InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Bounds ❯ Father ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:
Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions
Mortal Bound
A Sesshoumaru tale.
Random Brain fart enjoy!
Chapter Six
Watching Rin and Kohaku play with the little fox kit I sighed as the sounds of towns women hit my annoyingly less sensitive ears. I hate being human, it was all I could think as the trio of women broke through the tree line, each holding a small woven basket.
“Oh,” the younger one murmured as she spotted me, Kohaku looking at me at the same time a question on his face and I couldn't help the smile that broke forth, “you may continue,” I said and the women blushed as I felt a flush of confusion. It was most annoying, not understanding why women and men, though more often women, did that and/or said that I was beautiful. I'm not, not as far as I can tell and as Rin let out a shriek of pleasure and amusement.
My eyes on the trio of children as she and Shippo ran away form Kohaku, who was currently `it' in the game they had decided to play I was more than a little surprised when the eldest of the three women wondered over to me. Her face coy, as she spoke, “You know, you're the first father I've ever met that would be willing to take his children to play.”
I blinked and Kohaku froze with his hands on Rins shoulders, I could see his and the girl out of the corner of my vision less then four yards from me. Rin was staring at the woman and I, her face apprehensive though her eyes showed her unconditional adoration. An adoration I still didn't feel I deserved, to be truth full.
“Is that so?” I answered and she blushed as her friends giggled coming up behind her as the all nodded, “Oh yes. Those in our village always say it's the women's job to take care of the little ones,” the woman said and I took in their faces.
All under 20, about the age I myself appeared, though the youngest was about the miko bitches, all pretty, though not overly beautiful, the kind of girls the monk would go after, I was a little disturbed by the fact that I knew this.
“…,” I blinked and glanced at the two frozen wards I claimed and said, “staring is rude,” my voice low and Rin grinned then gasped as she noticed the red wildflower between us and pulled free of her `brother' though I had a feeling that would change when they were old enough. Picking it she rushed up as the women blinked at the suddenness of her appearance and put it behind my ear.
“It matches your haori…father,” she said bitting her lip before darting away and I glanced back at the women who gushed, “You're so sweet to let her do that. I wish my father had when I was a little girl! Don't you girls?” she asked looking back at her friends who nodded, though the youngest was red enough that I felt the need to ask if she was well. Last time Rin had been like that she'd had a high fever and ended up vomiting…which was gross. I hate vomit, it smells gross and tastes even worst, and that bit of information I had learnt recently and even worse was when it came up and burned the area behind your nose and your throat.
“Oi, ladies man, where diners done!” InuYasha called, leaning against a tree on the far side of the clearing, the monk beside him with a funny look on his face. Rin let out a happy laugh before rushing up to him hugging his leg as the fox kit leapt up onto his shoulder. Nodding I stood, though heat pooled in my cheeks and the girls giggled and made odd, awing sounds when Rin took my hand and Kohaku moved up to my side.
“Sesshoumaru, getting lucky my friend?” Miroku asked waggling his eyes brows as InuYasha raised one of his at the sight of my flower and I glanced at Rin who had begun to hum, pulling her hand from mine to skip a head of us.
“Monk, for one supposed to be pure I dare say your mind is the filthiest thing I have had the displeasure of being near,” I murmured as Kohaku snickered.
He'd understood and was far from pleased at the insinuation towards me yet my `pay out' as my brother would have put it amused him. InuYasha laughed uproariously as the monk tried to look miffed though the up tilting of his lips ruined the affect.
The walk back to Kaede's humble hut was uneventful, but pleasant with Kohaku having to call to Rin only once when she wondered off, a rather bad habit she's picked up from me.
The meal a simple casserole, filling though lacking in flavour and I had seen InuYasha gazing at fathers dairy as he eat, his eyes filled with longing. He hadn't read it and I had an odd feeling he couldn't for whatever reason.
Mayhap he was afraid of the words written there.
Mayhap he was unsure weather he wanted to know.
Or… no, it couldn't be that he couldn't read could it?
Surely he knew that if he asked me I'd read it for him, I wouldn't edit a single character and he'd know what father had felt for him…for him and never for me. Quickly shoving that thought out before it could form I thought of the many people, who would read for him, should he ask.
The monk, certainly.
The slayer, most likely.
The old priestess, Kaede would be willing.
I doubt the kit could read so he'd be of little help.
The miko wench…though I doubted InuYasha wanted her to, he seemed as disinclined to want the woman touching our fathers book as I was.
Rin would though she would have a little trouble with the bigger words.
Kohaku would, he did often to Rin, after finding the children's stories in her room his first trip to our home.
Jaken… no, oh the imp could read and well. InuYasha just had a large dislike of the little green demon and would be more inclined to killing the male than letting him read to him.
So there were more than enough people willing to.
Mayhap he was embarrassed and didn't want others, namely myself to know of his `weakness' he'd been but a pup when he'd been on his own, something I myself had seen to when his mother died.
I'd ask him, later… yes I'd ask him later.
InuYasha POV
Kagome would be back soon, in a day or two. So…I'd have to ask him tonight, if I wanted him to read it for me and I didn't want the others to read my fathers words. If I wanted him to read it to me, to read it to me and not be interrupted by annoying Kagome and her a gillion stupid questions and demands to know why we had to be alone.
Gods knew she'd probably turn it all into a fucking group thing, everyone should be aloud to hear this InuYasha we're your friends, we should be there for you. Fuck that, I don't want them to know I want to know and I know Sesshoumaru already knows so there would be no point in trying to keep the information away from him.
And…it would be nice to have him do it, to spend just a little InuYasha-Sesshoumaru time. As those thoughts came to mind I shook my head suddenly feeling weak, and I cursed aloud, gaining the attention of the enter hut.
“Err, sorry,” I said with wide eyes and Rin spoke her voice sweet and trying to be all knowing, “Sesshoumaru-sama says you shouldn't talk like that. Its rude.”
A laugh escaped me and I shook my head, lunchtime, about 5-6 hours till dark hit, 5-6 hours till I was human…weak. Shit.
“InuYasha what is wrong?” Miroku asked and I just looked at him, we'd both forgotten, all this shit with Sesshoumaru and his being turned human and being sick and shit, we'd both forgotten. I NEVER forget.
Stupid Sesshoumaru, I groused in my head.
“Oh, budda, moonless night,” Miroku murmured and Sesshoumaru looked at me his eyes, those odd, yellow green orbs that were striking and strange, those trebly strange orbs full of confusion and irritation.
He hated not knowing things.
Hated it.
“Tonight will be more difficult than normal, if any of those after Sesshoumaru come for us,” Sango said and I sighed, great now I'd have to explain and also be unable to sneak off so Sesshoumaru never saw.
“I know,” Miroku said punching one of his hands and my brother and I looked at him, both of us confused though Sesshoumaru more than me.
“The hut we'd rebuilt by the bone eaters well, we can stash you both in there, keeping both you guys and the villagers safe. Kaede will stay here and look after the children and Sango and I will watch over you. I'll ward it up with Lady Kaedes' help and you'll both be safe!” he explained.
“Little brother, explain,” Sesshoumaru ordered in that snobbish you-will-do-as-I-say-just-because-I-told-you-to voice he pulled sometimes and I tossed him a glare, “Get stuffed, put the bastard in the fucking hut, I ain't hidden!” though I sorely wished to.
“Now InuYasha,” Miroku began but Sesshoumaru cut him off, “InuYasha, if your safety or those around us is in danger tell me now,” the now human lord growled out and I blinked.
“Tonight is my human night,” I said to stunned to argue then as soon as the words had left my mouth I berated myself and scowled as understanding dawned in his gaze.
“Very well, I agree with the monk, hiding in the hut is a very good idea,” he said with a nod, affirming his agreement. Yeah, human Sesshoumaru was really weird.
“…who are you and what did you do with my brother?” I blurted out, Rin laughed and the rest of them snickered, though Jaken was also staring at Sesshoumaru as if he'd grown a second head.
“Why do you ask, InuYasha?” Sesshoumaru asked with that annoying raising of the eyebrow he did, okay so everything annoys me when it's the day of the new moon, and so I can end up the worst person under the sun of this day.
I hate it.
That I turn human, one it make me weak and two…when I had been a boy, the first time I'd changed, I'd been so happy, finally mother could live in peace and I would be a whole something. I'd be excepted! The sun had risen and I'd changed back.
I'd gone back to the hanyou I would stay for the rest of eternity and…and though I loved my mother, though she would always be dear to my heart I began to hate my mortal blood. My human blood.
Weak blood.
“Your acting fucking weird,” I told him irritably and he scowled at me, not liking my language, his eyes screaming watch it.
“You tell me stuff, you give me something. You ask for my help, my protection, and then pension for the kid's, for both of them to say with me even though normally you wouldn't have trusted me with a bag of horse shit. And…and your just not acting like Sesshoumaru, Ice-Prince and Bastard,” I told him and he gave me one of those small, small smiles.
A true smile.
A small, unsure opening, his head tilted down as he looked up at me through his lashes. His eyes burning with sincerity as he spoke, “Believe me little brother, this Sesshoumaru is the true one,” and I stared in a daze the first thought that popped into my head coming out of my mouth.
“Why do you talk like that?” I blurted out as a blush stole over my cheeks.
His face blank again, though his eyes were still warmer than normal he said, “This Sesshoumaru will tell you…when the time is ready.”
Cryptic Bastard.
Miroku POV
Holy shit, and budda babies, how did he do that? I wondered as Kaede and I warded the hut, both of us chanting, praying for the protection.
The look he had given, that dazzling, melt you to your sandals stare that had made InuYasha blubber like a girl with a crush. His eyes melting, blazing with intensity, his head tilted almost coyly.
Sighing I shifted in discomfort and was pleased once again that the demon lord was human. It would be so embarrassing for him to notice the lust that I knew drenched my sent, InuYasha would shrug it off, always did. Not realising it was him and not Sango that held me, made me hard and stiff with longing.
This was ten times worse I had to say.
No, a million times worse; Sesshoumaru was not only a Lord but also an over lord and a warlord. A demon; pure and untouched by mortal blood. He also hated humans, his affection for the two children not withstanding.
He was more likely to kill a human than to…yeah not got there.
And what was with that book, the dairy, it looked old, worn. Okay I knew it was their fathers and he had died over two hundred years ago, I knew that his father had written about him, them both in it, he had to have had.
That look of longing was what I wanted to know about had he tried to read it only to find he couldn't. His own emotions holding him back? Was that way he held it at night open about half way through, tracing one character over and over since he had been give the thing?
Two many questions and the hardness of my cock was getting painful, the thought of the two of the inu brothers far too arousing for my own good.
Hmmm, a bath, on my own, yes.