InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight through the Broken Ice ❯ The Shikon Trap ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: no matter how much I wish to own Sesshoumaru, it is just not possible. I don't own any of them… (sigh)
As he watches them he felt himself drawn to her movements. He could feel something more to her. It is after all quite apparent that she is different from the humans in this area or in any other land he could think of. Everything about her speaks that she is somehow out of place from her surroundings. That was as much he could say. And it was proving to be a much deeper problem for him to uncover along with the rest of the questions already forming in his head.
If only he knew this ordeal would bring him the most hellish headache of the century…
Chapter 1
The Shikon Trap
Kagome suddenly felt that tingling sensation at the back of her neck. She turns around and tries to sense any evil auras surrounding her and Shippou while their playing in the water.
'Someone's watching us'. Kagome thought as she tried to focus her power.
"Who's there? Come out where I can see you!" she shouted but there was no reply. Thinking that it might be Miroku or Inuyasha, she shouted her threats for Miroku and tried to "sit" Inuyasha, but then again, there was only silence and her expected loud "thud" never came. She felt the sensation vanish and shrugged, thinking that it must have only been an animal; after all they are surrounded by forest.
"What's the problem, Kagome? Is there anything wrong?" Shippou asked a little concerned from what she's been doing.
"Oh, sorry Shippou-chan, everything is fine. I guess we have to go back now or Inuyasha will be very furious. Anyway it's getting late as it is, so we better hurry." She said smiling at the little kitsune.
After drying up and changing into their clothes . . . she's now wearing pants and t-shirt and has put on a sweater since she felt cold after the bath and wind is rather chilly. . . . Shippou jumped over Kagome's shoulder as they started to go back to the village.
Sesshomaru, on the other hand, increased the use of his power to hide his presence from Kagome after she somehow sensed him near them. 'Her power is developing on its own every day. She could easily sense me now, unlike before. I really should be careful around her.' He thought while he dashed through the forest and into the clearing where his two- headed beast is.
He saw Rin sleeping on the back of the creature. He signaled to Jaken that they would be going home, back to his domain to let Rin rest for the day. Jaken obediently bowed and followed his master's silent order as Sesshomaru conjure up his youkai, forming a thick red miasma under his feet, a rare ability that only few powerful taiyoukai possess, and carried him up in the sky as he fly towards the west.
Kagome felt Shippou tense on her shoulder while they were walking towards the village.
"Shippou-chan, are you alright?" she asked a little worried to the kitsune.
"Ah, Kagome, Can I ask you something?" he asked nervously.
"Yes, of course, what is it?"
"Uhmmm.  . . Can you be my mom? I mean, if it's okay with you. . . . I really miss my mom a lot." He said flushed red in his cheeks while fidgeting with his little fingers.
"Oh, Shippo-chan, is that all you're worried about? That I might not accept you? Shippou-chan, of course, I can be your mom, I'll be so happy." She said happily and gave the little kitsune a warm hug.
Kagome then froze in her position. She sensed a shikon fragment near them, but she felt weird about it. It doesn't seem the same like those that were on the demons that they have terminated so far. Somehow this one is. . . . different. It seems like the shard is pure from any corruption.
Shippou stared at her, worried.
"Shippou-chan, there's a shikon shard nearby. You may go back to the village now while I go look for it. It's just somewhere in the forest, and don't tell anyone, not even Inuyasha. You know how much he calls me weak, being unable to do almost everything on my own and all. Please, trust me on this one, I can do this. I don't feel any evil auras around the shard. . . . I think it's not corrupted which means there's no youkai using it now."
"But . . . .”
"No more buts. . . . And I don't want you to come with me either. Someone must tell them I'm fine, or they will be worried. Tell them. .. . I'm still enjoying my bath and I will be there as soon as possible, okay?"
Shippou don't want to agree on her plan knowing it is too risky. He was about to protest again when Kagome stops him. . . .
"Shippou, you asked me to be your mom and now as your mom I want you to obey me. . . .Don't worry I'll be safe, okay? Go on now. . . ."
Now that did the trick to the kitsune. Kagome put him down and shoved him gently towards the village. She looked at the direction where she could sense the shard, and started walking into the forest.
Shippou did what he was told, and he tells the gang that Kagome is still enjoying her bath. Obviously, Inuyasha was furious about this, and the fact that she was bathing all alone didn't help at all.
It's been awhile already and Kagome still isn't back yet. They were all worried, especially Shippou. He was definitely restless; he couldn't stay in one place longer than two seconds. Inuyasha could smell Shippou's fear and concern, and guessed that the kitsune was hiding something from them.
"Hey Shippou, will you stay still for a moment. Tell me the truth, brat. Where is that wench?" He snarled at Shippou, baring his fangs.
Shippou explained to them what happened and why he had to lie to them, including the "okaa-san" thing and the "Inuyasha thinks I'm weak" reason. He was so worried that he didn't even dodge the incoming punch on the head from Inuyasha.
"WHAT? You stupid little brat! You should have told us the truth, baka!" Inuyasha was now more furious than ever, because of his concern for Kagome and anger that she would act so stupidly.
"We have to hurry and look for her now before it gets dark. You may continue torturing Shippou later. . . ." Miroku suggested to Inuyasha who was still holding the kitsune by the tail.
Everyone goes out of Kaede's hut in a hurry. They don't feel at ease at all even after Shippou told them that the shikon was not corrupted, cause the truth is, it only makes it worse. A shikon shard that is left alone free from corruption in the middle of a forest near the village unnerved them. . . . They could feel it in their bones, something is wrong, and they must find it out, very soon. . . .
Kagome was now running and walking around in a circle inside the forest. She seems lost but didn't care for the moment. She was concentrating on the aura of the shard, she was so focused on it that she didn't even notice that she went through a barrier inside the forest.
It was getting late and she must get out of the forest soon with or without the shard. It would be dark soon and she's sure as hell that she will have a hard time going through the forest and back to the village in the dark.
She then felt the vines around her move.
"Oh boy, this is going to be bad. Me, alone in the forest, the nights coming, not to mention the vines are crawling towards me - definitely trouble." She said to herself and started to get away from there as quickly as possible only to be caught by the thorny vines behind her -
"Damn!" Kagome muttered with quiet force and tried to ease free of the thorny vines. It has pierced her sweater and shirt, and she could feel the sharp points digging into the skin below her shoulder-blade. She twisted and squirmed, but it was impossible. The thorns only gouged deeper into her flesh. And it hurt.
The vines seem alive and wrapped her from her ankle, to her waist. Some move like snakes and wrap around her wrists making her unable to move while the last vine encircled her neck and bruising her all over in the process. She was well and truly a prisoner.
The rustle of approaching footsteps brought Kagome's attention with a jerk. She smothered a cry of pain; her reflexive movement had forced the thorns deeper into her flesh.
The stride came nearer and Kagome's heartbeat quickened. Thinking if she should call for help or keep quiet, not knowing what to do best, she struggled. She tried to free herself but the more she struggled, the deeper the thorns worked its way in.
Kagome swallowed hard. There was a moment's silence as she wondered what kind of creature is controlling this part of the woods. Then she saw the bushes rustle and part in front of her.
The woman who stood there was just inches taller than her. She wore a pair of white and red cloths that priestesses wore in those times. She had a beautiful face and fair skin that seemed to glow under the moonlight. Narrowed brown eyes that seemed lifeless and cold observed her and straight raven-black hair, tousled by the breeze, fell across her forehead.
She took another step forward and Kagome saw the long-bodied insect- like monsters with six small claws that collects spirits surrounding her.
"Kikyou!" Kagome blurted breathlessly.
"So, Inuyasha's little miko decided to pay a visit. . ." Kikyou drawled with an evil grin on her face. "I do hope you feel comfortable in my woods. . . ."
'Oh crap! I shouldn't have been stubborn enough to put myself into this kind of trouble.' Kagome thought as she felt shivers on her spine when she looked into those cold eyes that showed nothing but darkness and hatred.
"I've been waiting for you to come. . . you're the only missing piece to make my plan work against that bastard hanyou that you keep stealing from me. . . ." her tone was cold.
She raised her hand as it began to glow purple to command the vines that were trapping Kagome. It started to move tighter around her body making it harder for her to do anything. She couldn't speak as the vines that wrapped her throat grew tighter and threatened to choke the life out of her.
She tried to fight it but she could feel her body starting to go limp, she couldn't breathe and focusing her eyes on Kikyou is even harder for her to do. Everything seems like a blur, she wanted so much to cry out, to shout for help, but she couldn't. Her blood oozed out of her body from all the wounds, cuts and scratches that the vines inflicted on her. She felt helpless as the pain started to numb her whole body, she couldn't think anymore and all she could do was cry as she falls into the depth of unconsciousness.
"KAGOME!" "Now where is that wench!" Inuyasha grunted under his fangs. He jumped from one tree to another and dashed through the forest sniffing her scent, trying to beat the time before the threatening rain poured down and washed away Kagome's scent making it harder for him to detect where she is.
"That bitch! I've told her not to run off alone in the woods. She should have waited for me if she sensed the shikon shards nearby." 'It's been nearly an hour and she isn't back yet. What could have happened to her?'
"Inuyasha! Will you relax for a minute. We know you're also worried about her but will you please stop trashing the whole place. It's hard enough for us to catch up with you on Kirara and your only making it worse with all those branches crashing down on us!" Miroku shouted at Inuyasha while on Kirara trying to dodge the falling huge chunks of the trees that the hanyou slammed into, stripped or crushed with his claws out of frustration while looking for Kagome.
"Feh!" He eyed Miroku and about to say something, probably nasty, when he abruptly stopped, sensing something. He sniffed in the air as he land crouching on the branch of a tree. Miroku, Sango, and Shippo stopped while on Kirara. They all stared at Inuyasha.
"What is it? Can you sense Kagome? Is she alright? Where is she?" Sango asked continuously, concern lurking in her voice and her eyes. Shippou was on her shoulder with a hopeful look. "Inuyasha, do you think she's okay?"
Inuyasha jumped from the tree and landed near the gang. He walked some steps from them and touched an invisible barrier ahead of them. It cringed with power striking his arms. He backed away and focused on sensing and sniffing Kagome's scent.
"She's in here. . . . But I can't sense who put up this barrier." He said clenching his claws on the hilt of Tetsusaiga.
Miroku looked up to his right seeing some white eel-like youkai carrying spirits floating above the trees towards the barrier. "I think I know who. . . . Look!" Miroku said as he points them to the creatures. They all looked and saw how the barrier wobbled like water as the creatures entered the woods.
"Kikyou? No! We have to do something and fast!" Inuyasha blurted out. Miroku and Sango saw him tensed. The thought of Kikyou having Kagome inside her barrier makes them worry more. She's been quiet for a month now and hasn't given them any problems at all and this is certainly unsettling to them.
"We have to find a way in. . . . Damn that girl . . . she shouldn't have wondered alone! Aaaahhh! This makes me sick!" Inuyasha snarled as he fisted his claw looking determined. He knows something's wrong especially now that Kikyou's involved. He could feel it in his spine. They just couldn't stay put, not when the last thing that Kikyou said to him the last time they faced each other could mean losing Kagome - forever.
A month ago while Kagome was in her own time:
Inuyasha felt that same tingling sensation he felt a long time ago. . . . "Kikyou!" He was on the branch of his tree that peaceful evening though a little gloomy since he can't sense Kagome's scent near him. Inuyasha turns around and saw spirit-stealing youkai that Kikyou possesses flying through the forest as if calling for him. Without even a second thought, he dashed through the forest trying to catch up with the creatures and then found himself in a small clearing were his once beloved Kikyou stood under a tree. Some glowing spirits of humans were floating around her as one by one they were absorbed by her "dead body".
"Inuyasha!...” She called him.
Inuyasha comes closer to her as if he was in a trance. He stopped when they were only three steps away from each other. He could clearly see those dark brown eyes that once made him shiver because of their beauty and intensity, and now he could only see what was left of her; hatred, sorrow, pain of betrayal, and loneliness. His heart lurched. This is what Naraku had done with the woman he first loved and trusted. He pulled her close to him to a warm embrace, as if his act alone could drive away all those bad things that happened to them.
"Inuyasha. I came so we could be together now. No one will ever take as apart. Come with me, Inuyasha. . . You promised me, you promised you wouldn't leave me. . . ." She said in her oddly-sweet voice.
She looked into his eyes and kissed him on the lips. Inuyasha just held on to her tighter as their kiss deepened. His mind and heart were in a fierce battle within him at the very moment. His mind telling him it is alright, he did promise her and this will end the guilt he'd been carrying with him; but his heart kept on struggling. He could see clearly from his memory how those blue brilliant eyes looked at him, that sweet laughter and smile and her comforting scent - all these that was contrast to what he was holding now. He then realized. . . 'Kikyou maybe my past but she's already dead 50 years ago, but Kagome, she is my present and I would prefer to spend my life with her.'
He breaks free from her arms and from her kiss. He jumped away from her and then, noticing how close he was to falling into her trap again. The ground where he was standing with her only a moment ago was already being replaced by a dark hole and Kikyou was standing over it. Kikyou's body from her waist down was already in the portal. Upon realizing that she had lost once again, she called for her eel-like youkai. The white creatures surrounded her and carefully lifted her up. But before she flew away from his sight. . . .
"I may have lost now, Inuyasha. But remember this; I will get my revenge one way or another. . . . And I'll make sure that little miko of yours will get my first wrath from hell. . . ." She said harshly as he saw the shadow of hatred covering her eyes, darkening it more than it already is.
Inuyasha was shocked. His eyes wide-open as his jaw dropped. Finding it hard to believe what she just said. It seems like he was paralyzed because of everything that happened, and as soon as her last words slipped into his mind, all his feelings for the dead miko vanished and was replaced by fear… fear for the life of his new found love and hatred… hatred for Kikyou who had lost what was left of her soul to darkness.
The smell of the incense somewhere near her wakes her up. She tried to open her eyes only to close them up again because of the pain from the light near her. She tried again slowly this time and tried to focus her eyes on the blurring images that surround her. Then she finally sees clearly where she is. It was just a simple hut, much like that of Kaede's, only smaller. She could hear running water outside the hut, not too far from the right.
"Where am I? What am I doing here?" As she tried to move, pain shot through her whole body, and it was hard for her to move. She then remembered what happened to her last night, and felt goose bumps all over.
"Kikyou.  . . She trapped me. Where is she?"
She struggled to at least sit down when she heard someone coming in to the hut, but still failed. Her whole body is aching from limb to limb due to the wounds that she gained from the thorny vines last night. Then Kikyou came into view, standing near the frame of the door. Her face is passive but her eyes still held that glint of hatred, pain and sorrow.
"Kikyou, what do you want from me? What are you planning to do? Can't you just let Inuyasha go on with his life? You've sealed him for 50 years, isn't that enough?" She asked her with her voice slightly shadowed with hatred and fear.
Kikyou stared at her with narrowed eyes. "What I want from you is what was rightfully mine . . . my soul, Kagome! I want my soul back. As for the hanyou, I know that by killing you, I could let him have the pain of losing someone, again. I won't stop until he finally gives it all up and ends his own life."
"No, you can't do that. . . I won't allow it. First, my soul is MINE alone. It isn't yours. Second, I know Inuyasha wouldn't do that. He is stronger than you think; he won't give up, no matter what. . . "
"And what would you do about it? You look pathetic, little miko. I will have what is mine, and there's nothing you could do about it." She grins as she used her power over her eel-like youkai. They wrapped around Kagome and carried her towards Kikyou.
"As I've heard, you have a rather large soul, and thus that threatens what little soul I've got in me to be sucked back by your body. That's why I'll need this to prevent that from happening." She told Kagome as she held in her right hand a piece of the shikon no tama.
"The Shikon shard!" Kagome uttered in surprise.
"It's nice, isn't it? It served its purpose well. I used it to lure you to my trap and after that to strengthen me so I won't lose my soul just like before." Kikyou said with a slight grin on her face.
"But if you use that, it will be corrupted and so are you? That's what happened to the other shards because of the demons that possess them."
"Yes, when used by demons it will be corrupted. . . .But I'm no youkai, in fact, I'm not human anymore. I'm already dead, Kagome. I'm just a ghost in a shell. And if ever the shard became corrupted, I could easily purify it with my miko powers; you do know that, don't you."
Kagome mentally scolded herself. 'Baka, baka, baka . . . of course she can purify it, she is a miko and a very powerful one, too.'
Kagome opened her mouth to speak but her throat suddenly felt dry and she could hardly let out a single cry. She then gradually felt fire burn within her. Her blood was boiling hot, her lungs seemed to shut tight in her, her heart starts to beat furiously then slowly as if in a messed up rhythm, and her head feels like it's in fuzz.
'Oh Kami, what's happening to me?' she thought as she tried to survive and fight the killing pain that came crushing into her. How it hurts her so much. She struggled against Kikyou's power. The pain within her became more unbearable with every second.
Kikyou stared at her with an evil look in her eye. "So, the poison's starting to take effect." She said grinning at her.
She could feel her life draining away from her. Kagome tried to use her powers to counteract the poison that was used against her, but nothing good happened, it only drained her more. Kagome looked at Kikyou, blue eyes gleaming with hatred, pain, fear, and helplessness.
'What have she done to me?'
If there's anything she might have learned from this journey to the feudal era, it would be to fight to the end, to survive and use everything there is to overcome any obstacle, giving up and losing hope is never an option. Kagome tried to clear her mind and think of any possible way for her to fight back, or she'll be dead meat, sooner than expected. She knew she won't last long from her injuries from last night.
Out of desperation to live, she realized something was amidst. Kikyou didn't bother to come near her while she was lying on the old rugged mat inside the hut, but instead Kikyou used her eel-like youkai to carry her towards her near the door. And she could feel Kikyou's power surrounding the hut.
'She put up a barrier around the hut. . . . But why? What for?. . . Why doesn't she come in?. . . Was it because she doesn't want anyone to come inside the hut or maybe . . . it's the other way around. She put up a barrier so I won't get out. No, it can't be that, I can't even stand up on my own; there must be something else. . . ' Kagome tried to think clearly, then she saw some smoke, lightly swaying and curling in the air until it fades near the corner of the hut. The smoke came from a skull that has three horns, one on its forehead and two on top of its head. It has sharp fangs and its color is deep black. Smoke was emitted from the holes where its eyes and nose should be and through the fangs, it was just as big as her head. She could see something burning inside the skull through the hole.
'Could it be the smoke?' She thought as she once again gasped for air and choked because of the smoke that was now gathering around her. The smoke doesn't seem to pass through the barrier.
She tried to speak again desperately. "Kik. . . Kikyou.  . . You . . . bitch! Why don't you . . . just . . . kill me, if you want . . . my . . . god damn . . . soul so much. . . She hissed every word full of anger and pain. Her throat hurts so much and her eyes were burning from the smoke, she wouldn't be able to keep them open for much longer.
Kikyou gave a throaty chuckle. "To die so quickly is to free you from pain . . . and pain is what I want you to experience more. . . . Why would you think I would . . . borrow . . . , that skull from Onigumo's loot inside the cave for, huh, Kagome? That skull can create a very poisonous smoke, yet it kills its victim . . . very slowly . . . into a very painful death. It will make its victim's vital organs stop functioning one by one and their blood would be so hot for their body to contain before it stop flowing and then flows again, only this time, it flows backwards until they die. Can you feel it now Kagome? Don't worry, your death will come . . . soon" she said with an evil grin on her face.
"But before that. . . I have to invite someone in. . . . I believe he wants to see you desperately." With that said, Kikyou raised her hand pointing beyond the forest with narrowed eyes in concentration as she glowed with her power. She smiled as if smelling her triumph around her.
MS: Thanks for all your effort in beta-ing this chapter, CASEDEPUTY! *glomps* ^_^