InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More Beautiful Than Words Can Say ❯ More Beautiful Than Words Can Say ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Authors Note: This is a one-shot...or should I say a 100 word drabble to accompany the story Love.

More Beautiful Than Words Can Say

He sat there at one end of the table eating while she sat at the other with their children seated on opposite ends of the table horizontally, and he couldn't help but stare at her as she twirled her fork in the pile of spaghetti that was on her plate. She was obviously very tired from her day at work, being a resident hell being a doctor in general was a very tiring job. Not to mention she was in the early stages of pregnancy with her third child.

Though as she showed early stages of aging around her eyes he still thought that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. The fact that he had once been married before never effected any moments they shared together. Not a day went by where she would sit down and contemplate her life though, and he just didn't want her to start getting depressed now, not after she had come this far. So every night he managed to find a way to let her know he loved her and meant everything in the world to him, without having to say it. Whether it be with some kind of gift, or even making macoroni pictures with the twins. He managed to get a smile out of her before she went to sleep or even before she went to work.

Later they sat on the porch swing after they had layed the twins down to sleep just staring at the stars that they could manage to see in the sky. He would listen to her speak about her day at the hospital and about how much she knew all of this was worth it.

But tonight he felt like he needed to do something more, something more for her, something that just never was said. So he had gone out and bought her something, something he knew she would just love. He made her close her eyes and he pulled it out of his pocket, it was a locket on a chain and he fastened it around her neck and then told her she could open her eyes.

Without any words she opened the locket and read the six little words that were engraved on the inside.

More Beautiful Than Words Can Say

She screeched and threw herself onto him, and he knew then that he was getting some tonight.