InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think ❯ Unleashed ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 17
Kagome felt a little more confident than usual when she got out of her bus on Monday morning. Since Kikyo had come back, she had been competing with her in every way possible. Kikyo would talk to Inuyasha every chance she got, and Kagome was always at the corner, showing up and grabbing Inuyasha's arm - anything to show that they were together.
They would glare at each other in hallways and outsmart each other subtly.
“Kagome!” someone called sweetly. Kagome turned her head to find Kouga, one of her best friends smiling at her.
“Kouga!” She said with a smile. “Seems like I haven't seen you in so long! How've you been?”
“I didn't have time to tell you anything that happened! The last couple of weeks have been really amazing. You know that club I perform at sometimes? There was a producer in the audience and he said he wanted some of his co-workers to listen to a record of mine. So I recorded a demo, and now they want to offer me a deal!”
“ARE YOU SERIOUS?” Kagome squealed, dropping her bag and flinging her arms around his neck. “I'm so happy for you Kouga!!” She was smiling and laughing and going “I knew you could do it!”
“You were really my inspiration,” he confessed as he smiled at her. “I really owe it to you, Kagome…”
She felt tears well up in her eyes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me,” she sniffled. She gave him a squeeze and started telling him what a good songwriter he was - again.
“Go out with me tonight. I want to celebrate,” he said with a smile.
Kagome bit her lip. “I'm sorry, but I can't…”
“Why?” came the confused question.
“I-Inuyasha won't like it,” she said with a small voice.
“Who the Hell is he to decide what you can and can't do?” Kouga asked angrily. “Just because you two are going out doesn't mean he can decide whether you can see other people or not!”
Kagome looked down. “Kouga…” she said slowly, “Calm down.” People were looking at them now. She hated it when people stared at her.
“Don't tell me to calm down!” he raged. “Do you want to come out with me tonight?” When she opened her mouth, he went on. “It doesn't even have to be a date! Do you want to grab a bite with me? We could just watch a movie and hang out.” He sighed. “Look at me.” When she did, he went on, “If you want to do something, you should be able to do it.”
She frowned. “Kouga - ”
“What the Hell?!” an irritated voice sounded from behind Kagome. “Am I interrupting?”
“Yeah you are, mutt - ” Kouga started.
“No, not at all,” Kagome said with a grateful smile as she turned to her boyfriend. “I'm sorry, Kouga, but I really can't.” Before the wolf demon had a chance to respond, she went on. “I'm really happy for you, but I can't.” She smiled again and turned to Inuyasha, grabbed his hand - roughly, so he wouldn't say a thing, and walked away.
Kouga was left speechless.
“Can you please tell me what the Hell all that was about?!” Inuyasha scolded when they were out of earshot.
“He got a record deal,” Kagome said simply. “And he wanted me to celebrate with him tonight.”
“Oh,” Inuyasha said. He thought about it for a moment. “Can I go kick his ass please?”
“No you can't,” she said sternly.
“But - ” he really wanted to go kill the damn wolf, but he had overheard more than he'd let show, and had been grateful that Kagome knew full well, and wanted to make sacrifices for him. So he would, for her too.
“No.” She wanted to look annoyed, but he could tell she was smiling.
`God I love you…'
The rest of the day went by agonizingly slowly, as Kagome tried her best to avoid Kouga. Inuyasha was still wanting to kick the wolf's ass, but didn't because he knew Kagome would get mad at him.
As they both walked towards his car after classes had ended, Kouga caught up with them. “Listen, Kagome,” he said. “We never finished that conversation.”
Her eyes widened at his obvious taunting towards Inuyasha. “Excuse me?” Inuyasha growled as expected, placing himself between the two and glaring at Kouga. “Are you fucking serious? Do you honestly think you can come right up to me and expect to ask my girlfriend out in front of me?!”
Kouga stared at him, looking like he wanted to hit him. “I think I can do whatever the fuck I want, mutt.”
“Ohhhh,” Inuyasha chuckled darkly. “You asked for it asshole.” He scowled and swung his fist forward, hitting Kouga on the jaw.
“Inuyasha!!” Kagome gasped. “Stop!”
But neither was listening. “You fucking cunt!” Kouga sneered, lifting his fist to hit the hanyou right back.
“STOP!” Kagome yelled, trying to get between them.
“Kagome, stay out of this!” Inuyasha growled, casting her a sideway glance, that earned him a hit from Kouga. `Damn! I have to focus!' As he ducked another hit from Kouga, he felt blood run down his arm.
“You disgusting half-breed,” Kouga panted disgustedly, “You don't deserve to be with someone like her!”
“How dare you?!” Kagome screeched, not at all wanting to get out of the fight. She pushed past Inuyasha and pushed him back slightly, blocking him from Kouga.
“Kagome get the fuck out of my way!” Inuyasha yelled angrily, fighting not to move her away himself. `I have to calm down…' he thought for a second, realizing that if he let go he would lose control and transform. But a second later, when he noticed that Kagome had moved, by Kouga, he lost it.
Kagome hit the floor with a thud, still surprised that Kouga had shoved her aside. `Oh no,' she thought, slightly panicking as she noticed Inuyasha's eyes becoming slightly red.
As a hanyou, I need to pick a life mate around this age. You have never seen me lose control, but it sometimes happens for me to change into a full youkai.” Kagome nodded, waiting for him to continue. “This only happens when I'm really angry… or when I'm mating, for example.”
She got up, but Inuyasha's growl convinced her not to get closer. She looked around, thinking that she should ask for help, but them realized that the parking lot was already empty, and it wouldn't be a good thing to get anyone else involved in a youkai fight. She bit her lip, thinking hard of what to do. Horrified, she watched as they fought with demonic speed.
And then she noticed it. Inuyasha's cell phone had fallen out of hos pocked and was now on the floor beside them. Hurrying, she picked it up and went through his contact list. “Sesshomaru!” she exclaimed as she dialed the number, her hand shaking.
“What?” came Sesshomaru's cold voice.
“Sesshomaru!” Kagome yelled into the phone, not letting him answer. “Inuyasha's losing control! We're in the school parking lot, please hurry, I don't know what to do!” Her voice broke and her eyes filled with tears. “Please!”
Sesshomaru's voice was low, but she could discern a little worry in his tone. “I'll be right there.” And she heard the click that signaled that he had hung up, and, as she flipped the phone shut, she let out a breath she didn't know she had kept in. Her eyes followed the fight, and she hated herself because she couldn't do anything to help.
True to his words, Sesshomaru appeared almost out of nowhere hardly three minutes later. “Get inside!” he said calmly to Kagome as he took in the scene before him. When she hesitated, he snapped. “Now!”
Kagome nodded and, fearing a little less for her hanyou, ran into the school, hoping no one had noticed what was going on in the otherwise empty parking lot.
As the sun started to set, Sango stared out her window. “Gorgeous,” Miroku said with a smile as he followed her line of vision. They were sitting on the floor in her room, comparing math homework. “But not as much as you,” he added, grinning.
Sango laughed. “So cheesy.” She stuck out her tongue at him.
“Yeah, sure,” came the playful reply. “What did you get for number 7?”
“Number 7…” Sango repeated as she flipped the pages of her textbook. She bit her lower lip and Miroku's eyes were drawn to her mouth. As she voiced her answer, he watched her lips move, paying no attention to what she was saying.
He suddenly grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to him, pressing his lips to hers hard. She gave a yelp of surprise, but quickly relaxed and kissed him back. A little knock on the door interrupted them and a second later, Sango's little brother Kohaku was in the room.
“Sango,” he started, “Have you seen my - whoa!” he froze. “Sorry!”
“Kohaku!” Sango snapped. “What the Hell is the point in knocking if you just barge in anyway?!”
“I - uh - I didn't realize… I'll - uh, I'll just go…” he stuttered, and all but ran out of the room.
Miroku cocked an eyebrow. “He's weird.”
“Tell me about it,” Sango sighed.
Miroku chuckled, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I'll be right back,” he announced, and walked out. She smiled at him, and looked down at her math exercise, proof reading it.
The song I'm in Love with a Stripper by T-Pain announced that Miroku's phone was ringing. She frowned; she had never heard that ringtone before. He had a different one for almost everyone - hers was Sexy Love by NeYo. She got up slowly, spotting his phone on her desk. She looked at the screen.
Incoming call: Ayuki
She frowned, wondering if the ringtone had anything to do with the person. Mentally, she went through all the ringtones she knew he used. The Bad Boys II soundtrack was for his close friends, and some other one she couldn't quite remember for all of his other friends. She watched the phone as the tone stopped. For about a minute she stood there, wondering what it meant. Then the same song rang again.
New Message. Read now?
She bit her lip. Who was Ayuki? And what did the ringtone have to do with her? Slowly, she picked up the phone and opened the message.
I miss you. Call me.
Her eyes went wide. She deleted it with shaking fingers, realizing he would notice if it had already been read. She placed the phone back where it was. It still showed the missed call.
She sat back down and picked up her pen. Only seconds later, Miroku walked in her room. “Miss me?” he asked with a smile.
She taped on a very fake one. “I'm not feeling well, Miro. Do you think we could do this another time?”
He frowned, his worry visible. “Are you sure? Do you need anything?” She shook her head and walked out of her room. Miroku stuffed his cell phone in his pocket, not realizing he had a missed call.
“Nothing, thanks.” At the door, she gave him a little kiss on the cheek and pulled away coldly. “Bye,” she said.
“B-Bye,” he repeated, surprised. Before he could say anything else, she'd shut the door. He frowned yet again, walking away.
::hides behind a rock::
Sorry!! I know it took forever, and it's not such a happy chapter, but know that I had to restart it three times! I'm still not that happy with it, but it's better than those other two I had before…
Did anyone miss Kouga? Really, I did. Hehehe.
Next update should be up soon. I'm very excited about this. And I'm going back to Canada soon, so 12 hours overall trip should leave me plenty of time to write. Haha.
Have you realized that my ANs aren't about myself anymore? Lol. Actually it's funny because I'm getting a lot of reviews asking about my love life… Lmao.
Love, IK Obsession <33