InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Bounds ❯ I hate being Huamn ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions
Mortal Bound
A Sesshoumaru tale.
Random Brain fart enjoy!
Chapter One
…I hate being Human…
I woke with that overly groggy feeling that came after a long, deep sleep, the kind of sleep that I rarely obtained, not since I was just a pup. Which given the fact that I'm over seven hundred tells you just how long it had been. Moaning almost silently I pulled myself up and blinked rapidly, my vision strangely foggy, like a haze had encompassed my eyes and shadowed everything around me. It didn't help. Oh, I could see just fine, I could make out most details and though everything seemed in order I felt…off.
Details were lost, and though I could smell the smoke of the now dead fire and the scent of the forest I couldn't even catch a hint of my familiar, a two headed dragon dubbed Ah-Un by my young mortal ward Rin. Nor my retainer Jaken or my newest companion, Kohaku, the undead brother of my brothers' Slayer friend, he was useful so I allowed him to stay and a good friend for my Rin.
Shaking my head I sighed and then I notice it.
My hair colour.
An odd thing to notice but you see my hair is, normally the colour of starlight, a silver white that is said to be beautiful, but at that moment, as my heart froze and began to pound in alarm my hair was the inky black of a moonless, starless night.
Catching the lock in my hand my eyes widened further, my hands…my skin normally a white porcelain in colour now a creamy, a mortal version of my pale pigmentation. “What has happened to this Sesshoumaru?” I questioned aloud as a squeak of alarm came from over by my retainer.
“Who are you? What have you done with my lord Sesshoumaru!” the diminutive demon demanded bringing up the Staff of Skulls, a weapon I myself had given the imp.
“Jaken,” I warned my voice low and calm, my gaze narrowed even as I wondered what colour they had changed, my voice thankfully was the same.
“M-my Lord?” the imp questioned his eyes getting even bigger as Rin shifted and giggled as she looked at me, her brown eyes dancing, just as they had one of the first times we had met. Back when she had not spoken a word, though she laughed after I had questioned her about her bruises, rather demanding that she tell me who had struck her.
“My lord, you look different with dark hair!” She said happily as Kohaku stared at me wide eyed his mouth slightly open and I blinked, before standing only to fall almost instantly at the weight of my armour, armour I had worn for as long as I can remember to tell the truth. I fell to my knee, bracing against the weight as I grunted at the sudden defiance of gravity.
“Lord Sesshoumaru!” they all chimed in different leaves of shock, Rin being the most.
“Jaken, remove my armour,” I snapped glancing at the flabbergasted demon with narrowed eyes.
“Yes my Lord, right away my lord!” he screeched and I sighed, thankfully, with the dulling of my senses, though very odd and potentially dangerous it held its good qualities as well.
Like down grading how much hearing my retain hurt and grated my ears.
Soon enough the heavy, rather overbearing weight was gone and I was free to stand, and I did so even as I looked down at my swords, Tenseiga, my inheritance from my father, a sword that can, with a single swipe, save a hundred life, a hundred souls. Its twin in my opinion more useful though not more powerful, no, any sword could kill, only one, that I knew of anyway could bring the dead to life. Tetsusaiga could, in the right hands kill a hundred in a single swing, but also with other techniques send demonic energy attacks hurtling back at the demon who sent them. This attack was known as the BackLash Wave.
And then my other blade, Tokijin, an evil sword made of the fangs of a demon killed by my brother, owner of Tetsusaiga and then revived by Tenseiga, a demon who happened to be carnation of one of my greatest enemies. Naraku. The sword in the wrong hands could and would take over the person, and as it had in the hands of its smith, Kajinbo, go after my brother, to kill him before more likely than not returning to Naraku and giving him a new and very powerful weapon.
“Come,” I said softly before heading in the direction of the brook I knew was near by, I wished to see my reflection, I wanted to know if what I suspected was true, because if it was I was in trouble and I would not relish it.
Humans. I hate them, really I do, though I had never before Izayoi had born such a grudge, I had excepted their existence and thought neither good nor ill of them. Then I had watched my father leave to protect and die for his new mate, his mortal mate Izayoi, I hated humans, detested and wished death to them all from that point on. And along with them the half breeds such as my soon to be sibling, who I hoped was still birthed yet knew it would not be.
So how did I, the great Lord Sesshoumaru, end up with two human children under my protection and as I stared down at my refection in the brook, become one myself.
For as I had suspected, I had been turned mortal. My nails blunt, my hair the inky darkness of most mortals in Japan, my markings, the twin magenta strips that had scored my cheeks, two on each and the blue crescent that had been on my brow since birth, gone.. The only thing that I could say truly set me apart from most if not all mortals was my eyes which were an odd shade of green, a yellowish colour close to but not the shade they had been when I had drifted off to sleep the night before.
My skin that odd pail colour most humans didn't have because of the amount of time spent in the sun, only the rich and spoiled has this shade of whitish pigmentation.
“My lord,” Kohaku started pausing when I looked at him, dressed in the new slayers uniform I had had commissioned much to his enjoyment, his mask hanging loosely around his neck. “Speak freely,” I replied and he blinked those big brown eyes hiding for a moment before he spoke “My lord, you are now human aren't you?”
“Yes, though this Sesshoumaru knows not how,” I replied with annoyance, it was common knowledge that I detested not knowing things, especially when they happened around or too me.
He smiled slightly, as Rin hugged my leg, her face covered in concern and I let her, I was worried, nay scared of what would happen to me, me and my rag-tag group of demons and humans.
“My Lord, if I may surgiest, InuYasha may protect you,” Kohaku said and Jaken instantly protested, “Nay, you stupid boy, Lord Sesshoumaru is strong enough even in his mortal form to take on even the most deadly of demons!” he squawked.
“No Jaken,” I murmured my emotions running amuck in my head, “No, I would not. I would be a fool to say that I in this condition could fend off more than the most common and weak demons.”
“But my lord!” he shouted in shock as Rin made a small whimper and Kohaku tightened his grip on his weapon, the demon bone shaking as tension travelled through his body.
We had stopped to rest and I had to say I was not enjoying this in the least, I ached and was covered in a thin layer of sweat from the days travel under the hot sun. My long hair feeling too heavy and I'd had to tie it up as my father used too, to get the cooling breeze against my neck and the dark colour was sucking in the heat like a plant with water.
No, I did not like being human, I thought as I removed my boots and like Rin and Hokaku dipped my feet into the cool lake. And then instantly regrated my decision as a demon burst through the foliage.
Its skin an ugly shade of yellow green, teeth far too big for its mouth and its eyes glue a vibrant shade of red. Its snake like tail, but it was the shard in its forehead that drew my attention as the sunlight caught it and made it sparkle.
Instantly I could see why my brother was after the jewel of four souls, it had to be a beautiful shinny piece, capturing the light around it and shinning with brilliance. Standing swiftly, a little too swiftly for my mortal legs for I stumbled and as I reached for Tokijin I paused in indecision.
True I had commissioned the blade.
True it called me master.
But, now that I was mortal, human, I may be consumed by it and its dark power. Sensing my hesitation Kohaku attacked his mask now placed over his lower face. He looked very much like a slayer and very young as he swung his weapon at the Naga and Rin darted behind me, Jaken before me with the staff and the sudden desire, a deep seated yearning to protect those under my care caused me too move.
I ran forward and caught the boys weapon, cutting my hand as I did and slashed at the demon, nicking its shoulder and throat as I tumbled into the forest falling on my knees. I scrambled, it was the only way to describe the way I got to my feet and ran as the Naga followed, smelling my blood.
Come get me, I thought as I dodged and tripped my way deeper into the forest even as the calls of my companions' echoes weakly threw the trees. If I had been my demon self I would have been able to hear it as if I were with them, standing right at their side, but had I been my demon self I wouldn't have hesitated.
I wouldn't have had to run.
And I wouldn't have ended up in the leaves as I tripped once again, a really bad habit I was forming and rolled onto my back as the Naga reared up and darted in as a flash of white and crimson. This flash of colour followed by the most annoying sound I had ever heard, my brothers miko wenches voice.
“Its in the forehead InuYasha!” she called as she and the others of my brothers group came into the scene.
Rolling out of the way, careful of Kohaku's weapon I found relative safety by a large tree, climbing up onto its large, above earth roots, as my lungs struggled for air. InuYasha simply beheaded the Naga then as it fell caught the appendage and clawed out the rather large shard before dropping the head and handing the miko the shard.
“Are you all right?” the monk asked and I glared at him as I panted, my fur, had I had it ruffled and I felt a twinge of homesickness. I missed my fur dearly.
“Hay, you ingrate he asked you a question, the least you could do is answer it seeing as we saved you!” InuYasha bristled and I turned to glare at him then acted on instinct and habitat. I attacked him, dropping Kohaku's weapon as I drew Tokijin, the blade swirling with a malevolent purple aura, which one tried instantly to take over me and two was too heavy for me to lift and I stumbled, dropping it as I tripped.
“…What just happened?” the fox kit asked as I cursed and rolled over muttering “I hate being human,” under my breath and Ah-Un burst through the trees Rin calling “Lord Sesshoumaru!”
“Arrr, who are you?” Kagome asked as she knelt by my side and I glared at her and sat up thoroughly embarrassed. “My lord, you're bleeding,” Kohaku said as he knelt on my other side, his weapon back at his side and I glanced at the offending wound and sighed for what felt like the millionth time that day.
I was out of options, really. If I stayed in the wilderness, I would die, sooner or later something would come along and take my life, as fragile as it was.
If I went back to my home, the Wester Palace, the spies of my enemies and other lords would send word that I was human and I would die.
I could commit seppuku, and die.
The only way for me to survive and hopefully return to my former and much more powerful state would be to ask my brother, to ask InuYasha for his assistance as he is one of the strongest opponents I have ever faced. He always seems to win or leave alive with all his pack intact only a little dinted and he liked humans.
“Kohaku?” the slayer asked her voice wobbling and I watched as he looked up at her, his love, his pain in his gaze before he spoke, “Hay, big sis.”
“Sesshoumaru?” Kagome asked and I grunted snatching up Tokijin with a careful grip and sheathing it before it could take over even though it shook and jerked trying to free itself from its sheath.
“You're…you've been turned into a human?” InuYasha asked laughter in his voice and Rin answered her normally cheerful voice solemn and filled with worry.
“Lord Sesshoumaru woke up this morning human,” she answered as I tried to tear a piece of my sleave off, and ended up hurting my hand more than anything causing a small pained sound to come from my throat and I narrowed my eyes.
This was bad, I wanted to cry, my emotions bubbling up as pain burned in my hand and Kohaku had to cut a small nick in the sleave I was trying to tear before tearing the piece off with ease. Oh yes I hated being human and was now beginning to feel a deep respect for the mortals that managed to survive in this world.
“Here my lord,” he said wrapping the weeping wound with the silk and I gritted my teeth as my brother laughed, squatting as he gasped for air, breathless from his amusement. I did the only thing I could think of, I glared at him and looked away as I got to my feet unsteadily grimacing as a leaf brushed my ear and neck.
Oh this was perfect here I stood before the little brother I had always belittled and acted to far above, wearing dirty cloths from my many tumbles, the sweet scent of sweat on my body. Smears of dirt on my cheeks and scraps on my hands, leaves in my hair and unable to use my swords, swords that were going to be too heavy for me at any rate and missing the armour that always adorned my chest.
“I hate being human,” I said again and InuYasha fell back, laughter braking forth once more.