InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mori no Meian ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


March Break is over. *sigh* I have to go back to school and do U.N. Debating! e_e What does Russia have to do with 'Peacemaking and Reconstruction in Iraq' anyways?!?

Any way, here's the next chapter!

Disclaimer: If you are such a boring person that you want to read disclaimers, then you can go to chapter 1 and read it.


Mori no Meian

Chapter 2

*Last time*

"Fine, then we'll meet back here in one hour" said Inuyasha. Each group set out to explore their side of the Mori no Meian.


Kagome, Inuyasha, and Shippou had gone quite aways into the brighter side of the forest.

"Inuyasha, we've probably gone far enough into the forest now. Let's head back"


They turned and headed back to where they thought the path was.




Miroku lay on the forest floor, twitching.

"Well Kirara, I think we've checked far enough into this part of the forest, we should head back to meet the others" said Sango. She started to wal away, Miroku, still twitching, on the ground


Night has already fallen.Inuyasha's group was still trying to find their way back to the path.

"This doesn't make any sense!" growled Inuyasha "This is the way we came, I can smell it!"

"Maybe we should camp here for the night and search for the path in the morning" suggested Kagome.

"Yeah, it doesn't make sense to go wandering around in the woods at night"commented Shippou.

Inuyasha muttered a soft 'Keh' as he gathered some wood for a fire. Kagome unrolled her sleeping bag and laid down with Shippou snuggled up beside her.

Inuyasha laid down against the side of one of the trees, deciding that it would be better to stay near the fire. It was strangely cold at night in this forest, even for a hanyou.


"Sango, maybe we should set up camp for the night, since we haven't found the path yet" said Miroku.

"Fine, but you'd better not try anything" replied Sango, watching his hands warily.

Kirara changed into her larger form and curled up around Sango while Miroku laid by the small fire he had built. Neither of them noticed the pair of glowing red eyes watching them out of the shadows.


Kagome, Inuyasha, and Shippo were in a deep sleep. Suddenly, the ground began to absorb them like quicksand. Inuyasha awoke "What?!?!?" he shouted, waking up Kagome and Shippou. "Help Inuyasha!!" screamed Kagome as she and Shippou were pulled under. "Kagome!!!" yelled Inuyasha as he was sucked under and fell unconscious.



Well, I have decided not to update until I get at least 1 more review. So, review!!, all you have to do is press a button and write something!! Ja ne!