InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Money vs. Booty ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~~Last time~~
We heard another door open on the other side of the room. We froze, getting ready for anything. Then a slim figure came out and ran toward us. I stood my ground. I felt two arms wrap around me as the thing pulled itself into me….
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“Inuyasha! It's you!” Yelled Kagome as she hugged me. I looked down at her. She scared me nearly to death!
“We got to get out of here! Come on!” I said to them as we walked through the room….
Room 3: Chainsaw man
Room 4: Freddy and Jason
Room 5: Sea of Blood (rising I might add)
Room 6: Zombies
Room 7: Deadly Mirrors
“Thank god! The end of the forest!” Kagome ran out into the gift shop, out of the exit door of room seven. Sango ran with her, I smiled. We finally got out of that hell hole. Miroku let out a sigh of relief. Miroku picked something up off one of the counters.
“Look at this,” Kagome, Sango and I walked over to him, “It seems a famous singer is going to be singing today at the stadium.”
“Does it say who?” Kagome asked
“Nope. It says it's a surprise.” Miroku chuckled
“Wow a famous singer!” Sango said taking the brochure out of Miroku's hands.
“We have to go see it!” Kagome said grabbing my hand. Not that I had a problem with it. I let her drag me to the stadium with Sango and Miroku close behind. We got there, but it wasn't really a `stadium' more of the lunch place. There were booths and tables all around. People were coming in fast too. I ran up to the waiter giving away tables,
“A table for 2 please.” The waiter nodded and led us to our table along with Sango and Miroku in the booth next to us. Kagome was already looking at the menu.
“What do you think I should get the salmon or the steak?” She asked.
“I'm getting steak.” She smiled and laid down her menu.
“Then I'll get the salmon and try some of yours.” She grinned
“Who said I want to share?”
“I nominated you.”
Ladies and Gentleman! Give it up for the star of this evening, Koga Wolfe!” The crowd went wild. People were cheering, teens were screaming and kids were jumping. I growled at the name.
“Thank you all!” I watched him scan the crowds then his eyes landed on us…that is Kagome. I growled as he smiled and gave Kagome a wink. She blushed at the attention she was getting.
“This song goes out to that lovely lady sitting in booth 5, this is for you.” He said seductively as he pointed to Kagome. He lifted the mike to his lips as music began to play…
(backround) Yo….
(koga) “Tell me fella's have you seen her?(looked at all the guys)
It was about have minutes ago
When I seen the hottest chick
That had never seen before
I say yo
Tell the other girls I want to meet her
On second thought that an't the way to go
I have to give the game proper
Spill it so she get it if she is I got to stop her
Or should I talk about her smile?
Or what about her style?
I'm out of time; she out the door
I got to make her mine; I think I'll say yo
I don't know your name but excuse me miss
I saw you from across the room
I know you tryn'a leave but excuse me miss
I saved the last dance for you!.....”
After taking Kagome's hand (against my will) and danced with her while he sang to her the rest of the song. I glared at them as they went cross the dance floor. Who does he think he is? Taking my girl? Oh, he was going to pay dearly for this one.
Kagome came and sat down; by this time the fucking food was already here. I glared at her from across the table. She looked at me.
“Don't give me that shit! You are MY date not his!”
“It was just a dance!”
“I don't give a damn-!”
“You do NOT own me!”
“What makes you say that!?” By this time we were standing up and yelling like there was no tomorrow. By the way did I tell you that she looks sexy when she's mad? I didn't? Well she does.
“I'll tell you make's me say that!” She picked up her glass of red wine and splashed it in my face. She set the glass down, and turns around to leave.
“You can't leave!” I yelled rubbing the red wine from my eyes. She turned around and flipped me off.
“Kiss my ass, dog boy.” She walked out. Damn it. Damn her. Damn me! I ran after her, I ran out side and looked around,
“Kagome!” I yelled then I saw a slim form talking to a man. No not to any man, this man had to be the infamous Koga Wolfe. I stomped toward them. Wait. If I yell then Kagome will hate me even more. I stopped walking and looked around. Then I saw a bunch of people dance by a stage. I smiled to myself. I walked forward.
“Kagome.” I called as I met her gaze. Koga glared at me.
“What do you want?” Kagome spat.
“I just wanted to say that--”
“Haven't you said enough, dog turd.” I glared at him. Then looked back at Kagome.
“Like I was trying to say was I'm sorry. I was out of line. I wondered if I could make it up to you.” I smiled at her. She looked up at me, and then looked at Koga.
“See ya, Koga. I guess I could give him another chance.” Koga's jaw went slack. I felt myself fill with pride. I offered my hand. She took it but still looked at me like I was going to pull a dagger at any moment. I pulled her toward the dance floor.
Then they started to play, “Like you” By Bow Wow and Ciara. I smiled. Perfect. I put my hands on her waist as she slid her arms around my neck. We moved to the song.
[Verse 1 - Bow Wow (Ciara)]
Now I done been with different kind of girls
Like I done seen em all but ain't none of them at all (like u)
And I done seen the best of the best
Baby still I ain't impressed cause ain't none of them at all (like u)
If you know how I feel when I chill
If I'm seen with a girl then she gotta be just (like u)
She looked up at me,
“What's the catch?”
“Can't a man just say sorry then ask a woman to dance?” I chuckled.
“Yeah. But not you.” She smirked at me. She stepped closer and put her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her tighter. I smiled to myself as I took in her sent, damn she smelled good.
And baby that's the way I feel
And I got no choice but for me to keep it real
Cause when we first got together started hanging out you was
Skeptical at first had to figure out if
I was the kind of guy to try to dog you out but
I ain't that kind of guy you tried to make me out
You found out when you turned into my baby
I showed them other brothers how to treat a lady
I let you drive when I ride that Mercedes
And I ain't trippin or actin shady cause baby you kno
“You know Inuyasha. I read you all wrong, I thought you'd be some stuck up, no good, ugly, son of bitch playa like all the rest of them. But I guess I was wrong.” She whispered. I smiled ear to ear. Oh yeah! Who's the dog!
“I'm glad you don't see me like that or we'd have some problems.” She giggled.
“I guess you're right.”
[Hook - Bow Wow & Ciara]
I ain't neva had nobody show me all the things that you done showed me
And the special way I feel when you hold me
We gone always be together baby that's what you told me
And I believe it (Cause I ain't neva had nobody do me like u)
[Verse 2 - Ciara]
And every time I think about you (I cry)
When you ride when you call when you come I (ride)
Your love is a-mazing to me
Can't wait til I see you (I wanna be wit you again)
And every time you're out on the road (I make a trip)
And whenever I'm doing a show (Don't you forget)
That I'm your (main chick)
Who got that (game chick)
One and the (same chick)
The one you can hang with
She looked up at me as the second verse ended. I looked into her chocolate eyes. Damn she's beautiful. I moved my hand from her waist and put it behind her neck gently. I leaned forward, but I notice that I didn't need my hand there because she was leaning forward herself…
[Hook - Bow Wow & Ciara]
I ain't neva had nobody show me all the things that you done showed me
And the special way I feel when you hold me
We gone always be together baby that's what you told me
And I believe it (Cause I ain't neva had nobody do me like u)
Her lips brushed across mine gently. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips against mine. I put my arms around her waist. She tasted so good. I licked her lips. She stepped forward into me, rubbing her self against me. Her tongue grazed across my fangs as her fingers massaged my ears. I moaned as I slipped my tongue into her mouth. I felt my lungs needing breath. I broke our kiss, my chest was heaving as my lungs grabbed for breath. Her chest went up and down also.
“Damn, you're a good kisser.” I whispered in her ear. She giggled.
….And the special way I feel when you hold me
We gone always be together baby that's what you told me
And I believe it (Cause I ain't neva had nobody do me like u).
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