jeans and a small shirt that showed her stomach. He walked down the side walk as if she was on a run way with her black sandal heels.
She walked towards Miroku. She screamed, “Miroku!” She ran into his arms, “How long as it been?” She let go. Inuyasha examined every curve in her body as she walked to the seat on the left of Sango.
“What's up?” Sango said smiling at the fact she caught Inuyasha checking out Kagome.
“Inuyasha, this is Kagome.” Miroku said. Kagome's smile turned in to a frowned. The Sango got up, “I'm going to get some coffee what do you guys want?”
“Mocha.” Kagome said
“Latte.” Inuyasha said smiling one of his `always get the girl' smiles.
“I'll go with you.” Miroku said getting up. He and Sango walked into the café.
Kagome kept an eye on Inuyasha. Sadly, Inuyasha noticed this.
“Like what you see?” Inuyasha said as a smirk played on his lips.
“Actually, no, I don't.” kagome said with nothing more then a huff
Inuyasha was in shock. No girl has ever said that to him. Usually if he used that line they wound blush or start to flirt or something!
“Close your mouth, I know dogs pant but have some self-respect.” Kagome said and right when she said that Sango and Miroku came.
“Kagome have some manners.” Miroku said smirking Kagome looked up at him and smiled.
`You want to flirt, Inuyasha? Fine I'll flirt.' Kagome smiled at the thought
Sango and Miroku caught this,
`When Kagome smiles to herself, things are not going to end pretty…' They both thought. They shuttered,
Today was going to be a long day.
Goth Kag: Okay that's the first chappie REVIEW