InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think ❯ Not What You'd Expect ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 13
Not What You'd Expect
A/N: Yes, yes, I have decided to have simple titles from now on `cause I'm sick of all the “more than you think” everywhere… Rest of AN at the bottom…
To say Inuyasha's heart leaped would be an understatement… And to say his pants were getting a little tight was another.
Until he remembered something, that is.
The ride to Inuyasha's was silent. They were both worred - but about totally different things.
Why am I doing this? Kagome kept asking herself.
Because you love him… a part of her mind kept answering.
But how could Kagome love anyone? She was reserved and depressed and didn't like people that much… She preferred staying alone and listening to her favorite Billy Talent CDs.
Besides, Inuyasha was her first boyfriend. She didn't even know what love was, how could she know if she was in it or not?
Inuyasha was really sweet, even if he only showed that side to her. It was pretty flattering, actually. She turned her head to look at him. He looked so concentrated on the road she wondered if he had forgotten about what they were supposed to do…
Fuckity fuck, fuck! Inuyasha kept thinking.
Idiot! A part of his mind kept answering.
Why had he said that?! Why had he made her think they would have sex? They couldn't! Not that he didn't want to; anyone could see that he did, but he absolutely couldn't!
Sleeping with Kagome meant marking her, and that was not possible…yet.
He hadn't explained anything to her yet, and he didn't even feel ready to tell her he loved her. Kikyo coming back had gotten him thinking. As much as he hated to admit it, he was scared that Kagome would reject him, and throw his feelings back to his face if he told her.
Kagome's not like that… he thought. But what if she was? You can never trust someone you love, that's what he had learned.
Love is blind, and as much as he despised the idea, it was true.
Love is blind, and you can't do anything about it.
Love is blind yet you're still tricked by it.
“Kikyo would never hurt me,” he had always said. “I'm not blinded by love, I just know it.”
He was scared. For one of the only times in his life, Inuyasha was scared shitless. He loved her, he knew he did. He loved her like no one else, but he wasn't at all ready to admit it to her.
Inuyasha was starting to have doubts about everything. What if he wasn't meant to be with her? What if she would never love him?
What if he was meant to get back with Kikyo?
Hold up! Where the fuck did that come from? Inuyasha thought frantically. He didn't love Kikyo anymore. He didn't want to hold her anymore, to kiss her…
Inuyasha's eyes widened, horrified at the thoughts he was having.
Why the fuck can't I just get over you?! He thought desperately, Why can't I stop loving you?! You're absolutely no better than Kagome!
He noticed Kagome staring at him and turned to look at her beautiful blue eyes.
And she smiled at him.
A real, genuine, comforting smile… and Inuyasha knew that for now, just for now, everything was okay. They would go back to his place and make out, fool around and hold each other until the morning.
But now, how was he going to make her understand that he couldn't go further with her?
He stared in Kagome's azure pools and understood something. He might have not been completely sure of what he was going to do or say, but he knew that for now, Kagome would understand; and she would smile at him as if nothing were wrong, kiss him softly like she knew how to, and everything would be alright.
It would all be fine - for now.
Souta walked in his sister's room silently. He was alone and the house seemed empty, as it always did. Kagome… He sat at her desk, staring at the posters on the wall in front of it. There were a few songs, all signed “Koga,” Inuyasha's phone number, a sketch drawing of their father, as Kagome remembered him, artist posters and quotes from a few songs. Souta squinted his eyes to read a few of them. Kagome had just scribbled them on her pink walls - which she hadn't painted since she was seven - with a black permanent marker.
`If I never loved you I wouldn't cry'
`I'm crawlin' on the ground and I found I can't fly'
`We don't always see the bright side; and I lied when I said I was fine'
`Simply a look can break your heart'
`When darkness turns to light, it ends tonight'
`Forever and Always will always be bullshit'
`Nothing to lose'
`I long to be like you…'
`From up here the city lights burn like a thousand miles of fire, and I'm here to sing this anthem of our dying day…'
Souta sighed, recognizing lyrics from songs Kagome listened to. He looked down and saw a bunch of scrunched up papers. He carefully unfolded one and his eyes widened.
`What happened to the girl I used to be?
She disappeared when you left me…
Why have I become so bitter and empty?
It is only because I let you close enough to hurt me.
Do you hate me? Do you love me?
Why did you ever leave me?'
The rest was scribbled on, and he couldn't make out anything.
What the hell was all this about? Was Kagome writing poems? Why were they all about deceived love? She had never been in love, right?
Souta sighed and got up. It wasn't a good idea to look through his sister's stuff. He walked back to his room, laying down on his bed and staring at the ceiling. It was so unfair that Kagome got to take everything from their mother…
Mama… he thought sadly, an unshed tear forming in the corner of his eye. What had happened to her? Why had she become so mean? Why had she started drinking?
He hated himself for not helping Kagome out when she needed him to. He felt horrible for listening to her and their mother screaming at each other and not doing anything… He felt terrible for not comforting her when he heard her sob because he was busy trying to cry himself to sleep.
“Go away! Leave me alone!”
“You don't deserve to be happy, Kagome!” she laughed again, “You deserve to suffer!”
“GO AWAY!” she screamed at the top of her lungs and fell down on her knees, sobbing.
Souta slammed his head in his pillow, slapping his hands on his ears, wishing it would all stop, it would all be okay. Tears rolled down his cheeks as sobs rocked his form. It was so unfair that Kagome had to suffer.
He had cried and sobbed for hours until sleep had finally overtaken him.
Sometimes it seemed that his mother forgot that he existed. She was always so busy screaming at Kagome, or being drunk out of her mind. He was always locked up in his room when she was home - which was less and less often. He was scared that his mother would act with him as she acted with Kagome. But she wasn't always drunk; so how did she act when she was sober? Now that he thought of it, he hadn't seen his mother in more than two weeks. The last time had been when she had come home from the grocery store and threw the plastic bags on the kitchen table.
At least she kept them alive.
Yoko was never home, and it seemed that she didn't care about her children, but she still took care of them - even if it was just a little.
The bills were paid every month, even though Kagome had no idea how she did to pay them, there was always food in the fridge, and when the kids needed something to be signed for school, they would leave it on the kitchen counter and it would be signed a few days later.
It seemed that Yoko did everything possible to avoid her children. Kagome was a lot bolder than Souta, and didn't care about hiding from her mother. She would watch television sprawled on the couch, put on loud music, while Souta would do anything to seem invisible.
They had a computer with high speed internet - also a bill paid every month - and everything a normal family would have, except love…
As much as both Kagome and Souta hated to admit it, they came from a broken home. Their mother had always said that her deceased husband beat her and cheated on her, but she was drunk most of the time so they couldn't tell if it was true.
He had then committed suicide.
Talk about depression. It runs in the family, wouldn't you say?
Since their father's death, Kagome had started to be fascinated with dark colors and gothic clothes, loud rock music and everything else you can think of that's gothic.
Souta had never changed that drastically, but you could tell he was a lot less happy than he had been before.
But he would just have to suck it up until Kagome was eighteen. Just six more months…
“We're here,” Inuyasha stated as he turned to Kagome, smiling. She nodded, a blush creeping up her face. Oh, dear, what was she getting into?
Inuyasha took her hand and led her into the back yard, putting his finger to his lips to silence her when he saw her questioning gaze.
“I don't want the maid to hear us,” he whispered, “my brother is on a business trip, and I'm not sure at what the time the maid is supposed to leave tonight.”
Kagome nodded in understanding as Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up bridal style. She almost yelped, but caught herself. Inuyasha leaped right into his bedroom window, which he left open all the time, just in case.
The hanyou let Kagome down and motioned for her that he would be right back. He silently walked out of his room and looked around the house, which was apparently empty. He smirked to himself as he walked back to his room, where Kagome was sitting silently on the bed, suddenly finding his carpeted floor very interesting.
“We're all alone,” he said seductively watching as she looked up at him; and the blush that she greeted him with was adorable, and so utterly sexy.
Inuyasha closed the door behind him, walking in front of Kagome and grabbing her wrist to pull her up and in his arms. His hand found its way to the back of her neck, and he pushed her face forward, leaning in until he could feel her warm breath on his lips. He placed his mouth over hers, reveling in her sweet taste as he moved his lips over hers softly, trailing one of his hands to the small of her back, slipping it under her shirt and grazing her skin lightly with his claws.
Kagome moaned, leaning into his touch as he tilted her head to deepen the kiss, snaking his tongue in her mouth and coaxing hers to come out and play. Kagome suddenly forgot about her shyness, and kissed him back forcefully, exploring his mouth with her tongue, letting herself melt into him.
Inuyasha gradually got over his surprise and moved his hand higher under her shirt. His calloused hand slid over her warm skin, and he broke the kiss to slowly pull her shirt off. Amber crashed into azure with pure hunger.
Kagome pulled Inuyasha down, letting them fall on his bed. His mouth attacked her neck as she moaned, fumbling with his shirt. Her hands slid over his strong and well toned chest as he undid his belt and somehow managed to pull off his jeans. Kagome was still half dressed, and couldn't get rid of her own pants unless Inuyasha got up.
As if he had read her mind, Inuyasha rolled them over so that she was on top. His hands made quick work of her pants and within seconds they were both making out in their underwear. Kagome sat up, her legs on both sides of Inuyasha's hips, slightly rubbing against his growing hardness.
The hanyou sat up a little as well, wrapping his arms around her to unhook her black bra expertly, sliding the straps from her shoulders, watching them fall on the sheets. She gasped when the cold air connected with her heated skin. Inuyasha groaned and latched onto her breast with his mouth, suckling on it like a babe. The inexperienced girl threw her head back, amazed at the sensations he was giving her.
Soft moans left her rosy lips as she ground against him. Inuyasha stopped his ministrations and Kagome wanted to scream with frustration. She had been close to something, she knew it. What it was, she had no idea, but she was willing to beg her boyfriend to show it to her.
“D-Don't stop…” she stuttered helplessly.
Inuyasha smirked and whispered, “But shouldn't we move on?”
Kagome was left with no reply but to blush madly. The hanyou took her lips in a passionate kiss all the while leaning down and letting her hover over him on her hands and knees. He slid his hands to her lacy black underwear, and she pulled away from the kiss, her breath catching in her throat. Amber took a comforting shade as he looked into her blue eyes lovingly. Kagome closed her eyes, feeling him rid her of her underwear.
Gods, she thought, what have I gotten myself into?
But all thoughts left her mind and her eyes widened as she felt his fingers rubbing against her. She shivered, once again amazed at the feelings he was evoking in her.
Inuyasha stared at her, studying her emotions and reactions. He moved a finger inside of her and watched her mouth open and her eyes close. Soft cried left her mouth as he brought his finger in and out, reveling in the way she writhed and moaned for him.
He knew if he went on he wouldn't be able to stop himself from taking her in his true demon form.
But heck, he thought, why the fuck not? He could control his demon side from emerging completely, right?
:: runs and hides ::
Please don't kill me!! I'm so very sorry about the cliff hanger, and I'm not the type to leave you hanging on a lemon (BTW, since it's the first one in this story, you like? XD) but I just couldn't help it…
I know I had promised to update faster, but you know my life is extremely hectic and when I have time to myself, I'm not really in the mood to write…
Thanks to people who were worried about my love life, LOL.
It's fine now, thank god…
I'm so very sorry about the cliff hanger, and I'm not the type to leave you hanging on a lemon (BTW, since it's the first one in this story, you like? XD) but I just couldn't help it…
Special THANKS to Kaggs for her support and all those reviews and PMs.
I have - sadly - lost my beta, since he's my ex boyfriend and we're currently not really talking… and it would be kind of weird to ask him that now… But until I can see if he wants to take his job back, anyone interested?
Please, don't say you are unless you're good in grammar and spelling and blah. I will probably be checking your own stories to see your level in the English language…
Don't be insulted if I tell you no, but I'm really looking for someone who can correct well and give me ideas. Because, trust me, I know how annoying it can be when there's a bunch of spelling mistakes in fics… (I know what you're thinking, my first chapters of bodyguard and the new guy aren't so great, but I'm fixing those up gradually)
I'm gonna try and update faster, but I don't guarantee anything since I have exams coming up… So don't expect an update before the 22nd.
It'll probably come by Xmas, as a Xmas gift ::smiles::
Wow… that's a long review. For people who actually read my ANs, I'm terribly sorry XS
Anyways, happy exam period everyone.
Love, IK Obsession