InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Lover ❯ Finally! ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 9
Rin slipped down him, panting and thoroughly sated. Sesshomaru silently applauded himself as he took in her disheveled, though mystified appearance. Her lips were damp and bruised from his many kisses, her eyes, half lidded with blissful languor, stared up at him from beneath thick dark eyelashes. Rivulets of sweat ran in patterns down her delicious creamy skin, tempting him with their free reign over his mate's body. Ducking his head, he lapped them up, shivering at the taste of her sweet flesh combined with the salty taste their lovemaking had brought from her. Rin moaned and shutter as tiny spasms wound throughout her body at his touch; prolonging the blissful float down from her peak a few seconds more. Oh yes, let it never be said that he Sesshomaru could not ever please his mate in the bedclothes. Smirking in pure male pride, he brushed a clump of hair from her temple with his claws, gently untangling it as her breathing once more became normal.
“Wow, maybe I should make you wait more often.” Her breathed out statement made him laugh inside. Yes, his mate was very pleased indeed. Kissing her gently on the forehead, Sess lifted himself up off her and walked from the room with a swagger, leaving a very content Rin to rest behind him.
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She was gorgeous…and very, very late. Josh watched as Maggie, who had been up the whole of the night, now scrabbled to get to the college campus on time while trying to find her shoes, socks and eat a piece of marmalade toast all at the same time. Walking from the room he went to the coat closet and pulled out the soft, black leather sandals and white cotton stockings she had placed there the night before. Upon reentering the kitchen he was greeted with a frantic Maggie whose hair was in a tumble and who had marmalade smudged across one pale cheek. She was bending over the sink, hurriedly scrubbing dishes and taking small bites of toast in a purple sweeter and blue jeans.
“I found your shoes…they were…” Before he could even finish she was on him. Grabbing the shoes and sock with one hand and tugging them on with a wet dish dripping from the other.
“Thank you so much!” She nearly choked on a chunk of toast. Normally her frantic state would have him rolling on the floor laughing. Anyone but her that is. He found himself reaching out to her and before he knew it she was sitting on his lap quite startled and both shoes and plate had fallen to the floor with a loud bang.
Large blue eyes stared at him widely, her soft pink lips parted in question, daring him to taste there softness. It was too much. Images of her when they were in school together plagued him. Maggie running from him laughing over a prank she had pulled. Maggie pouting over the pant that had “accidentally” been spilled on her head. Maggie crying after her sister had said something mean to her and would no longer talk to her. The girl on his lap had put him through hell more times than he cared to remember, and he cherished every bruise and smile he had ever seen or received. So he did.
Closing the short gap between them he kissed her. Gently at first, licking softly at her sweet mouth, hearing her gasp in surprise at his sudden movement. She tensed over him, unsure of what to do. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Josh silently mused that he was her first kiss, but dismissed it immediately. A girl like her should be kissed…many times, if only to keep her quiet. He smiled as he pulled away, eager and yet dreading to see her face.
Eyes closed and lips pouty and parted, Maggie was flushed. Had he not had her in his lap, Josh might have jumped up and danced around the room shouting. Slowly she opened her eyes, hazy confusion written in their cloudy depths. Shakily, she pulled in a deep breath, locking eyes with him. Her cheeks bloomed to a full-fledged red. Gently as he could, Josh ran his fingers through her soft hair, holding back a groan as she leaned dreamily into his touch.
“You know squirt…now, you're really late.”
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A mother of two watched the apartment across the street and smiled when the young girl from the day before ran out of the front door screaming at the disgruntled man behind her. Rei Higurashi was a peaceful women whose goals were simple, wash the cat, keep the kids in line, and keep Grandpa in his rocking chair for more than 2 minutes while she gardened. The boy who rented the home from her was quiet and very kind. Josh was his name, but they called him Jo-chan. He would sometimes stop by after work to play video games with her youngest son, or to help her son in law with his “wife problems”. She smiled at the thought of her eldest daughter and that strange man she had brought home with her. Albino he was, most odd. He even had cute fuzzy dog ears on top of his head. Grandpa was convince he was a demon. That made her laugh softly. Strange Inuyasha might be, but he loved her Kagome dearly.
And know it was nice to see that the boy who could almost be a son of her own now had found someone to love as well.
“Rei, what are you doing girl.” Grandpa called from inside the shoujo. A small hand tugged at her apron and she looked down at her son Sota, looking up at her with the eyes of his father. “Okaa-san? What is it?”
She smiled at her youngest and took his hand in hers, leading him inside. “Nothing dear, now go in and help your sister with the rice,” She leaned down and whispered in his ear, “before she burns it again.”
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AN: Hi everyone, I'm finally back from my little va-kay, (in other words, school). So sorry for leaving you hanging like that, but it can't be helped. Thank you drock69 for pulling me out of my writer's block. Love you babe! Neway, I'm going to be posting every Saturday from now on. It's my goal! ^-^ Merry Christmas Everyone!
Thank yous!
animegirl007- I'm going as fast as I can! lol
WestfullMoon- I't okay. I'm glad you like!
levi diffee- short n' sweet
Minna-chan- Yay! I have a new follower! ^-^
Elven fate- thanks for no flames. lol. Love the nick!
sHaEtORe- I know, it is so Kawaaaaaaaiiiiiiii! lol
legolas_estelstar- I would've made it a longer chapter, but it was more of a flash back and I didn't feel like extending it. Cookies and hugs to you and a Merry Christmas!
Lucient- thanks for telling me!
See ya'll next Saturday!
Satari90 =^-^=