InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think ❯ I Need You More Than You Think ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 8
I Need You More Than You Think
AN: Gomenasai is performed by TATU(again, listening to the song while reading will make the effect better)
It was green.
Dark green.
All she wore was black.
“Why…why is it green?” Kagome asked as her skin paled considerably.
“I just - I thought you'd like the design…” he said desperately.
“Oh…” she answered, her voice breaking slightly.
“Oh…what?” he asked her as he scooted closer to her.
She laughed sadly, “Oh, I knew this was eventually going to happen…”
“This as in what?” he frowned.
“You don't like the way I dress, do you?” she asked sadly, looking away.
He bit his lip and pulled her to him. “Listen to me,” he commanded softly as he lifted her chin up to meet his eyes, “I won't lie to you. I wish you didn't wear this,” he motioned to her closet, “But it doesn't mean I want to change it for myself. I don't care what people think, I just don't want you to be unhappy.” At this she looked down. “Please look at me,” he pleaded as she did the said thing, “Kagome, I don't want you to change. I just wish you'd be happier. These clothes, they reflect the way you feel, and I don't like that.”
When she nodded, he went on, “If you don't like the shirt, I won't make you wear it.”
“No,” she said softly, “No, I want to wear it…”
He smiled warmly. “Really?” he asked.
She nodded and pulled away, taking the shirt and getting up. On her way out, she took a wide leather bracelet, and smiled to him before opening the door.
“You know,” he started smugly, “You could change here, I wouldn't mind…”
She laughed and walked out, heading for the bathroom. She put on the shirt and the wide bracelet to hide her three cuts (she had finally found a way to hide them!) and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She hadn't had a green shirt since her dad had died. That was when her mother had started to act weird. She shook the thoughts away and stared at herself. Trust Inuyasha to buy something skimpy, she thought. It was a tank top, and it showed off a lot. She laughed, noticing it was a little too tight. How could he know her size anyway, if she always wore black?
She slowly opened the door and walked back to her room when Inuyasha was sitting expectantly. When he saw her he smiled. He didn't smirk; he smiled. And then she found herself smiling back. Then she laughed. She laughed heartedly like she hadn't laughed in a while, and he laughed too.
How stupidly happy they looked, just staring at each other and laughing.
They had spent two more hours studying, even though Inuyasha stared at her shirt and how it fit her the whole time.
“I have to go, Kagome,” Inuyasha said sadly.
She stretched her arms and he looked away. “Not used to seeing me this uncovered?” she said, amused at his blush.
“Very funny, bitch,” he growled, getting up and swinging his bag over his shoulder.
They walked down the stair until Inuyasha stopped,
And asked
The wrong question.
“How come your mom's never here?”
Kagome winced and answered him uneasily, “She's a workaholic.”
“Really?” he asked casually, “You don't see her often then?”
“Hum, no…”
“What does she do?” he went on, going down the remainder of the stairs.
Kagome paled, her mind racing to find a good lie. “She, er, she owns a restaurant.” There. That was a good job that took a lot of time.
“Really?” he asked, and she spotted her mistake, “Which one? I'd like to meet her,” he saud sweetly.
She paled even more, if it were possible and bit her lip, “You know that restaurant, er, on…that street?” she asked, trying her best to sound casual.
He nodded, not looking her way until they reached the front door, and he opened it, never looking at her. She knew this was bad. He would usually hold her hand…
“Why are you lying to me, Kagome?” he asked her coldly.
“What?” she paled.
“Why are you lying to me?” he growled.
“I - I'm…not…” she stuttered.
Don't lie to me!” he growled louder.
Tears formed in her eyes and she looked away. Hating himself for making her cry, but too stubborn to apologize, he growled again and walked out, slamming the door behind him.
She closed her eyes at the sound and her hands automatically went to tangle in her hair. She started up the stairs, and that's when her mother chose to walk in.
“Crying, I see,” she laughed. Kagome held her breath and stopped walking. “I guess you learned your lesson - ” she stopped talking when she noticed the green shirt. “What are you wearing?” she asked coldly.
“It's called a tank top,” Kagome spat.
“I know that!” her mother snapped, “But how did you get it?!”
“It was a gift,” she answered boldly.
“From whom?” before Kagome had time to answer, her mother was yelling again, “It was from that boy, wasn't it?!”
“Yes,” she answered, just as boldly as before.
“I thought you were smarted than this, Kagome! I told you not to see him again!”
“Well, I did.”
“Go to your room!”
“I wasn't intending otherwise.”
“Now!” she yelled.
What I thought wasn't mine
In the light
Was one of a kind,
A precious pearl
Kagome just bit back the tears and ran up the stairs. At least her mother wasn't drunk and yelling that she needed to feel pain… She ran in her room and lunged herself on the bed, hugging her pillow fiercely. Her mother was at the door now, yelling things Kagome didn't want to hear, so she squeezed her pillow and buried her face in it so she wouldn't.
When I wanted to cry
I couldn't cause I
Wasn't allowed
Inuyasha would have wanted to help her, wouldn't he? She cried in her pillow, thinking about how she must have hurt him. He thought she didn't trust him for sure. She hugged her pillow tighter.
Gomen nasai for everything
Gomen nasai, I know I let you down
Gomen nasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now
Inuyasha growled as he stared at the phone. He hated being mad at her. He hated not talking to her. He hated making her cry. But what was he to do? She had lied to him, and she didn't trust him enough to tell him why she was so depressed. He growled again, giving in.
He dialed her number, and when he heard her mother answer, he smiled.
“Mrs. Higurashi,” he said sweetly, “May I speak to your daughter please?”
“Who is this?” her mother asked coldly.
“This is,” he frowned, “This is Inuyasha, her - ” the line going dead stopped him.
But not before he heard her scream.
And his blood boiled.
She was screaming.
At his Kagome.
What I thought wasn't all
So innocent
Was a delicate doll
Of porcelain
He growled loudly, getting up, and ran down the stairs. Shesshomaru glanced up at him from the book he was reading in his study (the door was open) and he asked him where he was going, coldly.
“Out!” Inuyasha yelled, running out and slamming the door behind him.

When I wanted to call you
And ask you for help
I stopped myself
Kagome's head snapped up when she heard her mother on the phone. `If that's Inuyasha…' her thoughts were interrupted by banging on her door, and she knew her suspicions were sadly correct.
Gomen nasai for everything
Gomen nasai, I know I let you down
Gomen nasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now
“Kagome! Open this door right now!” Yoko yelled. All Kagome could do was hug her pillow tighter and curl up in a ball in the corner of her bed, which was in the corner of the room, hugging her knees to her body as she cried. It hurt. It hurt that her mother didn't care.
What I thought was a dream
An mirage
Was as real as it seemed
A privilege
“You gave him our number!?” Yoko yelled, still banging on the door. Kagome's sobs were louder and she tried to silence them by biting her lips, but it was no use…

When I wanted to tell you
I made a mistake
I walked away
She shuld have told Inuyasha. She souldn't have lied to himand she knew it. He had wanted to help, and she had turned him down…again. She should have told him, but instead, she chose to go through it alone, and now, she really was alone...
If she was alone, then what was that knocking on her window? She glanced up from her knees to see Inuyasha sitting on the edge of the window, knocking on the glass, a pleading look on his face. She stared at him for a while, before getting up and opening the window.

Gomen nasai, for everything
Gomen nasai, Gomen nasai,
I never needed a friend,
Like I do now
Right when she opened it, he launched himself on her, picking her up so fast she didn't even feel it happening, and then leaped back out. Kagome shrieked when she felt the air slapping her skin. She noticed Inuyasha was holding her bridal style and was hugging her firmly to his body, running.
“I'll never leave you alone with her ever again,” she heard him whisper.
She nodded and gripped his shirt as she allowed herself the weakness to cry in front of him. When he finally stopped running, he gently let her down, but still held her firmly against him, his face in her neck, inhaling her scent.
“Inu…” she sobbed, “Gomen…nasai…”
He shook his head as his grip on her tightened. “Iie. Please, not right now. Don't apologize, baby…”

Gomen nasai, I let you down
Gomen nasai, Gomen nasai,
Gomen nasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now
“I'm sorry I lied to you…” she went on, still sobbing.
“Keh, it's fine, bitch. Just please, will you stop crying? I hate it when you cry…”
She nodded, pushing herself off of him slowly, wiping her tears, to see that they were in a room she didn't know. She looked around and saw red walls, red sheets, red…everything!
“Your room?” she asked, smiling lightly.
“Yeah…” he said, scratching his head sheepishly.
“It's…red,” she smiled again.
He took her hand and led her to his bed, which was meant for two, and she couldn't help the blush that crept on her face. He sat her down and then sat next to her. “You okay, baby?” he asked. When she nodded, he tried again, “Could you…tell me, now, what's happening?”
She nodded, opening her mouth to try and say something, and he gave her hand a squeeze to make her feel better. “Since my father died…” she started, encouraged by another squeeze, “My mother has been acting weird…and drinking, a lot…and sometimes, she doesn't know what she says…she doesn't realize it hurts…I really don't blame her…She's just been so hurt in her life…my father used to cheat on her…and she often says he beat her, but I don't know if it's true…” she bit her lip, “and then he died…he killed himself…he wrote a letter to each of us, explaining…My mother never read my letter. It says he kept money for us in a bank, for college… Us, as in Souta and me…”
Inuyasha pulled her to him. “Never, will I let you go back there. Never…”
She shook her head. “I have to…” she said slowly.
At this, Inuyasha growled. “What?!”
“For Souta…” Kagome went on, “I can't leave him there alone…He needs me…I can't take him away from her until I'm 18…and that's still in 6 months…”
“So you're going to live with this for 6 more months?!” he growled.
“Please understand, baby…I can't leave Souta with her…”
“Take him with you then! You can stay here, with me,” he pleaded.
She cupped his cheek and scooted closer to him. “You know I would, Inu…I would, but I can't. First, if I do, it would be considered kidnapping, until I can have full responsibility of him…and I can't do that…” she looked down, her hand dropping to fist on her knee, “I can't impose myself like that…”
“But I want you to stay with me…” he sighed. “Does your mother act the same way with him?” he asked her.
“No, but if I leave, she will. Inu, please understand…I can't leave him like that. He's the only person I got in the world…” she said, her eyes watering.
“You…You have me,” he said uneasily, “And I'm not about to leave…”
She kissed him softly, nodding. “Gomen - ” she tried to say, but he silenced her with another sweet kiss.
“Kagome…I - ” he tried as he closed his eyes shut…but his door opened.
“Lord Inuyasha,” a squeaky voice started, and Kagome was surprised to see a toad in the doorway, “Lord Sesshomaru would like to see you.”
“Now?” Inuyasha whined.
“Hai,” Jaken answered.
“Fine, then,” he growled. When Jaken didn't move, he yelled, “Get out, you baka! I know the way!”
Kagome eyed him suspiciously as he turned her way, angry like she had never seen him before. He had been about to tell her!
“I'll be right back,” he hissed.
She nodded and just sat there as he walked out. She looked around. Wow, his room was huge…And was that…? Her eyes widened. `No!' she thought, her eyes were playing tricks on her…
But it looked so much like… “Oh, fuck!”
“Inuyasha,” Sesshomaru started coldly, “We have an important matter to discuss…”
“What?” Inuyasha snapped.
“You have to choose a mate, very soon.”
“I already have,” he smiled. And right when his brother was about to ask who it was, they heard a yell; a curse. “Oh, fuck!” Inuyasha recongnized Kagome's voice, and then, she yelled something else…
Something he didn't really want to hear…
“Inuyasha! How could you?!”
*hides from mean reviews* ok, ok, I'm sorry!! BUT, I got the chap reaaally early, AND, it is reaaaally long, so you can forgive me, right?
The kissing issue has been solved!
I declare, by the power vested in me (I really got none, I'm just sayin) that the InuKag kisses will be turned down a notch, only in public places, but in private, will be as erotic as can be.
This court is dismissed.
Ok, sorry, I've just been wantin to do that in forever…lol
I have personal messages here:
Cath (siks.forever): Still can't figure out your penname, sweetie… Thanks for stikin with the story so far, and not pissing me off with that name as often as I thought u would…heh. Thx for all the crappy ideas u gave me, it boosted my confidence in my own ideas. Lol. U kno I love you.
Aust (Inuyasha's brother Nitsua): Thx for bein my beta, and bein so sweet, so I can write kisses thinkin of u (omg, if cath is reading this, I am never gonna hear the end of it…*sighs*) thx for givin me chap title ideas, and thx for bein there for me. I love you baby. (on with the cooing…yea yea)
Ice Princess421: Cuz u sent me so many PMs that my inbox was filled…no seriously, it made me feel better when I was down…Thx for the wonderful ideas, and all the reviews.
Hakomakura: U have to tell me what hakomakura means, u kno…Thx for stickin with me all through the story, and I'm not close to done, but I want you to keep reading the whole time! Thx for the sarcasm in the reviews, I love sarcasm…lol. Ur reviews always make me smile.
Gurl Of The Night: Because I'm pretty sure that you were the one reviewin on mediaminer and u ended up finding me here, lol. Thx for stikin wit me.
Kawaii Inuyasha 14841: Because ur reviews are just too kawaii, lol.
Hopelessly Hopeful: Because ur reviews always cheer me up.
Kouga's Archi: Cuz u always ask the questions I cant answer…lol
Biggest Inuyasha Fan ever : because you've been there the whoooole time, uve reviewed every chap, AND u were the first one to review this story!!
Anime Lady PIMP: Cuz ur so fucking funny!! And u always manage to make me laugh when u review!!
TrinityK: Again, been there the whole time. Tee Hee ^^ thx!!
Ok, I think that's it for the thx, I don't have a lot of other ppl who've stuck wit me forever, lol.
Thx to all my reviewers though, you're the only thing keeping me going! I wouldn't write if it weren't for you. If it were only me, I'd have stopped ages ago!
And after that veeeeeery long An, I say `good night'
*falls asleep on the keyboard*
Love, IK Obsession