InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Monster ❯ Part Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Ok guys, this is the last segment of my wonderful story! ::crickets sing in the background:: Fine! ::sticks out my tongue:: Well, here it is anyways. A special thanks to Neisha, torturedinuhanyou, EmeraldoftheFlame, GothMistress, dark daimon fate, and crazie-foe-u for reviewing, it means bunches and bunches. I love each and ever one of you. (Not in the stalking way.) Thanks! DarkDiamon could you stroke my ego anymore? I felt so special, especially when you said you couldn’t rate it because there was no rating good enough and that it was in a class of its own. I wanted to cry out in joy. You will never realize how much it means to me. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the Inuyasha characters, though how I wish I did. But of any of you steal my masterpiece, aka. plot to this story, I will personally order Inuyasha to use his Wind Scar on you. Thank you!

Category: Anime: Inuyasha

Genre: Adventure/Action/Angst/Drama/Horror/Romance

Rating: R (M) just to be safe, mainly for gore and descriptive scenes.

Summary: His eyes were deep pools of magma, burning and smoldering in the depths of the cave. His breath was hot embers against her deadening skin, burning and singeing her quivering body. And his talons were lethal knives, poised and ready, willing to slaughter all who got in his way.

By: CowgirlUSA

Kagome Higurashi, a normal teenage girl from Tokyo, Japan with your everyday, average school. She had several friends, some closer than others, and a boy who was hopelessly in love with her. She had a mother, a brother, and an overly fat cat who sat around all the days, and yawned with fatigue. And within this small group, they all lived within a shrine, she, now the head priestess.

She had fought demons of such degree that no one could possibly understand, not even her family who knew her secret. She had killed her love’s body, sent it down, spiraling deep into the recesses of Hell. Kagome traveled through a time well, where the dimensions joined, and formed one, where she could pass freely.

She had been kidnapped, for her powers, and for her beauty. She had, on countless times, almost been raped by lustful youki. She watched her friends die, watched them struggle for breath, seen them regretfully leave the land. She had seen it all, and yet had much more to experience.

Yes, Kagome was your everyday, average teen with a two tailed youki neko, and a sacred well that traveled five hundred years into the past. She was the time keeper, a precious and sacred human blessed with the powers of the gods. She held the world upon her shoulders, and bore the strain of protecting it from the forces that wished it gone.

And as the day rolled on, and the December chill blew through her window, Kagome awoke to the beeping of her alarm clock. Her life was normal, now. Everyday she awoke early, dressed in her uniform, skipped breakfast, said her goodbyes, and patted Kirara on the head, before bounding out of the house, leaving her family to wonder if she would return.

They feared for her health, as they should, for her depression grew with each day, strengthening in its grip as it pulled her further into a hole. She always awoke with a pillow full of tears, and a dry throat that hurt all the day long. And so, with these words, I leave you to read the final segment of her story.
B irds chirped, their callings of winter bliss falling on deaf ears, for in the room that they sang before, laid a motionless body. Her breath was uneven, the horrors still flashing before her eyes, the alarm not saving her until the climax of her dream. Sweat poured down her flawless face, the clammy coldness of her skin burning the hand.

Mrs. Higurashi watched her daughter with hooded eyes, her expression unreadable to the untrained eye. But deep down, she feared the worse. She knew what it felt to lose someone you loved, to see them die before your eyes. She had no idea the true happening in the past, for Kagome hadn’t truly spoken since her return, but she knew, deep down, that they were all dead.

All of them. No one had survived, and Mrs. Higurashi knew that if something didn’t change, if Buddha didn’t intervene, her daughter would leave one day, and not come back. They would find her somewhere, most likely, floating along a river, her blood dying the bluish liquid.

Closing her eyes, Mrs. Higurashi banished those thoughts from her mind, denying the existence of their truth. She couldn’t handle it, couldn’t comprehend that one of her last joys could slip away from her again, and leave her in her own world of night.

Kagome stirred, and so Mrs. Higurashi gave the girl a lingering glance, and slipped away unnoticed, out the bedroom door.
8< br> 8
Kagome awoke suddenly, her breathing irate, and her lungs aching with harsh use they had to endure. She wanted to scream, her frustration welling up, and gushing out, wanting to release completely. Her life was a living hell, she had had an idea of that before she ever returned, but never did she dream of it being this terrible.

It had been months since her battle with Satan, and she had yet to move on, and Kagome doubted she ever truly would. She could still remember the blood, even though he was consumed, she remembered the thick red fluid flying through the air as he disappeared forever. And she knew no therapy could ever erase the images that plagued her, erase her past.

It could not be forgotten, could not be lost, it was an impossibility. Kagome would forever be impaled with reality that haunted her vision.

Standing, her muscles quaking beneath her, Kagome launched herself into her daily routine. The same steps that were made everyday were taken, the same dull ache of her hair being pulled against her scalp as the brush worked its way through the tangles. The same mint flavored toothpaste that whitened her teeth, and made her gums tingle.

She walked to the same closet, and grabbed the same uniform that left modesty in the wind. Yes, Kagome was now normal, and everyday beauty that did what she was told, and gave her friends and family support.

Turning once more, Kagome kissed Kirara on the head, bidding her goodbye, and rushed out the door, a pack resting on her shoulder.

She made her way down the winding stairs, picking her treks carefully so as not to stumble over any forgotten toys that her niece had left in her wake. She had forgotten the last time, and had fell, tumbling down the stairs at alarming rates.

Kagome shrugged the weighed down bag off her shoulder, put on her facade once more, and skipped into the kitchen. She knew, deep down, that they knew, but she had to try, try to make their lives easier, and not have to worry about her.

“Morning, mum,” Kagome locked eyes with her mother’s and gave the elder woman a warming smile.

“Good morning, dear, how did you sleep?” Mrs. Higurashi turned back to the frying eggs, knowing her daughter’s practiced answer before its fell from her lips.

“Good, and you?” Kagome sat on the floor before the small table, glancing at her grandfather’s old place, and letting her thoughts wonder.

“Fine, just fine,” Kagome jerked her attention back, and trained her thoughts upon her mother, scrutinizing the lines upon her face.

“Good, I’m glad,” she was at a loss, she felt the tension coiling in the air, felt the pressure of some unnameable emotion that swirled itself around the oldest woman. “How’s Tsuzumi?”

“She’s fine, her father’s got her right now,” Kagome nodded her head, shifting uncomfortably as the air filled more with that feeling.

“So, is Chizuka going to ever come see the baby?” her mother’s depressed facade gave away her answer long before she said.

“No, her parents think it was all his fault. I’m afraid Souta has just, officially, became a single parent,” Kagome wanted to hold her mother, but restrained as the fore mentioned party joined them.

“Hey, bro! Happy Birthday, you’re finally sixteen!” Kagome jumped to her feet, and rushed to her baby brother, ready to congratulate him on another year older.

“Thanks sis, hey, could you take Tsuzumi for me,” his hair was disheveled, and she could tell that the news of the child’s mother abandoning them had hit him hard.

“Sure, Souta, sure,” the room once again became silent, the occupants no longer wanting to celebrate.

Kagome looked fondly down at the small babe that rested soundly in her arms, and tears of regret sprang up. The tiny child looked so much like Sakura, the heir of her two best friends, that she could feel her pulse quicken, and regret fill her. She had guessed, though history never mentioned the little life, that she had met her demise just like the other’s.

Wiping the tears away, she joined her family in the blessing of their meal, the aroma wafting to her nose. She was hungry, yet she was not. Kagome had a void in her stomach that could not be filled, no matter the food that occupied it. It grew in intensity each day that passed, seizing her until the wracking sobs shook up her throat, and made her heart sound like thunder.

Smiling at the other’s, Kagome gently sat Tsuzumi down, keeping her keen eyes on the blue eyed girl. The small legs and arms hit out, and her tiny giggles lessened the nervous atmosphere of earlier, making all smile in turn.

“Kagome, aren’t you hungry, dear?” Kagome turned to her worried mother, and looked down at the steaming food.

“Um, not really mom, I just don’t have the appetite anymore,” looking at her brother, who looked sadly at her, she quickly gave him a peck on the cheek, and ran out the front door. Away from their questioning glances, away from their wondering minds.

Kagome knew that they worried, for she worried herself at times, the deep depression driving her mad with tears. She was angry, anger filling her for more than one reason. She hated how fate had treated her, how Buddha had looked down upon her, and not lessened her load. She wanted to scream, to yell, and to run far, far away.

And with that urge, Kagome ran down the streets, ignoring the startled glances of the other citizens of Tokyo.
The school loomed ahead, and Kagome’s pace slackened, she had felt free with the wind rushing through her hair, did she really want to give that all up? To give up on the feeling of that weight completely lifted, to forget the feel of no cares for what is happening. No more responsibility, to just give it all up, to pass it onto someone else. She wanted too, she knew she did, but it was impossible, she would burden no one with this fate.

Hanging her head in defeat, Kagome paced herself, silently counting the seconds as each foot fell, and as each step got her closer to her Hell. Closer to the people that she thought of as friends, or rather the people that insisted to hang around her person, nagging until she was in a blind rage. Closer still to the one that insisted on them seeing one another, that thought of them as a couple. And closer to the pitying glances to herself and her brother for the little bundle of joy that resided at their home.

She could hear the whispers of thousands of students, feel their lingering gazes. Her eyes met one pair, and they hastily turned around, startled that she would realize their actions. Sighing, Kagome went on, further ignoring the constant throng of teens and their over zealous emotions that swarmed like thirsting bees.

“Kagome, there you are, I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” turning in surprise, Kagome came face to face with Eri, her bubbly attitude shining from every corner of her body.

“Oh, good morning, Eri-chan,” giggling, Eri fell into step by the modern day priestess, chatting happily.

“Can you believe it, the last day of school!” her squealing made the other cringe, her eyes closing in pain.

“Yeah, I know, pretty awesome, huh?” shrugging her shoulders, Kagome opened the double metal doors, the cold handles branding her warm hands.

“So, since its getting close to Christmas, I was wondering, do you want to come to my Christmas party tonight,” Kagome looked at her friend, pity welling up as she was about to decline the offer.

Sensing this, Eri quickly went on again, rushing out her words in an attempt to persuade her friend. “Please Kagome, it’ll be so much fun. There’ll be music, dancing, punch, and you’ll get to meet my cousin and his friends from South Haven College. PLEASE!”

“Alright, I’ll go,” shrieking, Eri waved happily to the two girls, Yuka and Ayumi, up ahead, and Kagome silently wondered what mess she had got herself into this time.
“O h, Kagome-chan, Hojo is soo kawii!” Kagome rolled her eyes for the hundredth time, debating on whether it was smart to slap one of her good friends.

“Listen, Yuka, if you like the guy so much, why don’t you ask him to the Christmas party?” Kagome pushed the remnants of cooked carrots on her tray, wishing that they would disappear from existence.

“But, Kagome, isn’t he your’s, I mean, he is still totally in love with you, and he probably wants you to go with him,” Kagome sighed, for Yuka was right, in most accounts, but she wasn’t going anywhere with that man.

“Listen, he’s not mine, I’m just not interested in that type of guy. And though he may still hold feeling towards me, I can assure you they are one-sided. Listen, if he tries to use something like he’s going to ask me, tell him I’m going with someone else,” Eri nodded in agreement, excited about the party that she would be hosting.

“But, who?” Ayumi seemed to scrutinize her friend, boring her eyes into the chocolate orbs of the sad one out of the four.

“Oh, just make someone up, I could really careless on who you said,” Yuka brightened at this, and nodded with enthusiasm, gleefully thinking of ways to catch the boy in the halls.

“So, Kagome, if Hojo isn’t the man in your life, are you saying that that Inuyasha guy is still in the picture?” pain stabbed her heart at that thought, ripping and tearing through the organ until the repairs which had begun were now unwound.

“No, I’m afraid not, something happened, and we’re no longer together,” hanging her head, Kagome tried to keep her tears in check, to halt the onslaught of rivers that threatened to fall.

“Oh, Kagome, I’m so sorry,” Eri held her hand in comfort, rubbing her thumb over her skin, speaking to her in kind words.

And so went the rest of their lunch hour. Kagome staring absently down at her full plate, lost in thought as horrors unimaginable wiggled along her path. Eri cooing comfort and talking of grand things in hopes of cheering the girl out of her spell. Yuka thinking of her possible date with the smart, and gorgeous Hojo, who had disappeared for this period. And Ayumi, who watched the priestess with a hidden expression, her gaze traveling and learning all the secrets that were not said.
8< br> 8
Ding Dong

Kagome twisted her hands, scolding herself for following through on her ridiculous promise, she could of easily got out of it. But no, she just had to be the truthful friend and actually show up, through the turn out didn’t look too bad, not bad at all.

Staring at the large amount of vehicles, she mentally concluded that the entire senior class had showed, and brought some friends. Smiling as another couple got out of their cars, Kagome turned to greet them as she always did, cheerfully bringing joy to the one’s around her. But what she saw caught her breath, and made her mouth run dry.

They were there, all of them, the picture of what they once were. The one’s that were supposed to be gone, to be dead back in the past were walking her way, talking nonchalantly to one another.

The Miroku look alike had the same raven hair pulled snugly at the nape of his neck. His easy grin and companionable air were the same as when she had watched him fight for his daughter, and to protect herself as much as he could.

Then came the female, the Miroku look alike’s arm was swung around her shoulders, holding her body close to his. She had the same rosy cheeks, the same long glistening hair, except it was now brown, and slightly, but not much, shorter than what it was five hundred years ago. Her slender, yet muscular arms were wrapped around the abdomen of the monk, hugging him fiercely.

And then came the last one, the one that made her want to run and jump into his arms and hug him til he turned blue. He had midnight black hair, unlike the silver that used to adorn his crown so fluently. But at the very top, though to the untrained eye they would have gone unnoticed, were two perfect triangle ears that flattened themselves against his skull. His amber eyes locked with hers, and some form of recognition passed through, before they closed off, and became uncaring.

Staring, her mouth agape, Kagome was sure that she looked as if a fish out of water, her brain trying to regain control. She had thought she had seen it all, thought she had seen the sweetness of heaven, and the darkness of hell, but she hadn’t seen anything yet.

Blinking, a blush rose to her cheeks, the realization that they now stood in front of her, smiling warmly and looking worriedly at the small human who couldn’t seem to even breath.

“Oh, Kagome! You’re here!” well, if she couldn’t breath before, she definitely wasn’t doing any better at that moment.

Yuka had grabbed a hold of her, squeezing her as she thanked for the wonderful date with the mystifying Hojo. His sweet nature and winning smile had spun its web on the poor girl’s heart, and Kagome couldn’t be happier for her.

Squeaking in surprise, Eri appeared upon the threshold, her bewildered expression taking in the spectacle critically, eyeing the two hugging pair.

“Oh no! Kagome, I am so sorry, I should of known this would be too much. The turmoil of breaking up with your beloved, it must be heart wrenching, come here,” joining in on the hug, Kagome silently prayed for an end.

The young miko could feel the tears of suffocation roll down her cheeks and fall of her chin, the coughs dying in her throat. She tried to escape, her flailing turned pointless as the arms only became tighter around her.

“You guys, let her breathe,” sighing relief that someone with sense had spoken, Kagome silently thanked Ayumi with a nod of her head. “No problem, I could see you weren’t emotionally troubled, just physically.”

Laughing at her friend’s humor, she wrapped her arms around the other two’s shoulders, pulling them into the warmth of the home, the trio following wordlessly.
8< br> 8
Kagome could feel his eyes upon her, following her every move as she spoke to each person, laughing and teasing like old times. She knew he heard everything she said as she smiled gayly at the occupants. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment as he continued to assess her body without shame, scrutinizing every detail until it was ingrained.

Her eyes tentatively locked with his, and a gasp erupted from her throat, those amber eyes burning heatedly into her chocolate orbs. His stern features completely opposite to his companions who were thoroughly enjoying themselves this fine evening.

Sighing for what seemed like the hundredth time, Kagome walked awkwardly away from the crowd, congratulating herself on her fine performance. One more hour, and she was free, free to go home and cry herself to sleep, free to be herself as anxiety slipped back into place. Yes, in a little bit, Kagome could go back to being normal, or what she considered to be a normal her.

Settling herself down in the corner, the chair uncomfortable, Kagome tapped her polished nail against the grain of the arm. She felt suffocated in the small enclosure, the large mass of sweaty bodies clogging her senses and causing her to feel nauseous. Her stomach twisted and turned as the bile worked its way up, burning and eating away at her esophagus. She remembered a day when she loved this, but ever since then, she had loved the wide open space of parks and such.

Shifting once more, she found the entire place trifling, what was the point? This was their last year, Kagome was a senior, and would be bidding that horror a long overdue farewell. She would miss them, yes, but the school was overrated, and she longed for the freedom she had felt in the Feudal Era.

“Kagome, my cousin would like a word with you, if you don’t mind,” turning to Eri’s kind face, Kagome smiled, finding nothing more important to entertain herself.

Standing, and looking once more at the antics of her fellow classmates, Kagome followed Eri’s lead, wondering what her relative wanted with her.
Kagome was greeted by three faces, all of which were smiling and talking avidly without a care in the world. Their auras felt of kindness, and welcoming, no hostility within their bodies that she could process.

“Here, I brought her Ronin, are you happy now?”Kagome stared at the girl in curiosity, she had never heard Eri raise her voice to anyone.

“Yes, dear cousin, thank you, I appreciate it fully, now, if you’ll please excuse us,” Ronin’s voice was soft, and commanding all in one.

“I never!” Eri stomped her foot once and strolled out the door, her nose in the air, and couldn’t help but wonder what had gotten into her, maybe someone spiked the punch.

“Please take a seat Lady Kagome,” the Miroku look a like patted to a seat beside him, and instantly Kagome felt uncomfortable, was this man like the monk she remembered?

“I don’t think so, Yukio, you’re hands go nowhere to night,” the woman sat beside the man, glaring at his innocent facade that had washed upon his youthful face.

“Aw, my dear, what makes you think I would do anything of the sort?” his face looked hurt, but the woman ignored his antics, and stared once more at the young school girl in front of them.

“Take a seat Kagome, yes, in that chair, as far away from this hentai as you can, let me warn you,” her hand covered her mouth with humor, laughing out as the one beside her glared at her.

“Ignore them, they are both fools,” those amber eyes bored holes into the couple, and immediately their mouths shut, heads hung in shame. “Welcome priestess, I am sure you are wondering why we called upon you.”

“It did cross my mind, yes,” butterflies arose in Kagome’s stomach, swirling and growing as Ronin stared at her, he looked so much like him, and yet was so different.

“Well, let us start off with the woman, her name is Miyoko, and is the reincarnation of the Sango you remember, besides that, she holds no connection,” frowning, she looked into the other’s eyes, and found a totally different personality than what her friend had been.
“Then comes Yukio, the reincarnation of the monk Miroku, and as you can tell, is also part of his lineage, for he bears that wind tunnel you remember,” and indeed, when the man held out his hand for inspection, a glove and beads hung loosely there.

“But how can that be? Miroku died, Sango died, how can he be from them?” Kagome turned to Ronin, disbelief swelling deep within.

“Yes, they did, but Sakura lived. Afew kind hearted villager took her in, and raised her as their own, she grew up to be one of the greatest warriors of all time.”

“But the history books never mentioned her, I know, I read them over and over in hopes of finding some proof of her survival.”

“Yes, but when did you check those books?”

“Right before that battle happened.”

“Exactly, check them again, Kagome, whether you want to believe it or not, they tell her tale now.”

“No, you lie, I’m sorry, but history cannot be changed, cannot be altered no matter what.”

“Oh, but you did it, you did it Kagome, you changed the way the gods had meant it to be.”

“That’s impossible, isn’t it?”

“We thought so too, but, oh well, I guess we were all wrong!” Miyoko clapped her hands in excitement, gleefully jumping in her seat. “Do you still have Kirara?”

“Yes, but how do you know all this, I’m not completely sure I want to believe that you are all reincarnations of my friends, you could have just read some history book for all I know,” Kagome looked at the occupants in the room, Miyoko looked flabbergasted, unsure of what to say, Yukio looked unsure of how too put his thoughts into words, and Ronin just smirked.

“For one thing, Kagome, for the sake of your protection, the history books mention nothing of a miko traveling through times, they put Kikyou’s name instead of your’s,” Yukio looked at her smugly, thinking he had caught her, and she would now believe them.

“That doesn’t matter, do you not think I didn’t know of Miroku’s journal, the only think that would of recorded the truth. How do I not know, by some strange circumstance, that you didn’t stumble upon it?” Yukio opened and shut his mouth, unable to speak for he knew not how to prove to her that he spoke the truth.

“Kagome, I have no need to read any of those silly books of your people’s,” Ronin looked to the priestess, his eyes cold, too cold to what she was used too.

“And why is that?” he may intimidate others, but he would not do so to her, Kagome had fought too many youki with that same look.

“Because I was alive then. Granted, I was just a pup, but I was still able to remember my father.” his voice held sadness, and so Kagome guessed was the cue for an exit, because his companions immediately left.

“Who was you father?” Kagome couldn’t but hold a certain suspicion on who it was, for the eyes were so familiar.

“Lord Sesshomaru, and my bitch was Lady Hitomi.”

“Nice term.”

“Sorry, you’ve got to remember, I’m an inu, and that’s what we call them.”

“Ok, yeah, but if you remember you’re father, then how are you the reincarnation of Inuyasha, since you would have been born before he died.”

“Yeah, that, you see, approximately two years after that, my lands were attacked, and my mother was killed. I was terribly injured, critically, and to the extent that I fell into a coma, with no hope of survival. I guess, that’s when it happened. Inuyasha’s soul came into my body to help it heal, and so I became the reincarnation. I have looked over the lands ever since then.”

“Do you still own them?”

“Yeah, they’re not too far from here actually, I made sure Eri’s family lived around here so I could keep a close eyes on them.”

“How are you Eri’s ‘cousin’?”

“That, oh, well, I really don’t have any idea to tell you the truth. I simple met her parents years ago, and she has called me cousin ever since. There is no relation by blood, but we still love each other as such.”

“And she doesn’t suspect anything?”

“You mean about me not aging, she already know all about what I am, its no secret.”

“So, if you’re Sesshomaru’s son, then how are you a hanyou?”

“I’m not, I just look it. I suppose I changed appearance when Inuyasha’s soul entered my body.”

“So, do you dislike humans as your father did?”

“No, how can I, there too many of them. And besides, I have been betrayed by as many youki as I have been humans, there is not much difference to tell you the truth.”

“I see, this is all very interesting, but I do not believe a word you are saying.” Kagome sat with her legs crossed, drumming her fingernails upon the arm rest.

“What can I do to make you believe me?” his voice was as teasing as her’s, as mysterious as someone who had lived five centuries.

“Proof,” she said it simply, yet he knew what she wanted, and he agreed readily.

“Then come with me, unless you’re afraid,” his voice mocked her, and she smirked in turn, she knew not why she felt at ease with this youki, but she did.

“Me, scared of you, what a laugh!” yet when she placed her hand in his, an electric pulse worked its way up her arm and down her spine.
“Will my father’s swords suffice?” Kagome watched in wonderment as the two swords fell into her hands.

“How can this be?” Kagome held the two heirlooms with care, it had to be true, at least the part about him being the son of Sesshomaru, for only the heir of the great lord could weald these.
“I told you I was his son,” she couldn’t deny this, for it was true, and even more so, the Shikon no Tama, which had been dormant, now began to burn with an intensity she had not encountered before.

It pulsed, and pulled against her neck, reaching for the sword that pulsed in her hands. Tenseiga had a heartbeat, or so it seemed, for it beat steadily along with the stone, joining in the same rhythm that the room had grown accustomed too. Kagome stared wide eyed, unsure of what exactly this meant, what form of magic this was.

Looking at Ronin, fear took hold, something was wrong. His head was bowed, and his clawed hands gripped his head in agony, a low deep whisper spilling from his lips.

“Kagome, run, get outside, and run!” Kagome didn’t know why, but she refused to leave him, he might need her help.

So instead, Kagome did the one thing that would send him over the edge, she rushed to his side. With a mighty howl, his eyes turned red, something she hadn’t seen for several months, and she shook in fear. Backing away, the young miko looked around, desperately searching for something that might aid her. Finding none, she felt the hopelessness of the situation, and quaked silently.

Screeching in surprise, Kagome tried to dodge Ronin’s leap, tried to escape from his path, with no such luck. She landed hard upon the floor, the wind knock from her lungs as she looked up at the ceiling where the entranceway to the room was. They had slid several feet, and the weight upon her was not helping her regain her composure.

Staring into those feral eyes, Kagome felt completely lost, she was at his mercy, whatever he wished to do, she could not stop. Shivering with fright, she felt his nose sink to her neck, taking in her scent, and making her giggle despite the situation. He nuzzled her skin, sensing her scared aura and trying to comfort her as best he could.

Without another moment, Ronin pushed his lips against Kagome’s, and the two fell into heaven. Kagome had never felt like this before, never before had a kiss been built up with this much passion, with this much emotion. She clung to him, unable to hold onto anything else as they spiraled out of control. Their tongues danced in a waltz as old as time, their bodies pressing together in a fashion that had been known since the dawning of the world.

They parted, and Kagome once more stared up at those amber eyes, no longer encased in scarlet red. The crimson had disappeared, just as her fear had. For some odd reason, though she knew not why, and wanted to smack herself for thinking such a thing since they had just met, she felt at home. This felt right, no matter that she didn’t even no this man, or rather youki’s, last name, no matter, it still felt like she belonged here, safely tucked away, underneath the strong body of this male.

“Sorry,” his breathy response only made her chuckle as she brought their foreheads together, her own breathing just as irregular as his.

“No problem, none what-so-ever,” and out of the corner of her eye, Kagome smiled once more as she kissed him again, and saw the shimmering green of a mistletoe twig hanging from the archway above them.
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A/N: OK, I thought the romance a bit rushed, to put it honestly, but I still liked how it turned out. Um, to answer a few questions that may arise:
1) Ronin is the son of Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Hitomi and is the lord over the Western Lands.

2)Kagome and Ronin are in the castle upon those lands, and Ronin is not a hanyou, he is full youki, but looks hanyou because of Inuyasha’s soul.

3)Also, when I was talking about those crimson eyes, think back to the very first episodes of Inuyasha when Kagome and the hanyou go after Sesshomaru to stop him from gaining the Tetsiega. Right before Sesshomaru transformed into his dog form, he had glowing red eyes, well this is what happened to Ronin, his instincts took over for some odd reason, and he didn’t transform all the way.

4)And so, since he is the reincarnation of Kagome’s love, the two are destined.

Understand? I hope so. And I added the mistletoe since the setting is at Christmas, so Happy Holidays no matter what you’re celebrating.
