InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think ❯ Making More Progress Than You Think ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 1
Making More Progress Than You Think
“Oi, Kagome!” Inuyasha Taisho called when she closed her locker door.
Inuyasha was a seventeen year old hanyou with sliver waist-length hair, cute dog ears on the top of his head and beautiful amber eyes. Every single girl in the school wanted to be his girlfriend. He was the most popular guy. There was one girl - only one - who didn't want him…
The one he wanted. Kagome. Kagome Higurashi.
She was a little younger than him, but already very mature, and very dark. All she wore was black and red. Apparently, she had no friends except one girl, almost as dark as a feather, but who understood her very well. Her name was Sango Haruka.
“Well…lost the formalities, have we, Taisho?” the girl answered, a little annoyed.
“I thought we were past that now…” Inuyasha sighed, leaning on the locker next to hers. “So…how about a movie tonight?” he asked hopefully.
She just looked at him and frowned, “Is it just with me, or do you really suck at flirting?”
He was taken aback. His mouth opened to say something, but no sound came out. Kagome smirked and started to walk away, but Inuyasha caught her wrist and turned her around, “Oh, come on! I do not!” he complained.
“Well, how come you don't get it when I say no?” she accentuated the `o' and shook her head before walking away.
Inuyasha sighed in defeat and felt someone patting his shoulder, “Dude, you gotta stop tryin'! Don't you get it Yash? She don't want cha!”
“Shut up, Houshi!” Inuyasha snapped at his best friend, Miroku Houshi. Miroku was a pretty smart boy, but a little too much of a lecher - if I may add. His hair was tied up in a little pony tail on his neck and was a little longer than the average boy's. “Who's your next victim, huh?” Inuyasha asked.
“Well, my friend,” Miroku started in a very fake wise tone, “I have decided to try and settle with one girl,” he grinned.
Inuyasha erupted in laughter, “You?! With one girl? HA!”
“I'm hurt,” Miroku joked as he pushed his friend to class, “her name's Sango.”
“Haruka? She's Kagome's best friend!” he said happily.
“Yeah?” Miroku asked, walking in Geometry class, “so?”
“We can double!” At Miroku's unconvinced look, he added, “well, since it's gonna be easier for you to get a date with Haruka than me Kagome…”
“So, if I get a date with Sango, you want me to ask her if we can double…what are we, 14?”
Inuyasha just grinned.

Kagome sighed, thinking of a certain hanyou. Why was he so interested in her? She wasn't a people person, he knew that, but he still asked her out. Sure, she found him attractive…but he really wasn't her type of guy
He was a happy person, she was not. Simple, ne?
But still…he never stopped.
“Higurashi!” the teacher yelled.
“Huh?” Kagome asked as she looked up to her furious teacher.
“Will you listen, or do I have to give you detention?!” she asked, infuriated.
“Sorry,” Kagome answered simply, while the teacher shook her head and mumbled something like, “what am I supposed to do…black clothes…stupid little…”
Kagome just ignored he and went back to taking notes again, until a piece of paper came hitting her head.
“Thinking of me?” she read. She didn't even have to look behind her, she knew who had sent it.
“No, Taisho,” she wrote back, “don't flatter yourself, it's repulsing.” She sent the note back and heard Inuyasha huff. When the note came back to her desk, it said:
“Oh, come on! Why won't you go out with me?”
“Because you're not my type!”
“How do you know? You won't go out with me!” he answered. When she didn't reply, another piece of paper came flying to her, “OK, here's a deal: we go out, and if I'm really not your type, I'll stop annoying you.”
“I'll think about it,” she wrote back.
`Well, better than a no!' Inuyasha thought smugly.
“Taisho! Why won't anyone listen in this class!?” the teacher yelled.

She hadn't seen Inuyasha for the rest of the day, and was now walking to her bus stop when he caught up with her.
“Hey,” he whispered to her as he grabbed her waist and pulled her back to his strong chest.
“Hands off, Taisho. Don't push your luck,” she answered.
“Yeah, as a matter of fact, I'm fine, and how are you?” he joked, letting go of her reluctantly.
“Don't you have a car?” she asked, sighing.
“That's why I'm here. Want me to drive you?” he asked. At her `you have to be kidding' look, he rephrased, “well, actually, will you let me drive you home, please?”
She smiled lightly but still answered no.
“Why not?” he pouted.
She didn't answer, just looked at the street where a bus had stopped. “My bus is here,” she said as she walked in, but when the bus drove off, she didn't miss Inuyasha's hurt look and bit her lip, wondering if she should give him a chance, after all.

The next day, when Kagome got out of her bus, she saw two guys leaning on a wall, obviously waiting for her. The first one to get to her was Koga Ookami, a wolf demon. He had long, black hair pulled up in a pony tail and green eyes.
“Hey, Kag!” he said cheerfully as he lifted her school bag off her shoulders and carried it himself - he did that every time he saw her carrying something.
“I have a new one I'd like you to read, please.”
Before Kagome could answer him, Inuyasha had already pulled her to him, “what the hell is this?!” he asked furiously.
“Let go of her, you dirty half-breed!” Koga snarled at him.
Inuyasha winced at the insult but decided it best to ignore the wolf and turned to Kagome, instead, “why are you with him?”
“Because he's a - Wait! I don't have to answer that!” she said as she snatched her hand from his grasp.
“I don't want you with him!” he growled.
There was fire in her eyes when Kagome answered him, “Well, that's too bad, isn't it? You have no control over who I stay with, Taisho! Now, get out of my way!” she snarled.
At first, Inuyasha was tempted to force her to stay with him, and not Koga, but he decided against it - if he did, he could say goodbye to any hope of getting a date with Kagome - and his face took on a hurt expression, instead.
Kagome pulled a smirking Koga behind her while she mumbled about how she'd like to rip Inuyasha's heart out at that particular moment, “so…what were you saying, Koga?”
“I wrote a new song, can you read it and tell me what you think?” he asked hopefully as they walked to Kagome's locker.
“Sure, Koga, how about you give it to me now - I'll tell you what I thought of it at the end of the day,” She smiled.
“Wow, thanks Kag! I'm sure you'll like it, it's the best one so far!” he beamed as he searched for a bunch of scrunched papers in his pocket, “here you go!”
He handed her her bag and walked away after waving.

Kagome sighed. Another heartbroken love song…Koga was pretty good. He almost had her crying. She thought of Inuyasha's look that morning, he had looked terribly hurt. Was it because of what she said…or had it been because of Koga? Everyone knew they were rivals in every way…
The day was almost over and Kagome hadn't spoken to him since morning. When the bell rang, signaling school was over, Kagome got up and walked out class.
“Oi, Kagome!” she heard someone say, and for the first time, she was a little happy to see Inuyasha leaning against her locker in a very masculine way.
She walked over to him and nodded, opening her locker and stuffing her books in her bag before swinging it over her shoulder.
“I…uh…I'm sorry for what happened this morning…”he said.
“It's okay,” she replied, and inwardly smiled at his relieved expression. His whole body relaxed a little and she was tempted to press herself against him and…
Whoa! Where had THAT come from??
She shook her head and looked at him, “So?” she asked, “Is that all?”
He smirked, “May I drive you home?” he asked.
She laughed and shook her head once more before noticing his now tense position. She looked behind her and saw Koga trying to get through the crowd of people to get to her.
“Just a minute,” she said as she turned around, a little too fast. Someone bumped into her and she fell right into Inuyasha's arms. `Strong chest…' she thought, before blushing darkly and pushing herself off of him, “Sorry…” she muttered.
She turned around carefully this time and saw an angry Koga in front of her, “I read the song!” she said happily so he wouldn't go on about Inuyasha touching her, “it was great Koga!” she smiled.
“Yeah?” he asked happily, completely forgetting about Inuyasha for a moment, “You really liked it?”
Inuyasha stared at the two, growling low in his throat. He was just trying to control himself from jumping on Koga and hurting him. His demon instincts were more unstable this year, and his brother said it was because he was coming of age. When Kagome waved to Koga and turned back to him, smiling, all thought left his head as he stared at the girl in front of him.
“You can walk me to the bus stop if you want though...” she said.
“Sure!” he answered as he pressed himself to her to `not get lost in the crowd of people'
^--^ He he…
A/N: Hello cool peeps!! I hope you liked Chapter 1!! It wasn't a total piece of crap compared to my usual first chaps…I'm not good at those…lol
Review please!!!!!!!
Love, IK Obsession