InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Lover ❯ Let The Race Begin! ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Hello everyone! Satari here. (Well duh!) I feel happy!
Disclaimer: Please do not sue authoress, as she is broke.
Jason: Maggie's broke! We gotta' fix her!
Satari: I'm not broke you idiot! And to further my point, you're in the wrong story!
Jason: I am? * scratches head *
Satari: Yes you are. * points to door labeled “Chasing Mushi * that was your entrance door.
Jason: Oh, well bye! * walks out of room *
Satari: I need new friends. Though, he really isn't my friend. * ponders * Anyway, if that offended you in any way, shape or form, read chapter 4 of Chasing Mushi and you'll see why I called him and idiot.
Chapter 4: Let the Race Begin!
The phone rang.
Rin's breath was ragged, but she managed a weak, “Sess…phone.” He made known his disapproval with a growl, but slowly he released her with a thorough kiss before he disappeared down the hallway, headed for the bathroom. Shocked and discombobulated, Rin lay back on the table before the phone rang again. Getting up, she walked the short distance to the receiver, determined to make it quick before Sess had to go. She was seriously going to kill whoever had the nerve to call and ruin the moment.
“Hello.” Her voice came out husky and made her cheeks tint pink.
“Hey Rin, guess who!” A sweetly cheerful voice greeted her with such sincere denseness; it made Rin want to yell at the person for no reason other than she had ruined her moment. That was until she realize who she was talking to. Realization struck her so hard; she almost dropped the phone in shock. She had been makingout with Sesshoumaru only a few seconds before. It was so embarrassing!
Whispering softly and preying her suspicions were merely flukes, she said the name of her supposed caller. “Maggie?”
“The one, the only!” Oh god. That did it. Falling back in a dazed stupor, Rin landed on one of the straight-backed chairs in her kitchen, shocked. Her foster sister was talking to her, on the phone, approximately 15 seconds after she had had a heated session with a male who had been claiming through her window for the past two years and she was supposed to act like everything was okay!?! Everything was not okay! Maggie didn't even know about Sesshoumaru, much less that he was a demon. And her little sister being an actress and having an astounding knack for reading people's emotions just by listening to then, didn't help much either. She was dead meat.
“Rin…are you alright, you're not talking as much as you usually do.” Damn, She sounded suspicious…have to stall.
“Oh, really? I was only waiting for you to tell me about how things are in the states.” She mentally patted herself on the back for that one. Maggie could probably talk for hours on that. The sound of water running reached Rin's ears as the shower was turned on. She hoped her sister couldn't hear it.
It felt like she had sat there for hours as Maggie drowned on and on about how College was going and all the things she had seen. Sometime in her distracted stupor, Sesshoumaru had come back into the room wearing nothing but a towel, his hair wet and shinny. He sat down across from her and watched as she listened to the annoying person who had ruined his fun.
“Oh, look a the time, I'm going to be late for class. Well Rin, it was nice talking to you and tell your boyfriend who just came in I said hi! Bye!” She hung up.
Rin stared at the phone in disbelief. She had known. How could she have known? And must surprisingly of all, she hadn't railed her for having a boyfriend and not telling her in the first place. A husky chuckle drifted to her from across the table and she looked up to see golden orbs half lidded with amusement.
She looked so confused, it was absolutely adorable. Sesshoumaru knew he would carry the image of his Rin staring at the phone as if it had grown a head and told her not to squeeze so hard, till the end of his days. Now she watched him with mock distain as she rose to gracefully deposited the phone back in it's terminal. Turning around, she leveled him with a glare that in any other situation, would have him wondering if this was the best time to be laughing. Marching up to him, shoulder squared, she looked his straight in the eye, stuck out her tongue and sauntered out of the room like she were the Queen herself.
Now it was his turn to be the disbeliever. That had been one of the most childish and yet erotic things he had ever seen in his life. Her raw defiance and the courageous look in her eye as she stuck her tongue out at HIM, of all people, had turned him on so much, he now found sitting a very uncomfortable thing indeed. What she did next didn't help at all.
Rin popped her head back through the door and cocked her head to one side. “Aren't you coming?” `I would like to be.' He thought back. She winked at him and disappeared once more. The sound of running feet could be heard and a door slammed. That was all that was needed to brake the calm. Sesshoumaru bolted from the apartment like a bat out of hell. So she wanted a chase did she? He'd give her a chase all right!
***************************************************************** *************
AN: Hello minna! Another chapter has been completed! * Dances the Happy Dance * Also, I would love to here what you think before the harsh realities of the school year creep up upon poor little unsuspecting me. * Shivers * IE: School Play, Musical, Chorus, Time-consuming-events-that-have-no-rhyme-or-reason-other-than-to-waist-time , stuff. Oh, and don't forget about those tests that end up haunting you throughout your whole College career.
As you can see, I LOVE school.
Well, on the home front, nothing much happened today. Other than the battle for territory that is instinctual between parents and children IE: They invade my writing space, thus I move to wherever I can write without them reading and commenting before I have completed said work. Also we got to dog sit! Yay! Labs rule.
~Thank Yous~
DA: Thank you for your criticism, and I would if I had enough review to make it worth my time. Also, I do not mean to “Threaten” my reviewers in actuality, more of a teasing way as I'm sure they know that I love writing this as much as they love reading. Nice thought though, maybe I should try being serious sometime just to get them pissed off like you seemed to be…nah. It would be a waist of time…, which I'm running out of! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lucient: Why thank you, I couldn't resist putting that in. It just sorta' came to me out of nowhere. Please keep on reading, I love to hear what you think! =^-^=
Animegirl007: I don't think you want to make good on that threat now since you would have to kill the authoress. No authoress, no story. I am so evil aren't I! hehehehehe!
SessRin: Aww, that's soo sweet! I love you too!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
AN: Well that's all the time I've got. One more quick thing before I leave you. Check out “Beautiful Promise” by Lucient on MediaMiner,org, you won't be disappointed!
Satari90 =^-^=