InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mornings with you... ❯ Mornings with you... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: If I owned Inuyasha, there would be wayy... more that 167 episodes. I dont own any characters in the story either! But I do own the story line... I don't remember ever reading a story about these two people waking up to each other!!! But, correct me if im wrong!
thoughts of characters look like this:
i love...

Mornings with You...
by Abercrombielvr07

She could feel the warmth of the sun streaming through the curtains onto her face. She could feel the warmth of her handsome mate and the weight of his arm draped around her waist. She never wanted to move, his scent engulfed her in a comforting, musky, earthy smell. Her head was on his shoulder, she looked up. He's so handsome when he's sleeping... I never thought I could be in love with a guy like this... I love the feeling of my heart fluttering in my chest. His arm tightened around her waist. So powerful, and possessive... over me. I dont deserve him. She couldn't stop looking at his perfect face, his silky hair, his broad shoulders. He smiled in his sleep as she reached up to feel the flawless skin on his breath-taking face. She closed her eyes and dozed off, knowing she would never be haunted by her past again, not while he loved her.

He could feel a graceful finger going along his jawline. It kinda tickles... He thought, he smiled. He knew it was her, he knew it was his beloved. The hand went away before he wanted it to. He opened his eyes to see a beautiful woman sleeping on his chest. His heart swelled with joy at the sight of her not in pain anymore. She will never be hurt again... I promise you, my love... Her scent overwhelmed him, it was not tainted anymore, by that horrible evil that almost took her life. She smelled like the cherry blossoms that bloomed in the spring time, that and the smell of wind. He could also pick up the scent of... of motherhood. Whether she knows or not, I can smell and sense her motherhood, it smells so good. Her smell of motherhood smelled sweet and and warm, he was overjoyed that she was bearing him heirs. Childeren... he thought. He could imagine the little pitter patter of feet running down the halls of their castle. He looked down at her. Hair the color of the night, yet, it shines like the moon. Flawless skin with a hint of a gorgeous, pink blush, gracing her cheeks. He admired the beautiful way her long, dark, eyelashes fell across those pink cheeks. A little smile on her adorable face. Her eyes slowly started to open, her eyelashes turned into butterfly wings as they fluttered open, trying to focus.

"Good morning, my love." He said to the strong, but delicate woman he could not take his eyes off of.

She looked up at him with love and trust, then smiled. "Good morning."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and and pressed her face into his strong chest and inhaled the fragrence that made her feel so warm and fuzzy inside. Then she felt his fingers entwining in her hair.

"Have I ever told you how soft your hair is?" He also inhaled her scent, "Or how sweet it smells?"

She giggled. "You always know how to make my heart soar. Have I ever told you how safe I feel with you?" They locked eyes. "I've never once thought about my past, or at least in detail, since you took me to be your mate." She smiled again, "Before you, I've always feared for my life, but now, I can't remember that feeling anymore, I've never been so happy in my life."

He pulled her as close to him as possible, "no matter what, I will always protect you, please, try not to ever think about that horrible life you once had, I don't want you to feel pain ever again, even though, that might be hard considering you will be delivering a pup in about," He sniffed the air, "8 months?"

She looked awestruck, "I knew you could smell anything, but I didn't know that was a scent."

He smiled, "I feel pity for anyone who can't smell it, beause it is one of the sweetest smells to ever grace my nose."

She smiled back at him, He looks so happy. I'm so glad the prospect of childeren makes him smile. "so, you're excited for the child?"

His eyes lookes a little moist, "besides you, nothing has ever made me happier, I can't believe I'm going to be a father... It still hasn't sunk in yet."

She got an excited look on her face, "Your going to be a wonderful father! I can't wait to hear little voices saying 'Daddy'!"

He grinned from ear to ear, "but won't those little voices be saying 'mommy' too?"

The thought made her giggle with delight. He nuzzled her neck. "I love you, Kagura."

She kissed his forehead, "I love you too, Sesshomaru."

a/n: Hey guys!!! Thanks for reading this! I got the idea this morning when I was just waking up, the sun was coming through the curtains and I could feel the warmth. I was originally gonna do this for Kagome and Inuyasha, but I love love love the Sesshomaru Kagura pairing. I'm really sorry if you like the Rin Sesshomaru pairing, but I think Kohaku and Rin make a really cute couple. I don't think i'll be adding on to this because I kinda like it as a one-shot! Thanks for reading! (This is my first fanfic to be posted on media miner, so please keep the flames not so hot, I dont want to get burned! But constructive critisism(if that's how you spell it) is always welcome! :D -Abercombielvr07