InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mononisuru ❯ Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The sun shone through the single window on the small hut, just enough light to
wake one of it's sleeping occupants.

Slowly opening her eyes, Kagome yawned and tried to move but felt a weight
wrapped around her waist, the more she moved the tighter the grip got, sighing
she gave up on moving, taking her hand to reach behind her, feeling for something,
finding the soft ear she genteelly began to rub it, hearing what she thought was a
low growl, not an aggressive growl, but a pleased one, removing her hand she laid
there thinking about the events of the previous night, a smile graced her lips, as she
snuggled up closer to the body behind her.

Feeling her move InuYasha cracked his eyes opened, tighten his hold on her, he
placed a kiss on her shoulder, "Good Morning" he whispered in her ear, smiling when
her felt her shudder, Sleep well?"

Blushing she nodded her response

Unwillingly he released her and stretched, "We should get going" he said

Nodding again, she asked her voice low, "Um... could we... find a place so I... uh...
we... I mean if you want us to... um take a bath?"

Rolling her over onto her back to look into her eyes he smiled at her "Of course 'we'
can" emphasizing the 'we' part, he lend down capturing her lips in a passionate kiss.


Finding a hot spring near by they quickly took a bath and was heading in the
direction of the village they were suppose to be going to.

InuYasha stopped suddenly "Oi, Kagome"

"Yeah?" she answered a little confused at his actions

"We should be close enough to the village for you to be able to sence if there is any
jewel shards near, right?" he asked with a thoughtful look on his face

Realizing he was right she answered him "I should, but I don't" she frowned
"Honestly the only jewel shards I have felt was when we saw Kouga"

"Hmm, Let's head back to Kaede's, we should get there by tonight"

"Okay" Kagome said now very confused

InuYasha started walking in the direction of Kaede's village, glancing over his
shoulder to watch Kagome. She was walking slower then normal, thinking to him self
"after last night, I'm surprised she's even standing" blushing at his thoughts as images
of the night before replayed in his head.

Kagome was lost in her own thoughts, as she slowly made her way down the path,
her body aching and protesting with each step she took.

Finally InuYasha couldn't take it any longer, he turned around and walked back to
Kagome "Would you like me to carry you back?" He asked in a teasing tone with a big
smile on his face.

She looked at him, and smiled weakly, a blush rising to her checks, looking down at
the ground she whispered "If you wouldn't mind"

Taking her chin carefully in his hand, bringing her head back up so he could look in
her eyes "Not at all" his ton both loving and caring, giving her a quick kiss, he turned
around, and knelt so she could get on his back "Besides it'll be faster"

Smiling at him, she climbed on his back.

As soon as she was settled he bounded off as fast as he could towards Kaede's.
One word ran through InuYasha's mind 'Mine'

They reached Kaede's as the sun was going down, InuYasha put Kagome down so
she could walk to Kaede's hut.

They both walked in to find their friends around the fire pit getting ready to eat,
Kaede looked up and smiled "Welcome back, are ye hungry?"

Kagome yawned and shook her head, not saying a word she got her sleeping things
out, curled up in her sleeping bag and was asleep before her head touched the floor.

Her friends watched her in shocked silence, InuYasha watched her with a knowing
smile on his face.

Miroku was the first to speak "InuYasha, is Kagome all right?"

Dropping his smile for his normal look InuYasha smirked "Of course she's all right"

Looking at his companion closer Miroku noticed a hint of something in they way he
spoke, deciding to speak his next question to see if he was right "It is most unusual
for Kagome to fall asleep like that, are you sure she is well?"

InuYasha started getting annoyed with Miroku "I'm positive, how would you feel if
you walked all day and all night with only having one break?" he snapped his question,
then added looking at Kaede "Just to find out you had been sent on a wild demon

Kaede dropped her eyes to the fire, refusing to make eye contact with the hanyou.

Sango cleared her throat and said "I'm heading off to bed, good night all" and she
got up and left.

Miroku taking the hint did the same thing

InuYasha kept his eyes on Kaede, sitting down

Kaede spoke but didn't look up, "I trust ye did not find the jewel shard?" her voice a
little shaky

"How could we find something that was never there?" he hissed "You planned that,
didn't you?"

Sighing in defeat "Hai, InuYasha, that I did" she looked up expecting to see a very
angry hanyou ready to rip her apart, Kaede was completely surprised to see a smile
on his face, she raised a brow, but said no more.

"Good night, Kaede" InuYasha whispered, as he got up and walked over to Kagome,
he opened the sleeping bag and crawled in next to her, and whispered over his
shoulder to Kaede "Arigato"

"Good night InuYasha, and you're very welcome" Kaede whispered back, with a
knowing smile on her face.

InuYasha's last thought's of the night was 'mononisuru issai mononisuru itsuma' he let
sleep take him with a smile on his face as he held the one he love close to him.
