InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonrain Fireflies ❯ Wells and Swords Do not Mix ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Part 1: Wells and Swords Do not Mix
I miss Sango and Miroku. T_T I miss the many characters, which have failed to make an appearance in my stories as of late. I miss Shippo. :( I miss THEM ALL!!! WHERE ARE THEY!!!!? They are here. YAY! Alright, whatev, I'm writing now, silence children.
Sango had a dilemma. Use the frying pan to hit the most deserving of a bruise monk or use the frying pan to cook lunch. If she didn't cook lunch, Shippo would complain and Kirara would never be quiet, and everyone would wind up very grumpy as they did yesterday, when Miroku ate everything. Well, not everything. Miroku actually hadn't been very hungry at the time, but the many unmarried maidens that had been surrounding him like a bunch of clucking hens around a worm must have been, for when Miroku had “graciously” offered them the majority of the food it was all gone by the time they were through with it.
Since then Sango had been scowling at the monk more than ever.
“Now, you listen here, monk!” she exclaimed, brandishing her scalding weapon. The sunlight scattered off its ebony surface and sizzled on Shippo's closed eyelids until he opened one. He had been peacefully napping by a tree until the usual quarreling had begun.
“Stop fighting, already,” he mumbled monotonously, as if it were a recording playing any time needed. The command was bland and bored, even though Sango had all their lunch over her head, and a hot pan poised as a threat.
“I'm done with your repulsive behaviors!! And-and--your expensive flirting!! All our food is basically gone because you went and gave it to your friends yesterday!” Sango continued as if Shippo had never spoken.
“Aw, you're still going on about that?” Miroku whined, drooping slightly, “Can you believe she's still mad about that, Shippo?” he asked, turning to look at the kitsune, and pointing back at Sango as if she weren't in hearing range. Not taking kindly to being ignored, and Miroku being quite unshaken, Sango let out a battle cry and swung for the monk's head. She missed, and ran after him screaming. Being a rather sensible monk, Miroku didn't hesitate in running.
“Sango! Can't we talk this over rationally?” Miroku cried, looking behind him, quite alarmed at the black blur perilously near to his head.
SANGO!” Miroku exclaimed, becoming fearful now, as the mad demon exterminator was gaining on him.
“Now, Sango,” Miroku began, stopping abruptly as he found depriving him of the above to be rather extreme.
“HYAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!” Sango screamed as she swung again, this time hitting a tree, causing the handle of the pan to snap off quite cleanly.
“Well now look what you've done,” Miroku sighed, earning himself the most ghastly glare from Sango. He shirked away from her feeling very cold all of a sudden.
“At least that's over with,” Shippo said, walking to the battered remnants of the pan in the grass. Gingerly, he lifted up the pan, which was upside down, withdrew the food from underneath and walked off. Sango and Miroku stared after him, feeling no desire to eat food off the ground, but immediately hearing stomach growls after Shippo had retreated. Following a long silence, Sango began turning very red, and growling very sinisterly.
“This is all your fault, monk!” cried Sango, with an accusing finger Miroku's way.
My fault?” Miroku said with slight surprise. Nothing seemed to bother him very much. This irked Sango beyond most anything.
“You heard me!” she exclaimed, throwing her finger right back his way, “IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOU AND YOUR--YOUR--”
“Questionable women,” Shippo put in, stuffing a pot sticker in his mouth.
“Yes! Questionable women, we'd be well fed!! I've been going insane with hunger ever since yesterday! If Inuyasha were here, he would have kicked your scrawny little--”
“Inuyasha? I highly doubt it,” a voice said, causing Miroku and Sango to turn as its source was behind them. Sango, at the moment, was quite furious once more, as she had been interrupted. At the sight of who their newest visitor was, Miroku looked as if Sango had just threatened him with a pan around ten times the size, and Sango seemed very content to forget her anger at the interruption. They all could hear Shippo's teeth chattering from the tree he lay next to, the poor thing was convulsing and shivering as it was a blizzard that surrounded him rather than the blue skies and warm sunshine that in reality did.
A sudden mysterious wind came, which whistled through glittering silver hair that lapped over its self like a river reflecting sparkling stars. Slashing golden eyes, chrome and cold, heartless, indifferent and very disdainful almost knocked them over where they stood. Accented by blue tinted eye make up they seemed endless and piercing, their very glance made both Miroku and Sango feel as if the sun had gone away entirely. And everyone had forgotten to tell them that the rest of the world had shriveled and died without its life-giving rays. Not one of them could forget the youkai that stood before them. The most cold and perhaps foreboding one, Sesshomaru. “Wh-what do you want?” Sango asked fiercely, unlatching hiraicotsu from her back and swinging it sharply out before her.
“Inuyasha isn't here right now, but if you intend to find him when he is, you'll have to deal with us,” Miroku added, unwinding a portion of the prayer beads from around the cloth which concealed his wind tunnel.
“Now, why would my intentions surrounding Inuyasha be any concern of yours?” Sesshomaru inquired emotionlessly. Miroku's stone blue eyes narrowed in response.
“Inuyasha is our friend. I'd imagine if he died we'd all miss that nagging, crude complaining when it's been too long since the last jewel shard,” Miroku returned.
“I wouldn't,” Shippo put in, despite his fright at Sesshomaru's appearance.
“Humans, what strange creatures,” Sesshomaru remarked distantly, as he studied both Sango and Miroku.
“Alright,” Sango began, taking a step closer to Sesshomaru, “now tell us why you're here,” she said solemnly, looking extremely ready to fight.
“I have seemed to have misplaced my...sword.”
“The healing one?” Miroku guessed, keeping his guarded expression.
“Do youreally think I'd waste my time searching for that ridiculous waste of molecules?” Sesshomaru returned bitingly, “No, Tokijin.”
“Well if you've lost it, how would we know where it is?” Sango asked, almost laughing at the mental image of Sesshomaru tearing apart his house in search of a sword.
“Stupid girl, do really think it has been lost? It's been stolen. And that is why I am here. That pitiless half-breed became weary of me having far more power than he, therefore he took one of my greatest assets of power. Spineless coward he is, it would not shock me at all.” Neither Sango nor Miroku looked very happy at this point; Sango didn't find she liked being called “stupid girl” and Miroku could think of many insults to call Inuyasha but “spineless coward” wasn't one of them.
“I'd like to see what proof you have that it was Inuyasha that stole your precious sword, what makes you assume it was him?” Miroku asked quickly, also taking a step toward the Youkai, and rattling his prayer beads ominously as he did so.
Because,” Sesshomaru spat, “who else would want my sword so badly? Few others know of its power as it was so recently created. Now, do not waste my time with your prattle, I grow quite annoyed with these pointless questions.” With that, Sesshomaru lunged out quite expediently, venomous claws poised, at Sango who blocked with hiraicotsu.
“I'm warning you, Sesshomaru, I'll unleash my wind tunnel on you--and that is a gruesome fate. There is no defeating this weapon, believe me, many have tried. And failed,” Miroku informed him, clenching his fingers tightly around the prayer beads which were extended to their limit with his opposite hand. Sesshomaru straightened and gazed at Miroku silently.
“I see this gets me no where as Inuyasha is not here.”
“You still have no evidence that it was him!” Sano cried, as the demon turned his back to them.
“What proof do I need?” Sesshomaru inquired, “to deem this world a favor by ridding it of that fowl half-breed?” Somehow unfazed by these words, Miroku proceeded to ask Sesshomaru a question, if he was right, then perhaps there was evidence to show that Inuyasha had not been the culprit behind Tokijin's disappearance.
“When was it stolen?” Miroku inquired. Sesshomaru stopped mid-step and only showed Miroku a fraction of a side-glance.
“Last night.”
“Yes! Then it's impossible! Inuyasha couldn't have stolen it!” Miroku said, “he's been in Kagome's time this last week!”
“Kagome's...time?” The words had no meaning to the dog youkai, who now considered killing the both of them, simply because he grew weary of their presence.
“Kagome's from the future,” Sango explained, though feeling there was little use, “the Bone-eater's well is the gateway to it that only Inuyasha and she can pass through.”
Gateway?” Sesshomaru breathed, eyes widening.
“ know--” Sesshomaru seemed deep in thought now.
“Rin, stop this nonsense, relinquish Tokijin.”
The girl giggled, and acted as if Sesshomaru had said nothing. She dashed through the flowers and grass, Sesshomaru following slowly after, Tokijin gripped in her little palm. Jakken stumbled after her squawking quite ineffectively. “Rin! You brazen child, I command you come back to Lord Sesshomaru this instant!” She only giggled once more and saw sunlight pouring into the very dense forest up in the distance. She found herself becoming farther and farther from both Sesshomaru and Jakken, and closer and closer to the forests end. Once she reached it, she heard voices, so she quickly hid behind a nearby tree at the forest's edge.
“We're going back now!” exclaimed a very relentless voice.
“No! Let me go!” Rin could tell one was male, and the other was female.
“I'm sick of watching you read stupid books and write on stupid paper! I'm gettin' restless! I wanna kick some demon ass!” Rin peeked around the side of the tree, curious who said the cuss word, so perhaps she could tell his mother.
“I-don't-CARE!” the other voice returned. “I need to be at home for a while! Maybe youdon't understand but that doesn't mean it's not important!” The minute Rin realized they were fighting, was when she gave up the idea of hiding. She vividly recounted her parents quarreling and almost felt tears wanting to escape. Soon, she found herself marching up to who she realized were two somehow familiar people.
“Stop fighting!” demanded the girl loudly. The both of them did stop talking abruptly and stared down at her, very surprised, and very bewildered. “Many uncomfortable memories of my childhood are from my parents fighting like you, shame!” she chided. After a moment she began to realize what was so familiar about the boy. He reminded her of Sesshomaru. He had silver hair, golden eyes...yet there were many differences, as well. His hair wasn't, delicate, thin, well kempt, and flowing like Sesshomaru's, it was coarse, thick, unruly, and messy. After she studied him a moment she remembered him from somewhere else and after giving it a little thought she was sure she knew him. “Aren't you Lord Sesshomaru's brother?” she inquired.
“Oh!” the dark haired teen beside him gasped, “it's that adorable girl! The one that travels with Sesshomaru!”
“ you dropped on your head at birth or...” Inuyasha said to Rin.
“Who are you, you're really pretty...” Rin said to the older girl, smiling admiringly at her.
“Psssh...” Inuyasha muttered in disagreement. The older girl glared at him.
“I'm Kagome, remember, we've met before...”
“Oh yeah!”
“Alright this is boring, can we go find the others so we can find Naraku already?” Inuyasha asked impatiently.
“You know what, there IS a lot to be done!” Kagome returned angrily, taking of hold of Inuyasha's arm, “a lot of studying,” she put in evilly, swinging Inuyasha toward the well the pushing him in. Rin giggled after she heard him scream a number of cuss words.
“Why did you push him down the well?”
“It's a gateway--to my land--or...something like that,” Kagome laughed nervously, hiking her backpack up as she stepped up toward the Bone-Eater's well. She then jumped in and Rin looked after her very quizzically, wondering what it was Kagome was doing, jumping in after she threw Inuyasha down the well, which was weird enough. She ran up to the thing, very surprised to find it entirely empty. She climbed up on it, dragging the Tokijin with her and balancing perilously on the edge.
“Rin!! What foolishness! What if you were to drop Sesshomaru's precious sword?!” screeched Jakken, whom Rin spied waddling toward her. Suddenly, at the mere mention, Rin found her palms becoming very sweaty...
“Rin?!” came Sesshomaru's voice form the edge of the forest. Rin was so frightened by the tone, her fingers released their grip immediately, and the sword plunged down into the well.
“NO RIN!!!” Jakken screamed. Rin jumped off the edge of the well and attempted to flee the scene, but Jakken grabbed hold of her robe.
“What has happened here?” Sesshomaru inquired suspiciously, “where is Tokijin?” Jakken began laughing rather anxiously.
“You see--my lord--this clumsy, insufferable child has dropped your sword in that well--but it is dry, I heard no splash! She shall retrieve it for you.” There was a pause. “*ahem* Rin get the sword,” Jakken hissed through gritted teeth, Rin jumped and quickly climbed down the inside of the well. After a several moments where the girl still hadn't resurfaced with the sword, Jakken found his ugly green skin to become matted with sweat. “D-do no w-worry m-my lord--she will have your sword--go on ahead.” Without much thought Sesshomaru did just that. Jakken fled over to the well, hyperventilating. “ WHAT- IS -TAKING YOU SO LONG!!!
“It's not here!”
“What do you mean it's not there, I saw you drop it in here with my own eyes!”
“It that girl and Inuyasha did...”
As Sesshomaru seemed thoughtful, Miroku and Sango were conspiring against him. “No, that will never work, I'm thinking we knock him out with hiraicotsu, then question him. I'm sure this is a little more than just a missing sword. Just sucking him up with the wind tunnel would deny us the means of questioning him!” Sango whispered in protest to Miroku's pre-established plan.
“Knocking him out, you make it sound as if it's like picking dandelions!” Miroku hissed in return.
“Are you quite finished?” Sesshomaru intercepted. Both Sango and Miroku flashed him looks of uneasiness. They had forgotten his heightened ability of hearing.
“But you don't have dog ears,” Sango pointed out, “aren't they...elf or something? Like Shippo's.”
“Elf?” The both of them said simultaneously, only Shippo shouted it looking insulted. Sesshomaru laughed a dry, condescending laugh.
“As if I'd need pathetic looking dog ears to hear obvious plotting when it's carried out right in front of me.”
“How are dog ears pathetic?” Sango inquired out of pure curiosity, but winding up sounding contrary and obnoxious.
“They are pathetic, if one is a feeble, meager half breed lacking the means of full demonic transportation and his manner of which attaining dog attributes is silly-little-dog ears,” Sesshomaru said, his voice rising a little, and a snarl in its undertones.
“Oh!” Sango responded, seeming to understand a little, she leaned over and whispered in Miroku's ear, “but don't you think they're cute?” Miroku leaned back.
“Yes, I'd imagine he's jealous.” Sesshomaru bristled.
“This is pointless! If Tokijin has fallen into a portal to another time or dimension, I demand to be brought to this place,” the full dog demon commanded, losing quite a bit of his temper now. The three stared at him, fairly unaccustomed to the ordinarily stoic full demon's now disrupted demeanor.
“I don't know how the sword got there...but I guess it's possible...wait!” Miroku cried looking panicked now.
“What?” Sesshomaru huffed, looking very through with the two.
“Doesn't Tokijin possess weaker beings?” he inquired, his voice squeaking a little. It wasn't long before Sango realized the peril.
“What?!” she cried in alarm. A shrill shriek came from Shippo as he jumped to his feet.
“Isn't Kagome's time filled with way more people than this one?!”
“And there's no way for us to get there...” Miroku said gravely. The three began picturing catastrophic occurrences in their minds with the possibility that Sesshomaru's demon-possessed sword had found its way into Kagome's weakened and unsuspecting era. Tokijin was formed from the fang of the monstrous Naraku incarnate Goshinki. The jaws of Goshinki crushed the original blade of the Tetsusaiga, which had to be repaired using Inuyasha's fang. The craftsman of the Tokijin, a questionable welder, whom made a darker brand of swords than the comedic old Totosai, became possessed by the powerful, vile blade.
“Stop wasting my time with meaningless details,” Sesshomaru snapped slightly, under a cooling manner, “how do I pass through this well as my half brother--and that maiden pass through it, tell me.” The two stared at him for a moment, which was impregnated with a thick silence that soon bore Sesshomaru's low, malicious growl.
“Not sure we'd want you through...but isn't he the only one that can control Tokijin?” Miroku asked Sango, she didn't seem as if this was in her area of expertise.
“I'd imagine if Sesshomaru was able to before--then Inuyasha could. Sesshomaru might be stronger now, but before they were about the same strength.” Upon hearing this, Sesshomaru shook with absolute indignation.
Never compare me to that cowardly half breed!”
“Cowardly? Where do you get that? Really, every time you come up and go, `hey Inuyasha wanna fight, you know, for old times sake?' I've never seen him turn you down once. In fact, you're the one who retreated in more than one of the battles. Remember, the one where he got in the strange state where no matter what you did you were shocked by Tetsusaiga, though Inuyasha was knocked out? Then there was the one Kagome told me about where you transformed and Inuyasha cut off your arm, you ran away that time too. Then what about when Inuyasha used the wind scar on you? Your Tensaiga transported you away. He might have a few screws lose--actually sometimes he can be a complete slobbering idiot I will admit, plus he is probably the least tactful soul this world has ever seen--and the sloppiest eater--but by the gods that half demon is not a coward.” Now this little speech had Sesshomaru perfectly blind with rage and he had every thought in his mind to run up to the suddenly outspoken Miroku, and slash him across the face. The impudence of both he and Sango had slowly been driving the youkai off the edge of his calmness and he had continued to come back to the mental suggestion of killing the two. They had become so, impossibly, intolerably, unquestionably annoying, he began to think nothing would give him any greater pleasure. “Really, I don't know what you have against him, actually--except, you know, sharing stuff with him as kids might be sort scarring...” Miroku said thoughtfully, now beginning to set out a plot for the grave he was surely digging around himself.
“Wouldn't it!” Sango cried, thinking back to when Inuyasha had eaten off her plate just because she had given him slightly less sushi than herself.
“That's it! I'm going to this `Bone-eater's Well' and finding a way to the Future on my own! I need not any bumbling fools to hinder me,” Sesshomaru lashed, turning around, thoughts stewing, as he swept off with that sort of regal air that he has.
“Only Inuyasha and Kagome can go through that well, though, right Miroku?” Sango said blankly. A sigh of relief drifted to the both of them from Shippo and his tree, the small kitsune could finally breathe safely as the distance between Sesshomaru, a great threat to his little life, and himself was fairly great now.
“Well, obviously. I don't know why Buddha would go and do something as foolish as let Sesshomaru pass through that well,” he returned quite loudly and nonchalantly, causing Sesshomaru to quake with anger once more as he came to a halt, “You know,” Miroku whispered to Sango, “I don't think Buddha really likes him very much...” Sesshomaru took one last look at his venomous claws before concluding that the two human forms behind him were so pitifully below him, that tainting his claws with their blood would be far too degrading to bear. It would be like killing insects for pleasure. He had no time to waste, anyway. He needed to get to that well and find his way into the Future in order to retrieve Tokijin. At the current time he didn't know how to accomplish this, but with so much power and intelligence he was sure to soon find a way...