InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Lover ❯ Old Acquaintances, Old Heart Aches ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Awww, do I have tah? Alright, I don't own Inuyasha. There, are you happy now?
Lawyers/ assorted businessmen: *nod*
Chapter 8: Old Acquaintances, Old Heart Aches
The apartment complex was not what she had expected it to be. Maggie stepped from her purple Saturn, mindful of a murky puddle laying an inch away from one leather clad heel.
The building in front of her was made out of brick, but what struck her odd was that it seemed each apartment was like a separate little house, with a yard and everything! A woman was out tending her garden, pulling weeds with a sure hand and tossing them into the bright red bucket next to her. An older man sat in a rocking chair on the deck above her, humming softly as he knitted to pass the time. It all seemed so peaceful.
“Damn it Kagome! Where did you go!?!”
`So much for peaceful.' Maggie thought wryly. The woman lifted her head in time to see a silver haired man run around the deck, nearly knocking the man out of his chair. He cursed again before running back inside.
“Crazy kid.” The old man grumbled, consciously trying to find his lost seating with one outstretched hand. The woman at his feet moved almost immediately to his side, helping him up, brushing him off as he grumbled and griped, smiling as if she had done it a thousand times, and then went back to gardening. All this took place in such an ordinary fashion that Maggie wondered if she was in the wrong place. That is, until a warm hand rested on her shoulder.
“Hey squirt. Long time no see.” The voice was deep. Maggie was about to ask who was speaking when suddenly…he pulled her hair, lightly.
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Rin woke once again in the loving embrace of her mate. Her senses reeled with heady delight at the thought. Two nights in a row and counting. Wanting to saver her new found victory, she snuggled closer to his chest, not wanting to open her eyes just yet. Deep reverberating sounds pulsed around her making her sigh happily. He was awake; she had known that from the start. Her fluffy hardly ever slept. But the fact that he hadn't woken her made in all the more sweet when he pulled her tighter against his side, purring softly into her ear. Heaven.
Sesshomaru loved her games. His mate was playful, as she should be. No mate of his would be anything but. Smiling slightly at the soft sigh of pleasure she gave him, he lowered his head and drew her close, whispering just how much he loved her into the soft mass that was her tangled black hair. Her supple body rested limply over his, melding in warm languidness against him as her breathing deepened. `Rin…'
His voice rang through her head. `What?' She answered unsure of what she was doing. `You're fine. That was good for your first try.' The tenderness laced in that thought alone was enough to melt her into a puddle of warm goo. Wrapping her arms loosely around his torso, Rin pulled herself up his body, eyes closed, enjoying the friction of their bodies moving against one another.
Sess full out grinned. Rin lay on top of him, eyes closed, full pink lips deliciously parted in open invitation. It was too good to pass up. He quickly flipped her onto her back, leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to hers, growling hungrily at her sweet taste. His lips slanted over hers again and again, deepening an already heated kiss, teasing, nipping, soothing, bruising until Rin was sighing in ecstasy at the slightest touch. That kiss alone could have qualified as a sex act. Groaning, Sesshoumaru relinquished her lips, allowing her much needed breath, and nibbled his way across her cheek, licking her ear and neck, bring forth more sighs from her. “You missed me last night huh?”
He groaned again, moving up from his spot to look into her cloudy eyes before kissing her firmly, plunging his silky tongue into her honeyed mouth. `I'll take that as a yes.' His only response was to keep her in the bed for another hour. And oh what an hour that was!
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The neighbors weren't that bad, she concluded over coffee the next morning. A little noisy maybe, but nothing she couldn't handle. Brown curls brushed lazily across her forehead with the slight breeze of midmorning. Maggie had been up all night alternately unpacking the many cardboard boxes Josh had so kindly carried in on pain of death for her and talking with said slave. Not that she was cruel to him, quite the opposite really, but her mind always had a way of making him into a pet. That she called him puppy to get on his nerves only testified to that point. Once an enemy, always an enemy. But, oh, how he had changed. A little taller than she remembered, Josh was well muscled, a regular heartthrob by any standards, he always had been. He had grown out his dark black hair, tying it back now with elastic. He lived alone. Nope, nothing much had really changed at all. He was still a jerk, but a nice jerk.
She took another sip of her coffee; the warmth of it filled her comfortably as the aroma pulled her even more into the world of the awakened. Three hours from now she would be in a stuffy college classroom with yet another boring professor lording over her, only this time she'd have a bunch of kids her own age to keep track of. Oh, goody. Let the joy never end!
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He watched her from the doorway as she sat on his porch, drinking his coffee and sitting in his chair, wrapped up in a comfy looking dark pink robe and bare foot. Maggie hadn't changed much, though she was certainly more attractive than the snot nosed brat he remembered. She was more filled out, curvy in all the right places, and yet so much of her had always been there and he had simply failed to notice it. Her hair though, now that was a constant. He had always pulled it when they were younger, mostly just to annoy her. But as he grew older, he found he wanted to touch it more often, not pull it. The soft strands entranced him so much that sometimes he had found himself reaching out behind her in the hall to stroke it, but in the end he would snap out of it and give the object of obsession a hard tug before running away as fast as he could. Yesterday, when she had been standing on his yard faced away from him, that old longing had come back. But this time it was different. He wanted to hold her, to take her in his arms and never let her leave again. To stroke that long mane of soft brown and smell the intoxicating fragrance of her shampoo. But again his brain had brought him back in the nick of time and he gave her hair a gentle tug, as if commemorating his cowardess all those years ago. Seeing her now only brought back that feeling, and as if to keep from falling prey to old habits, he had stayed up the whole night. Problem was, he had spent all that time talking to and watching her! He couldn't escape.
“You can sit down ya no. It is your home after all.”
Maggie's voice brought him back from his musing in time to dodge the confused glare she sent him by pulling up a wicker chair next to her. She curled into her chair, long legs tucked under her as she cradled her Mickey Mouse coffee mug as if it were the most precious thing in the world.
`If only…STOP IT!'
Josh shook his head slightly. Only one day, and he was already gone. This was going to be a long year.
“So…” She said on an airy sigh, brushing a wayward strand of chocolate from her face as the wind picked up slightly. “What are your plans for the day?”
`If I had it my way, we wouldn't have any plans except for…down boy, DOWN!' He winced. “Nothing really, I'll probably just sit around and sit.” `Oh yah, real smooth Romeo. `Sit around and sit?' where'd you learn your vocab, Einstein?' Berating himself wasn't going to help improve the strange look she sent him after that perfect statement. `Captain, we are going down, I repeat we are going down, over'. Josh desperately searched for something to follow up with, but Maggie had already gotten up, muttering something about needing to change for work. Oh yah, this was going to be one long year.
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Sweaty limbs entwined in a sensual languor as Rin came back down from the high she had just gotten on. Sess smiled down at her, light from their window glinting off his teeth and making his long, tangled hair glow in the aftermath. Pouting a little, Rin sat up slowly, feeling for the entire world like a puddle of mush. Her muscles felt liquidy and her joints were more relaxed than ever before. And there he was, smiling knowingly at her as she tried to grab hold of his shoulder to keep herself from slipping back down into that bed and sleeping for the rest of the day. I was Sunday. Alleluia.
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An: Hello, it's me. Who else? Wow, how did eight chapters become two days? The world may never know? Hell, I sure don't. Anyway, thanks and cookies to all who reviewed. I'm to lazy to write out all the thank yous right now, but if you're nice and review again, I'll be sure to thank you personally in an e-mail, kay? Love you all! *kisses*
Satari90 =^-^=