InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight through the Broken Ice ❯ Aftermath ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hikari: (Peeping through a hole in the wall of MS's room, courtesy of the inu-brothers) Oh my! What a view!
Kagome: Hey what are you doing out here. I thought you wan- eeep!(she was cut off when Kimiko pulled her down)
Hikari: (whispers) Sssshhhh. . . be quiet, they're doing something interesting in there.
Kagome: (whispers) Really?. . . wait a minute. . . "they're?" who's with MS-chan? And what are they doing?
Hikari: Here, see for yourself. (grins sheepishly)
Kagome: (look in to the hole then her eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped down to the floor) I-Inuyasha?. . . Se-sesshoumaru?. . .M-MS-chan? I think I'm gonna faint. (put her hand on her forehead and closed her eyes, then realized something and became frantic) Wait! Inuyasha is in there with MS-chan? (Okay, this is one pissed-off Kagome, as in all red with nerve popping out from her clenched fist and temple and some smoke coming out from her nose and ears.)
Hikari: (sweat dropped) Anou. . . Kagome-chan. . . are you okay?
Kagome: (slammed the door open, wind rushed in billowing her hair. She looks like she was possessed or something) INUYASHA! I'M GONNA S-I-T YOU TO HELL FOR THIS!
Three pairs of eyes stared at her in shock.
Hikari: Oh well, I guess I have to do it. MS-chan doesn't own anyone in this fanfic, except maybe me, though I don't want to admit it. (sigh) Anyway, I'm not in this chapter so I'll stop mumbling now and you go on with the story. . .
* * *
After some minutes, "okay, let's go!" she said, smiling sheepishly as she climb aboard like she normally did behind Inuyasha, with her legs around his waist and her hands clinging to his shoulders, head resting to his back. He then began a steady trot.
"Inuyasha-sama, wait for me!. . . ." Myouga shouted as he desperately tried to catch up with his master to the village.
They didn't notice the pair of insect-like eyes that were watching them all those times. Once they were gone the Saimyoushou that was hiding behind the bushes fly away towards its master's castle, to report the events that happened.
* * *
"So, there will be a slight change in the plan, huh. That miko is a nuisance, just as expected. Inuyasha. . . we will see each other again . . . soon . . . very soon." The man with long wavy black hair said after the insect-like youkai vanished from behind the blinds of his chamber.
He would have looked like someone approachable because of his nice features, except for his eyes. Those eyes that show death, seen death, and cause death to anyone he chooses and he would have been handsome if not for the evil aura that surrounds him.
Naraku smiles evilly after his saimyoushou left. "If my knowledge of the yuki onna's power is correct, the hanyou would feel its side-effect at this very moment. Though I do regret that the miko managed to purify the poison, it could have been entertaining to know how they've passed the first effect; I don't think there's something they could do about what follows next." He said to himself before giving his sickening laughter.
"Kukukukuku. . . this would be very interesting indeed. This would be the right to time to tie some loose ends." He said as his eyes glints in the darkness.
* * *
"WHAAAT?" Inuyasha barked at the top of his demon lungs which happens to be exhausted at that time because of his effort to dash through the forest down to where Kaede's village is located.
"Why didn't you tell us that the poison has another effect on its victim?" He asked furiously, squeezing the plea-youkai between his thumb and index finger.
"Kyaaaaaaaaa! Inuyasha-sama!. . . Forgive my foolishness. It just slips my mind. Please have mercy on this humble servant of yours." Myouga pleads for his life while Inuyasha kept on torturing him.
"Feh! Tell me! What is that damn poison gonna do to me." He asked as he stopped squeezing Myouga, but still keep him between his claws.
Kagome is just staring at the two. She's now sitting near Inuyasha while they eat near the fire that they set up. Their now half-way down the mountains and safe enough from the yuki onna's territory but still about a whole day travel to reach the village. She's worried about Inuyasha's condition when she felt how tired he is all of a sudden then her eyes grew wide in shock when she noticed something about Inuyasha.
"I-Inuyasha. . . your hair. . !" She said as she points his hair.
Inuyasha was so busy asking the plea-youkai that he didn't noticed the changes in his body. He tried to look at a lock of his hair and saw what she means. "I-It's black? But it isn't my time for this, yet!" He said shocked and enraged of the sudden changes. He looked at Kagome and saw her eyes grew much wider than before as she scrambled in front of him to look at his eyes closer.
"Inuyasha, your eyes. . . their violet." She said confused and worried of Inuyasha's condition. Kagome handed him her compact (mirror) so he could see it for himself.
Inuyasha glared daggers to Myouga and squeezed him hard. "Oi, Myouga, tell me what's happening to me? Why am I changing?" He snarled at the old youkai.
"Well. . . Inuyasha-sama, it is the side-effect of the poison." He said trying to free himself out of Inuyasha's tight grip.
"You mean I'm turning into a human?" He growled.
"Of course not, Inuyasha-sama. . . well, at least not completely. You see, the poison takes away half of it's victim's power after the first effect. If the victim happens to be a full-blooded youkai, he will be a hanyou. But in your case. . ."
"I will be a half-hanyou. . . Damn! This is bullshit! How long will it take for me to recover from this?"
"Mostly, the victims loose half their powers for few hours or more, but it still depends on the victims' will strength to fight the effect. It might even take longer before the victim could have all its powers back."
Kagome could feel Inuyasha's rage and put her hand on his shoulder as she tried to comfort him. He looked at her as he fisted his claw. She felt him shiver with frustration. He now have raven black hair and violet eyes that made him look like what he is when he is human except for his puppy-ears, claws, and fangs that still remains as proof of him being a youkai.
It took awhile before Inuyasha settle down and stop bashing smaller trees and rocks that surrounds them (MS: He couldn't destroy huge rocks and trees just like before because of his weakened state, thus causing him to enrage more.) now they have lots of firewoods around to last them a month if they choose to stay there for a while.
Kagome prepared their meal and decided to treat Inuyasha his favorite Ramen to lighten his mood. It did the trick but still not enough. Myouga on the other hand helped himself of a few sip of Inuyasha's blood from his cheek before he was squashed flat again.
During their usual, bickering an ominous cloud float over them and covered their surrounding Kagome felt an evil aura going their direction. While Inuyasha, though lost half his power still manage to capture the scent of their enemy.
Then from a distance, a man in baboon-pelt emerges.
"Rin wants to play more, please play with Rin now, Sesshoumaru-sama." Rin pleads to Sesshoumaru, tagging on his vast sleeves while walking on the winding corridors of the western land's shiro.
"Later Rin, I have some important matters to attend to. Go ask Jaken."
"Pleeeaaassseee. . . if Sesshoumaru-sama do not want to play with Rin, then can Rin go and play with Ah-Un in the forest? Rin wants to go outside Sesshoumaru-sama's home." Rin pleaded more, her hands in front in a form like she's praying. Her lips slightly in a pout and her brown eyes looks like she's going to cry any moment now. The famous 'puppy-pout' face, works like a charm.
'No, not that face' He sighed inwardly.
`I really must be getting soft.' "Hn.” “Tell Jaken to have Ah-Un ready.”
Rin's face brighten up, gave his leg a tight hug and a cheerful smile before running off to look for Jaken.
'The Lord of the western land, being bent down by a mere human girl, you really are getting soft.'
'Who are you?'
'Yourself of course, the one youhave ignored since you were a child.'
'Great, I amtalking to myself.'
'Why will younotshow a little of your true self? No oneis around, try to unwinda bit.'
`Silence. . . this Sesshoumarudonot have time for this.'
'Youare just afraid. Youhave always been afraid to let other emotions in, since you saw what happened to your beloved hahaue and your great chichiue, the great Inutaisho.'
'I, Sesshoumaru, am not afraid of anything. . . I have noneed for it.'
'You do, and we both know it.'
"Kukukukuku. . . you're as stupid as ever, hanyou. The yuki onna's poison did a great job, isn't it? I was hoping to give you a very pleasant time with your miko before your death, but I guess you're just too stubborn to play along." Naraku gave them a malicious look and grinned evilly when he saw their reactions.
Kagome and Inuyasha flashed red, but easily recovered. Inuyasha pulled Kagome behind him and transformed Tetsusaiga in his hand when he withdraws it from its sheath.
"So, it was you. I should have known your behind that incident, you bastard Naraku!" Inuyasha growled at him.
"I am, and so what? You did enjoy it, hanyou. Even for just a moment, you've enjoyed the pleasure of it." He said, his eyes gleaming with mischief. Naraku gave an evil cackle when he got the reaction he wanted. The hanyou and the miko turned in a much darker shade of red.
Pure hatred and disgust towards Naraku runs through Inuyasha's veins as he watched him laugh. He then looked at Kagome, and sensed her fear. She looked up at him to give him assuring smile. He smiled back at her in understanding.
Kagome picked up her bow and arrow, willing to do everything she could to help Inuyasha in their current situation. Then she noticed the shikon shards that hang around her neck. It was almost half complete. She touched it for a moment when it suddenly glowed brightly with power. It was reacting on something, as if calling out or being called to.
Inuyasha, in the moment was busy fighting Naraku. He plunged down at Naraku with his sword. But all he saw was his evil eyes gleaming and then nothing. His sword strikes the ground and some parts of the ground was blown away and scattered around. Before he could even react he felt the cold metal of a sword against his back, and he was thrown far and crashed into a tree. He heard Kagome shrieked in terror, crying his name.
"INUYASHA!" Kagome was stricken with terror, she could hardly move. She saw how Naraku suddenly appears behind Inuyasha and slashed him across his back. She aimed her bow and fire an arrow towards Naraku, but before the arrow hits him he was already gone and running in an incredible speed in her direction.
She gasp in horror as he was about to hit her and closed her eyes to wait for the pain. Then she heard a growl and crashing body against a huge rock near her side. Kagome opened her eyes and saw Naraku covered with some shattered rocks while Inuyasha was above him ready to strike his sword.
Inuyasha cut the puppet in two and the dummy with the hair of Naraku vanished into a smoke.
"Feh, you bastard. You don't even give a damn good fight." He said as he put the sword back into the sheath, and walk beside Kagome. She was now holding the shikon no tama near her heart. He saw it glowed within her grasp.
"Oi, Kagome. Are you okay? What's with the shikon shard?" He asked pointing at her hand grasping the jewel.
"I-I don't know. It just kept glowing and . . . " She trailed off and looked around them. "Inuyasha, there's a shikon shard coming towards us. No, wait, I don't think it's just a shikon shard." She closed her eyes and concentrate in spreading her powers to sense where the shard and how many it is. She opened her eyes wide and gasps. "The shard. . . it's like, it's the missing part of the shard with me."
Inuyasha looked at her with one eyebrow arched high. "Duh! It is a part of that shard, since there is only one shikon no tama in the first place, remember?" 'Now I'm speaking like her, dammit' he thought to himself.
"Well, I know, you baka! What I mean is , who ever has that shard, has all the parts we needed to complete the shikon no tama." She said furiously as her face turn red because she felt she made a fool of herself. Then looked over where Naraku's puppet was slashed. "Inuyasha, don't you think it's so easy. . . your victory over Naraku's puppet, I mean."
"Feh, I know that wench. Naraku's the one who's holding the shards that you've sensed. I could smell the stinking bastard way out here."
Kagome tensed. The evil aura surrounding them makes her shiver. She placed herself behind Inuyasha as if shielding herself away from the terrifying and uncomfortable aura.
Inuyasha instinctively posed and scanned the area surrounding them. He then saw Naraku stepped out from the bushes, still wearing his baboon-pelt.
Inuyasha couldn't tell if it was just his puppet or if it is really Naraku in his weakened condition.
"Oi, Kagome, can you sense any shikon shard on him?"
She focused her reiki on the figure in front of them before she answered. "Yes, it's only one, but it's bigger than the usual shard. He must be the real Naraku."
They both looked at the figure when they heard an evil cackle. That same irritating maniacal laughter that sends shivers down their spines and set their blood boiling.
Without second thought, Inuyasha rushes forward and strike his sword hard only to hit the ground leaving a huge crater when Naraku dodge from his attack.
Inuyasha grits his teeth and swing the Tetsusaiga leaving a glowing tail. "Cutting Wind!". His attack shatters part of the baboon-pelt but wasn't enough to inflict serious damage.
Naraku changes his appearance and began shooting his tentacles towards Inuyasha. But Inuyasha saw the clashing of their youki creating a rip in the energy between them and send another powerful attack. “Wind Scar”. Tentacles were stripped and scattered around them by the power of his attack, but more tentacles came slithering to attack him again.
Inuyasha dodges each tentacle as he cut through his way to slice his enemy. But each tentacle regenerates itself quickly. He felt it pierced through his right shoulder and his right leg. Blood oozed out of his body from the wounds as he falls to the ground. He got up quickly and counter-attacked using his claws and blood. "Sankon Tetsusou!"
Blades of blood cuts through the tentacles and into its source. Inuyasha didn't waste the opportunity and attacked Naraku but he was gone before he even has the chance to strike. Then he felt the tentacles crept behind him and wrapped around his body tightly. He struggled to set himself free only to be stabbed once more from his back to his chest, and his blood splatters around him and into the tentacles.
The ground below him has formed a pool of his blood. He felt more of his life energy being drained away from him. His haori and hakama is distorted and his hair was now reddish with blood that flows even down his face leaving him half-blind as it covers his right eye. He is exhausted and nearing the limit of his capacity to withstand the pain before he lose himself to unconsciousness. Only one reason kept him from giving up. . . the girl who's trying everything to free him from the tentacles grip with her arrow. . . "Kagome. . ."
Kagome, despite the fact that she's suffering from great shock and terror of everything she's been through and the sight of Inuyasha, bloody and half-dead, tried to fight back with all her power. She dodged all those shattered rocks and the tentacles that kept on coming in her direction. She could have fainted on the spot when she saw him being stabbed on the chest but instead, she fight back with more determination to save him.
"INUYASHA!" She cried his name as everything around her becomes a blur except for Inuyasha. 'Please, don't die.' She uttered a prayer and summoned all her reiki and put it in her arrow. The wind encircles her, billowing her hair a she glowed in deep pink light, almost purple in its intensity. Her eyes were shinning with tears and power as she shot her arrow straight to Naraku.
Naraku tried to protect himself with his tentacles but once it touches the arrow it dissipates. But before the arrow hit him he manages to strike his tentacles towards Kagome.
Inuyasha saw this and warned her. "KAGOMEEEE. . . WATCH OUT!" He cursed his situation, being so helpless and unable to protect her as he saw the tentacles strike her shoulder. She falls on her back, wide-eyes, shocked, and her blood flowing on the ground.
Naraku laughed evilly at the dreadful sight before he was purified by Kagome's arrow into nothing.
Inuyasha falls to the ground when Naraku vanished. He used the Tetsusaiga to pull himself up and walked half-dragging himself to where Kagome lies.
Kagome looks painfully weak as she lay down there. She has bruises and wounds all over her body and her hair partially covers her face. Her uniform is torn and bloody in different parts particularly her left shoulder where rich red blood continuously oozed out of her body. She lie there unmoving, then she heard Inuyasha calls her name.
"Kagome. . . Kagome. . . wake up." 'Her heartbeat is weak and so is her aura. She must have used most of it on her last shot. But still. . . at least she's alive.' He caressed her cheek softly and gently when she focused her eyes on him. "You baka. Don't put yourself in danger, again." His voice full of concern and his eyes glitters with held-up tears as he smiled on her.
Kagome, though in pain felt comfortable once he touched her cheek. She smiled back at him and was amazed at how openly Inuyasha show's his emotions for her now. Kagome was even surprised when he brushed away her tears, she didn't know she's crying. He checked her wounds and found out that they weren't deep - her power is starting to heal herself.
* * *
Back at Kaede's hut, Sango, Miroku, Shippou and Kirara just arrived to take a rest after their tiring day of gathering information.
Miroku was sitting just outside the door of the hut looking at Sango while she wipes her huge boomerang (hiraikotsu). Shippou and Kirara were taking a nap inside the hut.
"Houshi-sama, do you think their safe? I mean, they should be back now, right?" Sango asked Miroku as she turns around to face him. Kaede was out in the village and taking care of a sick villager.
"I hope so. But still, the fact that Naraku got all the remaining shards is a little unnerving. He will surely attack Kagome-sama sooner or later to complete the shikon no tama. We really must warn them."
They sensed something from the border of the southern land. Miroku stand next to Sango. They can feel a large amount of evil energy in the air.
Sango stared at Miroku and nodded in understanding. They must go after Kagome and Inuyasha, and they must hurry. She turns toward the hut to call for Shippou and Kirara when she felt Miroku groping her.
Miroku has a big lump on the head, sitting way behind Kirara. Sango was sitting on Kirara, in front of Miroku. Shippou stays behind her to warn her if Miroku moves forward to do anything stupid again. They must hurry towards the mountain in the Southern land where Inuyasha and Kagome went the other day for a shard. They were all hoping that everything's okay.
* * *
His injuries, though painful and much worse than what it looks, doesn't stop him from carrying her in his arms, He don't want her to know how bad his condition is, and decided to take her back to Kaede but Kagome stopped him when the shikon glowed once more. They remembered Naraku's shard and turn back from where it falls.
Inuyasha, you can put me down, now. I can walk. My legs wasn't hurt, just some bruises, nothing serious. You're going to bleed yourself to death if you kept on carrying me." She pleaded.
Inuyasha put her down gently knowing she won't stop arguing if he won't do what she asked. Kagome walked towards the large piece of shard that was covered with dark blood, but before she could even touch it somebody with impressive speed rushed to her side and turns her around so she could face Inuyasha.
She saw his eyes grew wide with shock, fear and anger, as she felt a strong clawed hand grip her throat and an arm holds on tight around her waist.
"No. . . It can't be. . . you're already dead!" Inuyasha clenched his jaw and claws. 'Damn you, Naraku! I can't use any of my attacks without hurting Kagome, especially now that Naraku's using her as a human shield. That freakin' bastard!'
"Kukukuku. . . how many times are you going to fall for my tricks, Inuyasha? The one you killed isn't me, it's my latest incarnation. His only purpose is to trick you into believing he was me. I know that your miko here can see the shards so I let him borrow half of what I have so you won't have a doubt that it was me, and it works like a charm." He grinned evilly. He's not wearing his baboon-pelt but rather, an elegant silk kimono, his flowing black hair is billowing in the wind. The miasma surrounding them grew heavy and dark, and then it attacked Inuyasha.
Inuyasha, who's now a half-hanyou is having a hard time dodging the thick miasma. He saw the ground sizzled once it was hit by the ominous black smoke. His injuries are getting worse and couldn't heal any faster because of his lost of power.
Kagome, upon seeing this, concentrated her energy to at least purify her surroundings. Since she was in Naraku's grasp, the miasma that was emitting from his body was instantly purified once it touches her barrier-like reiki. Naraku growled when he felt his arms and body burned from her power but still wouldn't let her go. He used his power to turn his skin into thick scales. Tentacles came out of his body and wrap around Kagome before he took his hands off her. Naraku saw the shikon that he put inside his offspring lying on the ground, still tainted and merge it with the other half of the shard that he keeps with him.
The two halves of the shikon glowed; one hidden within the shirt of Kagome glowing in pinkish color, the other, in the hands of Naraku, glowing ominously dark. The good versus the evil.
"Stop it, you filthy human. This Jaken will not wear those flowers." Jaken shouted behind him while he runs away. Rin was after him carrying a wreath of flowers she gathered around them. They are now in a clearing of the western land near the southern border. Ah-Un, the two-headed dragon-like creature was taking a nap. Sesshoumaru was leaning against a huge tree His eyes were closed and seems to have no care on what's happening around him, though in truth he is a little disturbed of the eerie feeling that surrounds him. 'Great evil is at work at this very moment, I can feel it, but it seems so far from here. Maybe in the Southern land.'
He opened his eyes and looked at the direction where he felt the energy was coming from. It was in the Southern land, just beyond the border, but he knew the lord that hold power over that area. It is one of his most trusted allies. 'Thereis another power that rivals it. A very powerful force. What could it be?' Any power that exists around his territory that could prove to bring disaster to his land is something he most certainly needs to consider to investigate. Then he looked at Jaken and his young ward.
"Jaken, take care of Rin."
But before he moved Rin latched on his legs, again. "Can Rin come with Sesshoumaru-sama?"
"But. . ."
"No 'buts'. . . Jaken." Then he patted Rin's head lightly. But before he leaves he turns to Jaken and glared warningly. The toad like retainer understood as if those eyes clearly say `Don't let any harm fall upon Rin. If anything bad happens, it will cause you your puny life. I don't want any of my possessions be harmed. Understood?', that kind of look.
"Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama."
Then he vanished towards the forest in a white blur.
* * *
Naraku was thrown back by the force that was emitted from Kagome's glowing body. Inuyasha dashed beside her, though he was also amazed of what's happening to her.
Kagome, however, seems like in her own world while all this was happening. Her eyes were blank while the pink glow forms a barrier around her lifting her up, floating a few feet from the ground. The swirling power surrounding her gently billowing her clothes and her hair, giving her an ethereal look.
"Kagome. . . wake up. Donot be afraid."
Kagome opened her eyes and saw herself floating completely naked. Everything around her was nothing but glowing light. The only thing that tells her she's not alone is the soft and warm voice of a woman, eerily familiar, from a long time ago, yet she can't remember who.
"Who are you? Where am I? Am I dead already?"
"Miko, youarenot dead and this is your mind's sanctuary. You often goes here when you were just a child, whenever youaretroubled. And I. . . I am your friend. In due time, I will explain everything to you, along with everybody but for now, you must wake up and help your friend. He needs you. . . donot worry, Iwill help you use your power. Now, wake up."
Kagome was slowly awakened by a voice, calling her name, full of concern for her. She then saw Inuyasha looking up to her. She gave him a reassuring smile and looked at Naraku who just recovered from the impact of her power.
Naraku, on the other hand, also gains much more power than before because of the tainted shikon, calls upon his swarm of youkai. Hundreds of demons came down from the dark miasma that was forming above them.
Inuyasha, though now almost in his limit because of his wounds and blood-loss, prepared to strike.
"Cutting Wind." Severed youkai parts fall around them. More demons attacked and Inuyasha is having a hard time to keep up.
Kagome desperately wanted to help him but without her bow and arrow she seems to be useless. Suddenly her arms move on their own as her hands clasped each other and then parted forming a glowing light in between. It was cut from her hands when it is long enough to be a bow. The light, now resembling a glowing bow floats in front of her and her hands moved to hold it and positioned herself in a firing position. Her right hand touches the glowing string and a glowing arrow was formed as she pulled the string. She aimed it towards the demons that were attacking the now exhausted Inuyasha, and shoot. She heard the voice again in her head.
"Concentrate and split the arrow into a hundred pieces. Do it, now!"
Kagome did as she was told and concentrate hard. The arrow then glow much brighter before it burst with power and was shattered into hundred smaller arrows, each aimed straight to the swarm of youkai. The demons didn't have enough time to react when they were hit by her arrows as they were purified into nothing.
To say that Inuyasha was shocked by her power was an understatement. They both looked at Naraku, but his shock was seen only for a few seconds before he narrowed his eyes and grinned evilly towards them.
"This game has gone far enough; it is now time to end it." Naraku snarled as he grasped the tainted shard and summoned for great power.
Kagome tried to stop him by firing one of her reiki arrow but was only deflected by Naraku's barrier. They could feel the evil energy of huge quantity forming around Naraku. Naraku let out an evil laugh.
"Kukukuku. . . your powers are futile compared to mine, miko. I have half of the shikon, don't you remember?"
'Damn, this isn't good.' Inuyasha thought as he could barely stand next to Kagome whose now only inches high above the ground still glowing with power.
'Yes, I know. We must do something and quick!' Kagome answered in her mind. Then they both looked at each other wide-eyed.
'What the fuck? I could hear your thoughts!'
'Me, too! What's happening here?. . . it must be my power or something, but it's not important right now. We must figure out something before we get pulverized by Naraku's power. My arrows won't reach him because of his barrier and also I need more force for the arrow to break through it.'
'I have a plan.'
Kagome gave him a 'you actually thought of a plan?' look.
'What? I'm not an idiot, I do have a brain, you know!'
'Geeze, I know. I'm just teasing you.' Then she smiled at him. 'I'm sorry for that.'
'Well, okay. Anyway, we must wait for him to release his power. He hasto drop his barrier when he does that,that's our cue. You must fire your arrow seconds after he did that, understand?'
'Hai' Kagome prepared her arrow and aimed it at Naraku while Inuyasha focused to will himself to stand up straight beside her without the use of Tetsusaiga as his crutch.
Naraku aimed his full force towards the two as he released his power in a form of dark light crackling with energy.
Kagome concentrated all her energy on her arrow and shoot it straight to Naraku. Her power surrounding her vanished and she was back on the ground.
"Bakuryuuha!" Inuyasha swung the Tetsusaiga right after Kagome shoot her arrow giving it enough force, pushing it to purify the dark energy that Naraku released and Tetsusaiga's power forced it all back to Naraku.
Naraku saw this coming and knew he won't have enough time to dodge. "I may die, but I'll make sure the miko goes down with me. . ." He used all his remaining power and aimed it straight to the exhausted miko, before he was purified by the huge amount of energy that was forced back at him.
* * *
Sesshoumaru sensed something familiar in the air when he comes near the battlefield.
"The evil energy comes from the bastard hanyou named Naraku, he is fighting with someone. Hmmm. . . my fool of a half-brother and there is someone else. . . the scent of Sakura blossoms, moonflowers and fresh rain. . .Inuyasha's wench? It is her scent but something else is added into it. . . no, it's not just rain, the scent of thunderstorm. . ."
He caught another strong scent that made him hurry more. "Metallic scent of blood. . . lots of blood, her blood."
* * *
Kagome shriek in terror as she saw the dark energy approaching fast towards her. She wanted to dodge but all her strength was zapped out of her in her last arrow. She closed her eyes and waited for her death, but instead she heard something like a metal breaking against a powerful force and then flesh and cracking of bones being torn by the power as the body falls to the wet ground.
She opened her eyes and saw Inuyasha's body lying in front of her, bathed on his own pool of blood. His hair damped with red thick liquid, his haori completely shattered, deep wounds covered his exposed body and arms, even his face. Some parts were bumped and obviously with broken bones. The Tetsusaiga, now back in its battered form was still in his hand, at least half of it, the other half of the blade is a meter away from him. He was a gruesome, heartbreaking sight to behold.
Kagome kneeled beside him, river of tears flowing non-stop on her cheeks. Her throat run dry, her breathing seems to stop as her heart was broken.
She was afraid that if she touched him, he might fall apart. She held his hand tight, it was cold. She kissed it and placed it on her cheek, not minding the blood. As if she wanted to share her warmth to him.
"I-Inu-Inuyasha. . . Please don't leave me. . . I love you. . . I-I don't wanna loose you. . . I can't. . . I can't go on without you. . . p-please. . . Inuyasha. . . live. . . I love you. . . please d-don't die. . ." she murmured in her cracked voice, as she touched his cheek and lightly brushed her hand on his long mane. She saw some strands of it not covered with blood, turned into silvery-white.
'The poison must have wornoff.' She thought.
She saw the now broken Tetsusaiga and reached for the other half. She took the scabbard from Inuyasha's hip and put the two broken pieces of the sword inside and placed it beside Inuyasha's body.
Inuyasha slowly opened his eye, the other one is covered with blood.
Kagome saw golden orb looked at her and tried to wipe her tears so she could see him clearly.
"K-Kagome. . . I'm sorry. . . Don't worry. . . I won't leave you. . . I promise. . . I. . . I love you. . ." he said just above a whisper that she could hardly hear but she still understand each word. He gave her a smile as he shed his tears. Then he took his last breath with a shudder and his body became limp.
Kagome felt as what was left from her already broken heart, shattered in a million pieces. She cried so hard as she hugged his body, calling his name again and again, rocking him slowly with her body.
"Inuyasha, don't leave me. . . I can't go on like this. I'll use my own life energy if I have to, just to make you come back to me. I love you. . ." Her voice hoarse, her eyes could barely see his face from all the tears.
She kissed his forehead and began channeling her life energy towards him, but to her surprise nothing happened. She tried again and again until she was exhausted but still, nothing.
Kagome lay beside him, her head on his lifeless chest, tears still pouring-down, her right hand tightly clutching the Tetsusaiga beside him. She closed her eyes and concentrate on creating an opening to her energy flow. Both their bodies were enveloped by a pink glow of her life force. She knew she could die by doing so if she was drained of her energy but it doesn't' matter to her anymore, at least she could die with him and doing everything to revive him. She was glad that she coaxed Kaede into teaching her the process of channeling despite its danger and thanked her silently, before she fell unconscious.
* **
"Too late. . ." He looks around the clearing. It was a total disaster. Trees were uprooted and shattered rocks were everywhere. Red blood were scattered in every place he look, proof that whoever owns those blood wouldn't accept defeat and would rather fight to the end.
He senses some energy being emitted in the center of the clearing and saw something glowing. He dashed towards it and saw the blood-soaked couple surrounded by a pinkish glow. Both were badly injured and he could have thought they were dead. The only indication of life is the slow and weak heartbeat of the miko, clinging on his younger half-brother's lifeless body. He could still smell the salty scent of her tears, even great pain and sorrow. He felt his heart lurch at the wretched sight of her.
Sesshoumaru kneeled beside her body and since he felt no threat from her glowing barrier, he lightly touched her cheek; it was cold, maybe because of the blood-loss. As the light surrounding her touches his able right arm, a tingling sensation passes right through him and into the stab of his severed left arm. To say that he was surprised, was an understatement, when he saw his left arm was slowly forming, growing from the stab. It doesn't hurt, like what he expects it to be, but instead it was warm.
Once his arm is fully restored right down to the identical stripes in his wrist and the tips of his claws, the light surrounding Kagome and Inuyasha's body disperse. Her heartbeat stopped, indicating her own death.
That light. . .. So, she used her life energy in a futile attempt of reviving my half-brother." He felt his heart cringed but he doesn't give it any other thought. 'Silly human, sacrificing her life for someone like this bastard hanyou.' He thought then stared at his newly restored arm before he stand up and draw the Tensaiga. The sword glows into life as he focused on sensing any tsukai from the other world ready to gather her soul. And just like the last time, they are in an enormous number. He slashed them all as they vanished, then he looks at his brother ready to give him back his life. Though why, he didn't know. Maybe as his payment for his arm. He is, after all, indebted to the miko. But to his surprise, there aren't any tsukai surrounding Inuyasha's body.
"I guess it is too late for him. His body has no soul left. The tsukai must have taken it already to hell."
He looked at Kagome's sleeping form. She already regained her life but still unconscious because of blood-loss and exhaustion.
Sesshoumaru gently took her in his arms and was surprised at how light she is, almost like a child that his fur-like tail alone could carry her whole weight without trouble at all. He noticed that even though she's unconscious, she still held a tight grip on the Tetsusaiga.
"Well, two birds in one stone. Now I do not have to be bothered by the Tetsusaiga's warding. You just made things easier for me, little miko." He smirks and turns around when he sense someone coming in their direction.
"They finally came. At least someone will take care of my brother's body, he still is a lord of the western land, and deserves something better than be left alone to rot in this place." He gave Inuyasha a last parting glance before a crimson colored cloud formed beneath his feet and take them back to the clearing where he left his young ward.
Sesshoumaru felt Kagome shivered because of the chilly air and snuggle closer to his chest seeking for warmth. He wraps his mokomoko around her and was amused when she snuggles into it and smiled.
'She is beautiful for a human, is shenot?'
He frowns at the sudden thought. 'Itis you again.'
'You may not accept it, but she might just gain an access to your frigid heart. No, wait, she already has, thatis why youarein this situation now.'
'Be grateful that this one couldnot kill you, becauseif I could, it would be my great pleasure to tear you from limb to limb.'
'Indeed, and it would only be possibleif you want to commit suicide, a very painful one, too!'
'Go away!'
Once he reached the clearing, he mentally ordered Jaken to take Rin and Ah-Un back to the shiro ahead of him. He doesn't want Rin to see the bloodied sight of Kagome.
* * *
* * *
Moonlight Scion: WAAAHHHHH! I just let Inuyasha die. I-I killed him! WAAAAAHHHHH! *sniff* *sniff* (grab a tissue and blows) *sniff* T_T
Sesshou: Do not cry for the bastard. He is not worth your tears.
Inu-chan: (suddenly appears beside MS. His damp hair covering his face. It was raining outside.)
MS: (runs around the room like crazy) WAAAAAHHHHH! . . . GHOOOOOSST!
Inu-chan: (grabs MS by the tail. A detachable one!) Shut up, bitch. I ain't dead yet, at least not in here, only in your damn fanfic. Feh! You made me look weak, wench.
MS: (still hanging by her tail, crying and shivering like a puppy in her chibi-mode) Can you keep a secret?. . . I see dead people. .err …youkai…hanyou… . (mumbling like crazy)
Sesshou: Now look what you have done, stupid half-breed. (hit Inuyasha on the head, grabs MS from him and carry her outside.)
Inu-chan: Ouch! What was that for? Baka. Oh yeah. The freakin nutcase would really appreciate if all of you review this damn fanfic of her. She might actually get better once you review. (caressed the lump on his head.) Give her credit…it is one of those long chapters, might never happen again. So if you know what's good for you…review!!!
* * *
A/N: Hey minnasan this is a long one, I'd appreciate some reviews… I still need some beta readers…Still got some bad grammar problems… Thanks for the reviews!!!!
Since I really feel good today…heck, my story got over 2000 visits, (though only 1 review from Kagome…but I still appreciate it soooo much…Thank you…(hugs)