InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Bounds ❯ IN my MIND ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:
Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions
Mortal Bound
A Sesshoumaru tale.
Random Brain fart enjoy!
Chapter Eight
In my Mind…
A/N: hia, random question time, if anyone is actually reading this, please answer me this, what is the InuYasha gang called? I keep reading one that starts with inu but I don't know the word and haven't come across any referance to this in the info places or in the anime. I've watched seasons 1,2,3 and 5 and the 3rd movie so hopefully my characters are staying in character.
And again if any of you readers would be willing to beta for me I'd be most grateful as my English can leave a lot to be desired.
Thanks to everyone who has reviewed so far, and those who review almost every chapter, I love know you like my story. I'd also like to recommend my sisters, Tehrror, who also writes Yaoi and Tohrture who right hetro stories. And say hi to sonata hirano who betas Tehrror and my Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fictions. We love you sonata.
This is an across the board thank you for all of those who have reviewed and for all your kind words and your willingness to be patient with me and my stories.
And Satsukamaru is pronounced Set-suk-r-mar-roo
`this' means telepathic communication. It will be used between Sesshoumaru and Satsukamaru and later with other pairs, but mostly that one for now.
Moving on now!
Here is the next chapter of Mortal Bound, enjoy and review please!
Recap: “Stupid InuYasha,” I muttered touching my lips before ducking into Kaedes' hut as Satsukamarus' voice filled my head,`Little brother are you well?'
Sesshoumaru POV
`I have warned you about calling me that,' I thought back at him and he sent a small laugh before he answered, `Very well, now answer…please, are you well?'
I debated for a moment then thought back as I took the spot I had claimed as mine, `I am well, though I have somehow been turned human, mortal, I am with InuYasha,' curling up as I rested my chin on my knee. Fingering my obi, the yellow and purple silk feeling nice between my fingers I asked `How are things with you?'
`Not so well, the rumour of your mortality has spread and whispers of revolt have entered our home, though most are against it as they love you Sesshoumaru…I will come to you soon. I know you will not come home in this state and in truth if you came you would be in danger of assassination,' he said to me and I blinked, `And before you get excited I shale have Nisei and Soubi with me.'
I smiled as InuYasha and Miroku entered InuYasha coming to sit next to me as Kaede handed him his portion and mine as she knew I refused all food that hadn't been sniff tested as I didn't like food I couldn't identify.
Once it was before me I uncurled and said, “Satsukamaru is coming to see us,” my voice soft though not soft enough, for the fox kit asked, “Whose Setsuckewhatever?” and I glanced at him blinking as Rin looked at me expectantly.
“Is Uncle Satsukamaru coming to see us?” she asked and I gave a small before she gave a delighted cry and clapped her hands.
“Yay! I'm gonna braid his hair again!” she said happily and I nodded, knowing both enjoyed the activity, it also saved my hair from her little fingers. “Lord Sesshoumaru?” Jaken asked and I glanced at where he sat in corner beside me, “Nisei and Soubi will be with him,” I told him and he nodded.
“What? Who? What's going on? Who's Satsukamaru? Why is he coming to see us?” Miroku demanded, and I looked at InuYasha then back at him and said, “Our older brother. He has heard of my…problem and wishes to see how I am fairing and how InuYasha is. He has yet to formally meet InuYasha as he rarely leaves our home,” and InuYasha smiled at the thought.
“Does he really want to?” he asked and as I looked over at him and nodded, “Oh yes, he was most upset with this Sesshoumaru when I…well you know,” I told him and he nodded.
“But…what, I thought you guys where all that's left!” Sango said and Shippo asked, “What's he like?”
“He, slayer, is illegitimate and thus cannot claim our blood, in our home, because father refused to…acknowledge him as his son, he is my third, after InuYasha and personal healer. Few know he is our brother as we only speak of such things in privet,” I explained for both her and InuYasha.
“How cruel,” she murmured as Kaede nodded her head in agreement and InuYasha said, “You never answered Shippo's question.”
`They need so much lip serves, hurry up, my voice box hurts,' I said to Satsukamaru as he was one of the few people I'd complain to and he sent me a wave of calm, knowing I never did well in social situations.
“He is very unlike and yet like InuYasha and I,” I said stoically, “He like us is strong, and like myself very quiet, though he has…InuYasha moments. He is emotional and good with people though he prefers to be away from the public eye…to sum up Satsu…he is a very fragile demon who loves easily yet trusts almost no-one,” I told them.
“That makes no sense!” Shippo said and Rin stared at him before saying, “Yes it does! He's like Lord InuYasha and Lord Sesshoumaru! None of them trust easily! But unlike Lord InuYasha and Lord Sesshoumaru, Uncle Satsukamaru is more open about his affections and loves those he trusts quicker!”
“Rin, enough,” I said looking at InuYasha as I wondered if it would still work, and obviously noticing my look he asked, “What?”
“There…there is a way for others to speak to Satsukamaru through me, though I am unsure if it will work as I am,” I said and Kohaku nodded as Rin spoke, “I do it all the time! It's a little confusing as his voice fills your head!”
“Oh…and you…you want to try with me?” InuYasha asked a small hope in his eyes and I nodded again a barely noticeable thing but InuYasha let his happiness at the prospect fill those emotion broadcasting eyes.
“What do we do?” he asked and I held open my arms, “Come,” such a simple word yet we had everyone's attention as he slid into my embrace.
`Satsu, Yash wishes to speak with you,' I told my elder brother and he answered trepidation in his voice, `Okay, but…but are you sure it will work? You are mortal brother,”
`I'm hoping it does as InuYasha is most eager to speak with you and I would like to give him this,' I said, as he knew I regretted the harsher style training I had put InuYasha through. And I had gone against his counsel, against my own fear that I would loss him and pushed InuYasha away and seemingly did not care for the pup at all.
`Very well, I…I will await the outcome,' Satsukamaru said and I held back a smile, he always worried overmuch.
“Press your forehead to mine, where my crescent should be,” I told InuYasha and he knelt as my arms hung loosely around his surprisingly narrow waist, my hands resting on top of the globs of his buttocks.
“There should be a mark on my right shoulder, close to the back of my neck, place one hand there,” I instructed and a shiver travelled the length of my spine as he touched it, his fingers rough from the years of survival, his touch gentle, a light caress.
I closed my eyes for a moment then opened them, meting InuYasha's gaze and then suddenly a non-existent wind picked up gently playing with our hair and we entered my mind.
InuYasha looked stunned, as he stood in a field of pure light, the two of us still close, still touching, “Where are we?” he asked and Satsukamaru answered as he walked forward his long bangs moving in the playful breeze. I had never understood his want of long bangs and short hair at the back, the direct opposite to InuYasha and I. His skin a deep brown, a bronze that made the silver and gold of his hair and eyes to stand out.
“We are in Sesshoumaru's mind, he is our connection and so we will be in him,” the half-silver dog half wood nymph answered, stopping before us. “Sesshoumaru you look very different,” he said to me taking in my mortal body, “Wait, don't you guys see each other like this when you talk?” InuYasha asked as he continued to stare at Satsukamaru.
“No…we hear each other but only see each other in such a way as this if we have another connecting through one of us,” I explained watching as Satsu reached out to cup InuYasha's cheek, his face gentle, loving, his large eyes bright with unshed tears. “You have grown much since I last saw you little one, you are well?” he asked and rather timidly InuYasha nodded.
“I'm fine, confused as hell and all but a-okay,” he said and I shook my head.
“Good, I'm glade, you can come home soon, Sesshoumaru says so,” Satsukamaru answered and I held back a growl of annoyance, only these two and my wards could stir such emotion in me, though as a mortal I was more pron to mood swings.
“Really?” InuYasha asked looking at me for assurance and I nodded, “Yes, once you are ready, and Naraku is defeated you will be asked to come home, though weather you come or not is, ultimately up to you, little brother.”
“Wow…a home,” InuYasha whispered and Satsukamaru, sensing InuYasha's mood plummet pulled him close, into a tight embrace, the kind I had been subjected too often, though always in privet as he knew that should he do such publicly a whole load of trouble will ensue. “Yes home, we have chambers already set up for you! And I'm sure if you asked Sesshoumaru would allow your friends to come!” Satsukamaru said happily.
“I…” InuYasha pulled away from Satsukamaru and nodded, “When its all over I'll ask if they wish too,” he said as a wave of fatigue rushed over me and I swayed suddenly so tired, so very tired. Before Satsukamaru could utter a word InuYasha and I were pulled from my mind.
InuYasha POV
What had happened with Satsukamaru was one of the surrealist things to ever happen in my life and that said something, but it had obviously taken its toll of Sesshoumaru who lay on his futon in Kaedes' hut. Well okay he and Rin shared it but still. He was unconscious or perhaps a sleep but what ever, that wasn't worried me what worried me was that he hadn't woken and it was already late afternoon, the sky a pretty shade of pinkish purple.
When I had come out of it, Sesshoumarus mind he had been slumped against me and covered in sweat, yet shivering as if he was coated in snow.
“Where is he? Where is Sesshoumaru!” a voice demanded and Kaede said, “Are ye Satsukamaru?”
“Yes, this is Nisei and Soubi, now tell me old woman, where is my brother? Where is he and InuYasha?” the voice demanded and I shot out the door to see the man I had in Sesshoumarus head. Just as tall, just as beautiful, his hair and eye and skin exactly as they had been.
The two men at his sides perfect opposites, the one on his right made up of black, his skin, his hair, his eyes, only the teeth that flashed as he snarled down at Jaken made of white. The one on his left had soft silver hair, like the tinsel Kagome covered her…Christmas tree in. His skin as white as Sesshoumarus, his eyes the colour of cold steel.
“Satsukamaru, over here,” I called and he turned with a smile, “Little brother!”
Then in a flurry of movement, he was in front of me his two guards at his back, the darker one glaring at me as if I would hurt Satsukamaru, “You are lovely,” Satsukamaru said his golden eyes taking in my face.
“Where is Sesshoumaru? What happened?” he asked and I turned with a nod, moving back to my mortal brother, “He passed out this morning, after we fell for lack of a better word, out of his head.”