InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Café ❯ Fathers new wife, Kagome's new stepmother ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Moonlight Cafe.
Author: Golden Tigress.
Rating: NC-13 (T).
Warnings: None.
Pairings: Sesshoumaru/Kagome, you may find some other pairings, but that will be minor seeing as this story is about Sesshoumaru and Kagome.
Summary: Kagome Higurashi leaves everything behind to go to Costa Rica, lured there by her long-distance dad who offers her head status at a new cafe. But she had not planned on Sesshoumaru Taisho, her sexy-yet-arrogant-and-stubborn business rival or the handsome-yet-stubborn Kouga. Both men give her that warm and fuzzy feeling, but only one will capture her heart.
Disclaimer: As much as I hate to admit it, I do not own Sesshoumaru, not even his fluff -+-pouts-+-. Inuyasha & co belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi. I am merely borrowing them for my own fantasies ;). Furthermore, this story is loosely based on the book Cafe Tropicana by Belinda Jones.
A/N: This idea has been nagging at me for so long that I finally decided to write and post it. I know the main plotline but I don't know yet how it's going to be formed so we'll see as we go along (then again that's how I always write my stories) I just plant the seed and we'll watch the tree grown along the way ;). I hope you guys like this story and please don't forget to review. Any constructive criticism on how to improve this story or my writing style in general is highly appreciated. So please take a little time to help me out here :)
A/N2: This first chapter is a little short and might be a little confusing seeing as it consists of Kagome's thoughts. However it's just an interlude to the story. The following chapters will be longer and interactive. Just bare with me ;)
Chapter 1 - Father's new wife, Kagome's stepmother.
Hi there! I'm Kagome Higurashi, a 25 year old sales-manager for a grand company in Tokyo. I'm currently trying to start my own cafe though, that has always been my dream. My parents got divorced when I was 5 years old. I've lived with my mother ever since and never heard from my father again. Well if you don't count the birthday-cards he would always sent me that is. But aside from those I never heard from him, never saw him. It was as if he vanished. Until yesterday that is.
Yesterday father called me, telling me he married a woman I never met and that he wants us to meet. Why? I wonder. Obviously not because he wanted my approval. If that was the case he would have introduced us before he got married.
Now I know it happens all the time. It's perfectly normal for divorced parents to marry people their children despise. There's not really anything wrong with that. No. However, those children are normally given the chance to meet the new lover and become consumed with all sorts of hateful feelings and resentment before the parents say those two words that bind them together.
Not me however. I had no such chance. I can only assume that papa-Higurashi and his lady love got so consumed with each other that they could no longer wait. It was probably a `heat of the moment' thing. Hell, for all I know they could have even been drunk when they got married! Only when the words where said and everything was official did they perhaps realize they had forgotten about a certain someone…
I can just imagine how that went. “Dearest pumpkin, didn't you say once that you have a daughter?” my new stepmother asks my father at the breakfast table where an expensive breakfast is set out for them. “Why yes I do! Her name is Kagome, she's 25 years old and lives in Tokyo!” my father would then explain quickly, eager to enlighten his new wife.
“I'd like to meet her sometime!” she would then say. “Oh really?” father would ask enthusiastically as he took another bite of his breakfast. “But of course! She's your daughter!” she would say before leaning in to lick a few crumbs from the corners of fathers mouth.
Yes, that is most likely how I got in this mess. Because last night he called me practically telling me to hop on the next plane to Costa Rica so I could meet his wife! Who does he think he is! For years all I ever heard or saw of him was a birthday card! Not even a present like all other children get, no a card is all I got from him. And now all of a sudden he wants me to just drop everything I'm doing and hop on a plane to meet his new wife!!! Asshole.
I told him I couldn't. I told him I was rather busy closing a deal with my real estate agent. BIG MISTAKE! I should have known he would get involved in that. “Who are you dealing with? Takahashi? Youkino? If it's Hayden and Hamada, they owe me a favor I could” that's where I cut him off. “Dad I'm handling this on my own. I know you can probably speed things up for me, but I want to do this myself”. He appeared to be rather disappointed that I wouldn't allow him to help me out.
I decided to try and steer away from that conversation so I asked for his new wife's name. “Ah, I was wondering when you'd ask” he said. “Her name is Kikyou”. Sick, I thought. What kind of a name is Kikyou? “How old is she dad?” I asked tentatively. “Well erm…” I could just imagine him fidgeting with the telephone cord. “She's 29” I nearly fainted! Only 4 years older than me!!! She could have been my sister! “DAD!!!” I cried out exasperated. “SHE'S ONLY 4 YEARS OLDER THAN ME! HOW COULD YOU?!”
He didn't answer and again I could imagine him fidgeting with the telephone cord or his clothes. Then finally he answered. “It was love at first sight dear. It just felt so good. I enjoyed her company and she enjoyed mine”. I sighed. “You enjoyed moms company at one point, just like you enjoy every young and pretty woman's company” I reminded him. I could just feel him tense up at that. “Darling, don't be like that. This is different. I love Kikyou and she really wants to meet you. Please come over”. I sighed. And told him again that I really couldn't come.
“Oh please darling, Kikyou and myself would really like you to come over. You could even help me!” he said and right then I knew I had to be careful. My father could be very sly. “What do you need help with father?” I asked carefully. “Well Kikyou has talked me into opening up a cafe here on Costa Rica” he said oh so innocently. And I knew I was right to be careful. He knew about my dream and was playing right into it! The bastard! “You'll be running it if you like? It would give you the perfect opportunity to experiment and gain some more experience before opening your own cafe”. I knew he was right. It was a great opportunity but damn it! I didn't want his help I wanted to do this on my own. “I'll think about it dad” I told him. He sighed but told me he would call me back tomorrow for my answer.
I had talked about it with my dearest friend Hojo. “You should go! Your father is right it's the perfect opportunity! It won't cost you anything and you can experiment to find out what suits you best and gain experience! I really think you should go, what have you got to lose?” he had asked her. “But what about my own cafe here in Tokyo? I'm just about to close a deal with the real estate agent!” I told him. He just smiled at me and told me there would be other deals, better deals. I sighed knowing he would never let me skip out on this opportunity.
And so here I am, sitting in a first class chair of an airplane. Leaving everything behind to go to Costa Rica to meet my new stepmother and help her and my dad to start up a cafe… my dream. So why did I feel like something big was going to happen. Something that would change my life forever.
A/N: Wow! My first non original character fic! This idea has been in my head for a long time and I finally decided to listen to my muse and write it. Please read and review and let me know what you guys think :) Also if you have any questions please feel free to ask!
-- Kiara --