InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morte Ombra (Death Shadow) ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

**Disclaimer: Nope still don't own em**

Symbols: "…" Talking

`…' Thoughts

~ Morte Ombra (Death Shadow): Chapter 3 ~

A strong breeze blew through the small field surrounding the bone eaters well causing raven hair to dance about its owners head. Kagome pursed her lips as she stared out over the clearing from a small hill near by. On the outside looking in it was a perfect day, everything was happy and carefree. The sun shone down on her, warming her skin from the slight cold still left from winter. Birds were singing beautiful songs as they flew through the flawless blue sky unmarred by any clouds. Small woodland animals darted about here and there trying to find food. Yes, everything seemed perfectly happy.

But on the inside, Kagome was less than happy or carefree. Sighing, she turned from the picture perfect scene and slowly began making her way to the God Tree. Her memories that had returned to her only mere days ago played in her head repeatedly. Warm tears trickled down her cheek as her eyes fell upon the tree where she had first met him. Taking in a deep breath in an attempt to get some courage, she walked up to the tree and placed her hand over the small hole in the trunk. Kagome heard her name on the breeze, her eyes became wide and she spun. Her black orbs darting from left, then right, searching for him only to find nothing. Then the reality of the situation hit home, her mind was playing tricks on her.

Kagome managed to choke back a sob as she slid down the base of the tree. The roughness from the bark tearing into her back as she did so, but she couldn't feel it. She was oblivious to anything other than her mental pain and anguish. Her body curled into a fetal position as the pain spread from mental to physical. A feeling of emptiness washed over her causing her chest to constrict. Her breathing became sporadic as sharp pains shot through her heart. Then the dam broke, sobs wracked her body shaking her violently. Closing her eyes she let a scream escape her lips before slipping into the welcomed darkness.

Her eyes danced behind closed lids before they fluttered open. The fading light of the afternoon's sun lingered for a brief moment then slipped away as she slowly sat up. Gently she rubbed her side trying to reduce the dull throbbing pain from where the Tetsusaiga had dug into her while she slept. A cold gust of wind stirred sending a chilling bite through her. Kagome shivered, rubbing her arms with her hands in a feeble attempt to warm herself. `I might as well head on to the village.' She thought as she stood. She dusted the dirt off her clothes and body then started for the village. `Maybe Sango and I can go to the springs near by. Maybe that will make me feel at least a little bit better.'

The closer her steps brought her to the village the more her mind screamed to turn and run. She glanced around nervously, never keeping her eyes focused on the trail ahead of her. `Something just doesn't feel right.' As if reading her thoughts the wind picked up again almost knocking her to the ground. Regaining her balance a tired huff of aggravation parted her lips. With her next step towards Kaede's she felt something cold and wet hit her hand just as a flash of lightning lit up the sky. The weather showed her no mercy as the sky's floodgates opened fully, drenching the young woman. Thunder rolled through the area getting closer with each time. Kagome's steps quickened, this storm looked to be bad and she had no intentions on being out in it. She crested the incline just before the village and stopped dead in her tracks, lightning giving her just enough light to make out where she was heading.

She gasped and covered her mouth, her head shaking as the word no spilled forth from her lips over and over. Taking off in a run she made her way to the disaster area that had been her mentor's village. Her foot found a puddle just inside the marker for the little town causing her to lose her balance and fall face first into the mud. Kagome came up sputtering, her hands quickly wiped at her eyes trying to remove the mud from them. Getting back up on her feet she took off again in the direction the familiar small hut was in. As she ran she began to notice the amount of bodies littering the ground. With each flash of lightning a more detailed visual of the disaster showed itself to her.

Reaching the flattened hut she yelled out to her companions. Kagome became frantic when she didn't hear a response. With strength unknown to her she lifted one of the fallen walls of the hut and threw it aside. Warm tears mixed with cold rain on her face as she sifted through the rubble in search of her friends. Lightning struck the ground several miles away from her, lighting up the night sky. In the brief moment something flashed in the ruble drawing Kagome's attention. Rushing over to it, she removed the debris and picked up the item. The jingling of Miroku's staff could be heard over the roar of thunder as she stood with it in hand. Placing it aside she returned to her search.

When she hadn't found them in the hut she moved on to search the rest of the village. With each person she turned over the acidic taste in her mouth became stronger and the bile climbed higher in her throat. Mud caked her body and clung to her hair by the time she had finished her search. Coming up empty she dropped to her knees, silent sobs coming from her tired body. The storm had long since moved on, leaving her drenched. The cold completely numbing her body that was now slowly rocking back and forth. A soft mewling noise behind her brought her out of the darkness she was slipping into. Getting up she turned to where she had heard the noise. Her steps came slowly, afraid of what she might find, as she neared the tree line of Inu Yasha's Forest.

The early morning light teased the weary woman, slightly peaking over the horizon. But the small light it did offer her showed her a scene that would forever be etched in her mind. The small yellow demon cat was sitting next to a limp Sango. Every now and then Kagome saw Kirara nudge her friend's seemingly lifeless body. Near the demon slayer laid a crumpled heap in tattered purple and black robes. His head was turned at a sickening angle giving her a full view of his face. Lifeless eyes stared up at her, his lips were ghostly white matching the color of his face. Timidly stepping forward she saw that Miroku was clutching something in his hand. Gently she rolled him over only to reel back in horror. There in his grasp was Shippo, only the top half of him was missing.

Kagome quickly turned her head from the sight. The bile she had been managing to keep down violently erupted from her spewing forth onto the already wet ground. Her muscles within her body continued to contract forcing every fluid it could from her stomach. After her stomach emptied she began to dry heave. Her world began to spin and little black dots danced in her vision. Toppling over her body landed with a soft splash, mud coating the inside of her mouth. She didn't bother to spit it out as she lay there wishing this was all just a bad dream. Once again the blackness of unconsciousness called to her. She felt herself begin to slip but a moan from behind her quickly pulled her back to her senses.

Quickly crawling over to Sango, she brushed the hair from the girl's face. Another moan came from the limp body in front of her. Kagome sat up and gently placed the woman's head in her lap. A small mew came from the cat next to her. "She's alive, Kirara." She stated as she looked to the small animal.

Through the pain and darkness, Sango became vaguely aware of a presence near her. A gentle voice floated through the abyss that she had sunk into. Like a beacon in the darkest of nights it led her away from the monster trying to steal her away from this world. Her eyes opened slightly, revealing her savior. She heard the girl looking down on her whisper, "Thank god you're alive." Sango laid there trying to pull her scattered thoughts together while fighting back the urge to cry each time a sharp pain seared through her body. "Kagome?" a hoarse whisper parted from her lips.

Kagome traced the black and purple bruises that marred the girl's face lightly with her fingertips. Nodding her head in response she watched as Sango's face contorted in pain. "What happened?" she attentively asked as she adjusted the girl's head on her lap.

Sango's mouth opened to speak but only a gurgling sound came out causing her to cough. Blood seeped out of the corner of her mouth trickling down her jaw line and to the ground. Her eyes lost focus on the world around her as another spasm of pain shot through her body. "Naraku attacked… couldn't… Miroku…" was all she managed to get out before slipping back into unconsciousness.

Kagome's eye darkened, for a split second they held contempt and malice. Calling Kirara over to her, she hoisted Sango's body from the ground and placed it on the now fully transformed cat. "Hold on Sango-Chan, I'm taking you to someone who can help." Climbing up onto Kirara's back she began guiding her to the well. `Naraku, I swear, even if it's the last thing I do I will end your life and take revenge for what you have done'

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Sethia: Yeah yeah I know it has nothing in her about the promise made to Sesshoumaru. But that comes into play in the next chapter or so *grins evilly* So, you will just have to wait. I also know that this story is really depressing, thank you to the Mr/Miss Obvious out there for pointing this out. Gomen, I just had another flamer and needed to point it out. *shrugs* It will get better, and things, while still having a depressing tinge to it, will become somewhat happier. How you ask… well I guess you are just going to have to continue reading to find out ne?