InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moon White Anguish ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Taiyoukai_Tenshi here--- now before I start this little fic I want to lay down the law! That's right I want reviews! It is 3:30 in the morning and I am writing a FREAKING FANFIC!! So show some love please??? Also read my other stories (that are not finished) Long Awaited To Love A Broken Heart Thorn of the Rose. I have many aliases, DemonZbride, Taiyoukai_Tenshi, Eternal_Tenshi, Angel_eyes, and all of that other stuff. Feel free to e-mail me about anything or review if you want me to put you up for a news letter (those update thingies). Also flames are acceptable and appreciated (sorta).

Moon White Anguish


She shuddered, oh man was it cold! Huddling into herself she wondered why she had strayed so far from Ah and Uh. "Lord Sesshomaru will be so very cross with Rin," the little girl said. Soon she began to pass the time trying to make designs out of the cloudy air she breathed. "That one looked like Sir Jaken!" The girl laughed happily, the tiny ponytail on the side of her head bouncing with her laughter.

Her mood soon became somber as the stars began to grow brighter and the sky darker. Her nose began to run and she was becoming very sleepy, "Oh, Rin hopes that Lord Sesshomaru comes quickly for her!" The girl mumbled into her orange and white kimono. Sniffling she scooted over to one of the many Evergreen trees that surrounded her, seeking shelter. Sighing she lowered herself to the stone cold ground, preparing to rest her frail child body.

However, sleep evaded her, for every shadow reminded her of hungry ravaging wolves. "Please don't come and eat me, not the wolves again." She cried as she gently rocked herself back and forth. "Rin has been a good girl she promises!" Tears began to streak down the side of her face, leaving trails on her cheeks. "Wh-where are y-you" Rin sniffed and cried, "Lord Sesshomaru?" Glancing feverantely around her for some sign of the Demon Lord Of The Western Lands. Just as she looked away a shadow creeped nearer to her. "Hu?" Puffey eyed, Rin nervously peered at the shadows. "Lord Sessho-" She began yet stopped when she realized that the Taiyoukai of the West was not the shadow.

She screamed.


He would kill him.

That was certain. Jaken had left Rin alone to wander off wherever she pleased, and for that he would kill the toad youkai. "L-lord Se-Sesshomaru! This, I, most sorry Milord! The human wench just left off while mine eyes and hands where tending to Ah and Uh just as your humble servant should do!"

Speak of the devil…

"…." Sesshomaru turned his emotionless gaze downward towards Jaken who was contemplating how he was going to be killed.

"I am most grieved Milord," Jaken began.

"Cease your babble Jaken." Sesshomaru stated in monotone, "she will be found. I will stake your life on it."

Jaken gulped. "Y-yes Milord."

With a final glance, the youkai lord jumped into the air in search of his missing ward. Once he would have left the girl to her fate, however Rin had become more than merely an expierament. She was his responsibility.

"Kami have mercy on anything that touches you." He whispered into the air as he soared over the treetops, only briefly touching the ground.

"Because I wont."


He had not had to go far before he found her scent. His eyes scanned the area, but he found nothing that showed signs of struggle or of her being hurt. Yet her scent stopped here as if she had disappeared.

Where is she? Sesshomaru was becoming annoyed, he had had enough of this. Something about this mess did not sit well with him. A sound, tiny and indefinite came from behind him and in a flash he had the Tokijin drawn. He barely spared his `assailent' a glance before saying, "You saw what happened."

The Raccoon Demon glanced nervously around before replying, `Yes I did, a little girl and a bunch of Miko's h-headed towards the miko village." His pitiful voice began to waver and he added, "Please don't kill me," Sesshomaru merely turned towards the demon. "Miko village?"


AN: I know I know, a pretty pathetic and short start right? Well I am sort of preoccupied so don't kill me and review! Just one incy bincy wincy wittle review is all that I ask! And check out my other works self promo Long Awaited To Love A Broken Heart Thorn of the Rose.

Chapter 1 is where the lord of the west asks the miko from the future fore some assistance.