InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight through the Broken Ice ❯ Poisonous Desire ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: If I own them then I'll be rich…but since I don't…(sigh)…reality bites…
His mouth freed hers and slid along the side of her cheek to her neck. Her hands were suddenly free too, as he shifted again, lifting his hips even as he moved his hands down her body, learning the shape of her. His fingers found and closed over her breasts, cupping the soft globes, teasing the nipples through her thin cotton shirt. Kagome gritted her teeth against the sudden urge just to surrender.
Then his other knee wedged in beside the first, and her legs were spread wide.
"No! Inuyasha!" Sheer instinctive panic triumphed and she lashed out hitting him as hard as she could on his cheek.
"What the hell!" He growled. To her combined surprise and relief, he fell back with a yelp. Kagome suddenly found herself free. She scrambled away from him as she stared in shock at her hands. She was glowing in a pinkish light all over her body but it was more concentrated in the hand that she used to hit Inuyasha.
'So that's why I was actually able to hurt him. . . .'
"Damn it, wench, what did you hit me for?" He actually sounded angry. If it were ever possible, her jaw could have fallen to the ground as she gaped at his question and not to mention she was shaking terribly.
"WHAT DID I HIT YOU FOR? Are you serious? As in, you don't know?" She was truly shocked. 'Maybe he truly had no idea and perhaps he was only now beginning to properly awake. Well, if he doesn't know what happened, I will certainly not remind him of it, it is humiliating and I could never look him in the face.'
Inuyasha was still puzzled and could still feel the pain on his cheek. 'Damn! How could she hit me that hard?' Then he finally noticed that he wasn't wearing his red haori and not even his hakama, only his small piece of cloth and a blanket is covering him from the waist down as he sat on his sleeping bag. He looked at her and sniffed their surroundings. His eyes widening as realization hit him. He could smell her scent on him and his on her, not to mention the distinctive scent of heat and desire that still clings in the air. He turned red as he looked up to see Kagome who's as red as he is now.
"Fuck! Kagome. . . I'm sorry. . . . What. . . . I. . . . I didn't. . . . I wasn't. . . . How. . . . I couldn't have. . . . His mouth opened but only few unintelligible words spilled out and didn't make any sense.
If the situation could have been different, Kagome reflected at that moment, she would've laughed her head off seeing and hearing Inuyasha stuttered like that.
"Inuyasha, please stop, really, it isn't like you actually done it and you didn't seem to know you were actually doing it, so, I think it's okay." Kagome said trying to relax herself to lessen the heat on her cheeks because of his reaction.
Gulping air and halting his attempts to speak, he did as he was bid, staring at her with wide boggled golden eyes. Kagome blushed further, both of them uncomfortable in the sudden silence as Inuyasha tried to analyze what happened.
"But. . . . Why . . . .? How could I have done that?. . . . And why am I almost naked?. . . ." He swallowed hard, as he looked straight at Kagome. "You. . . . You couldn't have. . . ."
Kagome's cheeks flushed more than before. "You Baka!. . . . I didn't. . . . I. . . . You . . . owwww!" She threw up her hands in exasperation.
"Baka, you were freezing to death and your clothes were covered with snow and definitely soaking wet. . . . I thought you said you didn't need to worry too much about the cold weather. . . . What really happened to you anyway?" she asked.
Inuyasha tried to think back if he could remember what happened before he fell asleep. Then he remembered the sudden blizzard of snow and the sharp cold prick on his neck. He touched his neck to examine it and felt only a sore part. Kagome saw what he was doing and come near him to check it out. But before she could look, she got a glimpse of her rather distorted undies below the blanket and immediately hid them behind her hoping he didn't notice. Then she looked at him and saw a red spot on his neck.
"What's that? It looks like an insect bit you." She said as she poked the spot, a little relieved that he didn't notice what she was hiding from him.
"Hey! Watch it, wench!" he growl at her as he rubbed the sore spot. Then he felt a sting on his left cheek and slapped himself with Myouga, the flea-youkai. "Oi, Myouga, what brings you here?" he asked the splattered youkai on his palm.
"Inuyasha-sama, I came here to warn you about this place, you must leave with Kagome-sama as soon as possible. . . ."
"And why is that?" Inuyasha snarled.
"This part of the mountain is the domain of the yuki onna. They were not as powerful as some youkai but feared none the less by other youkai because of their mischievous powers."
"Yuki onna? And what powers do they have, Myouga-san" Kagome asked, trying to link the situation a moment ago to the youkai in question.
"They were feared, as I have said, because of their powerful poison that could affect even the most powerful of demons. They uses their youkai and infuse it with the snow creating a needle-like ice and strike it at their enemy or most likely, victim. And once their victim is stricken by this, it will be impossible for them to fight back the effect."
"What effect?" Inuyasha asked trying to calm himself as impatience slipped through his veins.
"Inuyasha-sama, their poison is the most powerful aphrodisiac there is and their victim will definitely die within an hour if he or she was not able to satisfy their needs."
"Ap. . . . Aphrodisiac? Hell!. . . . So that's why I. . . ." He trailed off and looked at Kagome who was also as stunned as he is. Then they abruptly turn away from each other as they flushed even deeper after realizing just how close it was for them to have done it. . . .
Myouga, who was at the moment puzzled at the way the two were acting, finally realized that Inuyasha was still barely naked, his eyes widening and looked straight into their eyes.
"Inuyasha-sama. . . . You and Kagome-sama have. . . . Then he trailed off as he captured the scent in the air. Oh, you still haven't. . . . But then how are you still alive?"
"Feh, I don't know either, baka! Maybe their poison isn't that strong after all."
"Hmmm. . . . I don't think so. . . . Wait!. . . Kagome-sama, you didn't happen to touch and fight Inuyasha-sama while he was being controlled by the poison, did you?"
"Eh? - I . . . I did, why?" she asked but she still couldn't figure out what the old youkai was trying to say.
"When you touched him, did your reiki as a miko show? Did you somehow glow in the process?"
"Yes, I think I did. . . She answered one eye-brow arched slightly.
"I see, so that is why you are still alive. Kagome-sama unconsciously purified the poison from your body when she used her reiki when she touched you. . . ."
Inuyasha and Kagome looked at each other "Ooohhh. . . Okay!"
"Well, ah. . . . Thanks. . . . I guess. . . ." Inuyasha said to Kagome as he started putting on his haori. He was facing her back at the moment. 'What's with her smell now, it seems stronger than her usual scent. It's like she's actually near me or even naked. . . .'
"Oh?. . . . It's okay . . . don't mention it. . . She was surprised. `He is actually being nice to me and said thanks without being so grumpy.'
"Okay, I'm ready. We better go back to the village. . . . I'm sure everyone's waiting for us now. . . . We better hurry, climb on." He instructed. 'What am I thinking, is it a side effect of that stupid poison, I could smell her really close, damn.'
"Hai. . .”`Oh damn! I forgot, I've got to change my undies, I can't ride on him butt-naked, there's no way I'm going to do that.' "Oh, wait, Inuyasha, give me a minute, I forgot to do something, just wait there and please, stay there, I'll be back. . . ." she said as she swooped down to her backpack and trotted to the covered side of the hut.
After some minutes, "okay, let's go!" she said, smiling sheepishly as she climb aboard like she normally did behind Inuyasha, with her legs around his waist and her hands clinging to his shoulders, head resting on his back. He then began a steady trot.
"Inuyasha-sama, wait for me!. . . ." Myouga shouted as he desperately tried to catch up with his master going to the village.
They didn't notice the pair of insect-like eyes that were watching them the whole time. Once they were gone the Saimyoushou that was hiding behind the bushes flew away towards its master's castle, to report the events that happened.
MINNA-SAN!!! Please give thanks to CASEDEPUTY for her wonderful effort in beta-ing all the chapters of Moonlight through the Broken Ice…(bow low in respect) Thanks Sam-chan!!! ^_^
Sesshou: To the readers, MS-chan is still out of commission at this moment (looks at the corner where MS is happily sleeping and dreaming away, using his tail as pillow and comforter.)
Moonlight Scion: zzzzzzz (snuggling on Sess-chan's tail as she sleeps, threatening him with her claw just in case he moves away from her. *snuggle* *snuggle* )
Sesshou: (sigh) as I was saying. . . she don't own any of us here not, she made her own PERversion for a bed scenario challenge before and used it on her story now (sorry for that, please don't sue this stupid creature wench!) The plot maybe identical (she can't help it, since it will be weird to use the yuki onna somewhere hot) but the story itself won't be and the similarities (if any) are not intentional. . . So let's go on with the story that this stupid moonlight creature wench manage to produce (with my little alteration to get even with my bastard half-brother, of course.)
MS: (rubbed her eyes and gave a small yawn, then stand up beside Sess-chan, still hugging his ever fluffy tail) Hmmm. . . are you finished, yet?
Sesshou: Shut-up and read, wench! (stared at her then continued on with the story) Now that's much better. . . .
Moonlight Scion was just standing there beside him. . . . staring on the screen wide-eyed, jaw slightly dropped, and shocked of what Sesshoumaru did. Then all of a sudden, the door was forcefully opened (again!) and a really furious white-haired hanyou in red haori came in.
Inu-chan: Who did that to my story? It was running wonderfully and then. . . . (he trailed off, looked at Sess-chan who was still in front of my computer, grinning at him!) You? You bastard! I should have known. . . . (then he looks at MS!) and you bitch helped him, don't you?
He gave MS and his brother death glare then without any other word, he jumped towards Sess-chan and they started ruining the room.
They stopped when they felt a prick on their neck and heard MS lock the door. Then they nervously looked at her and saw what she was holding (instant yuki onna ice needles, just add water) and then looked at each other. (sweat drop!)
MS: I knew this will be very useful (smiled evilly). Hmmm. . . . Let's see. What should I do when I'm alone with a hanyou and a full-youkai with god-like sizzling hot body and definitely handsome faces? (not to mention they look enticingly delicious!)
Then she smiled at them and gives them a sly look. . . . .
MS: Ggrrrrrr. . . . . this is gonna be fun. . . . . . (Ohhhh. . . . . naughty me!) ^_-