InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moon-cry ❯ Hakumi forest ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: yuyasha 
They have been walking for days now and eating nothing but fish. Inuyasha probley complaing about 'Man, where are we going?' and 'Always fish?!'.
"Whould you shut up, Inuyasha!?" Shippo barked and at the same time running behind Kagome for protection.
"What did you say runt!?" he growled, flexing his claws. Shippo jumped out from behind Kagome, pulled down his bottom eye lid and stuck his tounge out at Inuyasha. With that the chase had begun. Shippo, running as fast as his fox feet could carry him, dashed over to a tree and up it. Inuyasha was pissed! Finnally, he gave up. But he turned around to face the young kitsune, and raised his middle. He mummbled under his breathe.
"Little basterd, always pissing me off." Everyone else laughed. Miroku put a hand on his friends shoulder.
"Inuyasha.....haven't you relized yet? He must be scared or rather worried." Inuyasha looked at the runt and saw what everyone had. He dicided to shut up for awhile.
They walked along a river bank untill they came to a forset. It was all britch so it looked completly white. Shippo shiverd and as well as his tail started to freak out. He jumped on Kagome's shoulder and stayed there.
"Shippo," Kagome started." Why are you acting so wierd? You've been like this for three days now!" she sighed and followed her friends. While Miroku, Inuyasha and Shippo were up ahead, Kagome asked Sango.
"Why do you think he's acting this way?" She whisperd, hoping Inuyasha nor Shippo heard it.
"No clue, Kagome." She answerd, worry in her voice. As they walked along in the forest, Kagome senesed a shard and stoped dead in her tracks.
"Inuyasha, Theres a shard near by!" she shouted.
"Nani? whitch dicretion?" he asked politly. Kagome, surpiresed, anwserd.
"Straight ahead!" They ran as fast as they could out of the Hakumi forest and into a small, burned village. Shippo jumped in front and fear in his voice said, "M-Moon-cry....."
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action / Adventure / Hentai / Angst | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 02.15.2004 | Updated On: 02.18.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 27.9K | Visits: 464 | Status: Completed

They have been walking for days now and eating nothing but fish. Inuyasha probley complaing about 'Man, where are we going?' and 'Always fish?!'.
"Whould you shut up, Inuyasha!?" Shippo barked and at the same time running behind Kagome for protection.
"What did you say runt!?" he growled, flexing his claws. Shippo jumped out from behind Kagome, pulled down his bottom eye lid and stuck his tounge out at Inuyasha. With that the chase had begun. Shippo, running as fast as his fox feet could carry him, dashed over to a tree and up it. Inuyasha was pissed! Finnally, he gave up. But he turned around to face the young kitsune, and raised his middle. He mummbled under his breathe.
"Little basterd, always pissing me off." Everyone else laughed. Miroku put a hand on his friends shoulder.
"Inuyasha.....haven't you relized yet? He must be scared or rather worried." Inuyasha looked at the runt and saw what everyone had. He dicided to shut up for awhile.
They walked along a river bank untill they came to a forset. It was all britch so it looked completly white. Shippo shiverd and as well as his tail started to freak out. He jumped on Kagome's shoulder and stayed there.
"Shippo," Kagome started." Why are you acting so wierd? You've been like this for three days now!" she sighed and followed her friends. While Miroku, Inuyasha and Shippo were up ahead, Kagome asked Sango.
"Why do you think he's acting this way?" She whisperd, hoping Inuyasha nor Shippo heard it.
"No clue, Kagome." She answerd, worry in her voice. As they walked along in the forest, Kagome senesed a shard and stoped dead in her tracks.
"Inuyasha, Theres a shard near by!" she shouted.
"Nani? whitch dicretion?" he asked politly. Kagome, surpiresed, anwserd.
"Straight ahead!" They ran as fast as they could out of the Hakumi forest and into a small, burned village. Shippo jumped in front and fear in his voice said, "M-Moon-cry....."
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action / Adventure / Hentai / Angst | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 02.15.2004 | Updated On: 02.18.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 27.9K | Visits: 464 | Status: Completed
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