InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Money vs. Booty ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Goth kag: Sorry I was grounded for alonggggg time!!
&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&& Inuyasha POV &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&
Man, its dark in here. There was a guy holding a flash light holding out a ring of keys. I grabbed them. He turned and pressed a button that opened the entrance door. We walked in, I looked down at Kagome, and she wasn't smiling anymore. Then another guy appeared,
“There will be two more people joining you on your quest out.” He said in an eerie voice. Join us? Great. We probably are going to get two high-pitched screaming girls. Two people walked into the room.
“Miroku? Sango? What are you doing here?” Kagome said softly. Yeah what are they doing here! Ruining our good time that's what their doing here! This was supposed to be our date not some friends with friend's trip! Then Sango hugged Miroku's arm,
“Miroku asked me out. I had no idea you were coming here.” Sango said smiling at Kagome. I glared at Miroku, he smirked. That little son of a bi-
“Please move on through the doors there is a line.” A voice said from the back. I pulled out the keys as we walked into the double doors into more darkness. In the middle of the room was a little girl tied up to a chair with a TV in front of her, she was watching static. We moved to see what she was watching. Then the TV started to shake. Then a dripping wet gray arm came out of it. Kagome and Sango screamed.
Another arm came out then a horrible gray face with red eyes , it grabbed the little girl and bit into her neck.
“Inuyasha lets get out of here!” Kagome yelled as she grabbed my arm. I nodded and grabbed the keys. We ran to the other door. I tried the first key and stuck it in the lock. I turned it. But it wouldn't turn.
“Hurry up!” Sango yelled
“I'm trying! I have to find the right key!”
“You don't know?!” Miroku yelled
“Shut up!” I gammed the third keys and turned it. The door opened. I grabbed Kagome's hand and pulled her in. Sango and Miroku ran in too. I shut the door. What kind of whack job makes a person come out of a freakin' TV? This room was white, different, but better then the dark. We slowly walked in, taking a precaution. Kagome let out a sigh of relief.
“Thank god were out of there.” With that said she leaned against the wall. I sat down with my back against the wall also. I looked up at her; you could tell she was scared. I felt a pain in my heart because I couldn't prevent her from feeling scared; frightened. I felt my heart thump loud in my ears. I banged the back of my head against the wall. Why does she do this to me? Why Kami? Why?!
Then a scream rand though my ears.
I shot up from my place. I turned to Kagome. She was where the scream came from. Hands. White hands came from the wall and grabbed her and began trying to pull her into the wall.
“Kagome!!” I yelled as I dived for her. I grabbed her hand.
“Inuyasha!” She screamed as half her body was engulfed into the wall. I pulled her hand as hard as I could, but it pulled harder. “Kagome what ever you do NOT let go of my hand!” I yelled at her as I pulled.
“I don't know how long I can hold on!” She let out a scream as it pulled her in even more. I turned my head to look for Sango and Miroku, I gasped. They were standing there stuttering at a man stumbled toward them with a gun in hand. The man laughed and pointed the gun at them.
Let gooo of the giirrll…” He slurred. I growled at him. The hands around Kagome pulled harder it only her face and arm were visible. I felt my feet slide toward the wall. Oh shit. I pulled harder on her hand. My heart stopped. She then let go of my hand. I felt her small fingers unwrap around my wrist as the wall pulled her fully in.
“Kagome!” I started punching the wall. “Kagome!” I heard a laugh from behind me, I turned to face the man. I slid over to Miroku and whispered in his ear;
“Listen, you need to distract him while I'll open the door, got that?”
“Load and clear.” He said back “Hey! I bet a two year old can beat the shit out of you, easy!” The man stopped laughing and glared at him. This is my chance. I sprinted for the door, grabbing a key as I went. I shoved the key into the lock and turned it. But it wouldn't turn. I grabbed another; nope. Come on! I shoved another key into the lock and turned it; click! Yes!
“Sango! Miroku! Come on!” They ran for the door. We rushed in, slamming the door behind us. We heard another door open on the other side of the room. We froze, getting ready for anything. Then a slim figure came out and ran toward us. I stood my ground. I felt two arms wrap around me as the thing pulled itself into me….