InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Princess ❯ I found you ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I found you
A/N: If you don't like original characters. Please don't read. Most will not recognize who this is. That's because I have not written her story. The short summary is. She's Princess Serenity Moon of the moon. She's the Princess of the moon and cosmos. Also Princess of Light, Purity and Innocence. She's also Sailor Teen Moon but in here . . . just Sailor Moon. She has also taken the place of Kagome. I am a Kagome fan so no flames. Please. She's also a half dog demon in this story. She just had a spell cast on her to make her human. But that's another story. I really hope you like it. Enjoy.
Warnings: Fluffy. Adult situations. Rena acting like a school girl. Demons, time warping, aliens. Also the author is insane. Anything else? Nope.
Also this chapter contains a lemon. I'm just warning you now.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu yasha or Sailor Moon. But Rena is mine. No taking.
Night had already fallen and the festival had started once again. Rena was wearing the same thing and her and Inu yasha were sitting under a tree. She smiled. “I've had so much fun tonight. I love being with him like this . . . .I never knew this side of Inu yasha even existed and tomorrow night I'm going to tell him . . . I . . . love him.” She thought blushing.
She leaned against him and felt him wrap one of his arms around her automatically. Rena gave a small content filled sigh as he put his head on top of hers. She blushed but smiled brightly. About an hour or so later the bell ranged again and she gave a mental groan of disappointment.
He helped her up and they walked toward the well hand in hand. When they arrived Rena sat on the edge of the well her legs dangling into the darkness. Inu yasha placed his arms around her and leaned in, giving her neck a small nip. “Till tomorrow night” He whispered huskily against her neck, causing a shiver to run down her spine. He then gently pushed her into the well.
She had climbed out of the well and taken a shower in a daze. She had then climbed into bed and rolled over to her side.
She closed her eyes sighing. “I can't believe he did that. But . . .. Part of me can't wait. When he held me . . . itwasas ifI was on fire.” She thought turning a deep shade of red as she fell into dreamland.
Rena was now in the last class of the day . . . math. She had been thinking of Inu yasha all day. It was a good thing she had learned all of this on the moon and was smart.
Otherwise she would be getting detention for not paying attention. She wasn't paying attention now either; her mind was on Inu yasha. This could be a bad or good thing. She sighed with relief as the bell ranged and she walked to her locker.
She looked into her bookbag making sure she had everything then left the school building running. “I made up all my work and even got started on future work. But I'll have to come back for exams .. .. At least they're two months off.” She thought coming up to the shrine steps that led to her home.
She looked around her room making sure she had everything then into her sub space pocket, making sure again and seeing if she had cast the duplicate and freshness spells. Once seeing that everything was as it should be she strolled down the stairs to where her Mom was waiting.
Her Mom gave her a bright smile and hugged her. “Goodbye Mom. See you when I get back.” said Rena smiling. “Goodbye Dear and be careful.” She said smiling. Rena nodded and said while walking out the door. “Don't worry. I have Inu yasha with me.”
“Tonight is the third night. So far everything has been like a dream. Miroku hasn't womanized in three full days!” said Sango happily.
Rena grinned as Sango got a serious look. “You know that when the bell rings tonight, the partners go to a secluded place to take each others masks off. Male first, female second.” She finished looking at her.
She smiled, nodding and replied. “Well, shall we?” Sango smiled and stood as Rena did the same. They walked out of the hut arm in arm wearing their masks.
She smiled as she felt a familiar arm go around her waist. He took her over to Miroku and started to twirl her along with the other partners.
The evening passed and Rena blushed as the bell finally ranged. “I thought it would never ring . . . I wonder what's going to happen when I tell him. If I can tell him.” She thought blushing slightly.
Inu yasha led her to the Goshiboku and faced her grinning. “Time to take off the masks. Although we already know who we are.” said Inu yasha. She blushed but smiled and reached up and removed his mask.
He then removed hers and she watched Inu yasha blush and turn away. She blinked in confusion and asked. “Inu yasha?” He faced her and said in his usual gruff voice.
“Miroku told me what usually happens after the bell rings on the third night. But I don't know if I can do that.” She blushed bright red but summoned up her courage.
“Inu yasha . . . I've wanted to tell you something for awhile now. But I was scared of how you would react.” She paused looking at him. He was staring at her with a caring and hopeful look.
“This is it . . . . Ihave to. I'll never get another chance as perfect as this.” She thought firmly. “Inu yasha, when I promised to stay by your side I meant it because . . . I love you. That is, if you'll have me.” She finished softly.
She couldn't look him in the eye and stared at the ground instead blushing. A hand gently lifted her chin and she found herself staring at a pair of bright golden eyes.
“Rena . . . I love you too. I want you to become my mate.” He said softly. Rena nodded, smiling as Inu yasha leaned into her. She closed her eyes as his lips met hers.
Her arms went around his neck pulling him closer as his hands trailed down her body. He pulled back enough for a breath before kissing her again, exploring her mouth.
She moaned as she felt her kimono loosen and slip a little. She untied the knot to his outer robe, opening it. He pulled back and kissed his way along her jaw to her neck where he started to nip and suck causing her to moan and shift exposing her neck more to him.
She pushed his kimono off and ran her hands down his chest causing him to groan. He pulled her to the ground laying her on his kimono, taking the rest of her clothes off then taking his off.
She watched his eyes trail up and down her body and couldn't stop herself from blushing. Her hair was undone and it fanned out beneath her. He then looked into her eyes unsure and asked.
“Are you sure about this?” Rena gave a soft smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him softly then whispered against his mouth. “Yes” He kissed her again as he cupped one of her breasts kneading it.
She gave a gasp and moan against his mouth. He pulled back and nipped his way along her collarbone making his way down. He continued to nip as she arched her back against him as he found her other breast and took the tip into his mouth sucking on it.
She moaned his name as he sucked harder. She buried her hands in his hair as her breath came out in pants. He left that breast licking a trail to the other causing her to shiver as he switched.
When he was done he pulled up and looked at her face. His eyes were soft as he kissed her and she felt his other hand trail down her and started stroking her special place. He then started thrusting his fingers in her causing her to cry out against his mouth.
He pulled back and followed his hand planting a trail of kisses as he went. He kissed along her thigh and leg then up the other one, avoiding the place she wanted him to be.
She was panting heavily now as her body was flooded with pleasure. She was so hot she thought she would melt any minute. He then started stroking her with his tongue finding her special button, paying extra attention to it.
He pulled back and pulled his hand out of her, licking her essence from them. Rena was flushed and panting, her chest heaving up and down. She watched him smile at her then placed his fingers at her mouth.
She gladly took them into her mouth and started sucking on them. Then Inu yasha gave a low growl. He redrew his fingers and disappeared between her legs again.
He rubbed her button as he thrust his tongue in her causing her to moan his name. He went faster as he sensed her appending climax and she climaxed screaming his name.
He happily drank her essence as she gasped, going up her body and kissing her. She tasted herself on him and then moaned. He shivered and gave a groan. She felt his shaft touch her entrance and wrapped her legs around his waist.
He pushed in until he encountered a barrier. He pulled back and looked into her eyes then buried his head in her neck thrusting fast. Rena felt pain and shut her eyes tightly only letting a whimper escape.
He licked her neck in apology and stayed still. When the pain stopped she grounded her hips against his and he gave a loud groan. He pulled back and thrust forward causing her to moan his name.
He set a rhythm and she followed. He started going faster and she arched her back. Now he was pounding in her, with her gasping as she felt herself start to climax.
Then it hit her. She screamed his name and felt him pierce her neck. He gave a couple more thrusts before climaxing and howling what sounded like her name.
Inu yasha then collapsed on her panting. When he had regained some of his strength he rolled them over on their sides. He licked the mark on her neck gently, that mark made her his.
Rena snuggled against him as his arms tightened around her. He then whispered against her neck. “I finally found you, my soul mate.”
She smiled contently. “Me too . . . Inu yasha. I love you my Mate.”She finished softly and felt him smile softly against her neck. “This is part of my happy ending. Along as Inu yasha's with me . . . . . I'llbe fine.” She thought happily.
Sakura: Well? That was my first lemon. How was it? Bad? Good? Please read and review. I appreciate the reviews greatly!! Thanks for reading!
~Lady Sakura