InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moon Dark, Star Bright ❯ Lollipop ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
=#= Lollipop =#=

Sesshoumaru sat reclined against a tree and looked off into the distance, deep in thought. The human girl Kagome had gifted Rin with several kinds of sweet candies that she claimed were left over from some holiday she celebrated with her family. He had claimed the chocolate for himself, of course, and left the rest for Jaken and Rin to fight over. Among the treats were sixteen large round lollipops and they had wound up being Rin’s portion of the candy.
Each day, Rin would eat one; slowly and methodically demolished the large round ball on the stick to nothing with long, slow sweeps of her tongue and noisy suckling.
Each day, he wished fervently that he’d left the chocolate well enough alone. The dark substance was addictive; and doing without it after he’d binged made him hungry. There was no more chocolate to be had–Kagome was the only way to get chocolate and he refused beg for it–so he was left craving other, less innocent things.
Like sex.
Watching Rin day after day lick and stroke and suckle those damn pieces of candy made him hard despite himself.
If she would just…
He killed that thought before it could finish; but it was too late to keep himself from swelling to full erection.
His mood darkened and he frowned with irritated frustration.
The idle chatter of Rin and Jaken was a constant background noise that he took little notice of until it ceased abruptly.
“Don’t feel bad, Sesshoumaru-sama!” Rin piped up from his right. He turned just in time for her to catch him off guard as she threw her arms around him and hugged him fiercely. Her knee contacted against that very solid something in his pants and he gave a soft grunt as all the air in his lungs exited them abruptly.
“Rin–Your knee–” he managed.
Immediately she was all concern, busy opening the front of his hakama to see where her Sesshoumaru-sama was hurt. Before he could regain enough coherency to stop her, the tie of his pants fell open and his erection was revealed.
“Its all swollen,” Rin murmured with sympathy, wrapping her small hand around it.
The cool firmness of her hold momentarily stole the words he was about to speak.
“Don’t worry. Rin’ll make it all better,” she continued confidently, and as her velvet soft lips brushed the tip, he lost all thoughts of protest
Jaken gaped at them both for several seconds, then recovered enough to open his big mouth–which he shut abruptly as Sesshoumaru sent him a murderous glare.
“I’ll–go water Ahun,” the little green youkai sputtered; yanking the two headed dragon’s reins with unnecessary force. Sesshoumaru and Rin watched him leave as he beat a hasty retreat. Then they turned back to look at each other.
Rin fiddled under his direct gaze, her thumb tracing the ridge of the head with slow strokes back and forth.
“Would you like Rin to kiss it again?” she asked shyly.
“Yes,” he fought very hard to keep the word from coming out as a strangled groan.
Her small, soft lips feathered over the sensitive skin of the tip as her second hand came up to wrap firmly around the base. He groaned involuntarily as she squeezed it in the process of her ‘kissing.’ A small bead of precum leaked from the eye as the light, sweet sensations of her touch excited him.
She looked up, noticing the white pearl. His gaze locked with hers over the tip of his erection.
“What’s that?” she asked innocently. “It’s leaking!”
He schooled his face into a worried frown. “It’s getting worse,” he told her solemnly.
“Oh no!” she replied with honest concern.
“But Rin’s trying to make it better!” she cried, tears beginning to form in her large, dark eyes.
“Shh,” he responded soothingly, reaching out with a claw to sweep the hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear. “I know. The white liquid coming out means you’re doing well. But there’s still more inside and it needs to all come out before it will get better. Do you think you can get it out, Rin?”
“How does Rin get it out?” she asked plaintively.
“Use your tongue to lick it off. Then suck it out with your mouth. Like eating a lollipop,” he instructed her gently.
She brightened instantly. “Rin knows all about eating lollipops,” she chirped, proud that she could help her Sesshoumaru-sama. “So just like that?”
“Yes, but without the teeth,” he cautioned her, still coherent enough to think of that detail.
“Oh,” she said with a nod, the logic of that apparent to her.
She stuck out the tip of her tongue and removed the pearl with a swipe. Instantly she grimaced; but then the look on her face became thoughtful.
“Something wrong?” he questioned her.
“It’s bitter and salty,” she clarified. “Nothing like a lollipop.”
Her small hands tightened around him and he bit back a groan as she dipped her head again. Her tongue came down and swirled over the tip, cleansing away the last of the precum. Her hot breath stirred and prickled along the wet skin of his erection, and then her mouth opened up and she sucked him inside. His breath slammed out of his lungs and his claws dug into the soft dirt as her lips closed around the thickness of him and the wet roughness of her tongue teased him. She sucked on him, making a small slurping noise, and he felt himself leak into her mouth.
Then she began to hum.
He almost came undone.
“Rin,” he choked out, “Why are you humming?!”
Her mouth lifted and he tamped down on the sharp wave of disappointment that swept through him.
“Because my mother always would hum to us,” she clarified timidly. “To make us feel better. You don’t like it?”
“No!” he replied a little too quickly and loudly, “I just did not expect it, at all.”
“Do you want me to stop?” she looked to him for reassurance.
“No,” he assured her, “No…please, continue.”
Her mouth enclosed him again and his claws reflexively clenched as the tip of him hit the back of her throat…and kept going.
“Rin,” he croaked out as the pull of her mouth on him increased and the length of him slid down her throat.
She withdrew again, and he muttered darkly to himself about keeping his mouth shut and just enjoying her ministrations.
“Did Rin do something wrong?” she asked softly, her face a picture of anxiety.
He coughed.
“I was worried you would choke,” he blatantly lied with a bland face, hiding his shock and wonder.
Rin’s worry melted from her face and she smiled that brilliant smile of hers.
“Rin won’t choke,” she piped easily. “I can swallow my whole arm. Wanna see?”
She lifted her arm to demonstrate, but he caught her by the wrist to halt any further action.
“I believe you,” he told her seriously. Then, unable to help himself, he asked.
“Why can you put your whole arm in your mouth?”
“Rin practiced,” she said proudly. “My brothers all had to give me their desserts ‘cause Rin won the dare! My oldest brother Ichiro said Rin would make some lucky boy a good wife someday!”
Sesshoumaru had nothing to say to that.
Rin’s dark head dipped, and the hot warmth of her breath brushed over the head, and then the sweet wetness of her mouth covered him. Her lips closed around him in a tight ring of suction and her tongue inside swept over the sensitive skin, licking away the white precum. She moved, lowering her head and raising her shoulders, extending her throat into one smooth extension of her mouth. The tip of his erection hit the back of her mouth, then the tight coiling muscles of her esophagus closed around him. He groaned as they tried to swallow him down in undulating contractions. He slouched against the tree, his whole body going limp as the heady pleasure of Rin’s ‘nursing’ permeated through his being.
His eyes were fluttering closed as he caught sight of Jaken’s little green face peeking out between the bushes.
Instantly he stiffened, shooting the imp a furious death glare. But instead of vanishing like the coward he usually was, the little green lackey crept slowly closer. He seemed to know it would take far more than just his peeping to motivate Sesshoumaru to follow up on the threat his eyes had promised. He noticed idly, through the hot haze of his ire, that Jaken was dragging something flat and heavy behind him as he crawled towards him and Rin.
Rin, completely oblivious to the silent argument taking place over her head, swallowed the rest of him, ticking the downy, steel colored fur at the base with her lips. She began to hum again, a sad lullaby whose tenor notes rippled through him like shockwaves, with the place where he was buried deep in her throat as the epicenter. Compulsively, his head fell back against the rough bark of the trunk of the tree and his eyelids sagged closed. He let out a long, low, whining moan as Rin sucked on him with long, strong pulls of her mouth. Thoughts of Jaken were driven completely from his head until a sharp noise rang out.
Rin jerked, and Sesshoumaru let out a strangled yelp as his hips involuntarily bucked against her sudden forward surge. His eyes flew open, and Rin rolled her eyes around to look behind her–his length still in her mouth–as they both stared at Jaken, who stood wielding a wooden paddle. Before either of them could react, he used it again.
The wooden surface contacted against Rin’s round little behind; and Sesshoumaru’s hips thrust forward to drive himself further down her throat in response.
“Jaken,” Sesshoumaru purred; the sweet, silent promise of a very slow, very prolonged death heavy in his voice. “Explain yourself.”
“Rin-chan’s a bad, bad girl that deserves a good spanking,” Jaken growled, eyeing the girl with hot envy in his eyes.
“Jaken,” Sesshoumaru said again in that midnight-dark, I’m-going-to-enjoy-bathing-in-your-blood purr. He pinned the small green lackey with a heavy lidded gaze that was at once frigid with ruthless intent and scorching with predatory anticipation. “You will excuse yourself from my presence and await my attention. Now.”
Rin, who had been watching the exchange, tried to say something around the thickness in her throat and mouth. She started to raise her head, but Sesshoumaru’s hand resting on her head stopped her. He allowed her to find enough room to breathe, but only that.
It greatly surprised Sesshoumaru when Jaken dared to hold his ground.
“No!” the imp demanded. “I have been your loyal servant for over a hundred years! I will not leave you in the incompetent, incapable hands of a human child!”
Sesshoumaru studied the little green upstart for a long moment, weighing the options of killing Jaken neatly and whether that would upset Rin enough that she would quit–or do something…unfortunate like bite him.
He decided to let Jaken live.
He glared at him a moment longer, then a very small, sardonic smile lit his face. He watched the imp squirm with gleaming amber eyes, twisted amusement slightly mellowing his mood.
“You wish to assist then?” Sesshoumaru asked softly.
“If it pleases my lord,” Jaken replied with a touch more meekness in his demeanor. Most of his resolve seemed to have melted away under Sesshoumaru’s deadly eyes.
Sesshoumaru’s smile widened and finally reached his eyes, the dark humor in his expression eerie and unsettling.
“Very well,” he conceded. He eased the pressure of his hand on Rin’s head.
“Please, continue,” he told her, his face and voice lightening to an almost gentle expression and tone.
Rin paused for a moment longer, her eyes meeting his. Whatever she read there seemed to satisfy whatever was bothering her, and with a deep breath she eased him back down into the dark warm tightness of her throat.
Jaken’s paddle sent Rin jerking forward; and his hips moved forward to intercept her.
With a soft sound, Rin swallowed more of his length.
With a gurgle, Rin’s tongue compressed against the hardness of him and she let the white liquid of his cum slide down her throat.
Her lips closed around him and she sucked, so that as he bucked into her mouth, the friction was glorious.
His hand on her head trembled in her hair and he asked, in a voice that wavered, if she would hum to him again.
She complied, the enclosing heat of her throat dancing softly around the length of him as her vocal chords vibrated.
“Harder!” Sesshoumaru urged Jaken as he surged into Rin’s mouth.
“Faster!” he growled demandingly.
The sound of Rin’s whimpers and Jaken’s pants was lost among the striking sounds of the paddle.
The smothered sounds of Rin’s painful cries and the pungent smell of Jaken’s sweat saturated the air.
The paddle hit the ground with a thump, and Rin’s tears dripping onto his abdomen finally registered. He raised his head with effort and looked at them both. He took in the teary, hazy eyes of Rin and the sprawled, panting form of Jaken. Leaning forward slightly, he turned back the end of Rin’s kimono, and pushed aside her undergarments to reveal the cherry redness of her bottom.
Some detached, logical part of him realized that neither of them could keep up the present activity long enough for him to find release.
He frowned.
With a tender, light touch, he wiped Rin’s tears away with his knuckles. She sucked greedy inhales around the thick length of him, but did not remove her mouth. He traced a gentle trail down the soft skin of her cheek.
“Are you alright, Rin?” he asked solemnly. She tried to nod, her throat constricting around him as she did. With a harsh application of control, he ignored the sensations.
“Are you willing to continue?” he asked her gently. Determination caught fire in her dark eyes and they sparkled with the luminosity of her unshed tears. He took that to mean she consented.
He turned to Jaken.
“Rid yourself of your hakama,” he commanded without preamble.
The imp sat up, a dark stain spreading across his skin in what could only be a blush.
“But my lord–” he protested.
“Are you too proud to bear yourself before your master?” Sesshoumaru asked evenly; a tightness to his voice that suggested that Jaken’s life hinged on giving the correct answer.
“No my lord!” the imp squeaked with panicky assent. Without further stalling, Jaken stood and removed not only his shoes and pants, but all of his clothes except his hat. The slender, petite form of Jaken’s green body was revealed, as well as the small swell of the imp’s own erection.
“Do I excite you?” Sesshoumaru asked softly, a velvet purr to his tone that suggested he was inches away from tearing Jaken to pieces for gravity of the insult. With mocking grace, Sesshoumaru threaded his fingers through his silver hair and lifted the strands, letting them trail across the sweet red curve of Rin’s bottom, across her thighs and legs.
“Do you presume to touch me in your fantasies?” Sesshoumaru continued with a dark, sweet, teasing note that almost hid his ire. The gold fire in his glowing eyes openly mocked Jaken, sliding over the imp’s form with disdain. He let his eyes rest on Jaken’s own small erection; the heat of his fury and disgust filling his gaze.
“Do you?” he whispered, his desire to kill Jaken a razor fine undercurrent of threat in his voice.
He smiled with deprecation as Jaken remained speechless and mortified before him. He dropped his hair and brought his index and middle finger to his mouth. With leisurely actions, he licked and suckled them, watching with sardonic amusement as Jaken looked on with helpless captivation. He switched his gaze to Rin, who was observing both of them with wide, curious dark eyes. She turned her attention fully to him, returning his stare. He reached out with dripping fingers and touched her between her buttocks. With extreme delicacy, he probed there, slipping his index finger inside the clenched ring of her sphincter muscles.
She whimpered, her eyes widening so that the whites showed. She tried to look behind her, but the fire in his gaze held her captive.
“I know it’s uncomfortable,” he crooned to her softly. “But you’re my brave little girl. You’ll bear it for me, won’t you?”
He teased his second finger into her, wiggling them to loosen her up there. She whimpered again, but her eyes stayed fastened trustingly on his. She did nothing to squirm away from him; holding still as he gradually worked the wet length of his fingers inside of her. Without breaking eye contact with Rin, he called Jaken to him.
“Come,” Sesshoumaru said quietly, not bothering to look away from the love and devotion that shone in Rin’s dark eyes. “I am not so cruel as to deny you a glimpse of the paradise you will never have. For your time and efforts, I am willing to give you a few beggar scraps.”
He withdrew his fingers most of the way, holding her open for Jaken’s penetration. He looked at last to Jaken, letting the imp know with his eyes how little he valued him.
“Never demean Rin again,” Sesshoumaru ordered; the sharpness in his tone like whiplash. “For she is generous enough to allow you places I never will.”
Beneath their exchange, Rin was quiet and watchful, taking it all in without protest. She made no sound at all as Jaken positioned himself and entered her with a quick thrust. A small sound of disgust escaped from her throat, but she fell silence under Sesshoumaru’s quelling glance. When Jaken was seated inside of her and Sesshoumaru’s fingers were free, he turned back to gift her with a warm, lingering gaze.
He reached out and traced the lax softness of her lips where they loosely encircled his thickness.
“Kiss it, Rin,” he urged her, caressing her with his voice. “Make it better, just for me.”
With hesitant eagerness, she swallowed him down, licking along the length of him with slow sweeps of her tongue. She hummed softly, meaning to soothe him but instead exciting him more. Of its own accord, his head fell back and he let his eyes slide closed, relaxing trustingly into her mouth. She sucked on him, teasing him with her taste and touch. To the opening notes of what was becoming a familiar lullaby, the rise of his pleasure immersed him. Without a struggle, he let the upsetting emotions of his ire and disgust slip away as Rin’s ministrations enflamed his passion.
Without bothering to open his eyes, he commanded Jaken.
“You may move now.”
A small, greedy growl of approval started in his chest as the rapid, short thrusts of Jaken’s hips moved Rin up and down his erection. He moaned at the same time Jaken did as the friction and movement drove his pleasure to its peak. His hand settled on Rin’s head, his fingers entangling in her dark hair, as he guided her. After a moment, he gave into his body’s needs and allowed his hips to rise up to plunge himself into Rin’s throat as Jaken pushed her forward.
“Rrrrinnn,” he growled with encouragement and approval. “Good grrrl.”
He met her dark eyes; his shimmer gold ones open mere slits, and read the wild panic there. He unclenched his hand and touched her cheek, mindful of the movement of both of their bodies so that he didn’t inadvertently poke her eye out. His own pleasure built until it was a tight, heavy pressure in his testicles, but he remained focused on her.
“Easy,” he mouthed huskily, the looming verge of his orgasm stealing away his voice.
“Easy,” he purred to her. He swept a tear away with his thumb.
His spine arched, his hips stilled, and his head thumped against the trunk of the tree as a long, low bay of ecstasy spilled from his throat. His touch on her cheek hardened as he held her motionless, pumping himself into her mouth as his seed shot forth in a hot rush. Without having to be told, she swallowed it down, the muscular workings of her throat against his hypersensitive skin prolonging his climax.
“Ah!” the choked cry of Jaken as he came fell into the sudden silence, but both Rin and Sesshoumaru ignored him.
The young girl watched with awed wonder and fascination as a blissful, relaxed expression gradually settled onto Sesshoumaru’s face. After a long moment in which he did nothing more than tremble and pant; he looked down at her, an almost-friendly look of affection in his eyes.
“Rin, you never cease to amaze me,” he admitted to her softly, his touch on her cheek once more gentle and considerate.
She sat up, dislodging Jaken from her behind and letting Sesshoumaru’s limp length fall from her mouth. As she moved, he bent over, putting his lips close to her ear.
“Thank you,” he whispered to her sweetly. He smiled with gentle amusement as a pleased, embarrassed blush brightened Rin’s cheeks. He leaned back to meet her large, shining dark eyes, his own amber ones alight with dark, secret delight.
“I feel much better now,” he told her with serious gravity.
She graced him with a brilliant smile that shone with the inner light of her happiness.
“Rin is glad,” she replied softly, falling into the warm, golden depths of Sesshoumaru’s gaze.
Jaken, having gathered and donned his clothes, had the good sense to slip away to retrieve Ahun and leave his master and Rin alone.
