InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Tears ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and company. In fact I don't own a lot. So there.
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Sango and Kagome had arrived at the springs in a small amount of time. Both undressed and stepped into the warm spring, enjoying the feel of the hot water on their sore muscles from the long travels. Kagome settled herself against a rock, looking around the spring. Sango seeing that her friend was holding something in decided to ease the tension.
“So Kagome, mind telling me what happened with you?” she asked smirking at seeing her friend blush at the question, her shoulders relaxing. “What do you mean?” she replied faking innocence as she suddenly found a twig floating by in the water interesting. “Kagome. Don't lie to me.” Sango looked her straight in the eyes. “Okay. Well, we sort of…um. W…w…we” “Oh congratulations!” Sango cut her off not able to contain her excitement. “Well now if we could only get a certain monk to try and get rid of his lecherous ways.” Kagome said looking at her nails casually. “Yea…what I mean no. I don't even like him!” “Uh Huh, what ever you say Sang.” Soon enough they dropped the subject and continued talking about nothing in particular not knowing of the danger that lay in the trees around the spring.
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`Why did she have to come?' Inuyasha asked himself as he leaped through the forest at a high speed. He was glad Sango and Kagome had gone to the springs, then he wouldn't have to worry about them-more precise Kagome-getting hurt. Kikyo had decided to show her clay face. He had smelt her. He knew it was on purpose. She was calling him and he would answer, but only to settle the ordeal.
He arrived in a small clearing. The grass, it seemed, had died and turned an unflattering shade of brown. He looked around and saw Kikyo leaning against a tree looking at him with emotionless, hateful eyes. He walked forward stopping a good yard and a half away from her. “I see you have come to my calls. Is there something you need to tell me about the other night Inuyasha? Do you not remember the debt you are in to me?” she said looking him in the eye. He knew what she was talking about. She was referring to last night by the river. “Why! Why would you take that ugly reincarnation of mine as your mate instead of me! You promised to come to Hell with me!” Kikyo said in a menacing tone.
Inuyasha stood his ground as she walked forward a step. “Kikyo you know as well as I do that I didn't promise to go to Hell with you. I said I would avenge your death and I am keeping that promise but if you continue to harm my friends and my mate then I will have no choice but to rid of you. Choose Kikyo.” Kikyo was in shock. Inuyasha had never been so serious. His face showed determination and loyalty. But unfortunately that loyalty wasn't with her, it was to that girl. The girl who stole her Inuyasha! “Well Inuyasha, haven't you become the loyal puppy. If you were so desperate to protect that girl, you should not have left her alone.” Kikyo said, smirking at the shocked, angry and worried hanyou before her. That's when he noticed it. A glow coming up behind the smug looking Kikyo. His mouth dropped open, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. He could almost here the blood pounding in his ears. The glow came out from behind Kikyo to show…
A/N-okay I know its short but I am babysitting but this popped into my head and I couldn't help but need to type something. Well I know it's not the best and short but it's the best I can do right now but I promise that the next chapter will be longer. Personally I didn't like this chapter but let me know what you think. Is it obvious? The chapter direction? Well pleeeeease R&R!