InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonless Night ❯ Reinforcements ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 10: Reinforcements
Sesshoumaru was waiting for them at the top of the stairs as they approached the castle.
“What are you doing on my lands, Inuyasha?” he scowled further as he caught a whiff of Kagome, “Ugh! I see you mated that pathetic human girl, Inuyasha, and got her pregnant as well…disgusting!”
Before Inuyasha could respond, Kagome butted in, “I am a hanyou now, thank you…where is Rin and why is she crying?” she snarled.
Sesshoumaru frowned, “Yes, I see that…not much less pathetic, though…”
`You might as well tell them…you need their help!' a voice in his head told him.
Sesshoumaru took a deep breath before continuing, “My daughter is crying because her new mother has just been taken from us by Naraku.”
“D…daughter? And you snapped at me for claiming Kago…” he said before his mate cut him off.
“What new mother?” she asked.
“I have taken Kagura as my mate and she now carries my pup.”
“Kagura is dead,” said Sango.
“She was returned and set free of Naraku, now I know why…he has taken her and my pup to his castle.”
“Then, why the hell didn't you go save her, you worthless bastard!?” Inuyasha yelled as his temper rose higher.
“I cannot, he has taken back her heart…he could kill her and my pup at any moment…he said he would if I tried anything.”
“Do you know where Naraku's castle is?” asked Miroku.
“Kagura said it was northwest of here, just outside my territory” Sesshoumaru responded.
“Did she tell you anything else about Naraku?” Miroku asked again.
“Yes, she said in order to surprise Naraku and catch him off guard we must destroy his eyes…Kanna…she said Kanna is always with Kohaku, as well.”
“So, Kanna was revived, as well.” Kagome said. Her brow furrowed as she thought, then, suddenly, she clapped her hands together in front of her, “I have a plan! Sesshoumaru…go and see if you can take care of Kanna.”
“What about Rin? I cannot leave her.”
“We will take her” replied Kagome. Sesshoumaru nodded and she turned to Inuyasha, “We need more people”
“Keh! Like who?” he said coolly.
“Kouga and Kikyo” Kagome said very seriously.
Inuyasha's eyes widened, “You're serious?!”
“Of course! Now, let's hurry, we have to get to Kouga's territory, which is halfway home, before we can go searching for Kikyo!” she retorted.
Kagome hurried up the steps to the castle, “We meet back here in two weeks, regardless” she said to Sesshoumaru.
Kagome then followed Sesshoumaru into the castle and up to Rin's room, where she was still crying. Jaken was not much help, but Kagome did her best to console her.
“We are all going to help save your mother…but to do that we need to hurry up and gather some friends to help too!”
“Ok, Kagome!” Rin said and forced a smile.
“Rin, you will travel with Aunt Kagome and my brother, I have things to tend to before we can rescue your mother.” Sesshoumaru said as he leaned down to hug her.
“Ok Father…Rin will be good!” she replied.
Kagome and her company set off for Kouga's den immediately. Rin and Shippo became friends right off the bat. They made good time, as Rin was allowed to bring her flying dragon, Aun. She and Shippo chattered on his back, while Sango and Miroku rode on Kirara. Inuyasha ran below with Kagome on his back. They made it to Kouga's territory in three days. They didn't need to search for his den. As soon as they landed, a cyclone headed straight for them.
“Yo, Kagome!” the cyclone said as it stopped in front of her, grabbed her hands and turned into Kouga, “Look my den's always open if you wanna come join me after those pups are born.”
“You bastard!” Inuyasha said, sniffing him, “You already mated that one wolf!”
“Ayame? Yeah, but it's just not the same” he shrugged and looked over at Rin, “You picking up strays now, mutt-face?”
“Rin is our niece” explained Kagome.
“Niece?” said Kouga, looking confused.
“Sesshoumaru's adopted daughter” Inuyasha said.
“About that…that's why we came to see you…we need your help” Kagome said seriously and explained the events to Kouga.
“Ok, I'll help…since it involves kicking Naraku's ass!” Kouga agreed.
“Yeah, and this time Kagura won't beat up on you!” goaded Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha…sit boy!” Kagome called over her shoulder.
“Oi, woman! What was that for?” he said, peeling his face off the ground.
“You were trying to start a fight!”
Kouga laughed and Kagome spun around, drawing her sword, “You're next buddy! I'm sure Kaede would have no problem whipping up another kotodama!” she glared at him before sheathing her sword and stomping off again with a swish of her tail.
Kouga was frozen to the spot from Kagome's sudden outburst. “Damn, dog-shit! She's scary…and I think you're starting to rub off on her…pity.”
“Keh!” was Inuyasha's reply. He stuffed his arms into the sleeves of his haori. He lagged behind the others, in order to keep his eye on Kouga, but not far enough away that he couldn't drag his mate away if Kouga tried anything. He was somewhat satisfied at the way Kagome had whipped out her sword at Kouga, though. `Guess she really does have my youki in her' he thought.
The group decided to go around Sesshoumaru's territory and head north to look for Kikyo. It took them a week to reach the Northern Territory. The farther north they went, the more youkai they seemed to encounter. Most were weak and only Inuyasha need fight them. Kagome was able to slash two with her Sankontessou, when Kouga and Inuyasha were busy. The pair fought constantly for Kagome's attention and for a chance to save her. Unfortunately, this was not necessary since she was a hanyou now and had a sword. Sango and Miroku didn't even bother. They sat back and watched the show, as Inuyasha and Kouga battled to impress her.
That night, they camped in the forest. Inuyasha carried Kagome into a nearby tree, as he did every night to keep the “mangy wolf” away from her. Kagome just laughed at their antics.
“You know you don't have to try to impress me, Inuyasha…I love you already!” she smiled, rubbing her stomach.
“Keh! Like I'd let that wolf outdo me!” Inuyasha snorted back, making Kagome giggle, “Go to sleep, woman!”
Before she could do so, she saw a light in the distance. “Shini-dama-chuu” she said needlessly, because Inuyasha had already thrown her on his back and taken off.
“Inuyasha…” Kikyo said coolly as she sat at the base of a tree, absorbing souls, “It's been a while”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah…we've been looking for you” Inuyasha scoffed.
“So I have heard…what could you and your miko possibly want from me?”
“We're going after Naraku…we need as much help as we can get!” Kagome interrupted, hopping of Inuyasha's back.
“Well, look at you…both hanyou and miko, in one body…quite astounding” Kikyo said, looking not at all impressed.
“Look, are you gonna come or not? You've got a grudge against him too…or you should…he's killed you twice!” Inuyasha said, getting more impatient.
“I will make an appearance” Kikyo replied, rising to her feet and then disappearing into the forest without another word.
“I guess that's that!” Inuyasha mumbled before picking up Kagome and sprinting back to their tree.
Kagome was a little shocked at the way Inuyasha acted around Kikyo this time. Since when did he get impatient with her? She smiled, maybe he was finally over her. Perhaps it was because she was his mate now. Either way, Kikyo agreed to help and, in the morning, they could return to Sesshoumaru's castle.
Kagome slept peacefully in her mate's arms. Inuyasha could not sleep with Kouga nearby. Instead, all he could think of was destroying Naraku. He wasn't necessarily worried about Sesshoumaru's mate, more the fact that Naraku would so easily kill his pup. As much as he hated his brother, this was a new low for Naraku. A low growl escaped him.
The next morning, Kagome explained their meeting with Kikyo, over breakfast. They left shortly afterwards and headed south to Sesshoumaru's kingdom. Kagome rode with Rin and Shippo on Aun. She had an excellent view of the foot race that was occurring between Inuyasha and Kouga below. She sighed, at least they would have a nice rest at the castle before going to fight Naraku. She hoped Sesshoumaru was able to find Kanna and destroy her.
Sesshoumaru flew north, while Jaken held on desperately to Mokomoko-sama. He easily caught the scent of Kohaku and descended. He landed in the woods and Jaken scrambled to the ground. They continued their search on foot. Kohaku's scent led them to the edge of the woods, near a village. Kohaku was outside a small hut, chopping firewood with several other boys. Sesshoumaru strode cautiously towards him as Kohaku looked up and saw him.
“Kohaku…we meet again” Sesshoumaru said nonchalantly.
“I know you from somewhere…” Kohaku said, thinking hard.
“Yes, come, walk with me” Sesshoumaru said, luring him away from the other humans and toward the cover of the forest, “Do you know where Kanna is?”
“She was destroyed”
“Are you certain? Who destroyed her?”
“Yes, a priestess fought her and sealed her inside the mirror”
“I see…so, why are you here?”
“The priestess said I would be safe here”
“Indeed…and what of Naraku?”
“I have not heard from him”
Sesshoumaru turned and started walking back through the forest.
“Wait!” Kohaku called, “The priestess said her name was Kikyo…she told me that you would come and that I should follow you. She said you would lead me to my sister.”
Sesshoumaru stopped, but did not turn around as he listened, “Very well”
“Thank you, sir!” Kohaku said and followed him into the forest.
Sesshoumaru was glad the boy did not chatter as much as Rin did. He was a little perturbed that their progress was now slowed, though. He could also not forget the time Kohaku had almost killed Rin. He kept and eye on the boy, Naraku still had control over him. Fortunately, Naraku could no longer watch them from Kanna's mirror. All he had now were his Saimyoushou, which could be killed before they reached him with their message. Sesshoumaru had not seen any of these around either. Perhaps Naraku did not know Kanna was dead. Perhaps he knew it would do him no good. More likely the latter was true. He smelled his brother nearby as he entered his territory. Sesshoumaru decided it would be best to reunite Kohaku with his sister before traveling back to the castle. He also, missed his daughter, but replaced this thought with the thought that she would be more comfortable in her own bed tonight. He stepped into the clearing, followed by Jaken and Kohaku.
“FATHER!” Rin yelled as she ran to him and hugged his leg.
“Your family is weird…” Kouga grumbled to Inuyasha, earning a growl.
“Kohaku?” Sango gasped as he appeared from behind Mokomoko-sama.
Kohaku's eyes widened as he remembered her, “Aneue…”
Tears streamed down Sango's face as she ran to hug him.
“I hope you're not expecting a hug from me!” Inuyasha goaded Sesshoumaru, who simply glared at him.
“Now, I must go home and give my daughter a bath, so she doesn't smell like you for weeks!” Sesshoumaru retorted before turning to Kagome, “You and your company may stay at my castle for taking good care of my daughter.”
Sesshoumaru turned and strode off toward the castle, followed by Kagome and her company. Inuyasha pouted.
“Wait…did you find Kanna?” Kagome finally asked.
“The boy tells me Kikyo has already destroyed her” Sesshoumaru threw over his shoulder.
“Keh! Fine by me…long as she's dead!” scoffed Inuyasha.
They reached the castle late that night. Sesshoumaru led them to a hall filled with rooms.
“Take what you like” he said before entering his own and shutting the door.
Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's hand and led her to the room at the end of the hall. Kouga followed and took the one next to it. Shippo took a room next to Rin's. They heard arguing and a loud slap in the face as Miroku attempted to choose the same room as Sango. Inuyasha locked the door and pushed a large chair against it. Kagome started to blush as she looked at the king-size, red, four-poster bed. She had slept with Inuyasha in trees almost every night, but somehow, sharing a real bed, alone, was much different. Kagome couldn't help but laugh, though, when she turned to look at Inuyasha. He was cocking his head from side to side staring at the barricaded door and muttering something about “mangy wolf” to himself. Kagome jumped and flopped onto the bed. She rolled onto her side to watch her fretting mate. Satisfied that there would be no intruders, Inuyasha turned and headed for a corner to sit in.
“What's the matter?” Kagome smirked, patting the bed beside her and flicking her tail playfully, “Is this too high class for you, Lord Inuyasha?”
She squealed as he sprinted over and pinned her to the bed, “What was that Lady Kagome?” he smirked back before kissing her passionately, “We'll make that baka wolf regret sleeping next door!”
Kagome blushed as red as the blankets Inuyasha pulled over them. They didn't get any sleep that night, but they could sleep any day. It was rare for them to have a night all to themselves. Inuyasha made as much noise as possible and, after a while, Kagome joined in. Maybe it was mean to keep Kouga up like that the night before a battle, but it was rather funny. Kagome was also getting kinda tired of his lame attempts to woo her. She could hardly believe that he had continued it after Inuyasha had claimed her as his mate and she became pregnant with his pups.
Kagome sighed as she lay curled in her mate's arms in the early hours of morning, just after dawn, “This is nice.”
“Yeah,” Inuyasha replied, “When this is over…I'll build us a hut in Kaede's village…it won't be this nice, though.”
“I don't care about that…just a place to call home would be nice.”
“Yeah, with our own room…and a door that locks!”
Kagome giggled, but just then Shippo started pounding excitedly at their door and yelling, “Mama! Papa! You have got to see all this food…and there are servants!”
“Great…Sesshoumaru has to go out of his way to try and make me jealous, or look bad, or something!” Inuyasha scowled.
They got dressed quickly and went to the dining hall. A massive feast was laid out before them. Everyone else had already started eating.
“Did you guys sleep well?” asked Sango as they sat down.
“Yeah, right!” Kouga muttered.
Inuyasha smirked at him, “How `bout you wolf? You sleep good?”
“Huh!” Kouga grunted and Kagome stifled a laugh.
Sesshoumaru swept into the room, followed by Rin and Jaken, “We should be going soon”
Kagome grabbed some more food before following the others. She hadn't slept at all, but the private time with Inuyasha had revitalized her spirit.
All were quiet as they flew to the impending battle. They had discussed the plan at breakfast and all knew what they had to do. They had assembled quite an army. Kohaku, Sango and Miroku flew on Kirara. Shippo, Rin and Jaken flew alongside them on Aun. Sesshoumaru flew alone and Kagome rode on Inuyasha's back as he and Kouga ran below. According to Kagura, they were four days flight from the castle in the northwest. On the fourth night, they saw the purple sheen of Naraku's barrier in the moonlight and began to descend.
Kotodama - the prayer beads around Inuyasha's neck that subject him to a face plant when Kagome says, “sit”.
Shini-dama-chuu - Kikyo's soul collectors
Saimyoushou - Naraku's poison insects