InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moth to a Flame ❯ Cheap Addiction ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- I do not own anything of Inuyasha, or the characters.
Her heart is aching, her body is beaten black and blue. She has to bite the insides of her mouth to hydrate herself, and keep herself alive is a living hell. They said she'd only be there for awhile, but now they've taken her a prisoner in a crazy rehab, all because it was a misunderstanding. SM
Ch 1-Cheap Addiction
“ Kohaku.”
A deep voice echoed throughout the school yard of the high school, while the figure stood mysteriously near the gray doors with a trench coat covering his bulky body. His black eyes narrowed, watching the clueless kid wait standing where the few lights flickered sitting on the outside vents waiting nervously to retrieve what was running constantly through his entire system. His long black hair was thrown back in a loose ponytail, taking his rough hands pulling back his bangs as if they were curtains, to see his possible surroundings. He heard the voice echo bouncing off the brick walls of the school, leaving him to wonder looking around and search constantly to find the disturbed soul who was calling his name.
“ There you are. I haven't seen your face for awhile. So tell me why have you been running away? Did you think you'd get off the hook like that girl did? I'm surprised you had the balls to show, then again you are pretty tough for a sophomore for showing. You're the only boy I know that actually came here, in all of my years, I admire you for that.
It was like a death wish. Like he had been calling by some stranger waiting to make a trade, a fair deal of some kind just so his live would be spared. He didn't understand why he had the nerve to show and leave himself open, but he couldn't keep fleeing from them anymore, it was hell just to escape the smoke fumes that came from their disgusting mouths that was so fresh, so familiar to him. An offending smell that many people enjoyed tasting in their mouths, like eating an ashtray; they loved it all. The school wasn't big enough for him to flee after all, they're were more than just one of them, there were a dozen and counting. They all stood there with cigarettes in their hands, handing drugs supplied in a Ziploc bag, making trades it get money and get the goods they couldn't help but want. The group grew bigger by every year, and every day. New faces would become old faces, and the freshman's would come and flock to it again and again.
Kohaku's eyes boldly narrowed at him, grasping the cement part like it was his lifeline, his ground to stand on trying to place two feet and stand and prove he wasn't scared, but underneath he was still the same timid boy that needed assistance and guidance to make it through life. Kohaku swallowed the saliva that lingered in his mouth, trying to get his one finger from continuously twitching, but it he was a train wreck and it had showed.
The figure's boots smacked against the cement underneath, edging closer and closer towards the young teenager that was ready to take a punishment like a true man would. Silence was his strongest way to help him gain confidence. He knew if he did speak his voice would shake and worst things would carry for him.
The figure swiftly blew smoke from his mouth, teasingly letting him taste it, knowing he was deprived of it too long that his body ached for it and was dying without it. His finger drove into his ribs, making his body scrape against the cement top leaving his eyes to widen with fear and wonder of what was about to happen to him. “ It's better to have one person finish this, than everybody right?” Kohaku nodded harshly, feeling his teeth clamping down on his tongue when his pale face was in the light. Seeing the dark goatee, and his red blood shot eyes that was proof he was a heavy drug addict.
The drug addict flicked the unwanted ashes off of his cigarette, with his one hand grasping the inside pocket of his trench coat. He knew Kohaku would likely kiss his fist, if he didn't do what he needed but was pretty fair under the circumstances. “ I let you borrow the drugs in advance, a week's worth and you promised that the money would show to pay it off. Instead you decided to use it and rip me off. You better have the money on you now because, I'm not going to let you off that easily…”
Kohaku's hands fished around for money, only touching a lighter and some Kleenexes and some left over change from using it all but he could tell it wasn't enough to keep him satisfied. “ All I have is at least some pennies and dollars. He's going to murder me, and it's pretty clear that chump change won't pay it off. Why did I even think I'd get enough money in the first place to pay it off!?” His hands kept digging lower hoping he'd find more change that just sat there, or a bill his hands didn't manage to touch yet.
The drug addict could clearly tell by the worry in his eyes, he didn't have enough to pay him completely off. His thick hands just grabbed his by his coat collar, while his hands refused to come out and show what he had left. “ Show me what you have. Remember you said you had enough money will that paying job..unfold your hands..” Kohaku shook his head refusing, letting his inner fear grasp a hold of him showing the exactly feelings he felt inside he wish, didn't seep through.
Kohaku beckoned back, tasting the cigarette fume that clouded in his face and made his eyes water, “ No, I don't need to!” Kohaku screamed back defining him, keeping his hands wedged inside his coat jacket thinking he'd just walk away and give up chasing the kid, but he wasn't exactly going to back down that easily.
The figure looked at the burning embers coming off the thin cigarette, digging it into his neck letting it burn and take off all the fresh lay of skin until they was a burned mark, that transformed into a scar. Kohaku screamed of pain, smacking the embers off his neck like fire ants, tearing and wailing from the touch of the light cigarette. Kohaku could feel the hot tears running down his cheeks, falling to the cold, wet ground hoping it would ease the burning sensation that hit his nerves, that made him scream in agony for more than five minutes straight. “ Chump change!? What happened to having all the money you claimed, and that well paying job…”
Kohaku felt it burning layers of skin, straining his neck and throat to even form a sentence under the condition he was in. He looked up at him, feeling like a tormented slave that just got the first taste of being abused. Kohaku's weakly used all his breath and tell him the complete truth. “ I lost my job because of the drugs. I couldn't do anything properly when I used them! That's all I have!”
The figure dropped the cigarette to the side, leaving it to burn and fade away like the others way that laid all over the school yard, and every street corner you could find. His foot just crushed against his ribs, leaving his face to go really red to and discoloring to blue. “ Well I'm not letting you get off easily. I think this deal is much more threatening and much more delightful to me if you screw up.” His voice carried wheezing for a moment, coughing up the toxic taste that fumed in his lungs. “ Sango your sister.. what a beautiful girl.. who wouldn't want to touch her?” He whispered sweetly in a sick, disturbing voice that automatically opened his eyes the fact his sister was in danger, if he didn't follow through with getting the money. It was like he hit a certain weakness.He always looked up to Sango, and she was always a strong hearted girl that he admired, but now it would if he didn't gather the money she'd be probably taken away.
Don't you dare touch my sister!” He beckoned, attempting to gather his strength and fight but he knew the burn mark proved he was useless to do anything to defend his sister or himself. The drug addict licked his lips,imagining his old sister in a sick delighted way, making his mouth melt at the thought of it. Her screaming to escape, while he'd control her and use her in any way he deserved. “ If you fail expect your sister to be moaning and screaming tied to my bed, naked and trying to escape my grasp. I'll fuck her so hard until she bleeds. How I can't wait for that moment. I mean if you fail your sister is mine, and it will be your fault….”
Kohaku eyes widened, watching the figure bitterly walk away as though it had been nothing at all to him. Kohaku felt the fear sweep over managing to get up from the cold, harsh ground watching him walk away like a serial killer that just finished his victim. “ You ass.. you'll never touch my sister!” Feeling overconfident because he had finally walked away and had left him alone. Kohaku finally watched him disappear into the mists while he brought himself back up to his feet, in painful agony realizing the cigarette burn would be a scar.. a scar to look back on the day he endangered his sister, himself and the addiction he had.
His hand gently touched his neck feeling the dead skin, feeling like he could have burnt a hole through him if he didn't put it out in time. “ I can't let Sango be harmed.. I can't.. I just can't! I wish I didn't have a drug addiction..or this wouldn't have happened. Sango still looks at me as the cute younger brother, but the fact is I'm not. I have to find some type of money, or it will be my fault that happens to her…How stupid am I…I can't manage to get over 200 dollars to pay it off! How am I going to explain this burn mark?”
Kohaku thought felt the bitter wind touch his open sore, feeling like such an idiot a fool knowing he sold his soul to his addiction, he had sold his sister's as well. The pit of his stomach was aching at those disgusting words of his sister, trying to wipe the bloody cries, and screams that he imagined that now seemed so real.. The last thing he wanted to come home to was his mother crying, and Sango completely gone without a trace. Her life was for once in his palms, and she would likely slip through his fingers if he failed… “ My addiction, has become worse. It's not fair! Why did he have to bring her into this!? What happen if I don't get all that amount of money!? No, I can't think like that. Maybe he's bluffing..maybe he's
Kohaku had stopped when he heard mimicking footsteps, that weren't his. “ I don't think he's bluffing…” He felt something cold, wedged against his back feeling his whole world, his life hanging by a simple thread. He felt the warm breath of the stranger, and the object just teasingly touching his back. “ Have you ever seen those missing kids on the milk cartons?” Kohaku swallowed imagining his eager looking face, staring at the stars to try to waste his mind away. “ Your going to be one of them….”
Author's Notes: Well this is kind of an intro to this story. I will likely write more later on. So please Read and review!