InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Bounds ❯ A Fathers Words ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions
Mortal Bound
A Sesshoumaru tale.
Random Brain fart enjoy!
Chapter Four
…Fathers Words…
A/N: hia, my readers. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed so far, and to Ladykaa28 for her long review, it was most appreciated and to Pineapple55 for both of hers. I'd also like to recommend my sisters, Tehrror, who also writes Yaoi and Tohrture who right hetro stories. And say hi to sonata hirano who betas Tehrror and myYu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fictions. We love you sonata.
Here is the next chapter of Mortal Bound, enjoy and review please!
Recap: “Though humans are much more fragile than demons, you won't die of a headache or sore legs,” he assured me, though his amusement with plain in his voice and the little grin on his face.
I watched as Kagome set up that little burner and put a metal water jug over the top, Rin happily chatting away with Shippo as Kohaku watched over the pair was hawk like eyes. Sango was currently smacking Miroku who had groped her buttocks.
InuYasha shook his head beside me and muttered something about stupid monks that need to keep there hands to themselves. “Does he do that often?” I asked as Jaken glared at InuYasha from his place on Ah-Un's back as the dragon took a nap in the shadow of the large tree behind it.
“Huh? You mean cop a feel of the slayer?” InuYasha asked as Kirara jumped up onto my lap and purred loudly as I stroked her back absently, wishing there was a lack with cool water near by as I nodded.
“Yeah, every chance he gets,” InuYasha explained as Sango shouted, “Your such a perv Miroku! Keep your hands to yourself!” Grinning stupidly Miroku laughed and said “It's not my fault Sango, my hands have minds of their own!” and InuYasha and I blinked as she punched in hard enough to knock unconsciousness.
“Stupid monk,” she gripped moving over to sit on my other side, squeezing in between Kohaku and I as the boy looked up at her with worried eyes. “Don't even think of doing what he did, got it?” she said looking from him to me and we both blinked, exchanged a bewildered glance though his face showed it while mine was mostly blank.
“…Sango, Lord Sesshoumaru and I aren't like the monk,” Kohaku said and she looked at him with the look only an older sister seemed to give that indulgent soft love that was close to a mothers' but not the love a mother has. “Also you happen to be my sister and that would be gross,” Kohaku concluded and I frowned.
Humans had a taboo on incest, this I knew and understood, it thinned blood and made `monsters' out of the children.
Demons had no such rule, only parental/child relationships where frowned upon as it was seen as taking advantage of the child and taking advantage of those meant to be in your protection is and will always be a big no no in demonic society.
To love ones sibling was relatively normal and thought nothing off. Often in-family marriages where encouraged to strengthen blood and such pairings made stronger offspring as did having a stronger mate.
Strong offspring meant survival rates went up and that could save a species.
But sometimes, it would have repercussions if it happened too much, like infertility, though that could also come from parent/child relationships. Both of these had wiped out the silver dog demon race till only InuYasha and I stood, though some of our blood ran in the black dog and bronze dog demons so that once in a while a silver dog would pop up though often they had a dark child.
“What you thinking about?” InuYasha asked and I blinked back to reality as Kagome passed me a bowl/ cup thing that had steam rising from the top. “Family and the reason our clan has declined to two,” I answered with a grimace. Another thing about being human I didn't like was that when asked a question I had a tendency to answer now, especially if InuYasha was the one asking.
“Why is that?” he asked as he lifted up some of the soggy string into his mouth though he continued to speak even though his mouth was other wise occupied, “Why are we the last of the dog demons?”
“InuYasha,” I said, “Please, don't talk with your mouth full,” I made a small gagging sound when he poked out his food covered tongue at me and he snickered swallowing. “Fine, also long as you tell me,” he said and I nodded, playing with the soggy string in the bowl I held.
It did not look appetising in the least.
“We are not the last dog demons, only the last silver dog demons. There are plenty of black and bronze dog demons left, they have thrived and the lord of the South is a Black dog, bronze dogs live in the north. And the reason is inbreeding, or more to the point too much inbreeding,” I told him and Kagome screwed up her face.
“Your family was wiped out because of incest? Didn't they realise that that's like…wrong?” she asked her tone carrying her disapproval and I realised with a shock that I had everyone's attention though Rin looked bored. I had been teaching her informally while be travelled and she had a tutor back at the manor so she knew my family history.
“Incest is not wrong or taboo to demons,” I said giving her as withering look, “Unlike with you humans, it does not turn us into deformed `monsters' nor does it cause retardation and the thinning of blood.”
“Your human too,” she pointed out and I gave a small shrug that I doubted everyone but Kohaku, Rin and InuYasha noticed.
“For now. But I am over seven hundred and my true form is that of a 50 foot dog so please keep your ill informed assumptions to yourself, for with demons it thickens the blood and makes us even more `pure',” I said with irritation, “We are not beautiful without reason.”
“You mean to say that the reason you and InuYasha are so…attractive is because inbreeding makes your guys more beautiful unlike with human which turns us…nightmarish?” Miroku asked having come around as I had spoken.
“Yes, though with this physical perfection came sacrifice and with the help of a large war when I was InuYasha's age we became as we are. Mated couples could only have one or two pups and at times the birth was very hard on the mother,” I said before looking at InuYasha.
“My mother was our aunt,” I said bluntly and InuYasha stared at me as if I'd grown a second head.
“My mother is our fathers elder sister, it was an arranged thing by their father who had lost his mate during fathers birth,” I said, “My mother and our father along with around eight other silver dogs not including myself survived the war. My mother died as she gave birth to a stillborn female child father said would be my mate. She now resides in an in-between realm and protects the realm of the dead,” I said.
“The others died off slowly and the last died around one hundred years before father died and once father realised that we were the last he set out in secret to make another child. He met your mother and was rather shocked when he fell in love with her,” I said and InuYasha blinked before asking, “If it was in secret how'd you know?”
“Father had diaries he always wrote in, immortalising his every thought and not long after his death did I find them,”
InuYasha POV
That is the most I have ever heard Sesshoumaru say in my whole life. It was like word vomit, it just kept coming, but I liked knowing father had loved my mother, my human mother. If Sesshoumaru said it then it had to be true because one; Sesshoumaru didn't lie, not outright and two; well Sesshoumaru never lied.
That night I stared at the fire as I sat in the tree above Sesshoumaru slept against and I thought about the family I had never been apart of, and the revelation that we were the bi-product of mass inbreeding. It was a little freaky when I thought about it, I mean my half-brother was also my cousin.
Though I liked knowing that there was a reason behind Sesshoumaru god-like looks. I didn't agree with the InuYasha-is-also-attractive thing.
If I was attractive why did people call me filth and act like I had a disease, how could people act like that when they normally thought beauty-equalled goodness and purity.
“Stop thinking so hard little brother,” Sesshoumaru murmured and I glanced down to see the lord now standing at the base of the tree, looking up at me with those strange eyes.
“Keh,” I muttered rolling my eyes though I was a little creped out at how quiet the guy could move, humans were very loud and uncoordinated most of the time. Sesshoumaru had for the most part kept his grace though he often tripped over small roots and stones.
He waved me down and with a frown I jumped, landing lightly at his side watching as he nodded over to his dragon. The frown stayed as we moved over to it and I was shock when he opened one of the side bags and removed a large leather bound book.
“This was fathers last dairy. I like to keep it with me, as many of the others have… painful memories in them. And this I have been meaning to give to you for some time,” he said though the look on his face said he was unsure why he was doing this.
“Why do you want to give me this?” I asked, as he pressed it into my hands, “I knew father, and after we defeated Takemaru and Sounga, and I saw your reaction to father. I realised that while I had known father and knew him as only a son could you didn't, you had never been given that chance,” he replied softly.
“I know that this and his other dairies are a poor substitute but…at least you will know, you will hear him and his thoughts of you mother and you and the love he felt that caused him to lose his life. The love that caused him, already wounded and near death to race to you and your mothers side,” Sesshoumaru said as tears prickled my eyes.
“Thank you,” I breathed my hands convulsing around the leather bound volume, and then I smelt it, though faint and dull with age.
I could smell father.
I stared at the words as the others woke and wished to the gods I could read the script that was my fathers writing but…my time with my mother had been short and we had had little time for such things. I knew the basics though and had made out my name and my mothers, and other small words as I had flicked through.
It made my heart ache as I read the first inscription of it in his dairy, only a few words away from my mothers and a few lines down was Sesshoumarus and mine. Not wanting the others to read my fathers words I wondered if Sesshoumaru would mind reading it for me, I'd bring it up later, yeah, later when Kagome was away and we had time to be on our own without interruption.
I'm pretty sure he wont mind and that he'll understand my desire to have this for myself and not my friends. “InuYasha, food!” Kagome called and I sighed closing the book and jumping down beside Sesshoumaru who glanced at me and went back to playing with his ramen.
He didn't like it, and when I was finished with mine would give it to me and I'd give him the fish I hated.
Oh I'd eat it and not bitch but gods I hated fish. I'd lived off of it for too long and now that I had a choice between fish and ramen or some other wild animal I'd go ramen or wild animal.
“Hay InuYasha what were you reading?” Sango asked and I glanced at the book I had place between Sesshoumaru and I, it seemed to be the best place of it. “Fathers last dairy,” I said not adding that I couldn't read much more than my own name and my mothers and Sesshoumarus.
“Oh? Where did you get it from?” Kagome asked her eyes lighting up as if she thought I'd let her read it. No fucking way was I going to let her touch it, one Sesshoumaru would probably pitch a fit and take it away and two it was mine and I didn't want to share it with her. Just as I refused to share my memories of my mother with her.
“Sesshoumaru,” I answered and then felt badly because she instantly looked to him and demanded to know where he'd been hiding it, “This Sesshoumaru sees no reason for you to have this knowledge,” he said snobbishly and I had to bit back a laugh.
“Jerk,” she muttered low enough for him not to hear though Shippo and I did and shared a look.
Sesshoumaru POV
I wondered briefly if InuYasha would be terribly upset with me if I killed her, then wondered why I had wondered what InuYasha would feel, which caused me to ponder my feelings towards the oddly amusing little brother of mine. Feelings that had changed and I ended up giving myself another…what had InuYasha called it? A headache, yes I ended up giving myself another headache.
By the time we arrived at InuYasha's human village the throb in my temples was horrid and I was stumbling along between a worried InuYasha and Kohaku, squinting against the glare of the sun.
“Kaede'll have something to take care of it Sesshoumaru,” InuYasha murmured as he cast a glare at the woman he had once though rather seriously about mating. Being vindictive since I refused to tell her were he had stashed the bag and refused to allow her to touch it she had lied saying she'd run out of headache tablets that InuYasha had asked for.
I grunted and closed my eyes, promptly tripping over my own feet and would have fallen had InuYasha not caught me with a curse and then lifted my up bridal style with a huff of annoyance.
One hand came to the back of my head and pressed it into his throat while I growled, though it sounded off coming from my human throat and he whispered, “Put your head down, close your eyes and keep quiet. Gods your such a baby,” he grumbled and I did the only thing I could think of.
I nipped in, right over his pulse in reprimand for the dig at my behaviour and he jerked and hissed at me, “Don't do that,” his hands bitting into me and I sighed and as another pulse of pain hit me a whimper pulled from my throat.
(A/N: as a migraine suffer I know what I'm talking about so don't complain that headaches don't get that back because they can get to the point where you are blinded by the pain and throwing up and completely useless)
Soon enough we were inside a hut and InuYasha had propped himself against the wall with me in his lap, this done grudgingly as I refused to release him, my hand tangled in his hair and my face buried in his neck.
“What is wrong with ye friend InuYasha?” an old female voice came and InuYasha spoke in a whisper, “Headache,” as the rest of our mismatched group entered, their movements seeming louder than they were and I whimpered at the pain.
I was really beginning to contemplate seppuku because I would not last long as a human for one there were one too many people who wanted my death and two my own body seemed to hate me.
“Oh, I'll fix him up a potion,” she said and I really wished someone would tell the others to shut up.
“Is Sesshoumaru alright InuYasha?” Shippo asked and the vision of my hand ripping out his little voice box sent a shiver through my body.
“No,” InuYasha said as he ran a hand down my hair and the clatter the old human was making paused. “Did ye just call InuYasha's human friend Sesshoumaru?” she asked and someone must have nodded for she came over and grabbed my jaw pulling my face away from my comfy spot so she could get a good look at me.
I growled weakly and bared my teeth at the treatment, snarling “Release this Sesshoumaru,” as I looked at her withered face and the black eye patch.
“Ye looks much like InuYasha's demon brother, are ye he?” she demanded and I glared at her unable to wrench myself free from her rather firm grip on my jaw.
“Yes he is, Sesshoumaru's been turned into a human though we have no idea how, and currently he has a migraine old woman, fix it,” InuYasha snapped and she release me and I hid away in his throat again. I knew what I was doing was horribly out of character and tried to figure out why but the pain shoved logical thought out and I truly didn't care at this point. I just wanted it to go way.
Moments later the old woman, Kaede once again dragged me from my chosen spot and forced me to drink the vilest thing ever to enter my mouth, the potion thick and salty and disgusting. “It will ease the pain my lord,” she'd said when she'd handed it to me, though I think I might end up losing it and my fish before it has any effect.
Miroku POV
I watched the inu brothers with curiosity, over night their relationship seemed to have changed and I wasn't sure what to make of it, and right now it was rather startling to see the deadly lord Sesshoumaru. A man who Kagome had labelled the Aristocratic Assassin cuddled against InuYasha, his head buried against the others throat.
A place I wouldn't have allowed the man to go, for fear of my life, InuYasha, he seemed okay with it, slightly annoyed but fine. And as my friends long fingered hand strocked his brothers inky hair I remembered my absolute shock when I had learnt that this…human was Lord Sesshoumaru. A mighty demon.
The last pure silver dog demon and absolute ruler of the West, a land he had inherited from his father.
I think it was the dairy, the book that Sesshoumaru clearly cherished but had given to InuYasha in a show of trust though I could be wrong.
I wonder if their relationship will go back to the stupid feud when Sesshoumaru returns to normal or will he be irrevocably altered by this…humbling experience.