InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Confessions ❯ Thoughts and Decisions ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Moonlight confessions

Hello again and thank you all for reading this story! I realize it's getting a little to romantic and OC, so after this chapter is up and has at least three reviews I'll start on the next chap and make the characters more in character. I'm just a sucker for romance…. Sigh
Well, on with the story…. And once again, I own no character's unless I say so.
Kagome woke early in the morning, just as the sun was starting to peek out over the horizon. The fiery red glow of the sun warmed Kagome's skin, but not nearly as much as the feeling of love that burst from her heart, and Inuyasha's arms wrapped securely around her waist. She sighed in contentment, and craned her neck back to watched Inuyasha as he slept.
“I wonder, in the future, will there be other mornings where I'll wake up in his arms, watching him as he sleeps… Inuyasha… My Inuyasha, My Love…” Kagome sat pondering her future with Inuyasha as she watched the morning sun gradually cast more light on the sleeping hanyou's face.
Closing her eyes, she snuggled into Inuyasha's chest, her heart picking up speed as she thought of the love she held for Inuyasha…. For a person who was abused and put out by others as a child, but still managed to take her breath away.
She gave into sleeping once more, deciding to enjoy the time in his arms. Little did she know that Inuyasha had heard every word she had muttered, and felt the same way. 'Dont worry Kagome, if I have anything to do with it, there will be many more mornings just like this. No one will come between us. No wimpy wolf, no Hobo, no one.' Suddenly, a pale face, with eyes that held immense pain and hurt flashed in Inuyasha's mind. Inuyasha recognized the face as Kikyou's, and mentally kicked himself. 'The only one who ever came between us really is Kikyou, and all because I let her...' Inuyasha growled in frusteration at his own stupidity of not seeing Kagome's hurt when he saw Kikyou.
His face softening, he watched Kagome sleep, and resolved to himself, “I will put Kikyou to rest, and I'll never hurt you again… Never again…” Inuyasha kissed her lightly on the cheek before settling back into sleep. But not before thinking, `But I'll still have to pick fights will you, those are to much fun to get rid of…” He fell asleep with a smirk on his face, and a miko destined to be his in his arms.
Well, as anyone with half the brain of a brain dead monkey could tell, I have redone this chapter and the previous one, and most likely the next one. If this is your first time reading this fanfic, then hurry up, REVIEW!