InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Confessions ❯ The Next Morning ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Moonlight Confessions

I do not own any Inuyasha characters, and if I did, let me tell ya, Bankotsu would have a girlfriend (me) and Kouga would have a girlfriend (also me).

The next morning.

Inuyasha and Kagome landed with a soft thump. Miroku looked over at the couple with a smirk. Inuyasha shifted under his gaze, and knew something perverted was about to be said. "Inuyasha, have you finally given into your desire and calimed Lady Kagome?" Inuyasha and Kagome's faces reddened as Inuyasha ran to hit the monk, yelling, "NOTHING HAPPENED BUZO!" Miroku ran around the campsite, Inuyasha following quickly behind.

Sango turned questioning eyes on Kagome. "What did happen if you dont mind me asking?" Kagome turned to Sango and smiled. "I'll tell you later!" Sango smiled, satisfied with the answer, and returned to packing her stuff.

Shippou looked up from his sleeping spot on Kagome's abandon sleeping bad and yawned. Spying Kagome, he ran for her. "Kagome! Where were you last night!" Kagome smiled and picked up the young kit who had become much like her son. "Nowhere Shippou, dont worry." Shippou glarred daggers at Inuyasha, who had returned from beating Miroku into the dirt. "I bet he had something to do with it!" Shippou said accusingly. Inuyasha whacked Shippou on the head. "You say somehtin' RUNT!" Shippou began wailing and clutching his head, burrowing into Kagome's chest. Kagome's eye twitched as Inuyasha began panicking.

"Inuyasha! SIT BOY!" *THUD* Inuyasha made contact with the dirt, grumbling a string of curses. When the effect of the subdueing spell wore off, Inuyasha lifted his head and yelled, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR, BITCH!?" Kagome simply walked away, Shippou sticking his tongue out at Inuyasha from his perch on Kagome's shoulder.

Miroku approached Inuyasha, careful to stay out of swinging distance, and said, "You know, you really should be nicer to Shippou, Lady Kagome thinks of him as a son... If only I could get Sango or Kagome to bare me one..." Miroku trailed off. Inuyasha jumped up and ran at Miroku, intent on hitting him. Miroku jumped back, laughing at Inuyasha's pathetic attempts, and ran straight into Sango's boomerang. Sango, apparently, had heard Miroku's pervert talk and saw fit to punish him for it. Since Kagoem wasnt around, Sango left her half of the beating to Inuyasha.

Later that night, Kagome and Sango stood, taking supplies for a bath with them, and walked towards the hot springs. Miroku stood, muttering something about protecting the women. "NOT ON YOUR LIFE BUZO!" Inuyasha yelled, throwing a peice of wood at his head. Shippou, sitting by the campfire muttered, "He really should learn his lesson." Kirara agreed by mewing and looking at the monk as though he were stupid.

As Kagome stripped, she started talking to Sango, who was already in the water. "You know, Miroku really likes you." Sango blushed and yelled, "Yeah well if he does then he shouldnt go hitting on every pretty woman he sees!" Kagome laughed, "Girls in my time do somehting like that sometimes, but not for the same reason as Miroku." Sango arched an eyebrow, "They ask other women to bare their children?"

Kagome laughed as she stepped into the water, "No! Not even close! You see, when a couple split up for a stupid reason, and the girl wants the guy back, or if the girl just wants to make the guy jealous so she can get attention, the girl will start flirting with other men, right infront of her ex-boyfriends face, when all they reall want is their boyfriend back." Sango nodded, "I get it!" Kagome nodded, "Glad I could help." Sango smiled mischeiviously, "Soooo....?" Kagome cocked her head, "So what?"

Sango's smile grew, "What happened last night!" Kagome blushed, "Oh, that... Well..." Kagome trailed off, getting a dreamy look, "Inuyasha, he... he said he loves me." Sango squealed, "I knew it! Did you tell him you loved him?" Kagome nodded happily. "So, when's the wedding?" Sango asked enthusiastically. Kagome blushed, "W- wedding? I... he... I dont know, we didnt even talk about that." Sango settled back down into the water. "I understand, you want more time to come to terms with the fact that he loves you." Kagome nodded.

Yeah! I got another chapter out~ *does happy dance*~ WOOT! sorry it took so long. now, to get around to my reviewers, sorry I havent mentioned you before~

HeartStar- Thank you for your kind review, and here's the udate you waited for!
InuYashasLoveLorn- here's your update, and it's good to know there are still Selena fans! :)
InuFan05- Thanks for putting me on your fave authors *cries happily* and I have something planned on the whole Sango and Miroku pairing, a hint to it is in this chapter, see if you can figure it out. email me, dont review, and tell me what you think it is!
inu youkai ashiyame- I think the title to the song is 'Dreaming of You' but by now you'd probably already figured it out.

Everyone, let me now, did I make the characters a little more In Character? I think I did, therefor you must all think I did! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Now, here's Kouga and bankotsu with an announcement! I dont have enough of them, so I'll let them talk during this portion of fanfics!

Bankotsu- *looks at index cards* two cartons of milk, bag of sugar, meat, and toaster strudels
mistressofmoonlight- *switches cards* oops, that was my grocery list.
Bankotsu- *reads new card* Please review
mistress- *pats Bankotsu on head* Good boy! you know what we get to do tonight! *evil smirk*
Bankotsu- *scared face* take Kouga first!
Kouga- Hell no! I did it with her last night!
mistress- *dreamy look* yes you did... I didnt know you were that good!
Kouga- You arent half bad yourself.
Mistress- thankies! *huggles kouga*
Bankotsu- so... so, it's not that bad?
Kouga- nah, knitting circles are kinda fun.
mistress- *sees audiences surprised faces* what did you think we were doing? *look of realization* ooh! You thought we were doing that! possibly.
Kouga and Bankotsu- *scared senseless* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
mistress- *evil cackling*