InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonless Night ❯ Fusion of Souls ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3: Fusion of Souls
After a quick breakfast the group continued their journey to Kaede's village. Kagome and Inuyasha led the way hand in hand. They arrived early that afternoon.
“What happened to ye, child?” gasped a very surprised Kaede upon seeing Kagome.
“Well, we're not exactly sure. We were hoping you might be able to tell us something,” said Kagome, “I just woke up as a hanyou the morning after the new moon.”
“Well, tell me what has happened since ye destroyed Naraku, I have sensed that he has returned,” said Kaede. Kagome told her the story of Kaguya, the Castle of Illusions, and the return of Naraku up until the night of the new moon. Blushing at certain moments, especially when Kaede showed great interest in Kagome and Inuyasha's kiss at the castle.
“Ah, I see…” mumbled Kaede, deep in thought, “It seems that what has occurred here is a fusion of souls.”
“Fusion of souls?” repeated Inuyasha, “and that would mean…?”
“Well, Inuyasha, Kagome says that you had almost completely transformed when she got to ye and that she was unable to bring ye back by touch and prayer.” Kaede explained, “Unknowingly, Kagome kissed ye to bring ye back and when she did so, she fused your souls together and absorbed some of your youkai power. So from now on ye will never be able to transform fully into a youkai and Kagome will remain a hanyou for the rest of her life.”
“I did that?” asked Kagome, “I had no idea that was what I was doing!”
“I know child, ye just followed your heart” Kaede smiled.
Kagome turned around, but Inuyasha was already gone. She took off after him. She hardly needed to follow his scent. She knew he was headed for Goshinboku. Sure enough, he was propped against the tree's trunk on his favorite branch. She leapt up to him and threw her arms around him as the scent of tears welling up in his eyes stung her nose.
“What's the matter?” she said softly.
“You gave up being human for me…I'm sorry…you didn't know,” he said, fighting back the stinging tears.
“What's so bad about that?”
“I never wanted you to have to live a life like mine…all the ridicule and hate…”
“Inuyasha, times were different when you were younger…now we have Sango and Miroku and Shippo…humans and demons…and they are our friends no matter what. No one is going to ridicule either of us. Maybe Sesshoumaru, but even he can't call you a human-lover anymore!” she said with a laugh.
Inuyasha smiled, “Yeah, I guess not…dumb bastard will still hate me though!”
“He's just jealous because you were your father's favorite…but never mind him…” her expression became more serious, “I have to go back home and at least tell my family.”
“Yeah, now they'll probably hate me for turning you into a hanyou so you can't go to school anymore.”
“Stop being so pessimistic!” Kagome shouted, “They're not going to hate you and you didn't do it anyway. Besides, I didn't really have much of a chance at school. I would've dropped out sooner or later, I like it here better.”
“Yeah, given the chance, I would give it all up again, just to spend a lifetime with you. As a human I would've died way before you, now I can truly be with you.”
Inuyasha stared wide-eyed at her, “K…Kagome…” he stammered before pulling her into the most passionate kiss Kagome had ever experienced. Hot electricity shot through their bodies as they embraced. Kagome moaned as Inuyasha's fangs raked across her lips. He pulled away only to trail kisses down to her neck. She shoved aside his haori and undershirt, fingers desperately searching for flesh. The feel of her soft hands sent shockwaves through his body and he emitted a low growl. Her claws were like flames that froze and burnt all at once. He had one hand around her waist, which he slowly slipped under her shirt. The feel of her bare skin was enough to knock him off the branch. He managed to keep his composure and retreated his hand.
“Three days” he said.
“I want you to go back home and stay there for three days. I have some things to do and I'll come get you when I'm done” he said, and raising an eyebrow he added, “In fact, I'll take these jewel shards so you can't come back early and ruin the surprise”. He snatched the bottle of jewel shards from around her neck.
“What am I supposed to do or three days? I can't go out like this!” she said with a pout…but then her eyes lit up and she flicked her tail, “What kind of surprise?”
“Keh! Like I'd tell you what the surprise is! You can spend three days trying to figure it out though!” He tucked the vial of shards into his haori. He then picked her up and carried her to the well.
Blue and white swirls engulfed her as she flew through the time rip in the well to her own time of 500 years in the future. Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to imagine how her family would react upon seeing her as a hanyou. Would they even recognize her?
“Get a grip, Kagome!” she told herself aloud and clapped her hands together in front of her.
She climbed up out of the well and slid open the door enough to peek out and make sure no one else was there. Satisfied that the shrine was empty, she sprinted to the back door of her house and opened it, taking a deep breath.
“Mama…” she yelled.
“Hi, honey, I'm in the kitchen” her mother called back.
“What are you doing? Are you holding anything breakable?”
“What?…No, dear, come on in”
“Ok, but please don't flip out!” Kagome replied as she cautiously stepped into the kitchen to face her mother.
Mrs. Higurashi's expression of utter confusion quickly changed to that of shock, “Oh, my goodness, what on Earth happened to you?”
“Well, I sorta transformed into a half-demon without knowing it…sit down and I'll tell you the whole story.”
Kagome and her mother sat down at the table across from each other. Kagome told her mother the whole story and when she had finished her mother stood up and came around the table to give her daughter a big hug.
“It's ok, dear, I love you no matter what you are or how you look” Mrs. Higurashi said gently.
“Thanks, mama” Kagome said with tears in her eyes.
“It's too bad you won't be able to go to school anymore. Though, I knew it would happen eventually. Your heart lies in the feudal era with Inuyasha and the others.”
Kagome looked at her mother with a stunned expression, “Mama, you took that too well, is it really ok?
Her mother smiled and picked up something off of the counter, “Of course it is…you'll come and visit and you can still go to the school dance and say goodbye to all your friends.”
“What school dance? I can't go like this!” exclaimed Kagome.
“Of course you can, and you could invite Inuyasha” she handed Kagome the invitation, “It's a costume party!”
Kagome grinned from ear to ear. She had feared that she wouldn't be able to say goodbye to her friends.
“Will Inuyasha be here for dinner?” asked Mrs. Higurashi.
“No…in fact, I'm here for three days…he's working on some kind of surprise.”
“I see, well, I guess you're stuck here then. I'll have to see if I can find a way to hide that tail.” She smiled, “but, for now, how about I run you a bath and fix some clothes for you?”
Kagome had ripped a makeshift hole in her skirt for her tail, but it had started to unravel and was looking very shabby. Mrs. Higurashi went upstairs to run a bath and came back down to the kitchen with two pairs of Kagome's jeans, several pairs of panties, and her sewing kit.
“And when Souta and Grandpa get home, I'll explain everything to them so you can nap in your room until I call you for dinner.”
“Thank you so much, Mama…I love you!” Kagome said, giving her mother another big hug.
“That's what mothers are for, dear” Mrs. Higurashi said with a wink.
Kagome took a nice, long bath and shampooed her hair and tail. She put on her newly altered clothes and fell asleep. She woke up when her mother called her down for dinner. She walked to the top of the stairs and looked down to find Souta and her Grandpa staring up at her.
“It's true!” Souta squealed, “That's awesome!”
Grandpa started ranting and raving about history and ailments as usual. Kagome humored her little brother, by allowing him to feel her tail and ears. She attempted to answer about a thousand questions, but couldn't answer most of them. Souta mainly wanted to know if she could do cool stuff like Inuyasha, like sankontessou. It made sense, though, that since she absorbed some of Inuyasha's youkai powers that she would be able to use the same techniques.
“Maybe I'll try to cut a log or something after dinner, when it's dark out” she told Souta, who squealed with delight.
As promised, when it got dark out, she went outside followed by Souta, and surprisingly, the rest of her family. She took a large piece of wood and threw it high into the air. She then leapt up and slashed down with her claws, yelling, “SANKONTESSOU!” as she had seen Inuyasha do thousands of times. Lines of yellow light shot out from her claws and the log split cleanly into three pieces. Souta jumped up and down, while her mother and grandfather clapped. She landed softly on the ground and bowed to her audience with a huge grin spread across her face.
`I can't wait to show Inuyasha!' she thought, `Now there's nothing he can do that I can't!'
Kagome could hardly get to sleep. She had spent two boring days at home with nothing to do since she had quit school and couldn't go out because of her tail. Tomorrow, Inuyasha would be coming to get her. She was entirely too excited to sleep. Partly because she missed him so much, and partly because her curiosity was killing her. She wanted to know what kind of surprise he had waiting for her. She finally fell asleep just before dawn.
She awoke the next morning and put on her jeans and a t-shirt and went down to breakfast. To her surprise and delight, Inuyasha was sitting at the table inhaling bacon and sausage.
“Have you not eaten in three days?” she asked as she casually leaned against the doorframe and raised an eyebrow.
“Not really…” he said with his mouth half full of food. He got up and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek since everyone was now staring at them. Souta had come downstairs a few moments after Kagome and broke the silence.
“Yay! Inu-no-niichan, guess what?!” he said excitedly.
“What's that squirt?” Inuyasha replied, ruffling Souta's hair.
“Sis, can do sankontessou! She showed me!”
“Is that right?” he said staring at Kagome, who nodded with a smirk, “Alright, Miss Sankontessou, let's eat, we gotta get back so we can go get your presents.”
Kagome beamed at this and ate breakfast rapidly, when she had finished her goodbyes, she followed Inuyasha to the well.
“So, what kind of presents am I getting?” she grinned.
“You think you're crafty, woman, but it's still a surprise!”
Goshinboku - the God Tree
Sankontessou - iron reaver, soul stealer
Inu-no-niichan - literally means “dog brother”, what Souta calls Inuyasha