InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Money vs. Booty ❯ In th pouring rain.... ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Goth Kag: Hey remember: if you don't review I don't remember!!
Inu: She's just that dumb.
Goth Kag: …I don't own Inuyasha, but I can do this. (erases Inu's mouth)
Inu: weadfch!
Goth Kag: Huh? What was that? *snickers* See he's better off. ^_^ On with the story!
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“That inferior woman!” yelled a very angry Inuyasha as he looked in his king size mirror. He could hear snickering and giggling out in the hallway. Maids. Who needs them. Inuyasha thought.
“Wow she must have done something awful to you; I mean you never say that big of wor-ahhhhhhhhd!” Miroku just walked to see Inuyasha sitting on his silk bed with a hair cut from hell. His bangs were different sizes, the white fur on one ear was shaved bald, but he had no split ends. Miroku ran into Inuyashas closet and grabbed a black baseball cap.
“No one, I mean no one deserves to see that!” Miroku said as he put the hat on Inuyasha. Inuyasha glared. “What the hell did I do to deserve this?” Inuyasha said as he flopped on is bed as if he had been defeated.
“Maybe you need too show her you want her.” Miroku said like he was taking to himself.
“I've tried that and I ended up getting punched in the face and wine in my hair.” Inuyasha yelled now standing up hovering over Miroku.
“No you tried to use your `play boy' antics to get her. Like go to her apartment with flowers at 8:00 at night, that kind of stuff.” Miroku said. Inuyasha looked at him tiredly. “What if she doesn't let me in? Then what Einstein?”
“Exactly why you go when it's dark; I have know Kagome since the 5th grade if you wait there for a while she will eventually let you in.”
“Then when she lets me in I can sweep her off her feet with my charm and-”
“NO! If you do that she'll kick you out! You have to be yourself, the Inuyasha I know not the playboy Inuyasha act you put on for the magazines!” Miroku yelled.
“I didn't have to slap me!”
“Hey have you ever hit yourself! Your jawbone hurts!” Miroku said rubbing his hand.
“Anyway the `play boy' act got girls you know.” Inuyasha said he smirked to himself trying to remember the girls he got, but all he saw was Kagome. He frowned.
“Well if you want Kagome to even to look twice at you, you better be yourself.” Miroku said. He got up and walked out of the room, then came back with a piece of paper.
“She lives on the corner of Sakura and Shikon; in a red apartment building on the 3 floor number 399. Her window is right by the sidewalk so you just have to stand on the corner.” He handed Inuyasha the piece of paper. Then walked to the door; He looked at his watch.
“You have about a half hour before it gets dark and she is already home. Oh and her favorite color is-”
“Pink. I know.” Inuyasha smirked
“Actually it's green.” Miroku smiled to himself as he walked out of the room.
“Cocky bastard.”
&&&&&&&&&&& Inuyasha's POV &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&
I was raining. Miroku did not say anything about rain!
Okay, clam down; I got the blue flowers mixed with red roses. Now to find the apartment. I looked around and saw a red seven story apartment. That has to be it! I ran across the street to the corner. I walked into the building; it was actually every nice looking for an apartment building. I walked in and saw an old man abut in his 80's.
“Does Kagome Higurashi live here?” I asked politely well kind of.
“Yes, but I can't send you up there in less see wants you to come. Just a sec.” He pressed some buttons then held down a big red button on what looked like a call box.
“Miss. Kagome?” He asked he waited awhile then another voice came on.
“Yes Mygoa?” It was Kagome!
“Mr. …umm…” He turned to me, “What's your name?”
“Inuyasha.” I answered; His eyes went wide.
“Mr. Inuyasha as come to see you, you want me to let him up?” I crossed my fingers hoping she would be nice so I didn't have to strand out there in the cold rain.
“No thank you.” She said my face dropped. I should've known.
“Sorry, I can't let you in.”
I walked out into the rain. I should've taken a hat, but no, since I'm half demon my hair grew back last night. I stood on the corner and picked up a pebble and through it at the third window facing him.
The curtains were moved to the side then Kagome's beautiful face appeared. She rolled her eyes at me. I held out the flowers. Hopefully she lets me in. Sadly I was mistaken, she just shut the curtains. The wench.
I sat out in the rain; my hair, my clothes and I even think my boxers were soaked. I began to shiver. Why won't she just let me in? Was I that much of a jerk? I looked up at the window to see a little boy in Power Rangers pajamas looking at me. Was that her kid?
Wait…HER KID?! What the hell?!
He looked at me with big brown eyes like Kagome's then he turned and yelled at someone. Kagome came up to the window, she looked down at me then her face softened; and she left.
She must really hate me. Damn. Am I really that bad that any girl who isn't boy crazy would hate me? Then the plump man from the counter came out, “Kagome will see you now.” He said. My heart skipped a beat. Maybe I have a chance! I ran in and up the stairs to the third floor. Number 399. Number 399. Ah here it is I went to the last door on the right and knocked. Water fell from my shirt, pants and hair. The door opened, it was a little boy about 9 years old.
“You must be Inuyasha, right?”
“Yeah.” I shivered. Then an angel came to the door, she was dressed in an over-sized t-shirt and bike shorts. I gave a small wave and handed her the flowers. Her eyes widened she looked at my than I felt her hand feel my forehead then both of my cheeks.
“Are you sick or something? Sota, hurry and go get him a towel, I think he caught something.” He ran in giggling at her comment. I scowled,
“Can't a guy bring flowers to a girl? Or is that a crime, too?” She led me into the apartment, it was actually very nice. The furniture was brown and the carpet was tan. There was a kitchen and an island and a big TV. There was a short hallway with a bath room and a room. On the other side there was a room. On the couch there were some blankets and a pillow. Then the kid brought a towel. Kagome walked into one f the rooms.
“Here. That was nice of you to bring flowers, you know. I can tell Kagome likes you.” He looked up at me with big, childish, brown eyes and smiled. Kagome likes me? Who is this kid anyway?
“And you are?” I asked
“Oh I'm Kagome's kid brother Sota.”
Then Kagome came out of the room brushing her hair. She looked at me, then looked away. I dried myself off then gave the towel to her.
“Thanks.” I said as she took the towel and walked to another room then came back.
“Well?” She looked at me.
“Well what?” I said back
“Aren't you going to leave?” Then Sota jumped up from the couch.
“Kagome! It's raining cats and dogs out there and he probably walked here! You can't kick him out!” He yelled. Go Sota! You tell her! I mentally cheered him on.
Sota: 1 Kagome: 0
“Oh yes I can! I'm not having a perverted flea bag in my apartment!” I growled at this. Flea bag? Flea bag! I have you know I do not have fleas! And by the rules of authority:
Sota: 1 Kagome: 1
“Hey you let Miroku stay here and he's perverted!” Miroku that jack ass. I can't believe he stayed with Kagome!!
Sota: 2 Kagome: 1
“But we have no room!” she yelled
Sota: 2 Kagome: 2
“He can sleep with you! You guys are both mature!” Sleep with Kagome? I imagined her in a black lace bra and underwear. Ohhh it's getting' hot in here! So take off all her clothes! And by the score board…. Sota wins with a whooping 3 points!
“Fine he can stay…” Kagome grumbled, “But if he tries anything it's back into the rain!” she stomped into the bathroom. I felt the kid looking at the back of my head. I turned to him, “What?” I said annoyed
“Hmm…you're better then the other boyfriends my sister as had.” He smiled. A big creepy smile.
“Oh?” is all I said waiting for him to go away. Then I felt his little hand grasp the collar of my t-shirt and pull me down to his level.
“But if you hurt her I'm going to have to kill you.” He said with the same big smile. I looked at the kid with shock. He let go of me and skipped to Kagome's room. What the hell just happened?! He came back with a guys blue t-shirt? Why the hell would Kagome have-…Aww hell no am I going to wear so horny old boyfriend's shirt!
“Here and you can just wear your boxers with it.” He said as he lay down on the couch and fell asleep. I changed into the shirt and went into Kagome's room. It was an ivy green room and the bed was bigger than I thought it was going to be. Her scent was all over the room, it smelled of lavender, rain, mixed with sakura blossoms.
I laid down on her bed and took in her scent. It intoxicated me; I was getting high on her scent. I closed my eyes, then I heard the door open. Before I could open my eyes a soft hand covered them. “Don't even think about it.” I took her hand off of my face and pulled her on to the bed. She held her towel around her tighter.
“I don't think about it; I dream.” I looked at her then lowered my lips to hers I was only inches away when…
“That was low even for you, you jack ass!” She got up picked up a pair of plaid shorts and black tank top and walked out of the room.
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Goth Kag: Poor inu…review!!!
Inu: You pervert I would never do that to Kagome!!
Goth kag: *pulls Miroku out no where* It was his idea!!
Mir: What the hell?!