InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Sickness ❯ The start to a horrible pregnancy ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome sat watching Sango chuck rocks at Miroku, “You–Damn you monk!”. Sango had just gotten over another visage of morning sickness (2 months down–7 to go_._). Kagome’s mind wandered to the thought of children. And vaguely wondered if and when she and Inuyasha might have children…She sat up abruptly, 'where had that come from?'. It took her a few minutes and the stares of Sango and Miroku for her to realize that she was blushing brightly. Turning she watched Inuyasha, who was sitting in a tree, for a long time. Children? Him?! Her?!
Sango had gone back to throwing rocks and Miroku had gone back to evading. Finally one hit him and he fell over slightly stunned. Sango's hands flew over her mouth; she hadn't actually meant to hit him. She ran to his side," Miroku! I'm so sorry!,". Inuyasha laughed slightly then focused his attention on Kagome. Their eye's met for a brief moment then she turned away from him. Smiling slightly at the miko he leapt down to her, "hey Kagome, something wrong?", her blush rose slightly as he touched her cheek.
"No I'm fine", he glared at her slightly amused, "liar, c'mon lets go see your mom...", lifting her up he raced to the well and jumped in. Violet light surrounded them, Kagome's grip on Inuyasha's neck tightened slightly, he smiled softly. The purple light faded quickly as Inuyasha leapt out of the well, without hesitation to let Kagome off of his back, he walked into the house.
"What's wrong with her?" Inuyasha's question was blunt as he pointed to Kagome with one clawed finger. Kagome's mom took her little girl's hand and led her into the other room, away from Inuyasha's prying ears. She smiled, "now honey, what's wrong?" Kagome hesitated slightly as she told her of her thoughts.

Sango was lying in the tall grass at the top of a hill; well it wasn’t really a hill, only a slight hump on the earth's surface. It was maybe a couple inches tall at best. She was watching the clouds slowly letting her mind drift away to the memory of her night with Miroku. Miroku walked up to her, a bandage now decorated his head, "you okay now?". His voice was quiet; it held a slightly scared tone. She nodded. Taking his hand, she laid it on her stomach under her own. Her head rested on his knee, "I'm sorry...", her voice was soft. Miroku smiled, "it's all right, I imagine I'd be just the same in your place", his voice was gentle, understanding.

Kagome's mom smiled and petted her daughter's hair, "it's natural sweetie,". Kagome's blush heightened 'it's natural'? That's all she had to say? Sharply Kagome pointed to the door, "tell him that!". Her mom almost laughed, “allright," she left and a blushing Inuyasha came in a couple seconds later. Kagome slid herself against the wall, Inuyasha fallowed, pinning her, " THAT'S what you were all upset about?,". Somehow Kagome didn't think he realized that his hip was holding to her belly, she nodded nervously. He didn't say anything, he didn’t step back, he was just frozen.

Inuyasha's mind raced; children? She was curious about when children would come along? He hadn't thought about it, leaning down gently he kissed her chin. He wanted to, he knew he did, but something about the prospect scared him. Kagome's eye's watched him silently almost expecting more, almost yearning for more.

Sango lay in Miroku's lap for a long time letting him gently pet her hair. Various times he'd held his hand against her stomach, a look of curiosity on his face. Did he want to know what was going on in there? Sango smiled and, leaning up, kissed his cheek gently, "don't worry...they'll come along soon enough".

Inuyasha bit Kagome's lip gently, he wanted her, needed her for his mate. She wanted children....they would have children....

Kagome gasped as Inuyasha picked her up and carried her to her room, his hands slipped expertly under her bottom and the other held her head against his pillowed chest. He opened the door easily and quaintly lay Kagome on the bed. Her heart pounded, why was he being so gentle? Did he really want to pregnate her and have her bear his children? A moment after he had laid her down he climbed on top of her, after locking the door securely. They simply lay there for a long time, not really doing anything besides enjoying each others company. Finally Inuyasha began slowly; he slipped her large shirt up over her thin cotton bra and smiled at her flat soft skinned belly. She gasped sharply as he set to work, teasing and arousing her. Gently he kissed her stomach and her womb, playing with her underclothing with his claws, nipping at her belly. She gasped and moaned and writhed as her insides squeezed and un-squeezed in absolute pleasure. Inuyasha smiled peevishly as he heard her moan; gently he dragged his claws along the tender flesh just between her hips, relishing her thin gasping noises. Scintillatingly slowly, he slid himself down to her stomach and moved his tongue over her belly. The hot muscled organ slipped over her skin in small circles, slipping in and out of her bellybutton simply to make her gasp. Inuyasha suppressed a laugh as he felt her legs tighten slightly in her arousal and pulled himself above her, letting just the tip of his tongue dance across her belly and up to the bottom of her bra. With mild fingers he eased up the firm under wire and skimmed the base of her right breast leaving a trail of saliva to arouse her to panting. Finally he began to remove her clothing, beginning with her shirt, slowly slipping it up over her head but not quite off.

Kagome watched him, her eye's clouded by both fear and arousal, she could feel his claws dance around the joining of her ribs, his fangs concentrated on her bellybutton once again. After what seemed like only moments of his teasing, it stopped, he pulled up to her, an affectionate smile on his lips. His voice seemed to hold a slight coo in it, "Kagome.....?", she looked up at him in mild curiosity. He smiled, "never mind...", in one swift movement he captured her lips with his own, she could feel his fingers pull at her skirt, easing it off her hips and tossing it away to be found again later when they were done.

Now it was her turn, pulling loose his haori she slipped both his haori and his kimono off of his firm chest and shoulders. Hesitantly, she kissed him, her lips moving over the muscle fluidly, this was so new it terrified her. She gasped sharply, Inuyasha moved his claws slowly across the triangle of her legs. Slowly pulling away her cotton panties to reveal the private flesh below. Kami, she didn't want him to stop, he lay between her legs; she could feel his presence. When she felt him take her into his mouth, her arousal became almost pain, squeezing sharply; sending heat to where his lips met her body. She tightened suddenly; his was.....

Inuyasha probed his tongue over the new surface, it was moist, hot. He could hear Kagome moan as the muscled organ touched the fragile folds of skin, her body was quivering. Pulling away once more he pulled himself up so that his head lay just below her chest, she was so beautiful. He felt her hands slowly untie the loose sash of his pants, her touch was a slow erotic torture. Breathing against her ribs, he pricked his fangs gently over the soft flesh. Pushing himself up again, he lay lay upon her, his fingers playing at the buckle of her bra, he watched her chest rise and fall with every breath she took. He heard the buckle giva satisfied 'click' and the two components slid apart. Quickly he cleared the small plastic buckle from her soft skin, careful not to remove the lacy cotton bra just yet. Her flesh was warm beneath his lips, he could feel the silky peach-fuzz hair that gave her body it's gentle texture. teasing his tongue up to her collerbone, he heard her give a breathy moan. He could smell her arousal clearly now, it mingled with her scent to create an exhileratingly delicious fragrance. Easilly, he pulled the lacy cotton bra off of her and pushed it off the bed. A wicked smile slid across his face as he looked into her eyes, she was scared, nervouse. Pressing himself more intimately against her, he let her simply feel his presence, he wasn't naked so it would be the familiar feeling of cloth to skin.

Kagome lay silently, her body was flaming, aroused and completely exposed to his view. Reaching up, she pulled his mouth down upon hers, their bodies met perfectly at the chest. He moaned thickly as she parted his lips gently with her tongue, slipping it into his mouth.

Inuyasha moaned in desire, she ws delicious in every sense of the word. Pulling away from her mouth, he moved down and took the sensitive circle of her nipple deep within his mouth. He could hear her gasp as he pushed the tip of his tongue firmly against it, his fangs pricked her skin lightly. He could feel the damp heat between her thighs even through his kimono, she was almost at her peak. Feeling his manhood probe firmly at the cloth and press against her cradle, he broke his suction on her breast.

Kagome almost moaned in displeasure when Inuyasha released her, it had been so wonderful and frightening a feeling that she never wanted it to end. She watched as Inuyasha pulled her pink comferator up over them then, a moment later, threw something red across the room. He pressed himself against her and she gasped, something was touching her; she knew what.

Inuyasha was cautious, he'd never done anything like this before. A touch from her fingers sent another surge of arousal through him, he could hear her gasp as he felt his manhood press shaprly inbetween her legs. Probing his tongue one last time within her bellybutton, he moved down to her hips. Her flesh was damp as he touched it, finding the entrance to her wonb, he gently moved the tender folds of flesh apart and slowly began. He ws throbbing with arousal as he eased in, she gave a moan of pain, her voice was choked, "it hurts...". It was true it would hurt, but he'd never done anything like this before and didn't know how to subdue the pain, his voice was gentle, "I'm sorry...". He could see she was fighting not to cry out as he eased on, finally he looked up at her, "this is going to hurt." Quickly Kagome covered her mouth with her hands and in one sudden jerking movement, he broke the her final thin membrane. He could hear her yelp through her hands and immediatly wanted to pull out of her; to no longer cause her pain. But he fought it and, leaning up, gave her a tender kiss to somewhat sooth her pain.

Sango lay on the ground outside Kaede's hut, exhausted from another visage of morning sickness. Miroku watched her silently from the curtained doorway, finally she sat up; he could tell from the was she moved that it was a painful endeavor. Gently, he picked her up, hooking his arms tightly around her waist, holding her up; stabalizing her as she walked. He set her gently down when they came to the river, this had become a nightly routine for them lately, maybe the only moment of intimacy they had a day. Dipping his fingers into the cold water, he ordered her to undress. She complied without protest, after all why shouldn't she have? He'd seen her naked before, touched her delecate skin before. Lifting his fingers out of the water, he trailed his thumb along hre lips; cleaning the vomit and bile from her lips before kissing her velvetly. It was a short kiss, then he returned to his job of cleaning her. Most wouldn't understand the method in this, she could've done it herself and yet she let him do it. It was only a couple of minutes before he's finished.

"Miroku?" Sango's voice startled him slightly, it had been ages singe she'd used that tone, the curious and accepting tone that few knew she even had. He felt her fingers feather through his own, "I know I've been a little cross" ,he raised an eyebrow, "'a little'?".

"ok fine, VERY cross but..." ,she paused for a second and smiled at him, "but even though I don't enjoy being pregnant all the time, I'm glad it was with you". He smiled softly and leaned over to her fanning his fingers through her hair, pressing his lips to hers, "me too...". He could hear her give a slight moan as he lay her down. Pulling back, he smiled down at her laying beautifully beneath him, Kami above, he loved her, even if he wasn't supposed to, even if he was supposed to be holy.

Kagome lay quietly on her bed, an almost asleep Inuyasha ontop of her, his head resting against her pillowed breasts. She breathed, in, out, in, out, her chest movements rocking him tenderly. A smile cast effortlessly along her lips, her hanyou, her beautiful, strong hanyou. Somehow she coldn't help herself, she took his cotton soft ear into her mouth, moving the very tip of her tongue along it's edge. His growl started as only a lusty rumble agains her belly but soon grew to a deliciously rich sound that tumbled and rolled off his tongue. She smiled when his thickly lashed golden eyes drew up to her own, they had to be the only people awake in the Higurashi house.

"What is it Kagome?" ,he was smiling at her, propped up on his elbow, his chin resting in the open palm of his hand. Her skin began to ripple tensly as she felt his claws swirl between her breasts and down her belly. A feathered, breathy moan bubbled up and escaped her mouth, it didn't stop him, rather, it drove him on. Soon he grew tired of simply touching her and slid down to draw the skin just below her ribcage into his mouth. Kagome moaned heavilly as his suction intensified to almost pain, her body writhed instinctively.

Inuyasha fought not to laugh as he felt Kagome's body tighten and shudder as he sucked on her flesh. When she nearly got away from him he wrapped his clawed fingers tightly around her stomach and sucked harder. She made a couple short gasping moans as he did so, he loved the noises she made as he loved and teased her. The way arousal took over and mixed with her scent to create a lusty fragrance that rippled through his demon blood and made it call out for her. Finaly he let her co, releasing her and laying his head back down, his nose burried against her right breast. She didn't seem to mind, stroking his hair gently, her chest, rising and falling, rocked him passionatly to sleep.

Sango sighed and gasped as Miroku's fingers constricted her arms to the ground. This was becoming extatic, he was biting her variously, pushing in and out of her. The more she writhed, the tighter he gripped her, her gasping and moaning driving him deeper. Even thoughshe pretended to regret letting him in that night behind the waterfall, she'd never forgotten just how maliciously sexual he could be with her. How romantic he could be and then turn around and be completely ruthless. Finally he slowed his pace and lay beside her, they were both panting, exhausted from sheer stamina. Sango ran her fingers over his muscled torso, her breath was light, slowly she kissed his naval, running her tongue up to his breast; she lay her head on his chest.

Miroku gasped, his face tinged pink in ecstasy, he could feel the wind chill the places where Sango's tongue had been and trembled. He could feel her beside him, pregnant as she was he still desired her, he wanted the family that was already growing in her womb. With a slight moan he sat up, he wasn't really in pain, well unless you count the heavy arousal that was now gripping him, but it was more the effort he put forth to push himself up that really sent the sound rippling from his mouth. Sango was already up and dressing, her cloths rested beautifully over her pregnant body, it woudn't be long before she had her baby and he would be a father.

Kagome rolled over still tired from the night before, and burried her face into Inuyasha's bare chest. Gently, she laced her lips over the muscle, pausing only for a moment to circle the tender protrusion that was his nipple. He wasn't awake, but that didn't stop her from amusing herself. She smiled as she heard him moan happily and circled the soft spot once again with her tongue.

"Ain't you supposed to be sleeping?", Kagome's eyes shot up to see Inuyasha, peering at her through a fringe of thick black eyelashes, his smile was heavy, amourous even. Kagome pressed her forehead to his breast, her own body, well hidden beneath the sheets, was flaming. She could feel his thigh pressed hard to her belly. Holding her mouth over his nipple, she teased him a little more, flicking it with her tongue, racing lust down through his body. He moaned and pulled her even tighter against him, his body was on fire, he could almost see her, womb swollen with his brood. It was a lovely picture.

Lavishly, he pressed his mouth sharply over hers, shoving his tongue inbetween her lips and over her tongue, tasting her as she moaned. Her breasts were pressed painfully flat against his chest, he loved the feel of her body. Without warning he grasped her stomach, almost laughing as she gasped, and lipped his way down to her naval then licked his back up to her neck. She gave a soft feathery moan, just like the ones she had made last night when he'd done something much more exhilerating. She bucked him slightly in her arousal, grunting slightly, he readjusted hsi grip on her waist, holding it tightly against his.

Kagome drew in a sharp breath and sat up as Inuyahsa nipped a soft spot on her breast. She could hear him laugh, the sound of his voice rumbling in his chest as he pressed a hand to her womb, "calm down".

'Calm down'? That's all he had to say? He was practically eating her alive, having his deliciously wicked way with her, and that was it?

Standing up and climbing out of bed she could hear him moan in displeasure as their mating ritual ended. She smiled and traced her fingers gently over the surface of her womb, remembering what he had done to her last night, how it had felt.

A small knock came to the door, they both froze (Inuyasha was in the middle of crawling outta the bed), Sota's voice sounded from the other side of the door, "sis, mom wants to know if you're up".
Kagome's voice sounded high pitched when she answered, "yeah, I'm up..."

Inuyasha bit back a smile as he watched her fumble around to find her scattered cloths and pull them on. They had to hurry, they were going back today. Pulling on his pants, Inuyasha kissed kagome's neck, he'd allways known she tasted sweet, now he'd proven it. He ha djust finished pulling on his haori when mama Higurashi came in. Kagome wa sitting, fully dressed, on her bed, smiling up at her mom, her voice was sweet, "hi mom....". Mama Higurashi was putting cloths away, "morning hun, you and Inuyasha going back today?". Kagome nodded silently, her mind flitted to the feeling of last night. Inuyasha'd been gentle, sweet, he'd done all in his power not to hurt her.

Inuyasha locked the door after mama Higurashi left, he just needed a couple more moments with Kagome. Crossing over to her he gently leaned down and pressed his mouth over hers, slowly injecting his tongue into her mouth. He growled lowly when he felt her shift below, teasing her tongue with his. Gently he pressed his center to her belly, with a sudden intake of breath, they broke the kiss. Inuyasha sighed heavily and stood up, pulling her up with him. There was no point in prolonging th fact that they couldn't lie there in that bed forever.